
Thursday, September 29, 2011

MOGADISHU (Sunatimes) Guessing Alshabaab's Composition

MOGADISHU (Sunatimes) A new report published on Somalia’s widely read website ( on Tuesday shows that the Al-Qaeda inspired militant group Al-Shabaab in Somalia has 14,426 fighters in many parts of the country.

Quoting some of Al-Shabaab militant officials, the report says the biggest number of Al-Shabaab militias is from Digil and Mirifle clans of Rahanwein tribe totaling 4,230 fighters as indicated in the list of the clans and their figure. Rahanwein is the main dominant tribe in southwest Somalia.

3,106 soldiers of Al-Shabaab are from Darod tribe mainly from Ogaden and Marehan clans who are inhabitants in southern Somalia.

2,401 are from Hawiye tribe mostly from Duduble and Murursade clans in the country’s central and southern regions.

1,982 from Al-Qaeda foreign fighters, among of them are highly skilled military experts with war strategy and information intelligence.

1,702 are largely from Isaaq clan of Somalia’s northern Dir tribe as 753 fighters of that number belonging especially to the sub-clan of Al-Shabaab’s leader Ahmed Godane.

1,005 are from the minority clans in Somalia those who are students and farmers recruited from the southern parts of the country.

Al-Shabaab, which now controls much of southern and central Somalia, seems to be rooted in the horn of African nation that became safe haven for the most wanted Al-Qaeda operatives in the world.

By Dahir Alasow

Fatuhal Xabash: OO sheegaya xiligii Axmed Gurey Mareehanka in ay ka mid ahayeen Habar Magadle

Fatuhal Xabash: OO sheegaya xiligii Axmed Gurey Mareehanka in ay ka mid ahayeen Habar Magadle

The proceedings of the First International Congress of Somali Studies
Hussein Mohamed Adam, Charles Lee Geshekter, Somali Studies International Association - 1992 - 923 pages - Snippet view
identified as Ahmad Guray Xusseyn, chief of the Habar Magadle.* Another reference, however, appears to link the Habar Magadle with the Marrehan. The other Ahmad of Shihab ad-Din's history is directly referred to as "the Imam Ahmad" or ...