
Monday, August 27, 2012

Italian Somali Colony: Italian Banaadir History


Dubat - i Bersaglieri neri


Poche settimane dopo l'occupazione di Massaua (1885), il Regio Avviso (nave)"Barbarigo" ebbe l'ordine di recarsi a Zanzibàr (isola), di visitare le coste di terraferma dipendenti dall'omonimo sultanato (protettorato inglese) e di esplorare le foci del Giuba (fiume). La missione: avviare col sultano negoziati per un trattato commerciale. L'incarico fu affidato al Cap. Antonio Cecchi e al comandante della nave. Nel maggio del 1885 veniva concluso il primo accordo commerciale col sultano. Ulteriori accordiLa spartizione della torta portarono poi all'affitto del Benadir (la fascia di costa meridionale con le città di Mogadiscio e Brava) tramite le imprese private di Filonardi e la Società del Benadir creata appositamente. Ricordiamo che l'Italia aiuterà gli Inglesi in Sudan nella guerra contro il Mahdi e quindi era in credito di favori. Le lotte intestine, gli sconfinamenti di bande dall'interno abissino spingono nel 1889 i sultani di Obbia, (Yusuf Ali) e Migiurtina (Osman Mahamud), due regioni somale confinanti a nord-est, a chiedere il nostro protettorato. Per conformazione geografica e climatica la Somalia vive dalla costa verso l'interno sui corsi d'acqua torrentizi e stagionali, ma non lungo il litorale collegato da porto a porto, da punto a punto, solo via mare. Nei successivi due anni sono colonizzate altre città minori della costa. Filonardi nominato console fonda nel villaggio El Ataleh la nuova colonia Itala.

12 Agosto 1892: preceduta dal protocollo anglo-italiano per determinare la sfera d'influenza delle due potenze nel Corno d'Africa viene firmata la convenzione italo-zanzibarese con la quale si stabilisce l'affitto all'Italia di Uarscéc, Mogadìscio, Mérca, Bràva e territori circostanti per 25 anni. Scaduti i 25 anni l'Italia poteva rinnovare la convenzione per altri 25. Il canone annuo da corrispondere al sultano (Zanzibar) era di 160.000 rupie, ridotte poi a 120.000. L'affitto delle quattro stazioni costiere passò in subconcessione alla Società Filonardi. Dai punti della costa, come era già successo in Eritrea, seguendo i letti dei fiumi, partono le spedizioni scientifiche e geografiche per conoscere le potenzialità dell'interno (su queste coste era tuttora fiorente il commercio "illegale" degli schiavi da parte degli arabi).

Mogadiscio: Arco Trionfale anni 3011 Ottobre 1893: cade a Mérca, ucciso dai Bimàl (tribù), il ten. Maurizio Talmone.

26 Novembre 1896: il cap. Cecchi, divenuto console e impegnato per conto della Soc. Benàdir in una pacifica penetrazione a scopo d'amicizia col sultano di Ghelédi, è massacrato nella boscaglia di Lafolé a soli 20 Km da Mogadiscio. Persero la vita, insieme a comandanti, ufficiali e alcuni marinai delle navi "Staffetta" e "Volturno", anche alcuni europei. A Lugh, Ugo Ferrandi è costretto a resistere da solo agli attacchi dei razziatori abissini, imbaldanziti dalle sconfitte italiane in Eritrea dopo Adua. La località si chiamerà poi Lugh Ferrandi. Il triangolo compreso fra il Somaliland britannico, la punta del corno d'Africa, e la Somalia colonizzata si chiama Ogaden. Qui sorgeranno i primi problemi di confine con i Ras Abissini, che sfoceranno in guerra aperta nel '36 e in tempi recenti nella prima guerra africana fra la Somalia e L'Etiopia.

17 Marzo 1897: nello Scioà è decimata da un attacco etiope la carovana dell'esploratore Vittorio Bòttego che vi trova la morte.

Marzo 1902: la Soc. del Benàdir presenta al Parlamento un programma d'azione vasto e coordinato che porta poi all'occupazione di Bardéra e Lugh, l'istituzione di un servizio di trasporti di terra e di mare e un trattato col sultano di Ghelédi. Le forze militari italiane in quel paese sono veramente esigue e costituite solo da locali o yemeniti mercenari costituiti in bande comandate da Italiani e da eritrei. Due anni dopo, la crisi commerciale della Società del Benadir e la politica restrittiva italiana che prendeva provvedimenti contro la schiavitù delle tribù arabe della costa, portò al primo scontro con la fazione dei Bimal nella zona di Merca. Nostre accuse di schiavismo ritenute infondate e timori d'invasione del Mùllah portano alla risoluzione della convenzione con la Soc. del Benàdir. Di fatto, però l'Italia s'era sostituita alla Società già da alcuni mesi. Nei successivi quattro anni si conteranno altre due guerre contro questa Tribù.

13 Gennaio 1905: accordo tra Italia e Inghilterra (che rappresentava "tout court !!!" il sultano di Zanzibàr). L'Italia riscatta i quattro scali somali in cambio di un compenso forfettario di 144.000 sterline destinate al governo di Zanzibàr. Con un altro accordo, l'Inghilterra affitta all'Italia un appezzamento di terreno nella baia di Chisimàio. Il terreno è destinato alla costruzione di uno sbarcatoio e di magazzini merci. Nello stesso anno è proclamata la colonia italiana della Somalia (a nordest e sud).

Mogadisscio: La Cattedrale26 Agosto 1905: vittoria italiana a Gilìb contro i ribelli Bimàl, contrari ad abolizione e repressione della schiavitù (per le tribù guerriere rastrellare le zone più inesplorate a caccia di schiavi per gli arabi era un "Business".

06 Febbraio 1907: sulla costa fra Mérca e Mogadìscio è previsto un concentramento di ribelli Bimàl; per impedirlo, 2 colonne (600 ascari comandati dal Ten. Streva e 4 sottotenenti) muovono dalle città e disperdono i ribelli ritirandosi poi a Danàne.

Settembre 1907: Menelik invia dall'Etiopia una spedizione per estorcere tributi. Dopo essere stata respinta una prima volta dagli uomini del Mullah, riesce a raggiungere i pozzi di Berdalè presso Lugh dando inizio ad una serie di razzie. I capitani Bongiovanni e Molinari con 300 uomini decidono di intervenire per ottenere pacificamente la restituzione del bottino. Raggiunta Bahallè sono costretti allo scontro dagli abissini e vi trovano la morte. Gli eccessi compiuti nelle razzie verranno puniti dallo stesso Menelik. In seguito a questi fatti si conclude ad Addis Abeba un trattato per la delimitazione dei confini tra Etiopia e colonia Somala. In pratica però i confini furono fissati solo da Dòlo (a sud) a Lét. Il problema dei confini, che comprendeva anche l'Ogaden, resterà sospeso e sarà una palla al piede della diplomazia italiana e causa di guerra per noi e dopo di noi.

15 Dicembre 1907-02 Marzo 1908: il cap. Vitali alla testa di 500 ascari batte a Dongàb i ribelli Bimàl, tornati all'azione contro l'estendersi dell'occupazione italiana. L'azione è sostenuta dalla Regia Nave "Staffetta", con la cooperazione della R.N. "Volta, che dal mare disperdono a cannonate i ribelli presso Danàne.

11-12 Luglio 1908: la spedizione guidata dal magg. Antonino Di Giorgio libera Mérca, minacciata dai ribelli. Scontro a Merére tra i ribelli e gli uomini di Di Giorgio (Sarà generale nella grande guerra quando comanderà il corpo d'armata speciale di copertura della ritirata da Caporetto) che sono costretti ad incendiare il villaggio ed in seguito ad occupare Afgòi. Il sultano di Ghelédi con 5000 armati si sottomette all'Italia.

01 Agosto 1912: gli italiani occupano Uànle Uén mentre gli inglesi combattono ferocemente contro gli uomini del Mullah che stanno dilagando nel Somaliland. Questi era un ribelle, che passerà alla storia col nome di Mad Mullah “Mullah Matto” noto ai somali come Sayed Mohamed Abdulla Hassan. Tenne impegnate per oltre un trentennio (1889/1920) soprattutto le forze britanniche del Somaliland, ma diede molti fastidi militari, fino alla sua morte, anche alla colonia italiana. Gli strascichi della guerra Italo-Turca coinvolgono anche piccoli scontri a Balad (gennaio 1912) e Scidle (marzo 1912)

19 Giugno 1913: truppe italiane a Bur Acaba e ad Iscia Baidòa.

Febbraio 1920: la grande offensiva inglese contro il Mullah termina con la fuga di quest'ultimo nel nostro territorio del Nogàl. Egli morirà presso Imi nell'alto Uébi nel 1921. In Italia intanto viene costituita a Milano la Società Agricola Italo-Somala su iniziativa di S.A.R. il Duca degli Abruzzi.

15 Luglio 1924 Convenzione di Londra: l'Inghilterra cede il Jubaland all'Italia come compenso post-bellico (per non aver partecipato alla spartizione delle colonie tedesche ?). Nel luglio dell'anno successivo iniziano le operazioni per l'occupazione del Jubaland sotto il Commissariato Generale dell'Oltregiuba. La Somalia non diventerà mai una colonia di popolamento, anzi la capitale Mogadiscio non arriverà mai alle dimensioni "italiane" di Asmara, arrivando a contare, al massimo dell'immigrazione italiana, non più di 10.000 italiani.

Pianta carnivora originaria

La regione OGADEN nella saga della Somalia. Pagina rielaborata dal sito

La provincia era parte integrante del territorio somalo, prima che fosse ceduta al re etiope Menelik II, che nel 1887 andò a Berlino a mendicare presso le grandi potenze uno sbocco verso il mare, ora che gli italiani si erano presi l'Eritrea e i Francesi Gibuti. I tre firmatari Italia, Gran Bretagna e Francia durante gli anni 1884-1886 cedettero l'Ogaden a titolo di gratificazione all’Etiopia per non averli ostacolati nella ricerca delle concessioni territoriali nel corno d'Africa. L’impero Ottomano attraverso il Khedive d’Egitto (e per questo sotto alta sipervisione Inglese), esercitava una sorta di potere religioso coloniale sul territorio, tra cui i tre sultanati di Obbia, Migiurtinia e Zanzibar. Nel 1882, lo Stato italiano decise di rilevare alcune aree per iniziare la sua conquista coloniale, cominciando dall’Eritrea (che sarà colonia l'1/1/1890). Giuseppe Candeo (è a lui che si deve la conoscenza dell'Ogaden e la compilazione della grande carta della stessa regione) fece un viaggio di esplorazione nel 1891 con Baudi di Vesme nella Somalia centrale. Giunti ad Harar, il 22 maggio, furono imprigionati per ordine di Ras Makonnen poi espulsi. Dubat, bersaglieri neriL'Italia, dopo la pace dell'ottobre del 1896 stipulò, il 10 luglio del 1900, il trattato relativo alla frontiera. Con questo si cancellava per sempre il Trattato di Uccialli (protettorato italiano sull'Etiopia). Più tardi, vennero due convenzioni: una il 15 maggio del 1902, per la delimitazione del confine tra l'Eritrea, il Sudan e l'Etiopia verso il Setit e, l'altra del 16 maggio 1908, per il confine tra l'Abissinia e la Somalia italiana e tra l'Abissinia e l'Eritrea verso la desertica e inospitale Dancalia.

1 Giugno 1936: con la costituzione dell'impero dopo la guerra vittoriosa contro il Negus, l'Ogaden ex-etiope, è inserito nuovamente nel territorio somalo. Scoppiata la seconda guerra mondiale, la Somalia fu occupata dalle truppe britanniche che, passato il confine dell’Oltregiuba dal Kenya, il 27 febbraio 1941 entrarono a Mogadiscio, assumendone l’amministrazione e costituendo il territorio separato dell’Ogaden. L'Ogaden veniva così reso definitivamente all’Etiopia. Nel sud gli inglesi facevano analogo regalo al Kenya della regione somala NFD (North Front District). L’occupazione inglese del Somaliland durò fino al 31 marzo 1950, quando questo divenne indipendente. La Somalia, ad amministrazione italiana, divenne a sua volta indipendente il 1 luglio 1960. A questo punto ci fu l’unione delle due ex colonie. L’Ogaden nell’ambito della storia somala è la regione dove si sono combattute battaglie epiche. Correvano i lontani anni 1541/1543 quando le truppe imperiali etiopi furono salvate da un tracollo militare contro i somali da 400 cattolici portoghesi che aiutarono il negus, cristiano-copto, usando per la prima volta in Africa Orientale i fucili. I rapporti tra i due imperi (Portoghese ed Etiope) erano cominciati nel 1502 e dureranno fino al 1769. Nel 1520 c’era già una Ambasciata portoghese in Etiopia. Parducci: DubatMa torniamo agli anni 60, con l’indipendenza della Somalia, che non ha mai cessato di rivendicare la regione dell’Ogaden come entità geografica e politica somala. Con l'allora Capo di Stato Maggiore somalo Daud Mohamed Hersi, ci fu una breve scaramuccia di confine, che gli americani nel periodo protettori di Haile Selassie, circoscrissero immediatamente prima che sfociasse in guerra. Oggi si ricorda invece Giggiga come una delle più ardite operazioni aeromobili condotte dai sovietici in appoggio agli etiopi. Chi ricorda ancora che nell'Ogaden fu combattuta (1977) una delle più sanguinose guerre convenzionali della storia?. Quando la Somalia sotto la guida del dittatore Siad Barre tentò di strappare l'arida regione all'Etiopia, i sovietici comandati dal Generale dell'esercito Vasily Petrov e il Tenente Generale dell'Aviazione G. Dolnikov congiuntamente ai cubani guidati dal Generale di Divisione Arnaldo Ochoa (fucilato poi da Castro per traffico di droga), stabilirono uno stato maggiore congiunto di cui Menghistu fu il leader politico. La forza armata era formata da 5 Generali etiopi, 8 cubani, 5 sovietici 2 yemeniti (lo Yemen inviò 2000 soldati), 50.000 soldati etiopici aiutati da 18.000 cubani, piloti israeliani sugli F5, piloti cubani e yemeniti sui Mig. Ricorrendo ad un imponente ponte aereo in aggiunta alle informazioni militari dei cubani e dei sovietici che avevano armato fino a quel momento il regime di Mohamed Siad Barre, nel giro di un anno ricacciarono i Somali dalle posizioni conquistate, sconfiggendoli nelle battaglie di Diredaua e Giggiga. Restò famosa l'operazione con cui I russi scavalcarono la linea somala trasbordando su una imponente massa di elicotteri un'intera divisione motorizzata. Questa in sintesi la storia dell’Ogaden, terra somala, abitata dagli Ogaden, etnia somala dei Darod. La Somalia attuale conta circa 6.450.000 abitanti su un territorio di 637.650 kmq densità 10 abitanti per kmq. Chi spadroneggia sono ancora i vecchi clan, o signori della guerra come è sempre stato.

DUBAT - I Bersaglieri Neri

Il Governatore De Vecchi diede vita nel 1924 ad una specialità denominata "Bande Armate di Confine" meglio conosciuta con il nome di "Dubat" (Dub=turbanti AT=bianchi). I Dubat erano una truppa intermedia fra regolari e irregolari. La loro principale caratteristica consisteva nell'estrema leggerezza di armamento e di equipaggiamento che permetteva spostamenti rapidissimi. I «dubat» sono snelli e scattanti, dal passo lungo, nerissimi di pelle ma bianchissimi nei turbanti e nell'abbigliamento molto leggero per potersi muovere con agilità a guardia delle frontiere. Sono scelti fra gli uomini più dotati fisicamente e intellettualmente. Vigili e fedeli furono impareggiabili cavalcatori del Generale Graziani, divisi in bande comandate da ufficiali italiani, cui venne affidato il compito di vigilare sul confine. Sempre pronti a reagire contro le incursioni dei razziatori abissini entro i nostri confini, si spostavano attraverso la pianura allagata per raggiungere gli obbiettivi (Ogaden conteso), con zattere abilmente improvvisate, oppure a nuoto, sfidando il pericolo dei coccodrilli. Gli africani, e soltanto loro, possono confrontarsi con i coccodrilli a nuoto. Il più famoso fu Ali Ualie, che comandava il posto di frontiera di Ual-Ual al momento del proditorio attacco del capo predone Omar Sammantar. Questi in precedenza aveva assassinato a pugnalate un nostro ufficiale e con i suoi uomini massacrato i difensori di un nostro presidio. Con la ritirata degli aggressori (sostenuti dal maggiore inglese Chifford del «Camel's Corp» della vicina Somalia britannica) si accese il conflitto italo-etiopico del 1935. Se gli Ascari, come diceva Montanelli, spesso tagliavano la corda col bottino, i Dubat erano gente orgogliosa che andava trattata con gentilezza. Gli dicevi di dare una occhiata alla boscaglia e quelli sparivano. Sparivano per poi ritornare e sapevi vita morte e miracoli in un raggio di 5 km. Il loro addestramento era affidato a graduati indigeni provenienti dai battaglioni coloniali. La gerarchia comprendeva 4 gradi: gregario, sotto capo, capobanda e comandante.
A curiosity: During "Ibis" mission in 1993, a former Somali Dubat sergeant, something like 80 years old, presented himself to the italian parachutists (Folgore) at the embassy in Mogadiscio, speaking perfect italian, holding his M91 musket... he leaved and was treated as an "irregular" for all the period of the mission. Certo la sorpresa fu tanta quando, nei primi giorni del 1993 nel corso dell'operazione RESTORE HOPE (Ibis per noi) lanciata dall'Onu per riportare il Paese fuori dalla guerra intestina, i comandanti si videro comparire davanti un Dubat, di una certa età, che disse " Sono Scirè*, sono stato in servizio (nei "servizi") delle Vostre unità coloniali e voglio riprendere il mio posto" !!!!. A chi pensava fosse uno scherzo non occorse molto per accorgersi che era tutto vero. Fra le mani dello scalzo Scirè era comparso anche un fucile 91 perfettamente funzionante. Senza autorizzazioni particolari si schierò col picchetto e piantò la capanna nel cortile della caserma. Una divisa dovettero anche procurargliela e non c'era persona più ligia e impeccabile nell'eseguire ordini. Un certo imbarazzo sorgeva solo quando all'alzabandiera salutava con la formula "Viva il Re, Viva il Duce, Viva l'Italia". Che in Italia fosse cambiato qualcosa non era cosa che lo riguardava, per lui poi quelli venuti dopo non erano tanto migliori di quelli di prima. *nota: Scirè è una regione dell’Etiopia tra i fiumi Tacazzè e Mareb, teatro degli scontri del 1936 per la conquista dell’Etiopia.

Le possibilità di sviluppo agricolo in Somalia si evidenziano ben presto ottime. Dopo le opportune bonifiche si possono impiantare, il banano (ancor oggi monopolio Usa), il cotone, l'arachide, il sesamo, il mais etc... Il Duca degli Abruzzi, Luigi di Savoia ottiene una concessione di 25.000 ettari che irriga con una grande diga costruita sullo Uebi Scebeli che col Giuba è il più grande e lungo dei fiumi del Sud (l'Oltregiuba come regione viene ceduta dagli inglesi nel 1924). Ulteriori piccole rettifiche di territorio acquisito si avranno fino al 1929. Durante la stagione delle piogge entrambi i fiumi sono navigabili per lunghi tratti. Per la movimentazione dei raccolti al nuovo porto di Mogadiscio viene costruita una piccola ferrovia, che si sviluppa poi per altri rami fino a raggiungere una lunghezza massima di 114 km. Diverso il discorso per le strade che vennero ritracciate e rinnovate togliendole dai pantani stagionali. La costruzione non può non tenere conto delle nuove aree produttive e commerciali sorte, oltre al Villaggio Duca degli Abruzzi già citato, e delle esigenze difensive sia a Nord che a Sud. Viene quindi tracciata una strada carrozzabile di 1484 km che da Mogadiscio per l'interno arriva a Bender Cassim nel Golfo di Aden (1929). Il problema principale è la massicciata che abbisogna di materiale di cava che non esiste nel piano. Con le diramazioni verso la costa e la prosecuzione verso il Kenya il totale delle rete stradale arriva a oltre 10.000 Km.

Così il giornalista Queirolo racconta il suo viaggio a Bender Cassim (Bosaso) sulla strada in via di ultime rifiniture (novembre 1929)"....da Ghersale le nostre auto scendono dal treno e si lanciano su Bulo Burti e Belet Uen.. A Belet Uen è un fervore di opere, sono appena trascorsi 13 mesi da quando l'arteria era stata concepita. Lungo la bella via costruita dalle Bande incontriamo di quando in quando i bianchi turbanti dei Dubat, rigidi nel presentat'arm. Ferfer è banda, in tutta la sua eccezione di provvisorietà, ... villaggio dei Dubat ammogliati, in regolari file di capanne e il campo cintato con la sede del comando di settore. Sono già 400 i km fatti e ci aspettano altri 386 km fino a Rocca Littorio fra incredibili termitai.. un poco ci illudiamo di correre sulla Appia Antica. Qualche posto di guardia, un ridottino di sassi e di solito un maestoso albero sul quale in alto si staglia la figura statuaria del Dubat. Le bianche tute, i bianchi turbanti, i torsi nudi scultorei attraversati dalla cartucciera e alla mano il fucile che non si lascia mai. Si lavora e si fa tutto con la mano libera dal fucile. A Garroe il governatore passa in rivista i Dubat che a sera ci allietano di una fantasia tribale... .. saliamo ai 900 metri di Gardò, e il nostro sguardo spazia su gazzelle, struzzi, licaoni, scimmie ma anche volatili e serpenti. La notte fredda ci ha ritemprato e l'alba tinge l'oriente per l'estrema tappa. ... di quando in quando vediamo alberelli di incenso che non si capisce da dove traggano la linfa aggrappati come sono alla nera roccia.......".
Lungo queste strade parte anche il servizio di autocorriera. (Mogadiscio -Bosaso bi e trimensile, Mogadiscio-Lugh km 425 bimensile etc). Bisogna considerare che per quei tragitti non occorrevano meno di 5/6 giorni di viaggio -quasi 1.500 km-, il tempo di ritornare per la nuova corsa. Anche in colonia si sperimentano i carboni alternativi che sono poi quelli di legna, per rendere nel tempo autonoma l'autotrazione. Si bruciano acacie di vario tipo, molto diffuse su arenili e dune, con rendimenti fino al 20% del peso iniziale. Un'altra risorsa somala del corno d'africa sono le saline il cui sale viene inviato al Porto di Hafun (Dante) con una teleferica.

Maurizio Talmone. 26 Novembre 1896: il cap. Cecchi, divenuto console e impegnato per conto della Soc. Benàdir in una pacifica penetrazione a scopo ...

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Maurizio Talmone (ship's surgeon), another crew member, thirty ashkari, and two men from Brava's five tribes, they headed toward Bardera. Within ten ...

The Dir Ahmed Gurey Awdal iyo Ifat Zaila

 I researched Adal, the Islamic kigndom that existed between Eritrea all the way to Coastal City Berber. I thought Adal was mostly Afar and Arab kingdom, but I'm suprised Somalis have connection to Adal. When and where Adal Empire was born: *It was on the 13th century that came to the light, in Horn of Africa, one of the strongest Empire that existed in East Africa. Adal Empire had its origine in the city of Zeyla, situated until today in the northern region of the former Democratic Republic of Somalia. The father of that State was King Omar D. Ahmed (nicknamed Aw-Barkhadle). The king who had a long live, occupied the throne for many years. When he passed away, he left behind him many children, mainly males. Among them, the successors to the throne who inherited the kingdom. Later, Adal Empire became an Islamic Empire that expanded the religion of Islam with determination, into the entire Horn of Africa. Remarked by its faithful actions, other Islamic States in the world called Adal Empire "Diraasal-Islaam". During the centuries that followed, Adal Empire was engaged into many wars against the Abysinians (Habasha), where thousands and thousands individuals died. At that time, Adal Empire became the most loved Islamic State among the entire Islamic Nations because of its determination to its cause; its strong judicial system and its faithful expansion of Islam into the territories of Abyssinians and Galas (Oromos). At that period of time, Adal Empire had a strong alliance with the Ottoman Empire of Turkey, while the Portuguese supported the Abyssinians. Geographical location of Adal Empire: In order for you to better situate the indications that will be mentioned, you are invited to refer to the Map of Africa in 1808 as well as other maps. Saying that, to the North, Adal Empire was situated up to the region of Danaakil (actually, North of the Republic of Djibouti, populated by Afar people). While to the South, the empire had its border up to the region of Ras-Xaafuun (actually called Hays and Maydh, located in today's Region of Sanaac). From the East, Adal Empire as well as the actual State of Awdal, had the entire code facing the Red Sea while to the West, it was situated up to the Region of Shawa (in Ethiopia), also called Shawa at that time. In fact, Shawa was the base of the Kingdom of Abyssinia and today, it's the home of its descendents leaded by the Ethiopian government, with its capital city of Addis-Ababa. Composition of Adal Empire: Adal Empire was composed of seven (7) States. According to the size of their land and the military forces of each state, here is their names: Ifaad, Dawaaro, Araabiini, Hadaya, Sharqa, Baali and Daara, where each of them had its own government. Please refer to the map titled Map of Adal Empire (13th century). The largest and strongest State Ifaad, known from Egypt and "Shaam" as Zeyla's land, became later the dominant and the central one with its capital city of Zeyla. Ifaad will lead the entire Empire and will face many challenges. According to the historians of that period, Ifaad was large as 20 days of walk from North to South and 15 days of walk from East to West. Its military force was composed of 15000 cavaliers and 20000 of infantries. In his book titled "Masaalikal-Absaar"(this is in Somali spelling), the Egyptian author, Subhul Ahsha mentioned that Zeyla was the nucleus city of Adal Empire. Continuing into the description of this city, he added that Zeyla was "The City of Light", which had many Mosques and many schools, where all kind of subjects were taught. In fact, Mr. Ahsha described Zeylac as "The Place" where one can acquire any kind of knowledge that may be taught in that period of time. The author added in his description that the people were 100% Muslim. Mr. Ahsha said that they were gathering in large number into the Mosques of the city, as faithful believers to Islam. According to this writing, these Mosques could be compared to the municipal libraries that can be found today in big cities of our century. In addition of that, schools were places where people use to enjoy meeting, share knowledge, discuss about social issues and debate intellectually. As a matter of fact, Zeyla was known as the place where the knowledge was at the merci of everyone. Well, now that you understand the value of Adal Empire, it is reasonable that you ask what did happen to that great Empire, how did it collapse? Who were the people living under the ruling of that great Empire, well known by its strong judicial system? Who were in fact the civilized nation living in that period of time and what did become their descendants? For the time been, I need your patient in order for me to work into the information that I collected. Meaning that you will know for sure what did happen to that great Adal Empire, very soon. Concerning your questions about the people of that nation or what did they become and who are the descendants, I'm inviting you to click on "People" under "About Awdal" category and voila! The Adal of yesterday is the Awdal of today: First of all, though the Empire that we mention all along was called Adal Empire, in their mother language (Somali), the people of that nation called "Cadal". Translating the word Cadal into Latin gave Adal. With the time, people changed the word Adal (Cadal) to Awdal and that is how the Awdal of today is referred to the Adal Empire of yesterday. The State of Awdal borders with Djibouti from the North-West, Ethiopia from the West, the former Democratic Republic of Somalia from the South and, the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea from the North-East through the entire Easter coastal region. The region has an estimated land area of 22,000 sq. km and a 170 km long coastline on the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea. Awdal experiences three distinct climatic seasons; the rainy season which starts in March and ends in July, the dry season which starts in August and lasts until November and a kind of Mediterranean Fall, from December to February. High temperatures of above 35C and 20C are observed along the coastal settlements during the summer and winter months respectively. Average annually rainfall is between 450-500 mm. the State of Awdal consists of four districts: Boroma - with Boroma City as the regional capital city, Zeila, Lughaya and Baki. As mentioned above, the State of Awdal corresponds to the former Adal Empire, which became Gadabursi Land under the British colonial, in the 19th century. Later, it was called Awdal Region until the disintegration of the dictatorial regime of the former Democratic Republic of Somali, in 1991. the State of Awdal did not officially proclaim yet its status to the rest of the world and it's not recognized yet as an Independent Nation by the United Nations but so far, the Awdalites live in their homeland under the ruling of local authorities, with freedom. After the collapse of the Somali government in 1991, Awdalites continued to maintain a stable existence, despite the economic infrastructure left behind by British and humanitarian organizations assistance programs. The State of Awdal is one of the African's largest source of incense and myrrh, which are forestry products. Also, the Awdal's chief exports include livestock, fish, hides and skins and, petroleum products. Nowadays, as one of the most recently established nation, the State of Awdal presents a new field of study for scholars and investors. Ahmad Guray was a Dir Somali (his mother was a Harari Ethiopian though...) The Dir are the northernmost of the 6 Somali Clans, They include the Gadabursi of Northwest Somaliland and the Iessa of Djibouti. The capital of Adal Sultanate was Harrar (which was an Islamic center) and its major ports were Zeila and Sahil (now Berbera) Ahmad the Left-handed's army included alot of recently Islamisized Somalis from the east (like the Ogaden, and Majerteen) and also a lot of Oromo and it also covered almost all of the Afar regions. It was truly the first and only 100% Cushitic Empire. And man, did he give the Abbysinians a run for their money! He conquered lands as deep into the Ethiopian interior as Lake Tana (the source of the blue Nile) and he was killed in battle there. Only for his wife to carry on the first Jihad in the Horn of Africa. He was also the first non European to use cannons and muskets in his warfare# posted by Dir Era @ 11:37 PM
Comments:Dir (clan)Dir is a Somali clan whose members live in northern Somalia.The Somali people are composed of four major tribes. The Dir, Hawiye, Darod, and Rahanweyn make up the majority of Somalis. The Dir are the most ancient Somali clan, and they are the most widespread group. They primarily live in Djibouti as the Issa and Gadabuursi. The northern clans of the self-declared Somaliland, namely the Isaaq, Gadabuursi,and Issa are also all Dir. In Ethiopia, the Dir clans are also the most numerous Somali clan group.Southern Dir groups claim direct descent from Hiil, Samaale, Aji, Irir, who was the direct father of Dir. One of the brothers of the Dir included the Digaale and the Hawiye.According to the Dir clan histories, Dir had four sons named Madahweyn, Mandaluug, Madoobe, and Mahe Dir; according to others Dir had a fifth son named Qaldho Dir.The Dir in Ethiopia are represented by the Issas, Gurgure, Guure, Quranyo Maxamed, Akisho, Gadabuursi, Gadsan, Gariir, Fiqi Muhumand, Qubeys, Layiile, Mandaluulg, Baajimaal, and Wardaai. The majority live in the Dira Dhabe area, Jijiga region, and by the Awash River. The rest of the Ethiopian Dir clans live in southern parts near the Somali border near Dollo Ado and as far as Guure Dhamoole and Negele.In the Mudug region of central Somalia and all the way to Hiiraan region is another cluster of Dir clans known as the Suure. The Suure have been associated with spreading the Islamic faith in Somalia and the Qadiriya Sufi tariiqa in southren Somalia. The Suure are among the most influential Dir groups in Southern Somalia, and their territories include large areas of the Mudug and Galgaduud regions. Also the Suure have founded major trade cities in the Hiiran area including Alaabay and Kamhanley.The majority of western scholars (both Italian and British) simply refered to the Surre as the "Dir of central Somalia" without differentiating them, but recent studies in Somalia reveal that the majority of the Dir in Hiiran, Gedo, Jubba and Bakool are divided into two branches, the Qubeyes and Abdalles, both descendents of Suure.Other branches of the Dir include the ancient Biyamaal Clan who occuppy an area from 50 km south of Mogadishu all the way down to Jilib and Kismaayo, not far from border with Kenya. The Biyomaal of Marka fought against the Italian colonial rulers of Southern Somalia in a twenty-year war known as the Biyamaal Revolt, in which the Dir assassinated several Italian governors.The Gurgure Dir inhabit the ancient city of Dira Dhawe, which is also inhabited by the Madoobe Dir Issas.[citation needed] The first to arrive were the Gurguras who named the city Dira Dhawe, or "the place that Dir conquered or hit with his spear". Finally, the Issas and other Somali groups followed into the region and the Christian Amharas referred the region to as "Oow-raajaa na Issa na Gurgura" or the region of the Gurguras and the Issas.Political groups associated with the Dir clans include the following groups in Somalia and Ethiopia:Issas and Gurgure Liberation Front (IGF) of Ethiopia. Somali Democratic Alliance (SDA) of the Gadabursi Dir clan. Somali National Movement (SNM) of the Northern Isaaq. Southern Somali National Movement ((SSNM) of the mostly Mohamed Xiniftire Dir Clans (Bimaal, Mandaluug, and Gadsan) of Jubba, Gedo, Bardheere, and Shabeellaha Hoose region. Democratic Liberation Front (DLF) supported Central Somalia Dir groups. [edit]Dir subclans[edit]Madaxweyn DirGurgure: The Gurgure are divided into three major groups, Habar Daar, Quwaax and Liiban, who are made of many sub-clans: Habar Daar Kunduuble Cali Cabdille Quwaah Nabidoor Gacal Waaq Baiido Liibaan Gufaatiile Sanceele Sanaye Guure Akisho Wardaai Layiile Gariire Jiido Reer Aw Said and Abkeey Haji Farah Said Abiikar Said Sacdi Said Nuur Said Ali Said Cismaan Saciid Huseen Said Hassan Said Cumar Saciid [edit]Maha Dir (Maxamed Xiniftire)Isaaq (Garhajis, Awal, Arap, and H. Jeclo) Biyamaal (Sa'd, Suleyman, and Ismin) Gadsan Dabruube Barsuug Bajimaal Magaadle Madiigan [edit]Suure (Qubeys and Abdalle)[edit]Abdalle (Gutaale)Abdi Fiqi Muxumed Hogar Laxmar others [edit]NacadoorGuuled Xaraan Ciise Qotonsay Cirday, Giir Kaahin, [edit]Goorad[edit]SulaymanAgoon [edit]Qubeys (Lafagaab)Tolweyne Qubeys Reytoonle Faqi Cumar Yabarcade Faqi Cumar Fiqi Walaal (Aw-caalin, Xaaji Cabdalle) Samafale,Maxamud weyne, Aw-Cisman, Maxamud Yare Xassan Faqi Cumar Rooble Cismaan (Faarax, Weheliye, Maxamed) Aw-Macalin (Macalin Muxumed, Macalin Yusuf, Sheekh Cali, Macalin Macow) Heeraar Fiqi Yaxye Caalin Mooge Maxamed Abtiudug Axadoobe Qubeys Cismaan Diidshe (Cismaan Iyiinta) Cabdalle Diidshe (Cabaas Iyiinta) Yabadhaale Qubeys Wayaagle Yabarow, Xasan, Cumar, Xeefoow Faarax Maxamuud Dhaayoow Miidkasse Axmed faarax Afrax faarax [edit]Guuled, Warsame, Cigaal, and JalafDabac Fiqi Khayre Cumar Haarun Siyaad Bayr Cabas Food Cade [edit]Mandaluug Dir(Many Dir believe the Mandaluug are actually Mahe Dir)Gadabuursi [edit]Madoobe DirIssas of Djibouti and Ethiopia [edit]Qaldho DirNooleh Retrieved from ""# posted by Anonymous : 1:31 PM
GUUL DIRThe History of the Dir People. ay xabashida ku soo qaaday Soomalia iyo jabintii boqortooyinka Awdal(adel), Ifat, iyo Moora waxa ku burburay Habar magadle(Isaaq)aaga Bulaxaar/ Berbera/ Zaila ilaa hawd xabashida wey burburiyeen. Amxaarka Amad Siyoon(1456) gabey ayuu uu ku fanayo titirkii Islamka iyo Somalida iyo siduu dinta uga saray. Qabail fara badan oo Hawiya iyo Dirka Iyo Daarodka siiba (Reerka Harti)guddah dalka ayeey u soo kicitiimeen. Iyagoo hoygooda galbeedka ka soo carary. Magalooyin iyo masdiya fara badan oo waqooyi galbeed kuyaala barigaa ayaa la dumiyey. Qabaail far badan oo kuwa Somalida ugu xooga badnaa barigaas ayeey tirtirmeen siiba samaalah, sida: Darood: Weyteen, Yabarah, Awrtablaha iyo Daarjire hajaaga. Hawiye: Sadex geedi,udeyjeen iyo qaarkale. Dir:Badimal,Madagleh, Barsuuga ,iyo reeka loo yaqaan Layiile dad yar ayaa ka soo haray. Habar magadle oo (Isaq ahayd) galbeed way ka soo kicitiimen oo gudaha ayay soo galeen. Qabailka Samaale ee iyagan ku kala firaray oo qaar Oromada qabsatay, qaar lumay, iyo qaar ay somalida kale dul kula dirir ku tirtireen waxa ka mida: Hubeer,Ajuuran(Madinle),Xarla( oo qabil somalida oo dhan ka tira badneed), Cawarmale, Digoodi,Galjecal iyo Xawadle wey ka badbadeen. Galbeedka ayeey uge xigeen kadib markii amxarada burburisay xadaaradihii islamiga ahaa Dir badan oo galbeed xigtay Oromo cawan ayaa soo qabsatay markii Somalidii kala firdhatay. Burburkaa lixaada leh wuxuu keenay in Somali badan oo awood lahan jirtay sida dadka Midgah(Midgaan) iyo Yibraha kadib markii Somalida kale ay jabeen in ay baahi darteed is gumeytan oo kuwii laga xooga bato la bah dilo sida midgaha. Somali badan oo Dir iyo Darod ka qadiimsan in Oromada xagooda loo cayrsho. am currently doing research of "Adel" civiliation from the 15th century and the pre-historic existence of the Somali clans in general and the "Dir-Gadabuursi" group of clans in particular. one of the interesting things i already came across so far is the central role the "Dir-Gadabursi" played in that civilization. I have already read some books writens by the Othman Turkey, i found the names of some books, which give me reference, regarding the stumbled over finds the names of books, which i may find a great deal of the "Adel" civiliation. I have also so far got the names and the dynasties, and their tmie lines of more than 10 "Gadabursi" kings, starting with King or Ugas Ali. One of those books mentioned that Iman Ahmed Gurey was from the "Gadabursi" clan, confirming what many elders who were descended "Zayla" were passing to their children for generations Imam Samaroon Said alle ha unaxriisto 1432 AD when the Amhara cruseaders conquered Somali Iman Said was the mulim leader who led the Madanluug Dir and when the imam was later fighting in the Westren flank of the Guurey army he was injured at dardarley. The Gadabuursi latter suffered a davastating defeat and actually the present day Amuud which has a old cementary called Lafaruug was destroyed by the Amhara King. Also note it was this period that the King Shihad a Diin buried in Zailac Island was killed. The Gudabuursi Dir and Modoobe Dir never recovered from these davastating blows. The Madaluug in Southren Somalia and the Biyamaal as well as The Fiq's Suure all point their Southren movement from Amuud region in the 1600's during the Axmed Guurey era. The Suure Dir who are as a matter of fact still in Hauda region and whom refer them self's as Fiqi's where the Her or sheikh associated with Awbarre __Buube- Yusuf Barkad kowniin students who entered Mudug region at the time og Ajuuran rule and some served as Imams under one malakh Gareenow Xaasey Fiqi's Imam Samaroon Said alle ha unaxriisto 1432 AD when the Amhara cruseaders conquered Somali, Iman Said was the muslim leader who led the Madanluug Dir and when the imam was later fighting in the Westren flank of the Guurey army he was injured at dardarley. The name Gadabuursi was given to his descendents at the last critical moment before he made a final stand to the Amhara at the mandaluug ancestral homeland of Amuud which was destroyed over 50,000 homes where excuvated recently and the place was leveled with the ground 10, 000 thousands perished. The Magadle Dir was completely annilated except for the 10,000 or saw that survive in Cerigaabo. The Madoobe Dir installed a Madaxweyn Dir dynasty The Wardiiq who was the ruling remenants of the Madaxeyn. Madigan, Gurgure and the Barsuug Dir fled west and were encirled by the Oromos- Many assimilated and the union formed a half cast Jarso. The Isaaq Dir reconstituted as Maxamed (Axmed Xiniftire) new Habar alliences formed the Nacadoor,Mikidoor,Nabidoor and the Idoor all disappeared. The name Gaada Biirsay means The one who collected the army or "chests" the name refered to the desparate effort of imam Samaroon Said to collect and muster the power of his kinsman against the infidels. Gaado means shafka ama xabadka (gaada ha i saarin oo kale. Gaadsan the westren Dir 's name means the one with the army or good chest litraray. The Gadabuursi latter suffered a davastating defeat and actually the present day Amuud which has a old cementary called Lafaruug was destroyed by the Amhara King. Also note it was this period that the King Shihad a Diin buried in Zailac Island was killed. The Gudabuursi Dir and Modoobe Dir never recovered from these davastating blows. The Madaluug in Southren Somalia and the Biyamaal as well as The Fiq's Suure all point their Southren movement from Amuud region in the 1600's during the Axmed Guurey era. The Suure Dir who are as a matter of fact still in Hauda region and whom refer them self's as Fiqi's where the Her or sheikh associated with Awbarre/Buube/ Yusuf Barkad kowniin students who entered Mudug region at the time when the Ajuuran ruled at mereg and some served as Imams under one malakh Gareenow Xaasey. The Suure Fiqi's, Biyamaal, Guure, and the Badimaal all entered the south. The Biyamal claim to have entered the Banadir area, a name meaning beynka direeb, in 1700's. The Gurgure/Akisho cluster and reminders of Madaxweyn Dir conquered the Dira Dhabe " meeshu Diri Dhabe" ama waranka ka taagay. The Gurgure which is not their real name (Gurgure means trader hence the word Gorgortan - to bargain) (Posted by guest: hassan) In the 1500's several things happened in the early struggles of Axmed Gran with the Ethiopia Christian Imperialists who where sprearheading attacks into Muslim lands. According to Fatuh Al Habash: 1) Ahamed Gran came into the hinterlands of North Westren Somalia in order to recruit fighters amoung the Mandaluug Dir, Mahomed Xiniftire Or Mahe Dir and Madoobe. a) The fatuh al Habash mentions the Habar Magadle (Maha Dir) by name as one group which Gureey try to draw into his camp.Nevertheless, the Habar Awal and Habar Yonis joined the Gurey jihaad. For Example, the Makaahil of the Habar Awal was the son of an Amhara princesse who was broght back to Somali by a Habar Awal worrior. The Amhara princes asked her captor one favour which to name the first son. After she bore the son she named him Makahil "Micheal" the angel. As a matter of fact many Mahe Dir like the Habar xabuush or Habar Jeclo were also named in such a case. According to the Fatuh Al Habash, "the fierce and rebellious Isaaq, Issas, and Afar clans who lived close to these groups and was know as "Oda Cali" caused Guurey many problems because as soon as the attacked the Habash enemies and gained some booty they would return to their territorie this angered Imam Ahmed who wanted a displined army. Ali and Mataan a brothers in-law of Gurey and Ahmed Nuur a knephew or Gurey, who later married Gurey's wife Batiyo Delwambero(Dawmbiro). It is interesting to not The name Dalwambero. It is no accidental it sounds like Dombiro. The Darood Somali clans under Imam Ahmed Gurey where led by another Garad who was know as Guuray and he was married to Delwambera's sister Mardiya. It was at this period that the Madaxweyn Dir enlisted the Yabbare, Geeri, and Harla, also it was at this juncture of history that the Darood confuse history. 1) The Darood confuse to distinct persons. Namely, Imam Ahmed Ibrahim Ghazali Aragsame the proper Ahmed Guray and the Garad Gurey who led the Darood armies. After centuries they think that their Garad whose name is mentioned in the Fatuh Al Habash as Guray is the same as Ahmed Gurey. So the legacy of Axmed Gurey is not limited to the Gababuursi or Ciisa or Gurgure but as touched all Somalis. This ancient shiekh was a Somali - prof. Andreski (the famous linguist) interviewed his descendant in Merca - the head of the main mosque is a direct descendant. Merca is a Somali town on the Indian Ocean (inhabited the Somali Dir clan). The custodians of the shrine/tomb of shiekh Hussein are Somalis - the tradional custodians have always been Somali. Again the role of Somalis in propergating Islam has never been recognised by Western Scholar? Why? Even the Maldive Islands off India rembere how the Somali Sheikh (13th century) called Shiekh. Awbarkhadle came and converted them - he is remembered in Somalia - and also appears in Arabic/Ethiopic MSS. in associating with the Walsama Dynasty (Muslim Dynasty eastern Shoa/Hawas - old Somali-Afar Sultans of Awfat/Adal) - Waqooyi GalbeedMadaxweyne Ali 1) Guureh 2)Jiide 3)Gariire 4)Akisho 5)Layiile 6)others 7)Warday cali *Maahe Dir Maxamed Xiniftire 1-Biyamaal(Gaadsan) 2-Isaaq 3-Bajimaal 4-Quranyow maxamed(Gare) 5-Madaluug maxamed(Ethiopia,North/south somalia, North Kenya, Djabuti) * Maddoobe shanta Ciise Wardiiq Hawlgati Other smaller clans *Qaldho Dir Noole History of Islam in Somalia from the Time of Mohamed (Saws) Agoon Shortly after the Hijra (670's) the Quraish or prophet's tribe started persucuting muslims and hundreds of the prophets followers fled across the Indian Ocean to present day Zaila and through Erithrea. It was in this period that the Somalis and their cousines the Afar-Oromo-Harararis and other nations of the horn of Africa converted to Islam. According to most Historians the people of Zaila who were of Dir origin and Issas-Gadabursi-Isaaq origins, Islam became well established by 800 A.D. By the 1300 century the whole horn of Africa up to Kenya and Zanziber we have Muslim cities flourishing and Muslim sulltanes like Ifat and Adal all over Somali. As a matter of fact, it was in 1300's that the ancient Somali saint Sheikh Yusuf Alkownin (Aw Barkadle) innvented the Alif-La-Kordhabee or Somali way of reading and learning to read the Quran scriptures. And around this time, another Sheikh by the name of Sheikh Hussein Al Bale of the Bale Oromo Arsi region left Northren Somali and Islam was well established in Southren Ethiopia all the way to northren Ethiopia. So the Islam of Somalia dates back to the time of the Hijra and many Somalis became muslims even before the Prophet Islamized the Arabs and Islam succeded in Arabia. Later in he 1400 AD, the Qadiriya Sufi order of Sheikh Cabdul Qadir Al-Jilani spread to Somalia and Ethiopia revitalizing the ancient faith and further incorporating more Kushitics. By 1456 AD, he Muslim Kings of Ifat, led by a Somali worrior, Imam by the name Imam Axmed Gurey (Left-Handed) was fighting Ethiopian Christian Habasha kings who tried to conquer Somalilands. W.A.

The Biimaal is a subclan of Dir and “the Dir

The Biimaal is a subclan of Dir and “the Dir are the oldest and least cohesive of the Somali clans. Their original homeland in northwestern Somalia was the starting point for the subsequent southward expansion of the nomadic Somali clans. The Dir comprise four sub-clans; the Issa and the Gadabursi who still live in the northwestern Somalia and neighbouring areas of Ethiopia and Djibouti, the Bimaal on the coast of Southern Somalia, and the Gadsen subclan of bimal along the Jubba valley, Ethiopia and Kenya.” (Jane’s, 28. Mai 2008)
The Bimaal clan is a major clan in what is today settle in lower Shabelle, lower Jubba, Bakool and Gedo. Today they are the most numerous ethnic group in Somalia, settling the most populated area from Mogadishu to kismayo, and roughly are estimated of over 2 million people. In addition, large numbers of Biimaal subclans are also found in Kenya and Ethiopia. Their language, is Somali and Hamatic language; more specifically 80% of their language content is Arabic, 90 percent of biimal can read and write Arabic language. The Biimaal or (Jamal) has three Brothers (1) Isaaq Mohamed and (2) Bajamal Mohamed and (3) Dabrube Mohamed.
The real name of Bimal is JAMAL, but nicknamed as 'Bimal' meaning 'being handsome' in Arabic, or ‘purified’ in Urdu. The Biimaal clan ascends to Mohamed known as Ahmed in Somaliland, and then ascend to Dir ethnic group to Aqiel bin-abittalib. descendant: Biimaal(Jammal) Mohamed/Ahmed - Xiniftire - Mahad - Dir - Aji - Irir - Samaale - Hiil - Abroone to Aqil - Ttahlib.

The Biimaal clan has five major subclans, whose there mnemonics is: DHSWW and Uncle Dabruube: the bimal family tree is as following:
The Mathigaan or Madigaan is a sub subclan of Dabrube, the Subclan of Biimaal, and is one of the tribes that inhabits in Ethiopia and Somaliland. Historically, the Mathigaan were mainly pastoral and farmers who separated from other Bimal in nearly 400 years ago, however, the record of written documents and inherited information from ancestors is well reserved in lower shabelle. The Dabrube tribes lived in different parts of somalia and Ethiopia, but they each had their history and blood connected.
Gaadsan (or Gadsan) is one of the subclan of Biimal who is mainly inhabit in Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia, but largely found in Ethiopia. In Ethiopia Gaadsan clans reside three districts: the Af-dher district (Jarrati, Waladaya, Doolow and Guuredhamole), Godey district (Iimey and Boola), and Gashamo district (Nusdariiq, Marsin, Kabtinuur and Qabridhare). There is also other large group of Gaadsan, known as Gaadsan-Qalaawileey in Shabelle and Jubba regions, living with other Biimals group. In Kenya there is a third division of Gaadsan, known as Gaadsan-Kenya, found in many cities such as Bangal, Garseeni, •and Hoolla.

            The History of Bimal
During 1600-1900 century, the Biimaal monarchy was one of the most powerful tribe in east Africa ruling the cost of benadir to keyan border and had been trading with mascut sultanate. During the 18 century, the geledi clan was the second powerful clans in Somalia, who were ruling large territory in southern somalia. The port of Mogadishu was practically autonomous, the Zanzibar sultans’ authority, like their customs officials, came and went with the monsoons. The hinterland of Mogadishu was controlled by the Geledi clan, whose sultans contracted alliances with many other clans in the region between the Shebelle and juba rivers. Through much of the century, the geledi alliance dominated the ivory trade that ran from luk on the upper juba to Mogadishu; the geledi sultans also collected tribute from the agricultural clans along the Bay and Bakool as far south as Bu’alle. Only the powerful bimal clan, situated in the hinterland of merka, succeeded in resisting the geledi hegemony and overthrowing their rulers in Mogadishu and. The sultans of Zanzibar, in the meantime, were forced to respect the authority of the Bimal rulers. (Africa in the nineteenth century until the 1880)
From 18th to 19th centuries, the Biimaal kingdom played a major role in Somali History. Under Italian colony,the Biimaal people opposed against the occupation of Italian regime, and severely fought against them. During that time, thousands of Biimal warriors lost their lives to stop the invaders to reach somali soil. The Biimaal Kingdom built large castles in the cost of Benadir, lower shabelle and juba to protect somali shores and for trading strategy. In 1895-1902, the Italian leaders tried many times to negotiate a land deal with Bimal king. In 1903, about 2000 Bimalis and 800 Italian soldiers were killed when they attempted to destroy these obstacles against Italian interests which also caused many Italian lives. Though many biimalis armies got killed, but they still insisted to protect Somali shore. After long bloody battles, the Italian leader sleeked alliance with other Somali tribes which finally destroyed Bimalis forces.
According Muslim Brotherhoods in Nineteenth-Century Africa, Cambridge University Press (Martin, 1977)''', the bimal clan were living between the port of marka and the Webi shebelli. The bimal had long resisted the Italians, largely because the Italians had abolished slavery in their district. The bimal used many slaves to cultivate their lands along the webi shebelli, another point of conflict was continuing Italian penetration, which the bimal had opposed since 1896. They had also besieged an Italian garrison at marka 1904 and ambushed and attacked their enemies repeatedly. From 1903 on, there was contact between the sayyid and the bimal, moreover, the salihia had a sufi center in bimal territory headed by a Shaykh abdi gafle, who could through the evil eye, transform men into animals, or change bullet into water, the sayiid sent advice and guidance to the bimal and problarbly weapons as well . Even so, the bimal clan was finally overcome by the Italians 1908, when a number of bimal chiefs had to go to Mogadishu to make their submission to the tialian governor. The guidance sent by the was the risalat al bimal, which is a s statement of the sayyid’s ideas of jihad, relations with the unbelievers, and other points which will be discuss below. The timing and the content of the risalah also show very clearly that the sayyid saw the illig convention as tactical maneuver. Later he would take up and lead the jihad again. His advice to the bimal on the necessity and significance of jihad follow these lines.
The Biimaal and Benadiri in Merka, Lower Shabelle According to Danish Refuge council, the predicament of Oday (2006).The old sultanate of the Biimaal around Merka has all but disappeared. Since their defeatto the Italians, the lineage of the
Biimaal Suldaan has lived a quiet existence. Furthermore,the Biimaal people suffered a heavy set-back during the civil war as much of their land wastaken over by non-resident Hawiye coming from northern regions, and many Biimaal either fled or was killed. Today, the Suldaan is still the highest rank for the Biimaal in and aroundMerka, and in Jaamame, where many  Biimaal also reside.After the civil war the Biimaal revived their xeer system. For example, the first attempt tocreate more peace and security in Merka area involved a meeting of traditional elders whoestablished the first new xeer between them. Each district then established a committee of elders and intellectuals with the purpose of overseeing the peace on one hand, and tointerlocute with international humanitarian agencies on the other in order to addresssocial welfare issues. However, they did not have military or strong policing power, whichmeant that they could not handle the armed freelance militias who erected extortiveroadblocks and who were outside the control of the traditional leaders. Prior to the civilwar, all Biimaal paid mag together. However, after the complexities of the civil war, eachsub-clan formed its own mag -paying group! This is perceived as a good development, be-cause it gives more pressure to the most immediate family to control its members as mag becomes more expensive when it is a smaller group that has to pay it. The migration of the Biimaal is thought to have begun some 700 years ago due to conflicts with the Danakil 
(in the present area of Djibouti). The migration process towards the south took some five centuries. Now the Biimaal has resided in the present area for the last 2-300 centuries

According to The Price of Peace: Somalia and the United Nations 1991-1994, the Biyamal are the majority clan in the Lower Shebelle (Gilkes 1994, 144). Gilkes distinguishes between the northern Dir and the southern Dir and notes that although the Biyamal were known for their struggle against the Italians, as a southern Dir group, they "were previously ignored." (144). Gilkes states that the Dir and particularly the Biyamal, supported the Southern Somali National Movement (SSNM), but adds that the SSNM had split. "Early in 1993 its chairman, Colonel Abdi Warsame, broke with General Aydeed and took part of the SSNM with him when he aligned himself with Ali Mahdi" (147). For additional information on the Biyomal and the SSNM please consult Responses to Information Rquests SOM24908 of 4 September 1994 and SOM18537.E of 4 October 1994, which are available at Regional Documentation Centres.
„In Lower Shabelle, the Habr Gedir clan rivals the (Dir) Bimaal. The competing claims of territorial ownership between ‘Mudulod’ and Habr Gedir over Mogadishu, and Bimaal and Habr Gedir over the Lower Shabelle, are played out over significant populations who have stronger claims to ‘autochthony’ but little military or political might.“ (RDCI/UNHCR, August 2007, S. 11)


The Darod tribes had migrated down to lower jubba in the middle of 19 century for better life as prolonged lack of rain caused their regions largely dry. By that time, the Biimaal tribes provided all their hospitalities, generosity to the Darod clan and granted to stay temproraly as guest expecting them to move out. From 1960 to 1991 the Darood regimes of Sharmarke and Barre had unfairly treated with Bimal clan and promoted thier clans to dominate and torture the local people as bimal clan was previously dismantled by the colonial power during the long time of war. After 1991, the Habargidir clan had also made a master plan by occupying the lower shabelle and mugged farms of residents, used by force displacement, looted properties by displacing and killing hundreds of local biimaal.

Prominent figures Political/social activist

 President of Udubland: Professor Ibrahim Cabdulahi Adow
 Abdullahi Sheikh Ismail, Former Somali Ambassador to Russian federation and EU, Former foreign minister 1990 and 2004 - 2006, Deputy prime minister and minister of constitutional affairs of TFG 2006.
 Abdirahman Adan Ibbi, former minister of fishery and marine resources of TNG 2000 - 2004, state minister 2004 - 2006
 Abdi Aluuq, senior general, Officer in Charge, Has the highest rank in SOMALI FORCES C.E.O has descended from the Gadsan tribe. His name is referred to ABDI ALUUQ (abdi the general).
 Abdi Warsame Isaq, one of Somali Socialist Supreme Council and positioned different ministerial posts during Bare's regime, one of influential founders of USC and chairman of SSNM, MP TFG 2004 - 2006.
 Ahmed Hussein Tifow worked differnt Lower shabelle 1960 - 1970, Speaker ssnm and politacal
 Cornel Abdi Ali Jamame. High ranking Cornel in former Somali Armed Forces.
 Professor Ahmed Omar Abdi, former WSLF leader
 Mana Haji, prominent peace activist.
 Elmi Abdulle Hussein, prominent peace activist
 Isse Sheikh Ismail, prominent peace activist
 Mohamed Amin Addow, Senior journalist
 Mohamed Fowsi, promising leader. Descendant of previous Chief General Abdi Aluuq also referred to Abdi Osman.
Religious and Traditional leaders

 Sheekh Abdurahman Mubarak, one of the most famous schollars in somalia
 Sheekh Xassan Yusuf, one of the famous Somali cleric, educated thousands scholars.
 Sheekh Macalin Shiikheey one of the famous Somali cleric, educated
 Sheik Mohammed Kulale, Islamic teacher and cleric
 Sheikana Shamsa Mohamed Fowsi , teaching Arabic (beginner)to the younger generation.
 Suldan Abdiwali Sh. Abdirahman Sul. Mubarak

Biimaal are the majorty clan of lower shabelle and lower juba, but there are some other tribes such as Digil in lower shabelle and shikhal, Galjecel and Darood in lower juba. Lower Shabele is bordered with Banaadir, Middle Shabele, Bay and Middle Juba and the Indian Ocean. this is the most populated region in somalia . Districts • Afgoi • Barawe • Janale • Kurtunwarey • Marka (Merca) • Qoriyoley • Sablale • Walaweyn • Lambar konton

Clans in Lower Shabebele

Biimaals tribes form about 55% of the population:

Dabruube (Garweyn and Garsis)
Digil clan about 40% Other clans form about 30% of the regions population: • Reer Marka • Reer Baraawe • Reer Shabelle •

Biimaal are the majorty clan of lower shabelle and lower juba, but there are some other tribes such as Digil in lower shabelle and shikhal, Galjecel and Darood in lower juba. Lower Shabele is bordered with Banaadir, Middle Shabele, Bay and Middle Juba and the Indian Ocean. this is the most populated region in somalia .

• Afgoi • Barawe • Janale • Kurtunwarey • Marka (Merca) • Qoriyoley • Sablale • Walaweyn • Lambar konton

Rahanwein (Digil & Mirifle) clans form about 40% of the population: • Geledi • Goobroon • Bagedi • Tunni • Jiiddo • Garre • Shantacaleemood (e.g Reer Daafeed, Barbaaro) • Dabarre • Boqolhore • Eelaay

Digniin: Beelah Direed ee Sh.Hoose iyo Jubboyinka

27 Aug, 2007

Waxaa Somalia ka socda isbadelo iyo dhaqdhaqaaqyo siyaasiya oo ka socda  Jubba iyo Shabeele gobollad ku yaala ee beelaha Direed ay wax ka dagan yihiin iyo beelo kale. Waxaa dhici karta oo loo hub uruursanayaa haddi Al Shabab ay ka baxdo aaga Shabeeloyinka iyo Jubooyinka in beelo dibada ka dagan ay isku diyaariyaan in ay aaga qabsadaan.

Shirar ay yeelanayeen Dowladaha ku hawlan arimmah soomaliya in ay walaac ka muujiyeen in ay jiran ilaa 8 ilaa 9 urur beelood oo raba in ay ku looltamaan aaga labada wabi. Itoobiya iyo Kenya laba xibnood ee u dagalamaya iyo beelo iyo ururo ay ka mid yihiin iskashigii mamulkii Dhooxoyinka Jubba, beelo galgaduud ka iman doon, ururka Ras kaambooni iyo Gandhi iyo gaashanbuuro cusub oo hore aan u jirin in ay ku looltami doonan Shabeeloyinka iyo Juboyinka.

Sida cadna beelaha Qoryooley, Awdheegle, Afgooye, Baraawe, Jamame, iyo Jilib dagan in sidii horey u dhaci jirtay la doonayo in dib loo qabsado looguna taliyo. Ugu yaraan 8-9 kooxood ayaa dhidoonta in ay ku dul looltamaan sidii midba kaligiis in uu u hanto deeganadaas oo xukun sandula ugu soo dajiyaan beelaha deeganaa leh cidey doonan ha noqdaane.!!!

Hadaba ninkii meesha daga waa dagan yahay somaalo dhan laakin ninkii dibada ka yimaadee doona xukun shisheeye in uu dibada uga keena oon ku dhisneen si sharciyeeysan bal ee ku dhisan qori caaradii iyo maqal ama dhimo sidee looga xakameysan karaa?

Gidi ururada U.Nka, Igad, Uruurka Africa, dowladaha dariska, iyo dowladah galbeedka mid walba walaac iyo cabsi ayuu ka muujiyay hadii dhaqaq Al shabaab baxo in dagaalo afarta beyna jaho lagu soo qaadayo aagas wabiyada. Xitaa shirar iyo wada tashiyo qarsoodi ah ayaa Kenya iyo meelo kale lagu qabtay si looga hor tago dagaalada Kismaayona mudo ayaa dib loo dhigay. Waa arin cabsi leh oo ay dhici karto sidii 1990 in beelah dhoobeyda iyo wabiyada laysku dul dilo oo iyagana ay baabaaan sidii Baydhabo iyo Kismaayo iyo meel walba gobalaadaa ka dhacday.

Waxaa xitaa ka badan kooxii hore kooxa hada oo ilaa 8 kooxood gaari doona. Qabiil kooxo udagalama, kooxo urur dimmeda, kooxo Itobiya wadato, kooxo kenya wadato, iyo Al shabaab oo intaba ka dhex dagaaalanta iyo Kenya iyo Itobiya iyo Ugaandan cidamada dowlada iyo Ahl sunna iyo qaarkaleba la is wada dhexboodo.

Beelaha meesha dagan ee la yaqaano Raxanwey, Darood, Dir , Hawiye, iyo Somali Bantu iyo Beelaha kale maxaa u talo ah? Dir Maxaa u talo ah? Maxaa wada tashi ah aad sameyseen dhexdiina iyo beelah kale? Maxaase idiin diyaarsan hadii meeshasi isla qaraxdo? Xamar gashaanbuuro laba gaaraya oo horey aagas aan looga arag ayaa shirar wata mexey damacsanyihiin ?  Maxaa talo ah ? Isna nidaamsha oo hadii shar iyo kheyrba suu Alle ha dhigo isagaa yaqaane bal taxadara oo tashta??

Dikri Video Sheikh Axmednuur Sheikh Yusuf Direed Ohio and Minneapolis

Alrahma Mosque
February 4, 2012

Sheikh Cabdulqadir Mucalim Adan
February 4, 2012
Alrahma Mosque Columbus, Ohio

diyaar garowga ixtifaalka mawlidka nabiga SCW 2012

Ee Madrasatul Nuuruliimaan, Minneapolis, MN

Siyaaradii Sh. Cabdalle & Cawareere MPLS MN 2aad