
Saturday, September 22, 2012


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Qamar was born on 19 September 1957 in a small village outside of Mogadishu, the capital city ofSomalia. She was the third of 11 children. She spent her childhood in Mogadishu, whereshe also went to school and graduated from college. Qamar subsequently moved abroad to East Germany to study political science, and later studied law in England. She eventually graduated as a lawyer and became a British citizen. In the mid-1990s, Qamar returned to her native Somalia, where she later joined the nation's Transitional Federal Government. From 2007 until her death, she served as the national Minister of Health.

WHO: Somali attack a blow to country’s health system.

Somalia’s Minister of Health, Dr. Qamar Aden Ali, was among those killed in Thursday’s terrorist attack in Mogadishu.

Dr. Qamar Aden Ali

The World Health Organization (WHO) called the attack a tragic blow to the nation’s medical fraternity. Marthe Everard, WHO’s representative for Somalia, told UN Radio that Dr. Qamar Aden Ali, a lawyer by profession, was a tireless advocate for health in Somalia: “She has focused on public health especially for Mogadishu. She was very much concerned about the situation in the Hospitals and the continuous problems they face of course as the emergency is a daily basis and people shot, people wounded so it’s all the time that she was very concerned that the supplies were there, that the doctors could do their job.” The attack occurred during a ceremony for medical students graduating from Banadir University, a teaching institution training Somalis to provide healthcare to their fellow citizens suffering from decades of humanitarian crisis. WHO, which has been supporting the training of medical students at the university, says the attack serves only to reinforce WHO’s commitment to alleviating the country’s health crisis and supporting those determined to improve health care.

,”Abdikadir Adan Xiito informs me crisply. He’s explaining his philosophy for teaching math to children,

A Minnesota-Somali Mentor, Mathematician And Moral Force

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There is no wire connecting my mind to yours,”Abdikadir Adan Xiito informs me crisply. He’s explaining his philosophy for teaching math to children, in between sessions correcting the workbooks of two dozen young students in an afternoon homework class at the tutoring school here that bears his name, the Xiito Academy.
The young Somali boys and girls bend over their desks solving sets of addition, multiplication and fraction problems. One might expect high-energy hubbub and hijinks in a late afternoon class for kids, after they’ve spent a full day in school. But no, the room is quiet, energized but serene.
The swish of turning notebook pages is the loudest sound in the room.
Every few minutes, a child completes a set of problems, jumps up and plops down in a chair next to Teacher Xiito (pronounced HEE-toe, the word is a nickname meaning “skinny” in Somali), nervously handing over a notebook for his corrections.
Elegant and slim, decked out in a woolen scarf, Xiito exudes an air of focused intensity. In the classroom, his focus is somehow placed equally on every child in the room. He speeds through each finished problem set that is brought to him with a ballpoint pen, drawing a quick slash through the correct answers, engaging the students to correct the flubs.
A Minnesota Miracle
“Very good,” he finally pronounces before writing down a fresh set of addition problems for a seven-year-old boy, the set customized to slightly expand the child’s skill level. Looking happy, as if he’s just been hugged, the boy grabs his corrected dog-eared workbook and darts back to his seat where he immediately regroups, refocuses, and keeps working.
“To teach them you need to directly connect to their minds,” Xiito says, completing his thought to me. “I say to them sit, first. Listen, second. Watch me, third. And then ask questions. That’s the wire that I use to connect to the kids’ minds: sit, listen, watch me and ask questions. It works.”
It has worked an astonishing Minnesota miracle of sorts for Teacher Xiito, who opened his tutoring academy, the Somali Education Center, in 2001 to help keep Somali children in the state from falling behind in school.
Since then he and a team of volunteer teachers have taught math, English, biology, environmental science and U.S. citizenship skills to more than 2,000 Somali boys and girls in the state.
A Moral Authority
Hundreds of Xiito’s young charges have gone on to finish high school and attend vocational schools and college. His school’s two branches, in Minneapolis and Burnsville, also run specialeducation events such as a Girl’s Math Contest held last summer.
Such successes, and Xiito’s charismatic teaching style, have frequently been featured on Somali TV and other media, and YouTube is replete with video homages to Xiito offered by grateful students and parents.
“He’s indispensable to the Somali community in Minnesota,” said Abdi Aynte, a reporter for the Al Jazeera broadcasting company, who was tutored by Xiito in college for a time. “For many students, it would be impossible to make it through high school and college without him.”
What makes Xiito stand out, Aynte said, is the depth of his sincerity and integrity.
“He wants to help the Somali community’s most vulnerable group, the young, who are at risk for both gangs and extremists,” Aynte said. “He’s a towering moral authority in our community.”
Road to Minnesota
Minnesota’s Somali community numbers in the tens of thousands and is the world’s largest diaspora community of Somalis. The stream of refugees to the state began in 1991, at the beginning of a civil war which continues to this day, has killed a half million people, and has forced more than two million to live as refugees inside and outside the country.
Xiito’s road to Minnesota was typical of many Somali refugees who now live in the state. When the civil war started in 1991, he was a recent graduate of Lafoole University near Mogadishu, just starting as a high school math teacher. He fled to the Otango refugee camp in neighboring Kenya, where he lived for six years before arriving in Minnesota in 1996.
He arrived in this state without a penny, knowing only scraps of English. He worked for a year as a janitor in the 2550 Court International Administration Building in St. Paul, before taking a double-shift job at the Minneapolis airport, checking in-flight catered meals. “I didn’t see the sun for two years,” he remembers. By 2000 he’d saved enough money to enroll at the Metropolitan Technical and Community College in Minneapolis.
Personal Crisis
But his savings ran out. He had to leave after only a semester, and it triggered a personal crisis for Xiito.
“I had three dreams for my life in the U.S.,” he says. “The first was to make a living. The second was to go to university. My third dream was to help people on this earth. I knew I had missed my chance at university. But we should extend ourselves and lend a hand to other human beings. I realized I could still achieve my third dream, and that’s why I started the school.”
One of his first volunteer teachers was Suleiman Amin Egeh, a Somali immigrant himself who signed on after marveling at Xiito’s generosity.
“He’s not only a teacher, he’s a creator and a developer,” Suleiman said. “I was amazed by the man. He started from zero. He saw the need and he began with his own time and money, with small donations from parents. I had never seen anything like it, and I decided to volunteer.”
By 2008, Xiito and his volunteers were tutoring more than 200 students a year, and Xiito was famous for his math teaching in particular.
The Quizmaster
YouTube’s Teacher Xiito section features videos in which students as young as six years old stand next to Xiito as he fires quiz questions at them: “Five times six? Eight times four? Three times nine? Square root of 36? Square root of 144? Twelve times ten? Eighteen times eighteen?”
Enjoying the game immensely, the little prodigies shout back answers in a flash, their faces beaming with pride: “30! 32! 27! 6! 12! 120! 324!
Fadumo Husein, who began sending her fourth grade son to see Xiito in December for math tutoring, says these dramatic videos are no marketing concoction, but rather reflect a common transformation among Xiito’s kids.
“My son couldn’t add two and seven before,” she says. “I was worried about him. Now, within three months, he’s good at math. He was scared at public school but now he has confidence, he believes in himself.”
Xiito teaches their children a lot more than math, parents say.
“He teaches how to focus and get serious,” said Farhio Kalif, a Somali TV show host, whose son is tutored at the Xiito Academy. “Those are important skills. When I took my son in, I was amazed to see that within minutes he wasn’t looking at me, he was just looking in his workbook.”
The Question
“It’s also good to have someplace to take the kids for two or three hours, where you know they are safe and learning useful things,” Kalif adds. “Xiito is good for the health of the parents, as well as their children.”
To keep the school going has required resilience at every step.
Along with many other Minnesota non-profits, the school lost much of its funding in 2009, a huge blow.
Some classes were dropped. But with added support from volunteer staffing and parent donations, the school, rechristened the Xiito Academy, has kept running seven days a week.
“We lost our funding, but I didn’t want to lose my dream,” Xiito said.
“I have only one passion and it’s education,” he says. “It’s a way of life. It’s the future of both the individual and the state. So
Ambasador Abdullahi Abdiaziz Hassan



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Tifaftiraha iyo shaqaalaha shabakadda Cammaaro waxay hambalyo iyo boogaadinba u dirayaan Prof. Cusmaan Yusuf Maxamed “Jirfe” oo marwalba u taagan dhiirrigelinta ardada madow guud ahaan, gaar ahaana kuwa Soomaalida in ay noqdaan kuwo ku dadaala waxbarashadooda. Dhiirrigelinta iyo waanada joogtada ah ee uu siiyo ardada ka sokow, waxaan brofesoorka ugu hambalyaynayna in uu noqdo ninkii Soomaaliyeed ee ugu horrayay ee buug uu wax kaqoray laga dhigo dhugsiyada sare ee Kanada. Buuggaas oo la yiraahado,“Echoes from the Past: World History to the 16th Century,” oo la daabacay 2001dii, wuxuu ku saabsanyahay taariikhda adduunka: bilowgii ilaa qarnigii 16naad. Buugga waxaa loodhiga ardada dugsiyada sare ka dhigta gobolka Ontaryo, gaar ahaan kuwa fasalka 11aad. Prof. Cusmaan wuxuu qoray qeybta taariikhda Afrika, oo marka laga reebo tariikhda Masar, aan hore looga dhigin dugsiyada sare ee gobolkan.
Prof. Cusmaan wuxuu kaloo wax ka qoray buug la yiraahdo, “Plundering Afirca’s Past,” oo soo baxay 1995. Buuggan wuxuu ku saabsanyahay dhaca iyo boobka loo gaysto qalabka iyo gobaha taariikhda leh ee qaaradda Afrika, waxaana laga dhiga Jaamicadaha lagu barto cilmiga ataarta qadiimka ah (archaeology). Prof. Cusmaan (iyo Dr. Steven Brandt, la-wadaage) waxay wada qoreen qeybta la yiraahdo, “Starting from Scratch : The Past, Present, and Future Management of Somali’s Cultural Heritage,” oo ku saabsan baahida Soomaaliya u qabto hab lagu dhaqo laguna ilaaliyo goobaha iyo qalabka taariikhda leh iyo dhaqanka Soomaaliga. Qoraalkan oo inta badan laga soo qaaday buugga qalinjebinta Dr. Cusmaan.
Mar labaad, Prof. Cusmaan waxaan ku leenahay, “HAMBALYO,” waxaana kuugu dhiirrigelinaynaa in aad halka ka sii wadid dadaalka. Waxaan akhristayaasha halkan ugu soo bandhigayna qoraal kooban oo ku saabsan taariikhda waxbarashada Prof. Cusmaan Jirfe

Prof. Cusmaan Jirfe wuxuu ku dhashay magaalada Jamaame ee gobolka Jubbada Hoose. Wuxuu waxbarashadiisa dugsiga qur’aanka kariimka ah iyo tan dugsiyada hoose/dhexe ku qaatay isla degmadaas, kadibna wuxuu waxbarashadiisa dugsiga sare, labada sano ee hore ku qaatay magaalada Kismaayo (Dugsiga Sare ee Ganaane), labada danbana magaalada Baydhabo (Dugsiga Sare ee 11ka Janaayo).
Shaqadii qaranka iyo tababarkii Xalane kadib, Prof. Cusmaan wuxuu ka mid noqday ardadii gashay Kulliyaddii Waxbarashada Lafoole ee Jaamicaddii Ummadda, halkaas oo uu ka qaatay shahaadadiisii u horraysay ee Jaamicadeed. Lafoole kadib, Prof. Cusmaan wuxuu 1980kii kamid noqday shaqaalihii lagu qoray Akadeemiyada Cilmiga Fanka iyo Suugaanta ee ka tirsaneyd Wasaaraddii Hiddaha iyo Tacliinta Sare. Markuu saddex sanadood ka shaqeeyay Akadeemiyada ayuu waxbarasho u aaday Jamicadda Joorjiya (University of Georgia) ee kutaal gobolka Joorjiya ee dalka Mareekanka, halkaas oo u ku sameeyay dhammaan heerka sare ee waxbarashadiisa isaga oo ku takhasusay cilimiga barashada taariikhda iyo dhaqanka adanaha (Anthropological Archaeology). Prof. Cusmaan wuxuu jaamicaddaasi ka qaatay shahaadada dhexe ee Jaamicadda (Mastrate Digree) sannadkii 1986dii iyo tan Doktoreydka ama Ph.D-da oo uu qaatay 1995.

Duriyada Dir waxaan wadda og nahay dhamaanteen in 30 odaydhaqmeed ee duriyada dir u qeybsaden . DORASHADA DOWLADA 2012 AGOOSTO

Xildhibanada Duriyada Dir iyo Sida La Filaya In Ay Noqdaan Bisha Agoosta 2012.

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Sida aan wada og nahay dhamaanteen in xakkuumada faderalka ee soomaliya in ay ku eg tahay bisha agoosta waxaana laga rajeenaya in ay soo xullaan ilaa 225 xildhibaan oo ay ku wadajiran dhamaan beelaha somaliyeed oo dhan .
Si kastaba ha ahaato marka waxaan sameeynay cilmi baaris ku saleesan qaabka ay wax u socdaan iyo xisaabta qursoon oo ay dad badani ogeen in kastoo beel walba ay gaar u tahay xasaab gooni u ah lakiin halkan waxaan soo bandhigi doona Xisaab siyaasadeed oo aad iyo aad u quseysa Duriyada Dir oo laga doonaya in ay yeeshan bisha agoosta 50 xildhibaan su.aashu waxey tahay Sidee bay u kala qeeyb sanayaan ?
Waxaa muhiim ah in marka horeba dib loo eeggo qaabka loo qeysadey oday dhaqmeeydayada ee Duriyada Dir waxaan wadda og nahay dhamaanteen in 30 odaydhaqmeed ee duriyada dir u qeybsaden .
Waxaa la yirri sidan u qeybsada dir waqooyi waxey qaaten 22 odaydhaqmeed waxaana ku dhufata 2 jawaabta kuu soo baxda waa xildhibanaada Mustaqabalka ee Bisha Agoosta
Halka dir koofured ay ka qaadatay 7 odaydhaqmeed lakiin Dir/koonfur waxaa ay ka duwan yahiin oo waxaa lagu dhufanaya 1 sidoo kale jawabta ku soo baxdo waa xildhibanada mustaqabalka ee Bisha Agoosta.
Tusaale Ahaan
Beeesha samaroon=waxey qaaten 4 odaydhaqmeed (4x2)=8
Beesha ciiise waxey qaaten 4 odaydhaqmeed ( 4x2)=8
Beesha Isaaq waxey qaaten 14 odaydhaqmeed (14x2)=28
Beesha Biimaal waxey qaaten 3 odaydhaqmeed (3x1)=3
Beesha Surre waxey qaaten 2 odaydhaqmeed (2x1)=2
Beesha Bajamaal waxey qaaten 1odaydhaqmeed (1x1)=1
Beesha madaxweyne Dir waxey qaaten 1 odaydhameed (1x1)-1
Tirada Guud Ahaan Ee Xildhibanada Waa 50 Ee Bisha Agoosta 2012

dabeentii ma dooneyno inan ku dheerano balse waxaa ku soo koobeyna dhoor suaaladood.
1_Sida ay duriyada dir wax u qeybsadeed maxey kula tahay arin sax miyaa ?
2_Markii sidan wax loo qeybineyey maxaa helay siyaasiinta surre xildhibanada odaydhaqmeedka eek u sugnaa madasha wax lagu xisaabinayey ?
3 Arinkan xal ma leeyahay ?
Aflagada way ka reeban tahay lakiin waxaa muqadas ah in aad cabirto misanka siyaasadeed iyo dareenka

Comments (9 posted):

dalmar xaaji cali on 22 May, 2012 02:25:12
asc marka bahda webka camaara salaan kadib hadii aan usii gudbo barnaamijka dir kuunfur ha ahaado biimaal ama surre waa la dhacay xilalkooda waxaana u sawab ah siyaasiintooda cidkale yeysan eedin CIISE oo aanba somalia meel ka joogin inta uu qaatay ayaan ka yaabanahay isagoo joogaa wadankiisa jabuuti ayaa waxaaba ka dad badan biimaal marka biimaal iyo surre iyaga waa in ay tashadaan danahooda wadankoodana ay xureestaan maanta waa dadka kaliya is ka war qabo dhalashadooda aysan muran ku jirin cadaawada aan meel loo raaco aan laheyna meel in ay iska dhigaan dirta ay la xisaabtamaan ayaan dhihi lahaa
cammaara on 22 May, 2012 07:15:20
Xasan Mircood_Asc dhamaan arkun waa mid Iga Yaabiyay waa maxay sida wax loo wadaagay oo yaa ka dabeeyay arinkun war hayaay .

@Bal Amurtan eega inta sida ay yahiin beelaha dir weligood guul ma garayan oo waxay hoos fadhin beelaha wayo dadku walalaha ahi way in ay isku tanasulaan qaasatan kuwa degga soomaliland way inay muujiyan xigmad intan ka balaaran
cabdalle on 22 May, 2012 09:33:51
asc anigu waxaan islahaa hadii ay beesha surre siyaan 10 inay yartahay sidaan lakiin waamid aan madaxa galikarin isaaq lagaray lakiin ciise iyo gadobiirsi dad ahaan nagama badna iyo degaan ahaan rabinaa yastur waa ceebwayn
C/RAXMAN on 22 May, 2012 06:12:18
waxan filayaa nin aamusay hooyadiina wey hilmaamtaa marka waan aragnay qolyaha dowlada inoogu jira iyo xaalkooda marka waxaan ku talinayaa siyaasiyiin iyo oday dhaqameedka beesha in ay muujiyaan sida wax u socdaan in aysan ku qanacsanayn oo aynaan sina ku aqbalikarin waayo hadaanan cabashadaada iyo hamigaaga dibada soo dhigin oo aadan kala cadayn wax kuu cuntamaya iyo waxa aan kuu cuntamaynin cidna kuu qaraabi mayso waligeena ashuun unbaan ku adimaynaa
Surre on 23 May, 2012 03:25:44
Saaxiib lax waliba shilalkey is dhigtaa lagu qalaa,nin tiisii meel marsaday waxba ha eedin ee adiga kuwa magacaaga wata ee quraacda iyo qadada kugu doorsada iska dhici.
Iidle on 23 May, 2012 08:54:54
Saaxiibayaal waxaan u malaynayaa in beeshu seexatay WWII
Maanta beelihii soomaaliyeed nin walbe beeshiisa ayuu wax u raadsanayaa si uu ugu soo dhiciyo marka nin walboow u xusulduub sidaad wax ku soo dhicin lahayd
cabdalle on 23 May, 2012 09:22:04
asc maanta somaliya qabiilka kaliya oo aan waxaba ka aheen waa dir hadii ay tahay xag siyaasedeed ama wax wada qabsi, presedent kama nahi , prime minister iyo speaker of the parliment midnaba mahaysano taas waxay kuu xaqii jinaysaa in ay beesha dir ay tahay dad aan dana hooda aqoon , hadii aan usoo laabto beesha surre anaga ayaa u liidana haydii ay noqoto dir taasi waxay na tusaysaa inaan nahay dad ka uliita somaliya maanta
faqi maxamed on 24 May, 2012 09:28:00
Ugu horeeyn wan salmayan dhamaan tan xigta 2 arimood waa muhiim iney ka tashadaan surre iyo bimaal waa tan ciise iyo isaaq tan ciise waa mida ugu muhimsan iyago somaliya aan degin kana tirsan dal kale jabuti la qeybsada mamulkasna wax kawada iney manta wax la qeybsadan dir waa qalad weyn tan 2aad isaaq inu asigo weli somalinimada ogoleyn iney tiro intaas le eg qataana waa wax lalayabo iyadana marka surre iyo bimaal waxan leyahay wa iney go an cad ka qataan arintaan iskuna dayan iney wax ka badalaan hadey kale weligood minority ayey ahanayan magacoodana dad kale aya wax ku cuni donaan
wiil_ cabaas Muuse on 25 May, 2012 09:13:44
ANiga wax fikir ahaaan qaba meesha inu ka dhacay dulmi aad ubalaran waxaas odhana wax nokenay raga kaqayb galay oo sure 2xubnood ka qatay waa arin loga xumaado waxna ku bararujin lahaa dhamaaan wax garadka beesha sure inay arintaaa ka kacaan aadna waa idin wada salamayaa