
Sunday, July 8, 2018

Shir Ay Waxgaradka iyo Haweenka Beesha Surre Ku Yeesheen Muqdisho -Posted Date: 20 Dec 2014

Shir Ay Waxgaradka iyo Haweenka Beesha Surre Ku Yeesheen Muqdisho Oo Baaq Xasaasi Ah Laga Soo Saa‏ray

Posted Date: 20 Dec 2014

Ka dib kulan balaaran oo ay iskuuga yimaadeen Dumarka, Aqoon yahanada Beesha Surre oo ka mid ah beelweynta direed ayaa waxaa lagu qabtay hodheelka Wardheer ee Magaalada Muqdisho.

Waxaa kulankaas ka qaybgaleen 5 xildhibaan oo Dumar ah oo ka soo jeeda Beelweynta Direed

waxayna kala ahaayeen:

1 Xildhibaanad Caasho Koos Maxamed Cumar

2 Xildhibaanad Duniyo Maxamed Cali

3 Xildhibaanad Faadumo Xassan Cali

4 Xildhibaanad Bishaarow Cabdi Diiriye Garabey

5 Xildhibaanad Zahro C/qaadir C/raxmaan

Waxaa madasha hadal kajeediyay 3 xildhibaan waa caasho koos,xildhibaanad duniyo maxamed cali, xildhibaanad faadumo xasan cali. Waxay balan qaadeen in ay la shaqeynayaan gabdhaha aqoon yahanada ah ee beesha sure dowlada federaalka soomaaliyana au ugudbiyanaan cabashada ay soo jeediyeen gabdhaha.

Intaas ka dib waxaa war saxaafadeedka ujeedadiisa aqrinaysa aqoonyahanad Safiyo Macalin Xasan

Mudanayaal iyo Marwooyin, Xildhibaanada Sharafta leh, iyo dhamaan gabdhaha sharafta badan ee naga aqbalay casuumada aan u fidinay maanta waxaan doonayaa inaan halkaan idin kaga soo gudbiyo ujeedada shirka aan u qabanay.

Walaalyaal sida aad ogtihiin beesha surre oo ka mid ah beel weyta direed waxa ay degtaa bartamaha iyo koonfurta soomaaliya sida gobolada hoos ku xusan:

  1. Gobolka Mudug: Toowfiiq,  Godob Jiiraan, Gal xagar, Jariiban, Dhinowda, Bacaad weyne, Baraag Ciise, Qeecad, Jiic Dheere, Labo Ceel, Qeydaro
  2. Gobolka Galguduud: Xeraale, huurshe, miirjiicleey, Mayeeran, Ari cadeys iyo hul ku jir
  3. Gobolka Hiiraan: Kabxanleey, Deefoow, Jeereey, Madiino iyo Buulo Banaan

degmada waa degmo aad u baaxad weyn waxaana hoos taga magaalooyin kale oo aad u badan sida Huurshe,Miirjiicleey,Lajiide,Dusmaaley, Aricadys,Mayeeraan,Bangeele iyo waliba Barkado Diirshe dadka dagan dagmada Xeraale waxaa lagu qiyaasay dad gaaraya 390,000 oo Qoys

Lajiide-dagmo ku taala gobolka Galgaduud -Reer Agoon, Surre (Dir)



Lajiide waa dagmo ku taalo gobolka Galgaduud ee bartamaha Somalia. Dadka deggan degmada Lajiide, waxay u badan yihin xoolo dhaqato. Lajiide waxaa si Gaar ah u daga beesha Reer Agoon, Surre (Dir) Siiba beesha Guuled Agoon Reer Xirsi Cabdi iyo beelah kale ee Agoon Saleeban Cabdalle.
Baraanbur Lajiide Bulshadeed loo tiriyay:
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Image result for lajiide
Image result for lajiide
Waxa Kaloo magaalada  Lajiide caan ku tahay Websitka Akhbaarta ee loo yaqaano
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Xeraale waa degmo ku taalo gobolka Galgaduud ee bartamaha Somalia. Degmada waa degmo aad u baaxad weyn waxaana hoos taga magaalooyin kale:
Barkado Diirshe
Dadka dagan dagmada Xeraale waxaa lagu qiyaasay dad gaaraya 390,000 oo qoys waana inta badan dad Surre Dir ah. Deegaanadaads waxa ku nool badanaa Surre ( Beelaha Cabdalle iyo beel weynta Qubeys oo iyaguna soo gaadha aagaas)
Xeraale waxaa si gaar ah u dagan beelaha Surre oo ay ka mid yihiin Fiqi Maxamed, Laxmar, Reer Agoon, iyo Nacadoor oo ah Surre Cabdalle iyo Beesha Surre Qubeys.
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Image result for lajiide
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Deefow iyo Kabxanley -Ethnic Cleansing of Surre Dir in Hiiraan Monitoring Group Report -Hay’ada Monitoring Group’ka ayaa qoraalka sandeedkooda ku soo qaatay xasuuqa, dagalada iyo dhibaatada lagu hayey beelaha Surre ee ku dhaqan gobolka Hiiraan ( Kabxanley iyo Deefow).

Deefow iyo kabxanleey dhul barwaaqo

Beesha Surre iyo Dir ha ogaadaan hana bartaan dhibaatooyinka hana u gurmadaan Dir meel walboo laysku dayo in lagu dulmo Zailac ilaa Ras Kambooni ilaa Itoobiya ilaa Jabuti Dir hayska war hayso. Hana iska caabiyaan mujrumiinta iyo daaliminta Somalia  soo gubey.

Cidwalboo soo weerartay dib ayay iskaga celiyeen Surre  deegankoodina Si sharaf leh ayay ugu soo labteen.

 Guul Surre !
Hay’ada Monitoring Group’ka ayaa qoraalka sandeedkooda ku soo qaatay xasuuqa, dagalada iyo dhibaatada lagu hayey beelaha Surre ee ku dhaqan gobolka Hiiraan ( Kabxanley iyo Deefow).
Sida Warbixinta ay qortey waaey hay’du sheegatay in la maxkamadeeyo dadkii ka danbeeyay dhibtatda loo geestey beesha degta Kabxanlely iyo Deefow ee beelaha Fiqi Muxummed iyo Fiqi Cumar ee ka tirsan Surre Dir.
Dowlada Somaalia iyo Maamulka Gobalka Hiiraan aye kooxda Dabagalka eeda dusha u sareen.  Waxa Hay’ada Monitoring Group cadeeysay in loo adeegasaday shacabka hubkii Dowlada Somaalia ee qaranka, Ciidamo iyo hub iyo Saanadii dowlada Somalia lana barakiciyay dad Dir ah oo gaaraya 12,000 oo ruux.
Cidamadii soo weeraray dadkana waxa ay adeegasanayeen Cidamadii iyo hubkii dowlada Somalia oo degmooyinkaasi lagu gubey beero, shicibkii ku noola la layay, kufisi iyo barkicin kor hu daaftay 12,000 oo ruuxna laga saaray gobolkaas.


Annex 6.3.a: Commission of violations of international law involving the targeting of civilians in the villages of Kabxanley and Defow, Hiran, December 2013 – 2015

Between 2013 and late 2104 a series of large scale attacks on Surre (Dir) farming villages of Kabxanley and Defow in Hiran on the banks of the river Shabelle resulted in killing and maiming of civilians, the commission of sexual and gender based violence and forced displacement.[454] The attacks were carried out by Hawadle (Hawiye) clan militia augmented and constituted by personnel of the Somali National Army (SNA) and Somali Police Force (SPF), and supported politically and financially by regional and national government leaders and powerful members of the Hawadle clan.[455]

After the first attack on Kabxanely in December 2013 a Government enquiry found that the fighting had caused huge losses in terms of death, injuries and the burning and destruction of the whole village.[456] Among the comprehensive recommendations of the delegation was that the “government” would “take the responsibility [to pay] for the damages caused by the fighting such as burned down houses and water pumps”. The agreement was never implemented. In the wake of the attack a series of small clashes between respective militia continued with violence against civilians committed by both sides.

On 15 July 2014, a second major attack by forces allied with the Hawadle began in the village of Defow, another Surre village where many civilians displaced from Kabxanley had taken refuge. Once again the village was destroyed and the population fled. Almost the entire Surre civilian population in Kabxanley and Defow, estimated at over 12,000 people, were displaced including across the border into Ethiopia. Eventually the Surre community regrouped and with support of fighters and equipment from Surre clans in other parts of the country, and others, led a series of counter attacks. The force ousted the Hawadle militia from primary control of Kabxanley and Defow in a series of fierce battles between January and March 2015.

The Surre community have described the attacks on their villages as constituting a “calculated plan spearheaded by the regional administration to takeover some of the best commercial farmlands in Hiiraan and distribute among the Hawadle clan which dominates the political affairs”.[457] The Hawadle community, on the other hand, contend that the Surre had only recently arrived in the area and had no entitlement to the land and its benefits.[458] Previous to the attacks large numbers of Hawadle from other parts of Hiran were invited and supported to settle in areas close to the two villages, induced by the promise of land. These settlements, referred to as “villages created by force” or ‘tuulo soog’ by the Surre community, constituted militia encampments and rear bases for the attacks.

In all of these circumstances, the phrase “ethnic cleansing” has been used to describe the violence against, and displacement of, the Surre community.[459] The complete impunity of the military and political leaders who funded and planned and perpetrated the attacks on Kabxanely and Defow not only created a human rights and humanitarian crisis, it has also permitted an escalation in the intensity of the violence and the range of actors involved in the conflict. External support to the Surre became inevitable. At the time of writing the two sides are in military stalemate, peace talks are stalled, and the majority of the civilian population of Kabxanley and Defow are still in exile. Meanwhile a state formation process is ostensibly underway for Hiran and Middle Shabelle.

Due to the ongoing fragility of the context, with almost weekly engagements between the parties, a full and detailed account of the attacks, the violations committed, the humanitarian impact and a discussion of allegations relating to those militarily, financially and politically responsible, is set out in strictly confidential annex 6.3.b.

Annex 6.3.b: Commission of violations of international law involving the targeting of civilians in the villages of Kabxanley and Defow, Hiran, December 2013 – 2015

* The annex has not been reproduced in the present document because it is strictly confidential.

[454] The residents of Kabxanley are primarily the Surre/Fiqi Omar and those of Defow the Surre/Fiqi Mohamed. The Surre is a Dir clan, with two branches, Abdalle and Qebeys, found in Mudug, Hiran, Gedo and the Jubbas.
[455] Some small scale support for the attacks was also initially provided by members of the Makane community, also inhabitants of the Shabelle river area, and in some respects, rivals with the Surre farming communities. It was alleged that humanitarian inputs were used to induce and secure their cooperation.

[456] Copy on file with the Monitoring Group. Quotations in English from the resolution are informal translations by an interlocutor of the Monitoring Group.
[457] Written submission on behalf of the Surre community, June 2015; this statement is also reflective of the views expressed by many of those interviewed.
[458] The Surre claim that they have been connected to Kabxanley and Defow for at least 500 years.

[440] Articles 8(2)(c) and (e) of the ICC Statute describe war crimes in non-international armed conflicts. The essence of crimes against humanity is an attack (whether armed or unarmed) directed against a civilian population. Crimes against humanity comprise various “underlying acts” – such as murder, extermination, deportation or forcible transfer of population, persecution, rape and other inhumane acts – which are “committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against any civilian population”. See ICC Statute, art. 7(1). Persecution as a crime against humanity is constituted by “the intentional and severe deprivation of fundamental rights contrary to international law by reason of the identity of the group or collectivity” committed in the context of an “widespread and systematic attack” on the civilian population. (Art. 7(2)(g) Statute).
[441] Ethnic cleansing is “a purposeful policy designed by one ethnic or religious group to remove by violent and terror-inspiring means the civilian population of another ethnic or religious group from certain geographic areas”. See Part III, B Final Report of the Commission of Experts Established Pursuant to UN Security Council Resolution 780 (1992), 27 May 1994 (S/1994/674).  Although ethnic cleansing is not a crime as such, acts carried out in furtherance of a policy of ethnic cleansing may, in certain circumstances, constitute crimes defined in articles 6 to 8 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.

Clan militias fought in the town of Deefow, Hiraan region on March 21. At least twelve people have been killed in this latest clash. The Hawadle and Surre clans had agreed to a peace deal earlier in the year after previous bouts of fighting. [8]

Deadly Clan violence leaves over 10 dead in Somalia
March 21, 2015 - By: Abdirahman.

At least 12 people have been killed in a deadly clan-related violence in Central Somalia on Saturday, residents and witnesses confirm.

The battle between militias from Hawadle and Surre tribes broke out in Deefow district which is close to Beledweyn district in Central Somalia in the early morning hours of Saturday.

Residents and other sources have told Horseed Media that at least 12 people died during the fighting, including militias from both clans and dozens injured.

Local administrations have been criticized for not intervening the battle between the clans, yet some locals have accused government officials of fuelling the clash.

In a recent rare visit to the region by Presidents of Somalia and Djibouti, elders from both clans pledged to put an end to the violence.

The clash between the two rival clans had started last year following a land dispute, while the local elders been able to mediate between the groups, a lasting ceasefire has never been achieved.

Other sources claim that the violence is about elective politics, with each clan wanting a dominant role.
Horseed Media

[8] “Deadly Clan violence leaves over 10 dead in Somalia,” Horseed Media, March 21. Available:
Monitoring Group the Destruction and attacks on Surre Dir