
Saturday, July 14, 2018

Abtirsinyada beesha Jiido- The Total Somali Clan Geneology 2nd Edition J. Abbink ASC 2009 The Jiido Languege

Waxa Jira beelah Reer Jiidu ee Dagan inta u dhexeys Harar iyo Dira Dhabe siiba aaga Ere Maanyo oo ay Oromadu dhahdo waa Wara Jiidu. Sidoo kale Nageele markaad ka baxdo ood tagto Caro Booran waxa jira beesha Wara Jiidu oo ay dadku qaar dhahaan waa madaxweyne !

 Reer Jiido ee Dagan Itoobiya waxa ay Madaxweyn Dirku ku sheegaan Reer Sifir iyo Reer Wajis.

Dhanka kale beesha weyn ee Booron waxa ay leeyihiin beel Samaale la yiraahdo Booran oo dhana wexey u kala baxaa laba beelood oo kala ah "Liibaan iyo Dire" waan labada qeybood ee boorunto u kala qeybiso Dalkeed iyo Dadkooda waa Liibaan iyo Dire. Saan oganahay Dir badan ayaa Booronta ku dhex luntay oo ay ka mid yihiin Quranyow Maxamed iyo qaar kale oo ay Wara Jiidu ka mid tahay ayaa ku jira Booranta. Booranta waxa dhex Dagan dad ay ka mid yihiin beelaha Gabra iyo Saakuyu. Beesha Gabra wexey leedahay beel la dhoho Odale iyo Reelah Randiile oo iyaguna leh "Wardiiq" iyo Uurweyne.

Dhanka kale Qoryooley, Dhiinsoor, Buurhakaba iyo Jilib waxa Dagan beelah Jiido oo marna Xisaabsan Raxanweyn marna ama qaarna ay xiriir la leeyihiin beelaha Madaxweyn Dir oo ay og yihiin in ay leeyihii Jilib Reer Jiido la yiraahdo oo Dagan Harar ilaa Dir dhabe u dhexeysa.

Odeyga Jiidu Ali Madaxweyn wuxuu dhalay:

1) Afarta Hafow

Oo kala ah: Gadinale, Gowsitta, Gulle, Seyye

2) Farre

3) Gogo

Oo dhalay: Wacayse, Qorowa', Odleh, Mahammad, Maddow, Masulle, Surrow, Yokor
The Total Somali Clan Geneology 2nd Edition J. Abbink ASC 2009
JIIDDU (JIDDU, AF-JIIDDU) [JII] 20,000 to 60,000 (1992). Lower Shabeelle Bay and Middle Jubba regions, Qoryooley, Dhiinsoor, Jilib, and Buurhakaba districts. Afro-Asiatic, Cushitic, East, Somali. A distinct language from Somali and Tunni, usually grouped under the Digil dialects or languages. Different sentence structure and phonology from Somali. Closer to Somali than to Baiso. Spoken by the Jiiddu clan. Ethnic Jiiddu in Bale Province, Ethiopia speak Oromo as mother tongue.
Jiiddu (also known as Jiddu or Af-Jiiddu) is an Afro-Asiatic language spoken by the Jiiddu sub-clan of the Rahanweyn, a Somali clan inhabiting southern Somalia. It is part of the family's Cushitic branch, and has an estimated 50,000 speakers mainly residing in the Lower Shabeelle, Bay and Middle Jubba regions and the sultan of jiddo is called warsame alio [3].

Typically classified as part of the Digil group of languages, Jiiddu has a different phonology and sentence structure from Somali. However, it more closely resembles Somali than Baiso. It also possibly shares Commonalities with the Hadiyya, Gedeo, Alaba-Kabeena, Konso and Kambaata languages spoken in southern Ethiopia.[4]

[jii] Shabeellaha Hoose region: west of Moqdisho. 20,000 (1998 J. Leclerc). Status: 6a (Vigorous). Alternate Names: Af-Jiiddu, Jiddu. Dialects: Distinct from Somali [som] and Tunni [tqq], usually grouped under Digil dialects or languages. Different sentence structure and phonology from Somali. More similar to Somali than to Baiso [bsw]. Reportedly some similarities to Konsoid languages and to Gedeo [drs], Alaba-Kabeena [alw], Hadiyya [hdy], and Kambaata [ktb]. Classification: Afro-Asiatic, Cushitic, East, Somali. Comments: Muslim.
More Information
  • Jiido Language found in as far as -Baiso (also Alkali, Bayso) is an Afro-Asiatic language spoken in Ethiopia, in the region around Lake Abaya.[1] 5,500 (2007 census)
  • However, there are two distinct communities indigenous to Gidiccho island speaking different languages: the Bayso-Bayso is the name of a village on the southern tip of Gidiccho island and the name used by the entire community to refer to themselves as an ethnic group, as well as to their language
  • Heine in 1978 classified Bayso (Af-Jiidu)  as the Northern branch of Omo-Tana (The Sam languages)
  • Primary lineages in Ethiopia are  sifir and Wajis

The rival Sa'ad Yoonis and Ba'iido clans in the disputed Sanaag region reached an agreement on harsh new rules

Somali clans secure peace with death sentences and hefty fines

By Will Ross BBC Newsroom, Africa Editor

  • 18 March 2018

Two rival Somali clans have signed up to a groundbreaking peace deal which aims to end the cycle of revenge killings.
Following three weeks of mediation, the rival Sa'ad Yoonis and Ba'iido clans in the disputed Sanaag region reached an agreement on harsh new rules.
Now, anyone found guilty of carrying out a revenge killing or vendetta will face a death sentence.
The family of the perpetrator will also have to pay a $100,000 (£72,000) fine.
There has long been tension between many Somali clans due to rivalry and competition over resources such as grazing land for livestock or access to water.
But vendettas going back generations have added to the violence and the cycle of revenge has been extremely hard to break.
Ahmed Bahir Mahmood, an MP, said they hoped the new strict measures would work.
"The punishments that have been agreed are more severe than before. Now we have decided the person must be killed - life for a life - and his family must hand him in," he told the BBC.
"If someone comes to a communal area like a bore hole or a grazing area with a gun then the army or the police should confiscate the gun. If he refuses to hand over the weapon they should shoot him straight away in the head."
Reports from the Sanaag region, which is claimed by both the self-declared republic of Somaliland and by Somalia's autonomous state of Puntland say that last year 23 people were killed and 65 were injured during one incident involving the two clans.
Earlier this year in response to that attack, 15 people were killed and 39 others were injured.
The previous feuds have now been settled with blood money, and more has been paid for funerals.
But now the rules have changed with the new punishments.
Officials from Somaliland mediated the discussions, and under the agreement any perpetrators are to be handed over to the authorities in the capital, Hargeisa.
Other death sentences have been commuted to lengthy prison sentences.
In Somali society, if someone commits a murder and manages to escape, his clan is held responsible. As a result, many innocent people can easily become the victims of these vendettas simply because they happen to belong to a certain clan.
For that reason, many Somalis are likely to support strict punishments to end the cycle of violence - if the rules could be replicated by other Somali clans in the region.

The Hawrarsame " a low-status subclan of the larger Marehan clan" Current Situation with other Clans the socalled Bon Marehan


Sources identify the Hawrarsame [also spelled Horarsame, Hawarsame] as part of the minority groups (US 19 Apr. 2013, 43; MRG 16 July 2009, 109; Education International 18 June 2007; Somalia-CEWERU Sept. 2013, 17) in addition to being, according to some of these sources, part of the low-caste clans within Somalia (ibid.; Education International 18 June 2007). In correspondence with the Research Directorate, an anthropologist who is a senior researcher at the African Studies Centre of Leiden in the Netherlands, as well as a professor of African ethnic studies at VU University Amsterdam and who has published research on the genealogy of Somalian clans, stated that the Hawrarsame "are a low-status subclan of the larger Marehan clan" (Anthropologist 26 Jan. 2014). In correspondence with the Research Directorate, a political analyst with a specialized focus on Somalia, who is also the director of a research consulting company that provides analysis of complex political situations, including in Somalia, similarly said that the Hawrarsame are "a small or minority sub-clan within the Marehan clan family" (Political Analyst 29 Jan. 2014). Sources report the Marehan clan is a sub-clan of the Saade [also Sade] clan, within the Darood [also Darod] clan (Anthropologist 26 Jan. 2014; Somalia-CEWERU Sept. 2013, 15).

The anthropologist added that the Hawrarsame are composed of three "sub-subclans": Yusuf (or Reer Libow), Aadan Saleban, and Mahamud Saleban (Anthropologist 26 Jan. 2014). Corroborating information could not be found among the sources consulted by the Research Directorate within the time constraints of this Response.

2. Location

The Political Analyst stated that "[t]he Marehan are today mainly located in Gedo [also spelled Geddo] region and Abudwak district of Galgadud region" (Political Analyst 29 Jan. 2014). He added that "Marehan are also found in Ethiopia," but stated that he was unsure to what extent the Hawrarsame in particular are found in Abudwak and Ethiopia (ibid.). The anthropologist similarly stated that the Hawrarsame "live mainly in the Gedo and Jubba areas," and added that they also live partly "across the border in Southeast Ethiopia" (26 Jan. 2014).

According to the Political Analyst, the main locations where Hawrarsame live in Gedo region are "in Belet Hawo and Luugh [also spelled Luuq] districts and to a lesser extent in Dolo and El Wak" (29 Jan 2014). The anthropologist mentioned that, notably, Hawrarsame live "in and around Bulo Hawo [also spelled Beled Hawo, Belet Xaawo, Belet Hawa] town" [which is part of the Belet Hawo district] (26 Jan. 2014). The Political Analyst added that "naturally one may find small family groups of Hawrarsame elsewhere in Somalia and among the diaspora abroad" (29 Jan. 2014).

3. Relations with Other Clans

According to the Political Analyst, the Hawrarsame "will most likely be regarded as Marehan by other clan family groups;" he also said that the Marehan are seen "as the dominant clan" within the Gedo region (Political Analyst 29 Jan 2014). However, he added that the Hawrarsame appear to be "'isolated' or 'stigmatised' by the other Marehan sub-clans," noting that the Hawrarsame are, reportedly,

not allowed to intermarry with other Marehan sub-clans - a punishment imposed on the Hawrarsame [...] for a historical incident [that took place a] long time ago (possibly more than a hundred years ago) in which the Hawrarsame were seen as committing treason to the Marehan. (ibid.)

The anthropologist explained that, reportedly,

[t]he Hawrarsame were of "good descent," but in fact were disowned and acquired a "despised" status within the Marehan due to a historical event in the 14th century: a Hawrarsame man [...] killed the prestigious Darood leader (the "boqor") Mahamed Da'ud, and remarkably, the whole sub-clan of Hawrarsame was blamed. The Hawrarsame were then forced to pay "blood compensation" (in camels) for a long time, and [were] "cast out" of their previous noble status. The Marehan thus continued to reject them as part of the "noble," real Marehan-Darood. (26 Jan. 2014)

The US Department of State's Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2007 also notes that in Somalia, "[t]raditional judgments [have] sometimes held entire opposing clans or sub clans responsible for alleged violations by individuals" (US 11 Mar. 2008).

The Somalia Conflict Early Warning Early Response Unit (Somalia-CEWERU), a national network of government and non-government stakeholders which shares information on potentially violent conflicts (CEWARN n.d.), produced a conflict mapping report in September 2013, funded by the governments of Norway and Switzerland (Somalia CEWERU Sept. 2013, 4), which indicates that the history of conflict in northern Gedo region has involved "major inter-Marehan clan conflict," including the Hawrarsame (ibid., 16).

4. Current Situation

According to the Country Reports 2007, in August of that year, "Horarsame Marehan subclan elders apprehended and handed over one of their kin for execution to the elders of the Rer-Ahmed Marehan subclan for allegedly killing a Rer-Ahmed Marehan subclan member" (11 Mar. 2008). Further details or corroborating information could not be found among the sources consulted by the Research Directorate.

Regarding the current situation of the clan, the anthropologist stated that "[t]he Hawrarsame have been in a fairly vulnerable position as a more or less inferior subclan, because they could no longer count on assistance from other Marehan subclans in times of duress" (Anthropologist 26 Jan. 2014). He expressed the view that it "looks likely" that "this has extended into the present times of civil war and violence" (ibid.). According to Somalia-CEWERU, there are many conflicts in Gedo Region "caused by segregation and marginalization, and driven by inferiority-superiority complexes" and the targets of this "marginalization" include "non-Marehan subclans as well as the Hawrarsame and Fiqi Yaqub," both Marehan sub-clans that are "considered to be lower-caste groups" (Sept. 2013, 17).

The anthropologist stated that it is probable that "many [Hawrarsame] now live in areas still controlled by the radical Islamist group Harekat al Shabaab" also noting that some Hawrarsame "may also have become members of this movement, because it offered protection, some salary and a weapon" (Anthropologist 26 Jan. 2014). Corroborating information about Hawrarsame joining al-Shabaab could not be found among the sources consulted by the Research Directorate within the time constraints of this Response.

Sources indicate that the town of Bulo Hawo is in an area where the Hawrarsame live (Anthropologist 26 Jan. 2014; Somali-CEWERU Sept. 2013, 22). Bulo Hawo is located near Somalia's border with Kenya, and has been a centre of fighting between pro-government forces and al Shabaab militants (The New York Times 6 Mar. 2011; UN 1 Mar. 2011; BBC 18 Oct. 2010). The New York Times reports that the town "has changed hands several times" (The New York Times 6 Mar. 2011). According to sources, fighting in March 2011 resulted in the displacement of "thousands" of people (ibid.; UN 1 Mar. 2011).

In September 2013, Somalia-CEWERU described Belet Hawa district as a "regional flash point" which has been the subject of "endless intra-clan conflict between Marehan sub-clans" since the collapse of the Somali state in 1991 (Sept. 2013, 16, 22). Somalia-CEWERU reports that the sources of the intra-clan conflicts have been over resources (wells, markets, checkpoints, food distribution centres), public land, access to the local administration, and external interference by neighbouring states (ibid., 22). The September 2013 report indicates that there are several "active" conflicts that have been "intermittent" since 1991 in Belet Hawa, Luugh, and Dolo districts of Gedo, between Hawrarsame and other Marehan clans such as Rer Ahmed and Ali Dhere (ibid., 23). The report also indicates that in Tosiley, a town in Dolo, a "seasonal conflict" has been ongoing between Hawrarsame and Rer Ahmed regarding farm land, and that despite community arbitration, "peace has been stalled by the delayed payment of diya (blood money)" (ibid., 22). Further details and corroborating information on these intra-Marehan conflicts could not be found among the sources consulted by the Research Directorate within the time constraints of this Response.

This Response was prepared after researching publicly accessible information currently available to the Research Directorate within time constraints. This Response is not, and does not purport to be, conclusive as to the merit of any particular claim for refugee protection. Please find below the list of sources consulted in researching this Information Request.


Anthropologist. 26 January 2014. Correspondence with the Research Directorate.

British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). 18 October 2010. "Somali Government Seizes Bulo Hawo Town from al-Shabab." [Accessed 28 Jan. 2014]

Conflict Early Warning and Response Mechanism (CEWARN). N.d. "About CEWARN." [Accessed 28 Jan. 2014]

Education International. 18 June 2007. "Barometer of Human & Trade Union Rights in Education: Somalia." [Accessed 30 Jan. 2014]

Minority Rights Group International (MRG). 16 July 2009. "Africa." State of the World's Minorities and Indigenous Peoples 2009. [Accessed 28 Jan. 2014]

The New York Times. 6 March 2011. Mohammed Ibrahim. "Somali Forces Take Border Town from Rebels." [Accessed 28 Jan. 2014]

Political Analyst. 29 January 2014. Correspondence with the Research Directorate.

Somalia Conflict Early Warning Early Response Unit (CEWERU). September 2013. From the Bottom Up: Southern Regions - Perspectives Through Conflict Analysis and Key Political Actors' Mapping of Gedo, Middle Juba, Lower Juba, and Lower Shabelle. [Accessed 28 Jan. 2014]

United Nations (UN). 1 March 2011. Integrated Regional Information Network (IRIN). "Kenya-Somalia: Thousands Displaced in Offensive Against Militants." [Accessed 28 Jan. 2014]

United States (US). 19 April 2013. "Somalia." Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2012. [Accessed 28 Jan. 2014]

_____. 11 March 2008. "Somalia." Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2007. [Accessed 28 Jan. 2014]

Additional Sources Consulted

Publications: Clan Structure in Somalia; Government and Clan System in Somalia: Report from Fact Finding Mission to Nairobi, Kenya, and Mogadishu, Hargeisa and Boosaaso in Somalia in June 2012; Report on Minority Groups in Somalia - Joint British, Danish and Dutch Fact-finding Mission to Nairobi, Kenya 17 - 24 September 2000; The Total Somali Clan Genealogy (second edition).

Oral sources: Attempts to contact a professor of anthropology at the Max Plank Insititute of Social Studies, an independent researcher focused on Somalia, and a knowledge manager at the NATO Civil-Military Fusion Centre were unsuccessful within the time constraints of this Response.

Internet sites, including: AllAfrica; Afronline;; Factiva; Hiiran Online; Jeune Afrique; Somalia News; UK - Home Office; UN - Refworld.

Copyright notice: This document is published with the permission of the copyright holder and producer Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB). The original version of this document may be found on the offical website of the IRB at Documents earlier than 2003 may be found only on Refworld.

The Cabdalle Surre and their territories in Mudug,Galgaduud, Bari and Sanaag

Surre in Bari and Mudug

In the Bari and Mudug regions of Somalia and all the way to Hiiraan region is another cluster of Dir clans known as the Surre Qubeys or Abdallas. The Surre have been associated with spreading the Islamic faith in Somalia and the Qadiriya Sufi tariiqa in southern Somalia. They left the Lafaruug area of Awdal where their founder was killed during the clashes with the Ethiopians and they were the defeated. That last defeat forced the Biamal to flee to the Lower Shabeele region while the Qubeys and Abdalles fled to Mudug and Bari.

The Surre sub-clan is mainly local to Puntland state districts such as Mudug (Galkaiyo, Jariiban, and Hobyo) in particular Towfiq, El danane (Ceel dhanaane) and Awle (Cowle) of the Golol Valley which is dominated by the Saleban Abdalle segments Agoon, Daba(dabac), Siad, food'ade muuse Gorod Abdalle and Na'door(nacdoor Abdalle; Nugal (Eyl); Bari (Qardo, Bosaso, Qandala, Alulo)(siyaad); and Sanaag (Laasqoray), the Laasqoray Surre clan called locally Reer Cabaas or curdudub and live side by side with Warsangeli. In Galgudug, the Surre sub-clan of Cabdalle occupies territory extending 180 km from approx 20 km of Abudwaq to Balanballe parallel to the Ethio-Somalia boundary. The centre of the Surre in Galgadud in the district of Xeraale which is located between Dhusamared and Abudwaq (The heartland of the Dariqa sects Ahlu-Sunna Wal Jameeca). Southward, the Surre is also an integral part of the Hiiran region communities. The base of the Surre is the commercial and farmland villages of Alaabay, Kabhanley and Defow. Perhaps the most important region for the Surre remains Luq district of Gedo. The border town of Boholgaras to the limits of the Jubba River banks of Luq is dominated by Surre/Dir sub-clan of mainly Fiqi-Muhumed sub sub-clan. In the Jubba regions, Jamame is an important homeland of the Surre accompying their Biamal brothers who are vastly dominant in that area. The farmland town of Bender-Jadid is solely domiciled by the Surre.

The majority of western scholars (both Italian and British) simply referred to the Surre as the "Dir of central Somalia" without differentiating them, but recent studies in Somalia revealed that the majority of the Dir in Hiiran, Gedo, Jubba and Bakool are divided into two branches, the Qubeyes and Abdalles, both descendants of Surre.

The Surre are allocated five MPs among the Transitional Federal Parliament namely: Mahad Abdalla Awad, Jeylani Ali Kediye, Nasra Abdisalam Alim, Sh. Mohamed Sh. Yusuf Direed, and Qamar Adan Ali.

How the Surre and Bimaal Southern Somali National Movement (SSNM) took Control of Merca and lost to SNA Sept 1994 and Occupation of Merca The Bimaal Lands

Several sources reported that the Habr Gidir clan under the control of General Aideed's Somali National Alliance (SNA) seized control of Merca in April 1994 (Xinhua 3 May 1994; Human Rights Watch/Africa Apr. 1995, 39; Gilkes Sept. 1994, 148; AFP 14 Apr. 1994; Africa Confidential 17 June 1994, 7). AFP reported that the Southern Somali National Movement (SSNM) had controlled the Indian Ocean port city and had been allied with Aideed's SNA until the two organizations had a falling out (ibid.).

According to Gilkes, the SSNM represented various Dir subclans but divided into pro-Aideed and anti-Aideed factions in 1993 (Sept. 1994, 147). Merca is within the territory of the Biyamaal/Xiniftire/Dir clan, which is home to Colonel Abdi Warsame, the SSNM leader who broke with Aideed's SNA (ibid.). Warsame then aligned himself with the Somali Salvation Alliance (SSA) of Ali Mahdi, Aideed's rival in Mogadishu (ibid.). The pro-Aideed faction of the SSNM, led by Abdi Aziz Sheikh Yusuf, also retained the SSNM name, and largely represents the Surre/Mehe/Dir clan which mostly originates northeast of Mogadishu in the Mudug region (ibid.).

Gilkes states the SNA forces that took Merca were nearly all from the Saad subclan of the Habr Gidir and were "likely to be seen as an occupying force by the Biyamaal/Dir, even though they were fighting on behalf of the SSNM/SNA" (ibid.). Human Rights Watch/Africa reported that most of the indigenous population of Merca, the Biyaamal, fled the city following the arrival of the Habr Gedir (Apr. 1995, 39).

More recently in 1996, Aideed's forces in Merca have fought several battles with Osman Hassan Ali "Atto's" another Habr Gedir faction within the Hawiye-based United Somali Congress (USC) of the SNA (IPS 24 Apr. 1996; AFP 26 Mar. 1996; ibid. 22 Mar. 1996; ibid. 20 Mar. 1996; ibid. 19 Mar. 1996). According to a August 1996 USAID report, Aideed's forces regained control of Merca in early May following more clashes with fighters from Atto's faction (19 Aug. 1996, 3).

Information on whether the SNA recruited people from the Reer Hamar to their militia in 1995 could not be found among the sources consulted by the DIRB. However, for general information on forcible recruitment in Somalia, please consult Response to Information Request SOM21584.E of 18 August 1995, which is available at Regional Documentation Centres.

Africa Confidential [London]. 17 June 1994. Vol. 35, No. 12. "Somalia: Aydeed's Local Difficulties."
Agence France Presse (AFP). 26 March 1996. "Fighting Rages in Somalia Between Two Rival Factions." (NEXIS)
_____. 22 March 1996. "Somalia Fighting Leaves at Least 10 Dead: Witnesses." (NEXIS)
_____. 20 March 1996. "Somalia Militia Faction Leaves Port to Aidid." (NEXIS)
_____. 19 March 1996. "Somalie-Violence." (NEXIS)
_____. [Paris, in English]. 14 April 1994. "SNA Seizes Control of Merca." (BBC Summary 16 Apr. 1994/NEXIS)
Gilkes, P. September 1994. The Price of Peace: Somalia and the United Nations: 1991-1994. Bedfordshire, UK: Save the Children Fund, UK.
Human Rights Watch (HRW)/Africa. April 1995. Somalia Faces the Future. New York: Human Rights Watch/Africa.
Inter Press Service (IPS). 24 April 1996. Moyiga Nduru. "Somalia-Politics: No End in Sight to Banana War." (NEXIS)
U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), Bureau for Humanitarian Response, Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA), Washington, DC. 19 August 1996. Situation Report No. 3. "Somalia - Complex Emergency".
The Xinhua News Agency. 3 May 1994. "Situation in Somalia is Very Grave." (NEXIS)

The List of the Somali Cabinet Ministers from 1960-64- July 22/1960 Golahii Wasiirada

The List of the Somali Cabinet Ministers from 1960-64

Surre Waxaa Kaga Jiray 3 Nin oo kala ah :
Mohamud Abdi Nur(Juuje)W. Arimaha GudahaDirQubeysBaay
Cabdullahi Xaaji Maxamed (Insani)Ku-xigeenka TacliintaDir/AgonBaaymagacabay July 22/60

Maxamed Bile- Reer Agoon Wasir

July 22/1960 Golahii Wasiirada ee ugu horeeyey uu Ra’iisulwasaare Cabdirashiid Cali Sharmarke uu magacaabo iyo beelaha ay ka soo jeedeen:

Aadan CabdulleMadaxweyneHawiyeUjejeenHiraan
Cabdi/shid Cali SharmarkeRa’iisul wasaareDaaroodMajeerteenBari
Cabdi Xassan BuuniRa’isulwasare kuxigeenGadabursiSamaronAwdal
Axmed Xaji DucaleWasiirka BeerahaIsaaqH/JecelSanag
Maxamed Ibrahim CigalWasirka DifaacaIsaaqH/AwalW/galbeed
Cali Garad JamacWasirka TacliintaDaroodDhulbahanteSol
Abdikaadir (Zoobe)Wasiirka MaaliyaddaRaxweynDisowBay
Abdullahi Ciise MaxamudWasiirka A/DibaddaHawiyeHabar gedirMudug
Sheikh Cali JimcaleCafimaadka & ShaqadaHawiyeXawadleHiraan
Sheikh Cabdule MaxamudWarshadaha & GanacsigaDaroodMareexaanG/Gaduud
Cali Maxamed HiraweWasiirka WarfaafintaHawiyeAbgalSh/Dhexe
Cabdi/saaq Xaaji XusseenWasirka A/GudahaDaroodMajeerteenMudug
Mohamud Axmed MaxamedWasiirka CaddaaladdaHawiyeAbgaalSh/Dhxe
Cabdi Nuur Maxamed XussenA/Bulshada & IsgarsiintaRaxweynBay
Cusman Maxamed IbrahimWasirka Arimaha Soomaalida (Saddaxda maqan) NFD. Jabuti OgadenyaDarodOgaadeenJ/Hoose

July 20/1961, waxaa si aqlabiyad buuxda leh lagu doortay Axdigii joogtada ahaa ay ku dhaqmi laheyd dowladda la dooran doono. Waxaa dhamaaday halkii sanno oo xukuumadii  kumeelgaarka ahayd, waxaa loo dareeray doorasho diimoqaraadiyad aheyd, waxaa gobolada iyo degmooyinka dalka laga soo doortay 121 xildhibaan (Dibutaate) oo noqday Golaha Barlamaanka.

July 11,1961, waxay mar labaad xubnaha barlamaanka Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Soomaaliya u doortaan mudane Aadan Cabdulle Cusmaan oo hal cod kaliya kaga adkaaday mudanihii la tartamaayey ee Sheikh Cali Jimcaale, oo isagan Hawiye ahaa.

Madaxweyne Aadan Cadde, waxuu markale Ra’iisul wasaare u magacaabay Cabdirashiid Cali Sharma’arke.

Cabdirashiid waxaa laga sugayey inuu soo magacaawo Gole Wasiiro oo ka kooban 12 xubnood.

July 27/1961 Golihii wasiirada ee labaad uu Ra’iisul wasaare Cabdirashiid Cali Sharmarke uu magacaabay, magacyadooda iyo beelaha ay ka soo jeedaan:
Aadan Cabdule CusmaanMadaxweyneHawiyeUjeejeenHiiraan
Abdi/shid Cali SharmarkeRa’iisul wasaareDarood MajerteenBari
Ali Garad JamacWasiirka BeerahaDaroodDhulbahanteSool
Sheikh Cali CusmaciilWasiirka DifaacaIsaaqH/yoonisTogdheer
Maxamed Ibrahim CigaalWasiirka TacliintaIsaaqH/awalW/galbeed
Cabdulkhadir (Zoobe)Wasiirka MaaliyaddaRaxweynDisowBay
Cabdullahi Ciise MaxamedWasirka A/DibaddaHawiyeHabar GidirMudug
Sheikh Cali JimcaleCafimaadka & ShaqadaHawiyeXawaadleHiiraan
Sh. Cabdullahi MaxamudWarshadaha&GanacsigaDaroodMareexaanG/Gaduud
Cali Maxamed HiraabeWasiirka WarfaafintaHawiyeAbgaalSh/Dhexe
Cabdi/saq Xaaji XusseenWasiirka A/GudahaDaaroodMajeerteenBari
Maxamud Axmed MaxamedWasiirka CaddaladdaHawiyeAbgaalSh/Dhexe
Cabdi Nur Maxamed XussenWasiirka A/Bulshada & IsgaarsiintaRaxweynRaxweynBay
Golihii wasiirada ee la magacaabay July 1961-kii, ayaa qilaaf, isqabqabsi iyo qabiil qancin darteeda laysuga shaandheeyey.
November 19,1962, ayaa hadana Gole wasiirada oo cusub uu magacaabay Ra’iisulwasaare Cabdirashiid Cali Sharmarke
Aadan Cabdule CusmaanMadaxweyneHawiyeUjejeenHiiraan
Abdi/shid Cali SharmarkeRa’iisul wasaareDarood MajerteenBari
Ali Garad JamacWasiirka BeerahaDaroodDhulbahanteSool
Hilowle Macalin Max’edW. GaashandhiggaDaroodOgadeenJ/hoose
Yusuf Cusmacil SamatarW. WaxbarashadaIsaaqHabar AwalWaqoyi Galbed
Abdi/dir M. Adan ZopeWasirka LacagtaRaxweynDisowBaay
Abdulahi Ise MohamedW. Arimaha DibaddaHawiyeHabar GidirMudug
Maxamud Axmed MohamedW.Shaqalaha&CaafimadkaHawiyeAbgaalSh/Dhexe
Xaji Ibrahim Cusman FodW.Ganacsiga&WarshadahaIsaaqHabar YonisWaqoy Galbed
Cali Maxamed HirabeWasiirka WarfaafintaHawiyeAbgalSh/Dhexe
Mohamud Abdi Nur(Juuje)W. Arimaha GudahaDirQubeysBaay
Axmed Geele XassanWasirka Cadaalada & Arimaha DiintaHawiyeXawadleHiiraan
Cabdirisaq Xaji XussenWasirka Isgaarsiinta & Arimaha BulshadaDaroodMajeertenMudug
Golahan wasiirada ee cusub waxaa lagu soo daray:
Hilowle Macalin Maxamed Wasarada Difaaca…………………………Darood (Ogadeen)
Yusuf Cismacil Samatar Wasarasa Tacliinta………………………….Isaaq(Habar Awal)
Maxamed Axmed Maxamud Wasada Shaqaalaha iyo Caafimaadka …….Hawiye (Abgaal)
Axmed Geele Xassan wasiirka Cadaalada & Arimaha Diinta…………..Hawiye (Xawaadle)
Cabdirisaaq Xaaji Xussen Wasirka Isgarsiinta iyo arimaha Bulshada……Darood(Majerteen)
Waxaa Xilalkoodii waayey:
Maxamed Xaaji Ibrahim Cigal (Isaaq)
Sheikh Cali Cusman (Isaaq)
Sheikh Cali Jimcale (Hawiye)
Maxamud Axmed Maxamed (Hawiye)
Cabdinur Maxamed Xusen oo (Raxweyn) booskiisa Cabdirisaq Xaji Xuseen aa lagu bedalay!960-1964-kii Wasiir Ku-xigeenadii uu magacaabay Ra’iisulwasare Cabdirashid Cali Sharmarke
Cabdullahi Xaaji Maxamed (Insani)Ku-xigeenka TacliintaDir/AgonBaaymagacabay July 22/60
Sheikh Maxamed IsaaqKu-xigenka Arimaha GudahaHawiye/JejeleBaayJuly 22/60
Mohamed Ossoble AddeKu-xigenka Isgarsinta& Arrimaha BulshadaHawiye/MurasadeGalgaduudJuly 22/60
Sheikh Cali CusmancilGarsorka & Arimaha DiintaIsaaq/Habar YonisTogdheerJuly 22/60
Xassan Caliyow MursalKu-xigenka Golaha WasiiradaRaxweyn/ElayBaayJulay 22/60
Maxamed cali DaarKu-xigenka Arimaha DibadaDarod/MajeertenNugaalAug.14/61
Xussen Cumar XassanKu-xigenka Beeraha & Xanaada XoolahaDarood OgaadenSomali GalbeedAug.14/61
Maxamed Cali DhoreKu-xigeenka TacliintaHawiye/Habar gidirGalgadudAug.14/61
Mohamed Sh. Maxamed DahirKu-xigenka DifaacaRaxweyn/YantarBaayAug.14/61
Aadan Shire JamacKu-xigenka Arimaha GudahaDarood/MarexanGalgadudNov.19/62
Abdiraxman Xaji MuminKu-xigenka Xanaanada XolahaHawiye/galjacalHiraanNov.19/62
Maxamed Sh. Maxamed DahirKu-xigenka Golaha WasiradaRaxweyn/yantarBaayNov.19/62