Qalanjo: Dheesha Dheela
Gadabuursi Dir Clan of Awdal:
Coming soon
Gadabursi Political organizations Ethiopia
- Horiyal Democratic Party led by Abdi Ismail who once led WSLF Western Somali liberation front
Southern Mandaluug Dir
The Southern Mandaluug who are the closest kin of the Gadabuursi suffurred great losses during the Christian Amhara invasion of Harrar and the subsequent invasions of Bale and Kalafo regions of the Muslim Somali and Oromo during the brutal imperialistt regime of King Menelik of the Christian Abysinians of central highland of Ethiopia in 1875-1890s
They became very dispersed in a wide geographic area. The distribution starts in Harrar which seems to be the homeland of many Dir groups including the Gadabuursi-Issas-Gurgure-Barsuug-Akisho and also clans like the -Madigaan-Layiile-Reer Aw Said and Isaaq.
All originate from the areas South of Harrar and many Dir groups moved down the Shabeelle river's point of origin south of Harrar near Tog Faafan and many immigrated down river to lower Shabeelle valley and lower Jubba.
This is a migration route was followed by the Bajimaal, Bimaal, Suuree,Gadsan and the Madaxweyn Dir groups, like the Guure ,closely related to Akisho, Obo, Gurgure clans migrated down Shabeelle river to Southern Somalia and Southern Ethiopia.The Gare Quranyow Maxammed Xiniftire which is a Maha Dir.
The Madaluug Dir in Western Somali Region (So-called Ogaden) were in the 1870s pushed South in large numbers during the Menelike Amhara invasions from Tug Fafaan down to Beledweyn and Dolow region where they settled with other Dir groups.
The 1880 famines which caused Amahara millitias of Menelike to reach as far South as Beledweyn and Eel Buur in order to raid Somali herds to finance his invasion of Southern Muslim lands, pushed the Manadaluug in large numbers, dispersing them, mostly found other Dir groups and settled with their kinsmen even though impoverised.
This coupled with Ogaden/Absame raids who lost their life stock to Amhara dwindelled the once powerful Madaluug today they are about 120,000 strong but very dispersed over large territories in Western Somalia and Jubba / Shabeelle valley.
In 1880s, the Menelik forces who were expanding and raiding the farming villages of upper Shabeelle and exacting tribute from Somali nomads in villages of upper shabeelle and exacting tribute from nomades at the dry-season watering sites
These raids led to the destruction of many Dir groups which included the Mandaluug, Bajimaal, Gadsan and Suure, which caused many to move futher south.
These raids also motivated many Darood clansman like the Ogadeen and Mareehan to move inland fearing the vicious Amhara Christian raids,these Darood Somali clans fled into Somalia and away from these aggressive blood thirsty Christian Amhars.
- Reer Isaaq ( Largest group) Live in Godey, Qabri Dahare, Shilaaba Jarati and Jubba Shabeele valley. The Mekhaahil subclan lives in Jilib -Kismaayo area
- Reer Ahmed- Shilaaba, Jarati and large numbers in Kismayo,Jamaame, Afmadow mixed with Bimaal, Suure and their Gadsan Kinsman
- Reer Hassan are in Godey, Qallafe and Nageelle. Large numbers live in Hiiraan and own farms with their Suure (Fiqi cumar and Fiqi Muxummed) The Reer Nuure live West of Baladweyn. The Reer Maajuun live in Bay Region with the Quranyow Maxammed Dir and some settelled amounf Rahanweyn Eelay. The Reer Majuun and a Madaxweyn Dir group the Reer Aw Said live in this are.
- Jirre Madaluug- only group remaining in Tog Faafan, Jigjigga
- Masalalay- NFD Kenya Bardheere Dollow
- Reer Xuseen
- Samaroon Saciid of Awad proper Gadabuursi
- Reer Majjuun amoung Eelay and Quranyow Maxammed Garre Dir of Bay
- Makahiil large numbers amoungst Dir Bimaal and Surre of Jammaame and spreading out as far as Afmadow and Kismayo. Also in NFD amoung Quranyow and Dir of Bardheere and Doolow Ado. In this region the Mandaluug live closely with the Reer Yaxye, Dheere Madaxweyn and R. Dayo
- Buufow Ethiopia near great bend of Shabeelle Xamaro Xaddad
- Angoolle and Xeeble and Reer Nuure all live in Dollow but own large farms West of Beledweyn this group alone numbers about 22,000 souls.
Even though most Dir geneologies record that Dir had 4 Sons Madaxweyn, Madoobe and Mahe Dir and Mandaluug Dir which includes the Samaroon Saciid and Mandaluug clans of the south. I was suprised by the Lower Jube and Shabeelle account of the Mandaluug Dir. And this was observed in Kenya, most Mandaluug identify themselves as Mandaluug Maxammed and they Say that Mandaluug and Samaroon are the sons of Mahe Dir Maxammed Xiniftire. This claim would make the Mandaluug of south direct cousines of the Biyomaal Maxammed, Baajimal Maxammed, Quranyow Maxammed (Garre) and Dabruub. Also the Surre ( Cabdalle and Qubeys clans of South and Mudug). I was also suprised to see quite a number of Madiigaan clans who referred to Mandaluug as Abti (maternal uncles because they said their lineages were Baho Samaroon. The Madigaan and Barsuug (Barsuuk I saw identified with the numerous Mahe Dir in the region stated they were Curads of Dir because they are Madaxweyn Dir) especially the Mandaluug their are part of the same Diya groups of Madaxweyn Dir Hordare (Alaab weyne clans)