Saturday, August 11, 2012


by HAN (Horn Africa NewsLine)July 12, 2003

TO: IGAD TECHNICAL COMMITTEE Mr. Bathuel Kiplagat, Special Envoy for Somalia and Chairman of the IGAD Technical Committee H.E. Amb. Ismail Goulal Boudine Ambassador of the Republic of Djibouti to Somalia Dr. Atalla Al-Bashir Executive Secretary of IGAD H.E. Amb. Abdulaziz Ahmed Special Envoy of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia for Somalia CC: OBSERVERS OF THE SOMALI PEACE PROCESS Amb. Carlo Ungaro Special Envoy of Italy (Chair of IGAD Partners Forum for Somalia) Amb. Mostafa Khedre Deputy Assistant Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Arab Republic of Egypt Dr. Walid Musa European Union and European Commission Delegation in Kenya Amb. Mohammed Salim Al Khussaibi Special Envoy of the League of Arab States Mr. Glenn Warren Embassy of the United States in Kenya Amb. Winston Tubman UN Representative of the Secretary-General for Somalia

CONCERNED of the continued armed conflict in Mudug Region waged by Sa’ad clan militias affiliated with USC/SNA against civilian populated villages of Saleban Abdalle clan (SSNM). APPALLED by the loss of innocent lives and displacement of thousands of people caused by the July 9, 2003 attack of USC/SNA militia forces against the villages of Towfiq and Awle, and the preceded attacks of January and June of 2002. ALARMED of the current movement of USC/SNA arms and militias in the limits of the conflict zone. GUIDED by the principals of the Declaration on Cessation of Hostilities and the Structures and Principles of the Somalia National Reconciliation Process, which is binding on both USC/SNA clans and SSNM clans and their supporters in Somalia. HEREBY: REPORT to all stakeholders and observers of the Declaration that USC/SNA armed militias equipped with battlewagon armored with heavy machineguns attacked Saleban Abdalle territory of Towfiq and Awle in Jariban District in Mudug. INSIST upon immediate investigation of the reported violation of article 2 (1) of the Declaration which commits all parties to abstain from the conduct of hostilities in Somalia from 27 October 2002 and to maintain this state of affairs during the peace process, its implementation and subsequently. REMIND the leadership of USC/SNA of their commitment in this declaration clearly outlined in article 2, sub-section 3, that all political, military and other groups maintain only defensive military positions and capabilities, and refrain from any military provocations. CALL upon the leadership of USC/SNA to assist us in bringing lasting peace to the concerned territory in accordance with article 2, subsection 2, which says to use only peaceful means in the resolution of all disputes between political, military and other groups and the communities they represent. APPEAL to the international community, UN agencies, EU, International NGO’s and all humanitarian organizations to render immediate assistance to displaced peasants in Towfiq and Awle whom greatly suffered from continued aggression. Communiquי By: Mahad Abdalle Awad, M.P., Transitional National Assembly

Somalia: Deep Divisions Over New Constitution


This article appeared in Soomaalo’s ConstitutionMaking Blog Written by: Mahad Abdalle Awad (MP) Deputy-Minister Ministry of Planning International Cooperation

This article appeared in Soomaalo’s ConstitutionMaking Blog Written by: Mahad Abdalle Awad (MP) Deputy-Minister Ministry of Planning International Cooperation
Last ditch attempt to block the ‘Roadmap to end the Transition’ has been made by fearmongers, Naysayers , and assortment of TFG ex-officio members, all of them keen of spreading distorted facts aimed at manipulating the public perception, specially targeting the planned Constituent Assembly conference were over 800 delegates consisting of all segments of society anticipated to debate and approve the draft constitution document just completed by the Independent Federal Constitution Commission (IFCC) and the Committee of Experts on 20th April 2012.
Fearmongers use scare tactics to influence public opinion to impede change and progress by disseminating false information about the draft constitution and the planned Constituent Assembly meeting. Naysayers, natural skeptics and cynical people among us, habitually express negativity about the accomplishment of others and are pessimistic about change. Dale Carnegie’s famous quote fittingly describes the nature of Naysayers when he wrote “Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain, and most fools do.”

These Naysayers often spread blatant lies to oppose anything other people do. In the case of the Constituent Assembly, they assert that the constitution can only be approved by popular referendum, disregarding discernible historical fact that the Somali Republic itself was founded by the 1960 Constitution, approved by Constituent Assembly of only 110 delegates, and a process that took only 29 days, whereby public referendum was held 21st of July 1961, after more than one year. I am quite sure that most of them positive know this historical fact, but implicit forgetfulness and avoiding the truth is their tactic to deceive and manipulate. What could possibly be right with a 1960 Constituent Assembly of 110 delegates then, and what could be possibly wrong with 2012 Constituent Assembly of 825 delegates now.
The beneficiaries of the culture of fear, chaos and mayhem that perpetuated the 20 years of civil war in Somalia are irrationally phobic, and unreasonably fearful of reestablishing of law and order. Their natural paranoia is best expressed by infecting the public through the mass media and utilize assortment of propaganda tactics including repetition tactic (assuming the general public will believe what they hear repetitively), bandwagon propaganda tactic (portraying false perception that most people are against the constitution and YOU must follow the crowd), and playing the clannish card, thinking that Somalis will react as they did in the past. The scaremongers and Naysayers take the public for granted. But what they do not realize is, the people of Somalia have gone beyond yielding to fear and threats, they should learn from Al-Shabab, it doesn’t work anymore! The people and government of Somalia are resolute to see through the implementation of the Roadmap and establish a constitutional order and permanent national government after 12 years of stagnation in transitional governance. Al-Qaeda/Al-Shabab, Warlords, fearmongers and naysayer are in no position to hold a country in hostage and deny the people to pursue its destiny.

Al-Shabab strategists are said to have joined the contra-Constitution bandwagon, convinced that they will succeed to bolster the pro-TFG fearmongers and Naysayers to block and abort the opportunity at hand to establish a new and more permanent national government by derailing the constitution-making process. As publicized by the media, Al-Qaeda of Somalia (aka Al-Shabab) issued an order condemning those who participate in the upcoming Constituent Assembly to death; One Constituent Assembly invitee is said to have been killed in Mogadishu, an act claimed by Al-Shabab. Little did Al-Shabab, the fearmongers and Naysayers know! NO ONE IS BUDGING, NO ONE IS HIDING, AND NO ONE IS RUNNING. All invitees are lined-up ready to give the nation a new constitution that reflects the desires of its people, and their religious and cultural heritage. Fearmongers and Naysayers made their repetitive media hullabaloos; does that scare anyone? No. The people of Somalia have seen it all, heard it all; threats and public manipulation does not have the effect it had ten years ago.
For those citizens of Somalia who want to contribute positively, I urge you to join the thousands who continue to have constructive input; the chance is open until the final vote of the Constituent Assembly is casted. To my colleagues at the Ministry of Constitution and Federalism, as well as the men and women of the IFCC and COE, the people of Somalia will remember you for your bravery and dedication. As Eleanor Roosevelt said “Do what you feel in your heart to be right, for you’ll be criticized anyway.” All Somalis of goodwill, I urge you have your input as this is your constitution, our collective legacy for the generations to come. For all those Somalis of goodwill that support the nations struggle to achieve permanent national government, I urge you not to be discouraged by the pessimists and cynics, and skeptics for they only know how to create doubt and negativity. I leave you with the following quote by Elbert Hubbard:
“To escape criticism – do nothing, say nothing, be nothing.” — Elbert Hubbard
By: Mahad Abdalla Awad, MP, Deputy-Minister (Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation). Undergraduate studies in Political Science and Law Studies; Graduate Studies in International Relations and Diplomacy.
This article appeared in Soomaalo’s ConstitutionMaking Blog Written by: Mahad Abdalle Awad (MP) Deputy-Minister Ministry of Planning International Cooperation

UNDP claims to have spent $60 million ?

This latest constitution does not only raise red flag in the outrageously pricey $60 million that the UNDP claims to have spent on it, but it affords the platform to further polarize the Somali society and aggravate the existing wounds that could give rise to renewed conflict. This is simply a reinvention of the status quo.

UNDP Somalia Constitution Support Project


The Somalia Constitution Making Support Project (SCMSP) promotes reconciliation, peace and stability through a constitution-making process at the federal level, in line with the stipulations of the Transitional Federal Charter.

Previously under the UNDP programme portfolio, the Constitution Project is now being implemented through a joint unit in collaboration with the United Nations Political Office for Somalia (UNPOS). The merger into a joint programme is expected to streamline support at both technical and political levels. The process is expected to contribute not only to the development of a constitution and better governance systems in Somalia, but also engages in a process that builds peace and reconciliation among Somali constituents.

SCMSP supports the steps necessary for producing a legitimate constitution with broad popular support, which articulates a common vision of the future state of Somalia and incorporates human rights norms and standards. This includes supporting the development of a 'road map' on how to achieve this goal.

The project supports institutional machinery and representative mechanisms, encouraging societal dialogue on constitutional issues and participation in the constitution-making process. Opportunities are created for representing the concerns of women and marginalized communities. SCMSP canvasses the commitment of the state to addressing the human rights concerns of citizens in the political, social and economic spheres. It will also provide a forum for negotiation on divisive or contested issues.

With this project, UNDP will provide capacity building and technical advice on constitution content development, consultative processes, and civic education, and will facilitate community consultation in Somalia and among the diaspora.

Project Duration:

April 2004-December 2015

Expenditure 2011:

USD 5,502,070

Key documents

Somalia: The Consequence of a Cooked Constitution

By: Dr. Sadia Ali Aden

Indeed nations need constitutions; a social contract to establish rule of law and become the foundations for needed legislations to protect the individual rights as well as the nations from greedy and corrupt politicians that may abuse the power vested in them. Furthermore, constitutions are needed to outline the domestic boundaries of authority and safeguard the sovereignty of the state. Constitutions are not always perfect; however, under such circumstances they are not entirely replaced. They are simply amended, but not in Somalia.

Somalia had one of Africa’s first democratically ratified constitutions. In 1961 the constitution of the newly independent nation was ratified by an overwhelming popular support of the citizens of a newly formed Somali nation state. So, one might ask, what prompted the new “provisional” constitution that was passed on August 1, 2012?

Anyone who has been following the Somali political saga even from a distance knows that there has been a huge controversy that surrounded the new constitution. He or she would also know the force and urgency that instigated, drove, and made it mandatory item in the Road Map was the international community (IC), or more specifically, the Ghost-lords or the elements within the IC who benefit from business as usual. While the fanfare in certain circles is somewhat fathomable, the absence of local and international media scrutiny is appalling.

This latest constitution does not only raise red flag in the outrageously pricey $60 million that the UNDP claims to have spent on it, but it affords the platform to further polarize the Somali society and aggravate the existing wounds that could give rise to renewed conflict. This is simply a reinvention of the status quo.

To give the new constitution certain domestic authenticity, Ghost-lords outsourced its plan to a few corrupt Somali politicians who were motivated by money, prestige, or political survival. Their task was to repeat what they were dictated to, without questioning its legitimacy, and convince the unsuspecting populace of that the new constitution was for their protection as people and a nation, and that it was essential for lasting peace. Since, as they say, the devil is in the details, the new constitution was shrouded in mysteries of secrecy for a long while. When the constitution was finally endorsed there were several versions or drafts that kept the average person in a state of confusion and frustration.

Moreover, according to BBC Somalia analyst Mary Harper, the constitution appears to exist in a parallel universe, a fantasy land, when compared with the reality on the ground in Somalia, with universal access to education and the end of female genital mutilation unlikely to happen anytime soon.

Dissenting voices who dared to question or challenge the secrecy surrounding it, the timing, and substance of the new draft constitution were met with harassments and were labeled as “spoilers”, and anyone who resisted was threatened with facing the international criminal court, creating a fearful environment that hindered the much needed dialogue that could foster peace and reconciliation.

On May 2012, Turkey hosted a conference (for Somalia by Somalis) that was held in Istanbul. The conference brought together 300 Somalis from every walk of life, from the Somali traditional elders, academicians, activists, women, youth, and Diaspora representatives. This undisputable authentic general assembly has thoroughly examined the threats facing its nation and evaluated all critical factors that lead to sustainable peace, reconciliation, good governance, and the cultivation of Somali unity. After four days of rigorous genuine dialogue, the assembly released a communique that addressed then draft constitution. “A social contract of this magnitude could not and should not be endorsed in haste, while blind-folded or in contention or under a cloud of suspicion,” warned the assembly.

This overwhelming secrecy denied the average Somali citizens the opportunity to fully examine and analyze the flaws that existed in the new constitution. Long before it was endorsed through a subjectively managed process, the document sent shock waves throughout the Somali people (in Somalia and in the Diaspora). These waves included the Federalism system that in reality ascertains the absolute rights of the majority clans over minorities while it omits the protection of the Somali sovereignty.

The far reaching implications of this document include infringing on the rights of minorities, land grapping, renewed violence, and ultimately the balkanization of Somalia. One of the items in the new constitution is the article that says the borders of Somalia can be discussed in a later time. What constitution delays the critical importance of that nation’s territorial integrity?

Regardless of its controversy, the international community, mainly the UNDP, has flooded the market with substantial amount of funding handed to whoever was willing to promote the soon to be imposed document of law. Indeed, many in the Somali speaking media, in Somalia and in the Diaspora, have taken the bait indulging in monies that was donated to the needy to pave the way for its passing.

The passing of the new constitution may be a victory for the Ghost-lords and the UN Special Representative for Somalia, Ambassador Augustine Mahiga, but it is a death sentence for the nation state once known as the Republic of Somalia.

At this critical juncture, the only way to salvage whatever remains of the Republic of Somalia is to stop the political bleeding. Somalis must unite, regardless of their political persuasion and geographical location and solidify their voices and resources and help Somalia retain her integrity and sovereignty as nation state. History is in the making, and it is time to shape history into more auspicious one for Somalia and her citizens.

And to ensure success, sustained uprising like the Arab Spring style is a must to force the powers that be to suspend the new constitution until independent parliament starts its mandate and genuine dialogue free of external influence is initiated on reconciliation, a system of governance that is right for Somalia and reestablishment of the Somali security force.


Dr. Sadia Ali Aden is Human Rights Advocate and a Freelance Writer

Sheikh Adel Al-Kalbani, the first black imam of the Grand Mosque in Mecca

File:Kaaba mirror edit jj.jpg

File:Minarets in Makkah (Mecca).jpg
File:Inside Mesjid Haram.jpg

African Islam in Pictures--African American Muslims in Detroit : See the Faces of Black Muslims

Sheikh Adel Al-Kalbani, the first black imam of the Grand Mosque in Mecca

File:Minarets in Makkah (Mecca).jpg
File:Inside Mesjid Haram.jpg

The Enslaved Muslims from West Africa

Recent scholarship on the Atlantic slave trade has revealed that the total number of

Enslaved Africans brought to the Americas is likely to be more than twenty million.

Slyviane A. Diouf, writing on the Muslim slaves in the Americas, conclusively asserts:

"Therefore, if counted as a whole, on a religious basis rather on an ethnic one the

Muslims were probably more numerous in the Americas than any other group among the arriving Africans".

In Jamaica from 1655 to 1807, Philip Curtin in his work on slave census, proposes 423,900 Africans from Muslim dominated areas, representing 56.8

percent of the arrivals.

Islam had cut across ethnic lines, social classes and state boundaries in West Africa—

Senegal, Gambia, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Mali, Benin, Ghana, and Nigeria, Libya Egypt

(incorporating Madinka, Fula, Susu, Ashanti, Hausa and other nations) from as early as the tenth and eleventh centuries, i.e. long before the slave trade. Islam in these kingdoms was first diffused by the migration of Muslim merchants, teachers, and agricultural settlers. The Muslims sometimes formed peaceful minorities in non-Muslim societies such as the Ashanti Empire. In cases such as Kano, Katsina, Takrur and Bornu the local chiefs accepted Islam as early as the tenth and eleventh centuries.

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Inshallah Detriot will be cleaned by Muslim African Americans, and the drugs, gangs and crimes will soon disappear and strong , successful community will be raised.
Where Islam comes falsehood disappears

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