the mandallug themselves among raxanweyn eelay, and the shabeelle upstream Qallaafo, near doolow has bardheere and Jamaame, Nuur in the valley of al shabeelle west of Qallafo, The Makahiil near Kismayo, and The xeeble Angolle has the west of the Beled Weyne, a Bufow the east of the vast loop of shabeelle near xamaro xaddaad and reer majumo among eelay of baydhowa.
Madallug would also create a dir The main clans, the Gadabuursi, a term that etymologies are popular derivative Gudo,
Mandaluug Shabeele - Jubba
les mandallug proprement dits parmi les raxanweyn eelay, ainsi que sur le shabeelle en amont de Qallaafo, pres de doolow, a bardheere et a jamaama, les Nuure dans la vallee du shabeelle a l ouest de Qallafo, Les Makahiil pres de Kismaayo, Les xeeble et les Angolle a l'ouest de de Beled Weyne, les Bufow a l'est de la grande boucle du shabeelle pres de xamaro xaddaad, et les reer majumo parmi les eelay de baydhowa.
Madallug aurait egalement engendre l'un des princpaux clans dir, celui des Gadabuursi, terme que les etymologies populaires font derive de gudo,
Kelafo area
Baar Bajiimal
Ba’ad Bajiimal
Gumare Da'are-Niman Moyko (Dir-Bajimal+Gasar)
2)Shabelle Niman-Gobyal Dhurdhere Bajimal (Dir)
3)Qodi Budul-Burdhinle Mustahil (Dir)
4)Iimey Dubo -Dir or Hawiya/Rer Ammaadin (Ogaden) and Galameys
5)Iimey district is jointly controlled by the Duba , Dir and Rer Ammadin of the Ogaden.
The Dir of Ethiopia
The Dir in Ethiopia are represented by the Issas, Gurgure, Guure, Quranyo Maxamed, Akisho, Gadabuursi, Gadsan, Gariir, Fiqi Muhumand, Qubeys, Layiile, Mandaluulg, Baajimaal, and Wardaai. The majority live in the Dira Dhabe area, Jijiga region, and by the Awash River.
The rest of the Ethiopian Dir clans live in southern parts near the Somali border near Dollo Ado and as far as Guure Dhamoole and Negele. The clans of the Dagoodi, Ajuuran, Jiido, Gabra, and Garre are all associated with the four Dir ancestral progenitors. The Dir occupy vast territories stretching from Baale (Nagelle), Baabule, Fayaanbiiro, Qabri-Bayah, Fiq, Hara-Maaya, Harar, and Dadar.
The Dir are well represented in the 10 major states of the Somali Region in Ethiopia
1Gobolka Shiniile
2. Gobolka Jig-jiga
3. Gobolka Jarareed
4. Gobolka Nogbeed
5. Gobolka Qoraxay
6. Gobolka Doollo
7. Gobolka Shabeele
8. Gobolka Liibaan
9. Gobolka Afdheer
10. Gobolka Jigjiga
1 Awbare (Gedabursi)
2 Dhagaxle(Dir)
3 Gursum(Dir)
4 Jigjiga
5 Qabri Bayax
6 Wajaale(Habar Awal)
7 Xarshin(Habar Awal+Arab)
8Gobolka Shiniile
1 Diridhabo(Dir Ciise, Gurgure +Oromo)
2 Shiiniile(Dir , Oromo)
3 Ayshica(Dir, Oromo)
4 Danbal(Dir, Oromo)
5 Erar (Dir Gurgure, Oromo)
6 Afdam(Dir, Oromo)
7 Ma,ayso(Dir,Oromo)
8Gobolka Dhagaxbuur 4 districts
• 1 Awaare(Ciidagale)
• 2 Dhagaxbuur(Dir-Gaadsan, Sheekhaal , Ogaaden)
• 3 Dhagaxmadow(Ogaadeen)
• 4 Gaashaamo(Dir Habar Yoonis)
• Gobolka Wardheer
1)Gumare Da'are-Niman Moyko (Dir-Bajimal+Gasar)
2)Shabelle Niman-Gobyal Dhurdhere Bajimal (Dir)
3)Qodi Budul-Burdhinle Mustahil (Dir)
4)Iimey Dubo -Dir or Hawiya/Rer Ammaadin (Ogaden) and Galameys
5)Iimey district is jointly controlled by the Duba , Dir and Rer Ammadin of the Ogaden.
Gadsan Dir
In Ethiopia, Gaadsan clan reside in three districts : the Liban district (Jarrati, Waladaya, Doolow and Guuredhamole), Godey district (Iimey and Boola), and Gashamo district (Nusdariiq, Marsin, Kabtinuur and Qabridhare).
Xildhibaanada Beesha Direed ee ku sugan Magaalada Baydhabo oo Bayaan adag soo saarey.
Shir socdey saacado badan oo lagu qabtey Hoteel Bakiin ee magaalada baydhabo, ayna isugu yimaadeen Xildhibaanada Beesha Direen isla markaana looga hadlaayey xaalada guud ee dalka gaar ahaan dhinaca aawood qaybsiga siyaasadeed ee DFKMG, maamulka, adkeynta Hay’adaha Qaranka, ku dhaqanka Axdiga iyo Sharciga, ayaa shirkaan si wada jira ah uga wada qaybgaleen wakiilada Beelaha Isaaq, Biimaal, Madaluug, Awsiciid iyo Baajimaal waxaana gudnaanadkiisa laga soo saarey qodobadan.
1-in Beesha Direed dhinaca looga riixey ka qaybgelinta wadatashiga sare ee lagu go’aaminayo jaangooyada wada dhiska awoodaha Dowladda xag siyaaso, maamul iyo Amniba, taasoo soo jiitameysay Sedaxdii sano ee la soo dhaafey dibna loogu dulqaadan Karin.
2-In ay jiraan xadgudubyo bareer ah oo Beesha Direed uga imaanaya hogaanka sare ee Dowladda oo lagu dhaawacayo karaamadooda, laguna duudsiinayo kaalintii kaga aadaneyd Qaran dhiska Soomaaliyeed, loona gacan dhaafayo had iyo jeer xulka iyo magacaabista xubnihii uga qaybgelilahaa awoodaga sare ee Dowladda.
3-In lays dhex jiirsiiyey Awoodihii Dowlanimo ee Axdigu qorey, dhabahana loo xaarayo wiiqida kala soocnaanta Awoodaha Hay’adaha Dowlanimo ee Qaranka si talada meel ugu uruurto oo mabda’ii isu dheelitirka Awoodaha loo buriyo.
4-In ay tahay arin fool xumo ku ah qaranimada Soomaaliya iyo sharafta Dowladnimo in ilaa iyo hada Gudoomiyihii maxkamada sare uu sharcidaro u xiran yahay, taasoo loo aaneyn karo kali ah asbaabo ismaandhaaf siyaasadeed ku lug leh.
5-In la sii la ciifinaayo Midnimada iyo wadajirka shacabka Soomaaliyeed, dibna loogu tumanaayo is aaminkii Qaran ee ka dhashay shirkii dibuheshiisiinta ee lagu soo dhisay Hay’adaha Federaaliga ee Dowladda,
sibabahaas oo idil aawgood Xildhibaanada Beelaha kor ku xusan, waxay hoosta ka xariiqayaan in loo baahan yahay wadahadalo adag oo lagu saxaayo dhaliilahaan oo wadanka u horseedaya bur bur iyo is aamin daro ayaa lagu yiri bayaankan ay soo saareen Xildhibaanad Beesha Direed eek u kulmay Hoteel Bakiin ee Magaalada Baydhabo.
hase ahaatee arimahaan dhacaaya ayaa waxay ka mid yihiin caqabada horyaala Xukuumada cusub ee Ra’iisul Wasaare Col/ Nuur Cade ee aan wali helin kalsoonida Baarlamaanka, islamarkaana laga cabsi qabo in ay dhicisoowdo, inkastoo hadal haynteeda ay ku badan tahay in xubin kasta oo Wasiiradda ka tirsan Baarlamaanka mid mid looga weydiindoono kalsooni, balse ma cada in ay dhaceyso iyo in kale arintaas, laakiin la ogaandoonee Todobaadyada soo socda, halka ay ku biyo shubtaan hadaladaan is burinaaya.
Maxamed Macallin Cismaan(All-man) Somalitalk Baydhabo.
Suldan Mohamed Bule Jirow Dir Warday
Omar Bulale Ahmed Dir Warday
Sheikh Haji nasir Dir Warday
Hassan Gedi Rable Dir Warday
Name Clan Sub Clan
Suldan Isma'il Dirad Ali Dir Reer-Aw-Sa'id
Abdurahman Sheikh Hassan Dir Reer-Aw-Sa'id
Mohamed Mursal Dhi'is Dir Reer-Aw-Sa'id
Ibrahim Kusow Ise Dir Reer-Aw-Sa'id
Name Clan Sub Clan
Suldan Hassan Dhi'is Dir Madaluug
Mohamed Sheikh Hussein Dir Madaluug
Abdi Yare Jama Dir Madaluug
Rage Hashi Kalif Dir Madaluug
Name Clan Sub Clan
Ugas Abdihakim Ugas Mohamed Dir Baajamaal
Ali Muhumed Abdi Dir Baajamaal
Yusuf Abdi Mullah Dir Baajamaal
Diriye Mohamud Abdi Dir Baajamaal
Name Clan Sub Clan
Abdalla Mohamed Ali Dir Biimaal
Sheikh Gedow Ahmed Mohamed Dir Biimaal
Nur Ali Hussein Dir Biimaal
Sheikh Muhidin Sheikh Ali Mumin Dir Biimaal
Abdirahman Hussein Mohamed (Qaxoti) Dir Biimaal
Abdi Afeyle Sumow Dir Biimaal
Hamido Sid Ali Hussein Dir Biimaal
Mohamud Mohamed Hussein Dir Biimaal
Abdullahi Ali Mohamed Dir Biimaal
Muneso Ahmed Nur Dir Biimaal
Ahmed Mohamed Barre Dir Biimaal
Ibrahim Mohamed Barow Dir Biimaal
Mohamud Sid Awkar Dir Biimaal
Amina Sheikh Osman Mohamed Dir Biimaal
Hassan Mohamed Sheikh Dir Biimaal
Nur Hassan Ali Dir Biimaal
Muhidin Mohamed Haji Dir Biimaal
Omar Abshir Omar Dir Biimaal
Adani Ahmed Diqow Dir Biimaal
Ya'quub Abdi Ya'quub Dir Biimaal
Mohamud Ali Hamunle Dir Biimaal
Ugas Farah Abdi Sheikh Dir Biimaal
Abdiwali Sheikh Abdurahman Mubarak Dir Biimaal
Adan Moallim Abdi Dir Biimaal
Ahmed Ileye Ali Dir Biimaal
Sheikh Mohamud Nur Isse Dir Biimaal
Abal Mohamed Sheikh Dir Biimaal
Muslimo Barqadle Dir Biimaal
Ali Abdalla Olow Dir Biimaal
Guled Takhal Dir Biimaal
Name Clan Sub Clan
Mohamed Sheikh Mumin Sheikh Hassn Dir Sure-Qubeys
Ibrahim Haji Omar Dir Sure-Qubeys
Dr.Osman Hassan Dirshe Dir Sure-Qubeys
Drs.Fadumo Hassan Osoble Dir Sure-Qubeys
Eng.Abdirashid Ahmed Isak Dir Sure-Qubeys
Mohamed Ahmed Osman (Dholey) Dir Sure-Qubeys
Nur Isse Adam Dir Sure-Qubeys
Mohamud Gedi Burgal Dir Sure-Qubeys
Hussein Gedi Jimale Dir Sure-Qubeys
Name Clan Sub Clan
Ugas Mohamed Ugas Adan Haji Hussein Dir Sure-Abdalle
Col.Osman Ahmed Gedi (Bale Tag) Dir Sure-Abdalle
Dr.Abdiwali Adan Abdi Dir Sure-Abdalle
Ibrahim Sheikh Adan (Indhagaduud) Dir Sure-Abdalle
Haji Ahmed Hassan Adan (Dhagaweyne) Dir Sure-Abdalle
Sheikh Ahmed Sheikh Muhumed (A/Noc) Dir Sure-Abdalle
Ali Dhuh Mohamud Dir Sure-Abdalle
Drs.Istarlin Ahmed Sahal Dir Sure-Abdalle
Mohamed Said Mohamed Dir Sure-Abdalle
Hassan Nur Dhegod Dir Sure-Abdalle
Maryam Jama Hirsi (Nero) Dir Sure-Abdalle
Mohamud Adan Elmi (Odawa) Dir Sure-Abdalle
Sheikh Khalif Abdi Dirshe Dir Sure-Abdalle
Mohamud Warsame Farah Dir Sure-Abdalle
Mohamed Hassan Ali Dir Sure-Abdalle
Suldan Abdinur Amed Shiekh Muse Dir Sure-Abdalle
Name Clan Sub Clan
Ugas Sheikh Hassan Jama Dir Gadabuursi
Mohamed Ali Mohamud Dir Gadabuursi
Ali Obsiye Badaar Dir Gadabuursi
Mohamed ali Dhiirrane Dir Gadabuursi
Abiib Sh.Mohamed Mohamud Dir Gadabuursi
Abdullahi Kibar Farah Dir Gadabuursi
Ibrahim Xussein Muse Dir Gadabuursi
Ahmed Kaahin Barre Dir Gadabuursi
Ibrahim Abdi Tukaale Dir Gadabuursi
Diriye Awale Hande Dir Gadabuursi
Farah Kulmiye Hami Dir Gadabuursi
Suleyman Omar (Ali Haydh) Dir Gadabuursi
Ibrahim Abdi Tukaale Dir Gadabuursi
Mohamed Idhamod Igal Dir Gadabuursi
Hussein Kamil Abise Dir Gadabuursi
Daud Omar Guled Dir Gadabuursi
Said Hassan Gedi Dir Gadabuursi
Abdulkadir Mohamed Hadi Dir Gadabuursi
Mohamed Muse Amir Dir Gadabuursi
Mohamed Abdullahi Arab Dir Gadabuursi
Mohamed Elmi Mihile Dir Gadabuursi
Idiris Hadi Qalinle Dir Gadabuursi
Barkhad Awale Adam Dir Gadabuursi
Mohamed Osman Jabril Dir Gadabuursi
Osman Hassan Roble Dir Gadabuursi
Abdullahi Abdi Adan Dir Gadabuursi
Yusuf Adan Abtidon Dir Gadabuursi
Sheikh Osman Hashi Fure Dir Gadabuursi
Sheikh Yusuf Ibrahim Obsiye Dir Gadabuursi
Sheikh Ibrahim Hussein Abulle Dir Gadabuursi
Sheikh Adan Abdullahi Ali Dir Gadabuursi
Hibo Haji Ibrahim Buni Dir Gadabuursi
Bureqo Mohamed Hadi Dir Gadabuursi
Asha Mohamed Omar Dir Gadabuursi
Abshiro Ahmed Moallim Dir Gadabuursi
Maryan Yusuf Kibar Dir Gadabuursi
Name Clan Sub Clan
Al-Haaji Hirsi Haji Gaboobe Dir Ciise
Aqil Ahmed Diiriye Ige Dir Ciise
Mohamed yusuf Ahmed Dir Ciise
Abdirisak Yasin Hassan Dir Ciise
Bashir Abdullahi Diriye Dir Ciise
Idiris Haji Jama Dir Ciise
Mohamed Ahmed Wabari Dir Ciise
Mohamed Idle Dir Ciise
Abduwahab Dahir Burale Dir Ciise
Dr. Muse Sheikh Abdi Dir Ciise
Sheikh Bule Elmi Wabari Dir Ciise
Sheikh Ahmed Diriye Dir Ciise
Sheikh Osman Abdi Dharar Dir Ciise
Sheikh Ali Ige Bile Dir Ciise
Sheikh Hamud Duale Dir Ciise
Amino Muse Hadi Dir Ciise
Mulki Diriye Diheye Dir Ciise
Shamso Dahir Farah Dir Ciise
Amino Adan Aynan Dir Ciise
Sahro Yonis Sa'ad Dir Ciise
Habiibo Ateye Giire Dir Ciise
Sargalo Mohamud Dir Ciise
Gele Rirash Abdi Dir Ciise
Abdirisak Sheikh Abdi Dir Ciise
Macaad Nur Igal Dir Ciise
Qalinle Burale Muse Dir Ciise
Faysal Hussein Dir Ciise
Abdi Duran Aqan Dir Ciise
Omar Ali Wa'ays Dir Ciise
Sakariya Ali Molid Dir Ciise
Yusuf Abdow Ali Abiikar Dir Ciise
Name Clan Sub Clan
Mohamud Mohamed Ali Dir Isak-Ciida-Gale
Hassan Badmaax Meegaag Dir Isak-Ciida-Gale
Jama ali matan Dir Isak-Ciida-Gale
omar ali moulid Dir Isak-Ciida-Gale
Soleman Hussein Muse Dir Isak-Ciida-Gale
Mohamud Ahmed Duale Dir Isak-Ciida-Gale
Ahmed Ali Hsaan Dir Isak-Ciida-Gale
Dahir Mohamed Abdullahi Dir Isak-Ciida-Gale
Ali Mohamed Hashi Dir Isak-Ciida-Gale
Mohamed Buhi Dhegoole Dir Isak-Ciida-Gale
Abdullahi Hassan Mohamed Dir Isak-Ciida-Gale
Abdiweli Abdullahi Mohamud Dir Isak-Ciida-Gale
Qowdan Abdullahi Mohamud Dir Isak-Ciida-Gale
Suudi Elmi Hireey Dir Isak-Ciida-Gale
Sahra Ahmed Kariye Dir Isak-Ciida-Gale
Asha Ali Mahdi Dir Isak-Ciida-Gale
Name Clan Sub Clan
Omar Ali Hassan Dir Issak-Habar-Yonis
Ismail Ahmed Cige Dir Issak-Habar-Yonis
Hassan Arabala Dir Issak-Habar-Yonis
Abdullahi Dahir Abdi Dir Issak-Habar-Yonis
Abbas |Mohamud Mumin Dir Issak-Habar-Yonis
Sheikh Said Abdalla Dir Issak-Habar-Yonis
Bashir Mohamed Abdirahman Dir Issak-Habar-Yonis
Ahmed Abdikarim Dir Issak-Habar-Yonis
Hariir Adan Dir Issak-Habar-Yonis
Ahmed Ali Nur Dir Issak-Habar-Yonis
Abdullahi Ali Said Dir Issak-Habar-Yonis
Farah Jama Farah Dir Issak-Habar-Yonis
Abdirizak Mohamed Hersi Dir Issak-Habar-Yonis
Ismail Cadantegey Dir Issak-Habar-Yonis
Mohamed Abdullahi Abbas Dir Issak-Habar-Yonis
Ali Abdi Ahmed Dir Issak-Habar-Yonis
Said Abyan Hayd Dir Issak-Habar-Yonis
Mohamed Hersi Dir Issak-Habar-Yonis
Ahmed Abdirahman Mohamed Dir Issak-Habar-Yonis
Hassan Sheikh Ibrahil Dir Issak-Habar-Yonis
Yahya Ahmed Reygal Dir Issak-Habar-Yonis
Hawo Musse Dir Issak-Habar-Yonis
Safiya Hassan Qalinle Dir Issak-Habar-Yonis
Sahra Kahin Abdi Dir Issak-Habar-Yonis
Amina Osman Dir Issak-Habar-Yonis
Nimo Ali Hassan Dir Issak-Habar-Yonis
Said Yusuf Dir Issak-Habar-Yonis
Musse Ali Elmi Dir Issak-Arab
Khadar Iman Adan Dir Issak-Arab
Omar Ali Arale Dir Issak-Arab
Ahmed Iman Adan Dir Issak-Arab
Elmi Warsame Mohamed Dir Issak-Arab
Abdullahi Nur Mohamed Dir Issak-Arab
Mohamed Hassan Abdullahi Dir Issak-Arab
Amina Awil Ali Dir Issak-Arab
Yurub Raabi Osman Dir Issak-Arab
Ebado Mohamud Diriye Dir Issak-Arab
Ahmed Mohamed Guled Dir Issak-Arab
Ahmed Elmi Warsame Dir Issak-Arab
Hussein Ali Adan Dir Issak-Arab
Mohamed Ali Adan Dir Issak-Arab
Awil Ali Mahaad Dir Issak-Arab
Nimo Karrani Dir Issak-Arab
Ahmed Mohamed Omar DirIssak-Ayub
Ahmed Bajir Ahmed Dir Issak-Imran
Mohamud Abi Warsame DirIssak-Imran
Adan Ismail Roble Dir Issak-Sanbuur
Said Adan Mire Dir Issak-Habar Je'lo
Abdi Haji Mohamed Dir Issak-Habar Je'lo
Abdirizak Hussein Hassan DirIssak-Habar Je'lo
Yusuf Botan Duale Dir Issak-Habar Je'lo
Abdullahi Hayir Duale Dir Issak-Habar Je'lo
Adan Jama Duale Dir Issak-Habar Je'lo
Farah Subie Mohamed Dir Issak-Habar Je'lo
Mohamed Ismail Gedi Dir Issak-Habar Je'lo
Egeh Waeys Roble Dir Issak-Habar Je'lo
Amina Omar Jama Dir Issak-Habar Je'lo
Faduma Ali Abdi Dir Issak-Habar Je'lo
Nuro Mohamud Mohamed DirIssak-Habar Je'lo
Istar Duale Warsame Dir Issak-Habar Je'lo
Haweya Sahal Gedi Dir Issak-Habar Je'lo
Jibril Aydid Mohamed Dir Issak-Habar Je'lo
Abdi Osman Awale Dir Issak-Habar Je'lo
Ali Osman Hassan Dir Issak-Habar Je'lo
Abdi Saleban Biyole Dir Issak-Habar Je'lo
Mohamud Adan Dirir Dir Issak-Habar Je'lo
Hussein Ahmed Hassan DirIssak-Habar Je'lo
Warsame Jama Isse Dir Issak-Habar Je'lo
Ali Hassan Jama Dir Issak-Habar Je'lo
Ali Saleban Duale Dir Issak-Habar Je'lo
Abdi Ahmed Garyare Dir Issak-Habar Je'lo
Salah Nur Ismail Badbado Dir Issak-Habar Je'lo
Omar Haji Awad Qurshe Dir Issak
Ahmed Yusuf Shide Dir Issak
Farah Ali Shide Dir Issak
Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed Dir Issak
Mohamed Yasin Awale Dir Issak
Said Mohamed Abdullahi Dir Issak
Mohamed Ahmed Ismail Dir Issak
Hassan Ahmed Ali Dir Issak
Ahmed Ismail Osman Dir Issak
Ahmed Mohamed Adan Dir Issak
Sheikh Said Mahaad Abdalla Dir Issak
Maryan Dirir Dir Issak
Sahra Ismail Adan Dir Issak
Fowzia Hassan Dir Issak
Sahra Mohamed Farah Dir Issak
Rowda Abdullahi Diriye Dir Issak
Kaltun Ismail Adan Dir Issak
Kowsar Osman Dir Issak
Mohamed Ahmed Gaheyr Dir Issak
Omar Mohamed Abdi Dir Issak
Abdullahi Ismail Mohamed Dir Issak
Deeq Abdi Hashi Dir Issak
Said Jabril Ali Nur Dir Issak - 34k
Tirada loo qeybsaday wasaaradaha oo lagu saleeyey 4.5-ka
Beelaha D/M Hawiye Darood Dir B/shanad
Wasiiro 7 7 7 7 3
W/kuxigeen 7 7 7 7 3
W/Dowlo 2 3 2 2 2
1. Xil. Ismaciil Maxamuud Hure
(Dir/Isaaq/ Garxajir) Wasaaradda Waxbarashada
2. Xil. Ceydiid Cabdulaahi Ilka Xanaf(Dir/Isaq/Garxajis)
RWX ahna Wasaaradda Dastuurka iyo Arrimaha Federaalka
3. Xil. Xusseen Ceelaabe Faahiye
Wasaaradda Qorsheynta
4. Drs. Qamar Aadan Ali
(Dir/ Surre)
Wasaaradda Caafimaadka
Xil. Ismaaciil Axmed Nuur
Wasaaradda Gaashaandhigga
Xil. Cabdi Xaashi Cabdullaahi
(Dir/Isaaq H/awal)
Wasaaradda Degaanka iyo Bey'adda
Xil. Maxamed Cabdulaahi Kaamil (Dir/Ciise)
Wasaaradda Warshadaha
Xil. Cali Maxamuud Cabdi (Langare) (Dir/Isaaq/Habar Jeclo)
Wasaaradda Dib U Dhiska iyo Dib U Dejinta
Xil. Cabdikariin Cige Guuleed (Dir/Godebiirsi)
Wasaaradda Maaliyadda
Wasiir Ku-xigeenada
1. Xil. Axmed Ciise Cawale Yare (Dir/Isaaq Habar Awal)
Wasaaradda Dhallinyarada & Isboortiga
2. Xil. Maxamed Ismaciil Bulbul (Dir/Isaaq Tol Jecel)
Wasaaradda Shaqada iyo Shaqaalaha
3. Xil. Caasha Cabdullahi Ciise (Dir/Biyamaal)
Wasaaradda Haweenka & Horumarinta Qoyska
4. Xil. Cabdirahman Ismail Dirir (Dir/Godebiirsi)
Wasaaradda Boostada iyo Isgaarsiinta
5. Xil. Maxamed Cabdi Cawad (Dir/Isaaq Arab)
Wasaaradda Dib U Dhiska iyo Dib u Dejinta
6. Xil.Maxamed Cali Daheeye (Dir/ Ciise)
Wasaaradda Dalxiiska iyo Duur Joogta
7. Xil. Xassan Buraale Maxamed (Dir/Madaluug)
Wasaaradda Garsoorka
Maxaad ka taqaan Beelaha ay ka kala soo jeedaan
Xubnihii Golaha Wasiirada Cusub ee uu ku dhawaaqay Col. Nuur Cadde
Wasiirada: DM DAROOD HAWIYE DIR B-5aad
1-Xil. Saalim Caliyow Ibrow Ra'iisul wasaare Kuxigeen ahna Wasaarada Hidaha & Tacliinta Sare (Digil/ Jiido) 1
2-Xil. Ceydiid Cabdulaahi Ilka Xanaf Ra'iisul wasaare Kuxigeenka Ahna Wasaaradda Dastuurka.(Dir/Isaaq Garxajis) 1
3-Xil. Maxamed Cali Xirsi Ra'iisul Wasaare Kuxigeen ahna Wasaaradda Howlaha Guud & Gur.(Hawiye, H/gidir Sacad) 1
4-Xil. Cali Maxamed Maxamuud Xareed Wasaaradda Dalxiiska (Beesha Carab Maxamuud Saalax) 1
5-Xil. Khadiija Maxamed Diiriye Wasaaradda Haweenka (Beesha 5aad/ Yaxar) 1
6-Mr. Cabdiraxman Cabdi Xuseen Wasaaradda Warfaafinta (Beesha 5aad Reer Aw Xasan) 1
7-Xil. Ismaciil Maxamuud Hure Wasaaradda Waxbarashada (Dir/Isaaq Garxajir) 1
8-Xil. Xusseen Ceelaabe Faahiye Wasaaradda Qorsheynta (Dir/Godebiirsi) 1
9-Xil . Drs. Qamar Aadan Ali Wasaaradda Caafimaadka (Dir/ Surre) 1
10-Xil. Ismaaciil Axmed Nuur Wasaaradda Gaashaandhigga (Dir/Gaadsan) 1
11-Xil. Cabdi Xaashi Cabdullaahi Wasaaradda Degaanka iyo Bey’adda (Dir/Isaaq H/awal) 1
12-Xil. Maxamed Cabdulaahi Kaamil Wasaaradda Warshadaha (Dir/Ciise) 1
13-Xil. Xassan Maxamed Nuur Wasaaradda Amniga Qaranka (Mirifle/ Xariin) 1
14-Xil. Maxamed Nuuraani Bakar Wasaaradda Macdanta iyo Biyaha (Digil/Tuni 1
15-Xil. Ibrahim Isaq Yarow Wasaaradda Arrimaha Diinta iyo Awqaafta (Mirifle/Garwaale) 1
16-Mr. Maxamed Cali Xaamud Wasaaradda Arrimaha Dibedda & Iskaashiga Caalamiga (Mirifle/Jilible) 1
17-Xil. Maxamed Ibraahim Xaabsade Wasaaradda Gaadiidka Cirka iyo Dhulka (Mirifle/ Leysaan) 1
18-Xil. Madoobe Nuunow M. Wasaaradda Dhallinyada & Isboortiga (Digil/ Dabare) 1
19-Xil. Cabdi Mohamed Tarah Wasaaradda Boostada & Isgaarsiinta (Daarood/Ogaadeen) 1
20-Xil. Cali Jaamac Jengeli W/ Was. Xanaanada Xoolaha Dhirta iyo Daaqa (Daarood/Dhulbahante) 1
21-Xil. Cali Ismaaciil Cabdi Giir Wasiirka, Was.Gadiidka Badda & Dekedaha ( Daarood/Leelkase 1
22-Xil. Cabdiraxmaan Jaamac Abdalla W/ Kaluumeysiga iyo Kheyraadka Badda (Daarood/ Warsangeli) 1
23-Xil. Maxamed Yusuf Weyrax Wasiirka Wasaaradda Maaliyadda (Daarood/Majeerteen) 1
24-Xil. Cabdullaahi Yusuf Maxamed W/ Wasaaradda Batroolka iyo Tamarta (Daarood/Awrtable) 1
25-Xil. Cabdirisaaq Isaaq Biixi W/ Wasaaradda DibU dhiska iyo Dib U Dejinta (Daarood/Mareexaan) 1
26-Xil. Maxamed Maxamuud Guuleed Wasaaradda Arrimaha gudaha (Hawiye, H/gidir/ Saleebaan) 1
27-Xil. Abdulaahi Axmed Afrax Wasaaradda Ganacsiga (Hawiye. Mudullood/ Waceysle) 1
28-Xil. Xassan Dhimbil Warsame Wasaaradda Garsoorka iyo Cadaaladda (Hawiye, H/gidir/Cayr) 1
29-Xil. Cabdulqaadir Nuur Caraale Wasaaradda Beeraha (Hawiye/ Murusade) 1
30-Xil. Cali Cabdulaahi Cosoble Wasaaradda Dib U heshiisiinta (Hawiye/Xawaadle) 1
31-Xil. Muuse Nuur Amiin Wasaaradda Shaqada iyo Shaqaalaha. (Hawiye/Gaaljecel, Barsane) 1
Wasiir Ku-xigeenada:
1. Xil. Fahma Axmed Nuur Wasaaradda Arrimaha Gudaha (Beesha 5aad/ Reer Xamar) 1
2. Xil. Xassan Ibrahim Maxamed Wasaaradda Hiddaha iyo Tacliinta Sare (Beeshan 5aad/ Ajuuraan) 1
3. Sh. Jamac Xaaji Xuseen Wasaaradda Diinta iyo Awqaafta (Beesha 5aad/ Jareer Weyne) 1
4. Xil. Axmed Ciise Cawale Yare Wasaaradda Dhallinyarada & Isboortiga (Dir/Isaaq H/Awal) 1
5. Xil. Maxamed Ismaciil Bulbul Wasaaradda Shaqada iyo Shaqaalaha (Dir/Isaaq Tol Jecel) 1
6. Xil. Caasha Cabdullahi Ciise Wasaaradda Haweenka & Horumarinta Qoyska (Dir/Biyamaal) 1
7. Xil. Cabdirahman Ismail Dirir Wasaaradda Boostada iyo Isgaarsiinta (Dir/IGodebiirsi) 1
8. Xil. Maxamed Cabdi Cawad Wasaaradda Dib U Dhiska iyo Dib u Dejinta (Dir/Isaaq Arab) 1
9. Xil.Maxamed Cali Daheeye Wasaaradda Dalxiiska iyo Duur Joogta (Dir/ Ciise) 1
10. Xil. Xassan Buraale Maxamed Wasaaradda Garsoorka (Dir/Madaluug) 1
11. Xil. Sharif Cali Maxamed Abukar Wasaaradda Warshadaha (Mirifle/ Asharaaf) 1
12. Xil. Cabdi Kaafi Xassan Wasaaradda Ganacsiga (Digil/Garre) 1
13. Xil. Cabdi Xaaji Yariis Wasaaradda Dastuurka iyo Federaalka (Mirifle/ Eelaay) 1
14. Xil. Khaliif Sheekh Cabdullahi Wasaaradda Beeraha (Mirifle/ Boqol Hore) 1
15. Xil. Maxamud Cabdi Xasan (Bekos) Wasaaradda Batroolka iyo Tamarta (Mirifle/ Hubeer) 1
16. Xil. Amiin Axmed Sheekh Wasaaradda Maaliyadda (Mirifle/ Gasargude) 1
17. Xil. Cali Maxamed Nuur Wasaaradda Degaanka (Mirifle/ 5ta Caleemood) 1
18. Xil. Xassan Cabdi Guure Wasaaradda Dib U heshiisiinta (Daarood/ogaadeen) 1
19. Xil. Cabdullahi Axmed Cabdille Wasaaradda Gaadiidka Cirka iyo Dhulka (Daarood/Leelkase) 1
20. Xil. Cabdirahman Sh. Ismaaciil Wasaaradda Macdanta iyo Biyaha (Daarood/Dhulbahante) 1
21. Xil. Maxamud Axmed Kulalihi Wasaaradda Arrimaha Dibedda & Iskaashiga Caalamiga (Daarood/ Majeerteen) 1
22. Ms. Jamila Siciid Muuse Wasaaradda Qorshaynta (Daarood/Majeerteen) 1
23. Xil. Maxamed Maxamud Indhageel Wasaaradda Howlaha Guud iyo Guriyeynta (Daarood/Mareexaan) 1
24. Xil. Cabdulaahi Bile Nuur Wasaaradda Waxbarashada (Daarood.Majeerteen) 1
25. Xil. Ciise Weheliye Maalin Wasaaradda Caafimaadka (Hawiye/Murusade) 1
26. Xil. Salaad Cali Jeelle Wasaaradda Gaashaandhigga (Hawiye/ Mudullood, Harti Abgaal) 1
27. Xil. Cumar Adan Xassan Wasaaradda Xanaanada Xoolaha (Hawiye/ Gaaljecel/Dirsame) 1
28. Xil. Maxamed Sh. Isaaq Abaadir Wasaaradda Gadiidka Badda iyo Dekedaha (Hawiye/Gugundhabe, Jajeele) 1
29. Xil. Xirsi Adan Rooble Afrax Wasaaradda Warfaafinta (Hawiye/ H/gidir, Saruur) 1
30. Xil. Maxamed Xassan Ibraahim (Qoone) Wasaaradda Kaluumaysiga iyo Kheyraadka Badda (Hawiye/Xawaadle) 1
31. Xil. Bashir Maxamed Aden Wasaaradda Amniga Qaranka.(Hawiye/Sheekhaal) 1
Wasiiru- Dawlayaasha:
1-Xil. Sh. Aden Sh. Maxamed Deer Wasaaradda Dib U heshiisiinta (Mirifle/Luwaay) 1
2-Xil. Cali Maxamuud Cabdi (Langare) Wasaaradda Dib U Dhiska iyo Dib U Dejinta (Dir/Habar Jeclo) 1
3-Xil. Maxamed Maxamud Xeyd Wasaaradda Gaashaandhigga (Beesha 5aad/ Muuse Dheri) 1
4-Xil. Barre Ugaas Wasaaradda Warfaafinta (Daarood/ Ogaadeen) 1
5-Xil. Maxamed Axmed Kulan Wasaaradda Beeraha (Daarood/Majeerteen) 1
6-Xil. Ibrahim Maxamud Isaaq Wasaaradda Qorsheynta (Mirifle/Macalin Weyne) 1
7-Xil. Axmed Cumar Gaagaale Wasaaradda Boostada & Isgaarsiinta (Hawiye/ Gudundhabe Baadi Cadde) 1
8-Xil. Saalax Ismaaciil Sakaawe Wasaaradda Kaluumeysiga iyo Kheyraadka Badda (Beesha 5aad/ Reer Xamar) 1
9-Xil. Maxamed Xuseen Caddow Wasaaradda Arrimaha Dibedda (Hawiye/Mudullood Ujeejeen) 1
10-Xil. Bootaan Ciise Caalin Wasaaradda Gaadiidka Cirka & Dhulka (Hawiye/Duduble) 1
11-Xil. Cabdikariin Cige Guuleed Wasaaradda Maaliyadda (Dir/Godebiirsi) 1
MAXAMED XAAJI CALI “Qaybsigii Carta ma xal bay ahayd mise xaq bay ahayd”
Maxamed Xaaji Cali oo ka mid ah waxgaradka Soomaaliyeed ayaa tilmaan ka bixiyay qaabkii ay qabaa’ilada Soomaaliyeed wax ugu soo qaybsadeen degmadii Carta isagoo xusay in halkaasi ay isugu tageen qabaa’ilo Soomaaliyeed oo ay haysay baahi dowladeed, waxbadan oo qabaa’iladaas ka mid ahna ay tanaasul u sameeyeen sidii loo heli lahaa dowlad Soomaaliyeed.
“Qaybsigii Carta ma ahayn xaq ee wuxuu ahaa xal” ayuu yiri Maxamed Xaaji oo tusaale u soo qaatay beelaha direed oo hadda ka mid ah beelaha muranka xooga leh ka taagan yahay qaybsiga xubnaha baarlamaanka.
“Waxaan aad ula yaabay markii dirtii loo kala saaray Dir-koofureed, Isaaq, Gadabiirsi, iyo Ciise, sidaasna wax loogu qaybshay” ayuu yiri Maxamed Xaaji oo sheegay inaysan jirin wax la yiraahdo Dir-koofureed sida aysan u jirin Dir-waqooyi balse ay jiraan qabaa’illo wadaaga magaca Direed, sida loo xusayba Isaaq, Gadabiirsi iyo Ciise ayaa Dirta kalena ay kala yihiin Biyamaal, Surre, Wardaay, Madaluug, Awsaciid iyo Baajamaal, cadaalad darradii Carta ayay ka mid ahayd in 6-qabiil inta la isku qabto hal magac oo la abuuray la siiyo iyadoo Dirtii waqooyina ay sadex qabiil wax ku qaateen.
Maxamed Xaaji wuxuu xusay in isaga aragtidiisa in guud ahaan beesha Isaaq ayba tahay qabiilka ugu weyn beelaha Direed, qabiilka soo xigana uu yahay Biyamaal oo isaga kaligiis u kala baxa afar qabiil iyo adeerkood degana dhul aad u balaaran oo min Afgooye ilaa Kismaayo dhinaca kalena Bay iyo Bakool daadsan.
Maxamed Xaaji wuxuu ugu dambayntii tilmaamay aragtidiisa ku aadan xal u helida murunka dhex yaala beelaha direed isagoo yiri “Haddii laygala tashan lahaa qaybsiga 61-ka xubnood ee beelaha direed waxaan u qaybin lahaa sidatan: Isaaq 23-xubnood, Biyamaal 15-xubnood, Surre 9-xubnood, Gadabiirsi 6-xubnood, Ciise 3 xubnood, Wardaay 2-xubnood, Madaluug xubin, Baajamaal xubin, iyo aw saciid xubin.
Maxamed Xaaji wuxuu ugu dambayntii u soo jeediyay beelaha direed in iyaga dhexdooda looga baahan yahay in ay is qadariyaan oo midba midda kale waxa ay mudan tahay
Golaha Wasiirada uu ku dhawaaqay Nuur Cade iyo beelaha ay ka soo jeedaan. { 03 Dec 2007}
Xil. Fahma Axmed Nuur
W/Ku. Wasaaradda Arrimaha Gudaha
{Beesha 5-aad reer xamar}
Xil. Xassan Ibrahim Maxamed
W/ku. Wasaaradda Hiddaha iyo Tacliinta Sare
{Beesha 5-aad Ajuuraan}
Sh. Jamac Xaaji Xuseen
W/Ku. Wasaaradda Diinta iyo Awqaafta
{Beesha 5-aad Jareer/weyne}
Xil. Axmed Ciise Cawale
W/Ku. Wasaaradda Dhallinyarada & Isboortiga
{Dir/Isaaq H/Awal}
Xil. Maxamed Ismaciil Bulbul
W/Ku. Wasaaradda Shaqada iyo Shaqaalaha
{Dir/Isaaq Tol jecel}
Xil. Caasha Cabdullahi Ciise
W/ku. Wasaaradda Haweenka & Horumarinta Qoyska
Xil. Cabdirahman Ismaaciil Dirir
W/ku. Wasaaradda Boostada iyo Isgaarsiinta
Xil. Maxamed Cabdi Cawad
W/ku. Wasaaradda Dib U Dhiska iyo Dib u Dejinta
Xil.Maxamed Cali Daheeye
W/ku. Wasaaradda Dalxiiska iyo Duur Joogta
Xil. Xassan Buraale Maxamed
W/ku. Wasaaradda Garsoorka
Xil. Sharif Cali Maxamed Abukar
W/ku. Wasaaradda Warshadaha
{Mrifle {Asharaaf}
Xil. Cabdi Kaafi M. Xassan
W/ku. Wasaaradda Ganacsiga
{Digil/ Garre}
Xil. Cabdi Xaaji Yariis
W/ku. Wasaaradda Dastuurka iyo Federaalka
Xil. Khaliif Sheekh Cabdullahi
W/ku. Wasaaradda Beeraha
{Mirifle/ Boqol hore}
Xil. Maxamud Cabdi Xasan
W/ku. Wasaaradda Batroolka iyo Tamarta
{Mirifle/ Hubeer}
Xil. Amiin Axmed Sheekh
W/ku. Wasaaradda Maaliyadda
{Mirifle/ Gasargude}
Xil. Cali Maxamed Nuur
W/ku. Wasaaradda Degaanka
{Digil/ 5/ta Caleemood}
Xil. Xassan Cabdi Guure X. jabhad
W/ku. Wasaaradda Dib U heshiisiinta
Xil. Cabdullahi Axmed Cabdille
W/ku. Wasaaradda Gaadiidka Cirka iyo Dhulka
Xil. Cabdirahman Sh. Ismaaciil
W/ku. Wasaaradda Macdanta iyo Biyaha
Xil. Maxamud Axmed Kulalihi
W/ku. Wasaaradda Arrimaha Dibadda & Iskaashiga Caalamiga
Ms. Jamiila Siciid Muuse
W/ku. Wasaaradda Qorshaynta
Xil. Maxamed Maxamud Indhageelle
W/ku. Wasaaradda Howlaha Guud iyo Guriyeynta
Xil. Cabdulaahi Bile Nuur
W/ku. Wasaaradda Waxbarashada
Xil. Ciise Weheliye Maalin
W/ku. Wasaaradda Caafimaadka
Xil. Salaad Cali Jeelle
W/ku xigeenka . Wasaaradda Gaashaandhigga
{Hawiye Mudulood/Abgaal}
Xil. Cumar Adan Xassan C.Dheere
W/ku. Wasaaradda Xanaanada Xoolaha
{Hawiye/ Gaaljecel/ Dirisame}
Xil. Maxamed Sh. Isaaq Abaadir
W/ku. Wasaaradda Gadiidka Badda iyo Dekedaha
Xil. Xirsi Adan Rooble Afrax
W/ku. Wasaaradda Warfaafinta
{Hawiye/H/gidir/ Saruur}
Xil. Maxamed Xassan Ibraahim
W/ku.Wasaaradda Kaluumaysiga iyo Kheyraadka Badda
Xil. Bashir Maxamed Aden
W/ku. Wasaaradda Amniga Qaranka
Xildhibaan Cabdullaahi sh.Ismaaciil
Xildhibaanada Beesha Direed ee ku sugan Magaalada Baydhabo oo Bayaan adag soo saarey.
Shir socdey saacado badan oo lagu qabtey Hoteel Bakiin ee magaalada baydhabo, ayna isugu yimaadeen Xildhibaanada Beesha Direen isla markaana looga hadlaayey xaalada guud ee dalka gaar ahaan dhinaca aawood qaybsiga siyaasadeed ee DFKMG, maamulka, adkeynta Hay’adaha Qaranka, ku dhaqanka Axdiga iyo Sharciga, ayaa shirkaan si wada jira ah uga wada qaybgaleen wakiilada Beelaha Isaaq, Biimaal, Madaluug, Awsiciid iyo Baajimaal waxaana gudnaanadkiisa laga soo saarey qodobadan.
1-in Beesha Direed dhinaca looga riixey ka qaybgelinta wadatashiga sare ee lagu go’aaminayo jaangooyada wada dhiska awoodaha Dowladda xag siyaaso, maamul iyo Amniba, taasoo soo jiitameysay Sedaxdii sano ee la soo dhaafey dibna loogu dulqaadan Karin.
2-In ay jiraan xadgudubyo bareer ah oo Beesha Direed uga imaanaya hogaanka sare ee Dowladda oo lagu dhaawacayo karaamadooda, laguna duudsiinayo kaalintii kaga aadaneyd Qaran dhiska Soomaaliyeed, loona gacan dhaafayo had iyo jeer xulka iyo magacaabista xubnihii uga qaybgelilahaa awoodaga sare ee Dowladda.
3-In lays dhex jiirsiiyey Awoodihii Dowlanimo ee Axdigu qorey, dhabahana loo xaarayo wiiqida kala soocnaanta Awoodaha Hay’adaha Dowlanimo ee Qaranka si talada meel ugu uruurto oo mabda’ii isu dheelitirka Awoodaha loo buriyo.
4-In ay tahay arin fool xumo ku ah qaranimada Soomaaliya iyo sharafta Dowladnimo in ilaa iyo hada Gudoomiyihii maxkamada sare uu sharcidaro u xiran yahay, taasoo loo aaneyn karo kali ah asbaabo ismaandhaaf siyaasadeed ku lug leh.
5-In la sii la ciifinaayo Midnimada iyo wadajirka shacabka Soomaaliyeed, dibna loogu tumanaayo is aaminkii Qaran ee ka dhashay shirkii dibuheshiisiinta ee lagu soo dhisay Hay’adaha Federaaliga ee Dowladda,
sibabahaas oo idil aawgood Xildhibaanada Beelaha kor ku xusan, waxay hoosta ka xariiqayaan in loo baahan yahay wadahadalo adag oo lagu saxaayo dhaliilahaan oo wadanka u horseedaya bur bur iyo is aamin daro ayaa lagu yiri bayaankan ay soo saareen Xildhibaanad Beesha Direed eek u kulmay Hoteel Bakiin ee Magaalada Baydhabo.
hase ahaatee arimahaan dhacaaya ayaa waxay ka mid yihiin caqabada horyaala Xukuumada cusub ee Ra’iisul Wasaare Col/ Nuur Cade ee aan wali helin kalsoonida Baarlamaanka, islamarkaana laga cabsi qabo in ay dhicisoowdo, inkastoo hadal haynteeda ay ku badan tahay in xubin kasta oo Wasiiradda ka tirsan Baarlamaanka mid mid looga weydiindoono kalsooni, balse ma cada in ay dhaceyso iyo in kale arintaas, laakiin la ogaandoonee Todobaadyada soo socda, halka ay ku biyo shubtaan hadaladaan is burinaaya.
Maxamed Macallin Cismaan(All-man) Somalitalk Baydhabo.
Faafin: | Dec
o There have also been reports of about1000 Somali families crossing into Ethiopia (Barey District) on 19 September. They fled from Karaban village in Luuq district (Somalia) due to fighting over land ownership between the two clans: Gadsan (Dir) and Mo’alin Weyne (Rahanweyn). Further, almost 100 people a month are reported to be arriving in Sudan from Somalia traveling from Galkayo via Ethiopia into Sudan over a period of one and a half months.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Habar Jeclo (Somali: Habarjeclo) is one of the three main Isaaq (?????) clans. They are comprised from three of Sheikh Isaaq Ahmed's sons, Muusa, Mohamed and Ibrahim binu Is-haaq. They mostly live in the eastern parts of the self-declared state of Somaliland, stretching from the outskirts of the city of Berbera all the way to Ceel Afweyn in Sanaag. and Evigavo
Of the three sons the majority (about 90%) of the Habar Jeclo are descended from Muse binu Is-haaq. There are many families and subclans within the Habar Jeclo clan. Some who are larger than others and others that are very prominent in overseas country but less so in Somaliland. For example the descendants of Musa make up four large groups, which in turn go down to even more and more families. The three largest Habar Jeclo subclans are believed to be the Barre Adrahman subclan of the Musa Abokor, the Noah subclan of the Mohamed Abokor and the Reer Yonis subclan of Muse Abokor. In Somaliland the Mohamed Abokor, Samane Abokor, Sanbuur and Cibraan settled in the Togdheer Region and Haud, while the Muse Abokor is more concentrated in the Sool and Sanaag Regions.

Heesta kowad waxaa ku luuqeyneysa Saynab Cali BAXSAN: Guleysta iyo Geeri . Sadexda danbena Faynuus Sheikh Dahi. Labadan fanaan ayaa ka soo jeeda Galbeedka Somalia, oon u kala dhashay Obo Akihso iyo Reer Aw Saciid oo Madaxweyne Dir ka soojeeda.
3)Madoobe Dir-waa Ciise iyo beelo soo raaca oo isaga ladhashay lana dagan
4)Dir-Mandalluuga koonfurta dagan (sida Makahiilka, Nuure, Buufow, Reer Majuun, Reer xasan) iyo Gadabuursi (beel weynta Samaroon Saciid)
Horta Madaxweyn uma dhalan anigu (waxaan Ka soo Jeedaa Surre Dir). Laakin aad iyo aad ayaan u baaray, oo ku darsay beeshan balaaran ee Madaxweyne Direed. Dhowr safar oon Somalia, Kenya iyo Etioobiya meelaha ay dagaan ayaan ku soo maray, kadibna waxaan baaray oo yara raad raacay buugagta ay qoreen reer galbeedka. Marka, waxad odhan kartaa wax woogan ogahay, laakin cudurdaar, hadii aan wax is dhaf dhafiyo ha la ii dulqaato, hana la i saxo hadoow, oo foorumku waa furan yahay iyo comments kuba.
Madaxweyn wuxuu Dhalay:
3. Yaxye waa reer zona Jubbada Hoose North of Kismayo & wamo
Horta madaxweyn Dirku waxaa uu deegan ahaan, asasiyan uga yimaadaa Galbeedka Somaliyada Itoobiyo Guumeysato siiba laga bilaabo Erer, Harrar, Shiniile, ilaa Qabri Bayax. Laakin laga bilaabo 1600 ilaa 1890 kii ,xiligii gumeystiihii Menelik, boqorkii Itobiya uu qabsaday Harrar ilaa maanta waxaa ku dhacay Madaxweyn Dir kala daadsanaan iyo xoogaha jah wareer oo ay u kala guureen konfurta Itoobiya ilaa Afdeer, oo Doloow Ado u dhaw, ilaa Bay iyo dooxooyinka wabiyada Jubba iyo Shabeelle.
Tusaale, Guuraha oo 180,000 ruux gaaraya, ilaa Afdheer ilaa Guure Dhaamoole oo Jarati iyo Gooblka Liiban ayaay usoo qaxeen, itooda badan waxa aa u burburiyay Menelik boqorkii Itoobiya 1890kii oo gibir ama canshuur baad ah ku qoray. Beesha Guure iyo Mandalluug waxa ay barigaa ka tageen intooda badan Tog Faafan oon ka fogeeyn Jigjiga iyo Harrar.
Qeybo kala oo Madaxweyne Dir ah qarnigii 1500, markii Mujaahid Axmed Ibraahim Qaazi (Axmed Guurey) la jabiyay ayaa waxaa jiidhay Oromo fara badan oo qabsatay, Harrar iyo nawaxigeeda.
Waagaas waxaa Galbeedka ka qaxay dadka ay ka mid yihiin, Quraanyow Maxamed Xiniftire Mahe Dir ama qaybta Garre ee Dirka ah oo deegan ahaan dagay Bay, Awdheegle, ilaa Nageele. Qurac oo Mahe Dir Xiniftire ah waxa ay dageen Magalo tuulo dalka Aruusada Oromoda ah ku taal, sidoo kale Guurah oo dagay dhankaas xuduudna la leh Aruusada. Jiido Ali sidoo kale qarnigii 1600 ayay soo dageen Bay iiyo Jubo/Shabeelle Valley.
Sidoo kale, beelah Biyomaal, Bajimaal, iyo Dabruub ayaa ka mida beelah Mahe Dir ee ay Madaxweyn Dir iska soo raaceen dhankaan Harrar iyagoo soo raacaya wabiga Shabeelle ama Wabiga Jubba. Qaar Iimey iyo dhankaas ayay aadeen, Qaar shabeelle ayay soo raaceen oo waxa ay dageen Bay, Jubbada hoose iyo shabeelle. Marka, beello boqollal sanno ka hor daganaa konfurta iyo qaar dawaan ka daba yimid ayaa jira.
Beelaha dhawan ka yimid Galbeedka waxaa ka mid ah Gadsanka, Mandaluuga iyo beesha reer Aw Saciid ee fananada aad jeceshahay, Dirsame eey ka dhalatay, Marow Faynuus Sheekh Dahir.
Dirsame Su'aal :Mexeey u kala baxaan Aw Saciidka ?
Beesha Reer Aw Saciid waxa ay u kala baxaan Abkeey Xaaji oo Adeer ah iyo Farah, Abikar, Sacdi , Nuur, Ali, Cismaan, Xuseen, iyo Cumar.
Halkaan Ka daawada Sawirada iyo Bilicda Casimada Labaad ee Gurgure Dir ,Hurso:
Markaa waa beel aad u balaaran oo kala dagta: Ijaara, wajaale, Arabsiyo W.G Somali land ilaa Qabri bayax, Diraa dhabe, Fayanbiiro, Gura Dhaamoole, Diraa Dhabe, Jigjiga, Hadana u sii fiday Maiso, Awash,Hurso,Erer goota, Harar, Kismaayo, Buaale, Luuq ilaa NFD Garseen Lake Tana area iyo Doolow Nageele xageeda. Marka dad badan oo aan lasoo koobi karin oo Malyuun Kor u dhaaf aya weeye.
Bil Matalan, Akisho waxa ay ku leeyihiin magaaloyin ka Waqooyi Galbeed ka xiga Hargeysa beero sida beerah ku yaal Odjiid agagaarkeeda oo ay isla dagaan is na dhalaan beesha Yoonis Jibriilka. Ingiriiskii ayaa waxa ka qoray ganacsatada iyo beeraleyda beeshan, siiba Warre Kiyo Reer Carre Cumar Bullalle iyo lafahooda sida Addo Carre iyo Reer Daud Carre ( Caddale Daud iyo lafta Geelle Daud)
Mahadsanid Mudane Dirsame. Waxaan rajeyneynaa in aad nagala hadashid tarikhaha aad uruurisay, anaguna waa dabic doonaa.
Wareeysigu waa socon doona, kolba markii aan E-mail ka helno
Beesha Jaarso deegaanada ay ku nool yihiin waxaa ka mid ah :
1. Degmada Jigjiga
2. Degmada Jinacsani
3. Degmada Ajasa Koora
4. Degmada Baabili
5. Degmada Gursum
6. Degmada Hawaday
7. Harar,Haramaya,Diridawa,Naserat,Baali,Dhangago
8. Degmada Tuli Guuled
9. Waxay Kale oo Ay Ku Nool Yihin Qaybo Badan Oo Ka Mid Ah Kililka Oromada
10. Gobolka Liibaan
Hadaan usoo noqono beeshu waxay ka kooban tahay lix (6) jilib oo waa wayn waxayna kala Yihiin:
1. Wara dhaqo ( Reer Dhaqo )
2. Wara sayo ( Reer Sayo)
3. Walaabi
4. Wara Oogo (Reer Oogo)
5. Dawaro
6. Oroma
Erayga Waro waa eray oromo ah wuxuuna la mid yahay Reer
1. Wara Dhaqo iyaduna waxay usii kala baxdaa Tobadaba (7) Jilib.
Wara Yan’a
Wara Yaanyo Igo
Wara Maxamed
Wara Yaanyo Guyo
Wara Akaako
Wara Areelo
2. Wara Sayo iyaduna waxay ukala baxdaa sadex (3) jilib oo waa Wayn
Wara Buuko
3. Walaabi waxay ukala baxdaa sadex (3) jilib oo waa Wayn
Wara Cusmaan
Wara Cumar
4. Dawaro
5. Wara Oogo
6. Orama
F.G. Fadlan wixii Talo iyo Tusaaleba Ah ama Sixid Aad Iga Saxaysid Wixii Ka Qaldan Qoraalkan iigu Soo Hagaaji Ciwaankan
[edit] Major subclans
Adan Madoobe (wolf of the north)
Ahmed Faarah
Alah Magan Abdulle
Ali Barre
Farah Ba'iide
Ahmed Farah Ba'iide(the lion of the north)
Bayle faarah
Fahiye Farah
Omar Jibriil
Reer Daahir (eagle of the north)
Reer Dood
Reer Yoonis
Samane Abokor
Ibreem Yeesif
[edit] Notable Habar Jeclo people
Mohamed Ibrahim Warsame 'Hadrawi', Somali poet and songwriter
Ahmed M. Mahamoud Silanyo, Kulmiye chairman; former SNM chairman
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Maxamuud Qaloonbi
Gabaygani wuxuu abwaanku tirshey qiyaastii 1953 kii waqtigaas oo ay colaad sokeeye ka taagnayd beelaha walaalaha ah ee wada dega Gobolka Togdheer. Maalintii Maxamuud Cali Fadal iyo ragga badan laga laayey beesha Habar Jeclo ayuu gabaygan ugu caqli celinayaa.
Markay dayrtu daantaa sariyo, Doollo ka hagaagtay
Doonbiraale iyo hawd markii, dooggu ka hillaacay
Degmo aan badnayn iyo rag yari, naga dabayl raacye
Dakanadeeda Habar Yoonistii, waayo daba joogtay
Dilkii Gumarre aar doonistii, loo diyaar noqoye
Markayse dirirtu reer Daahiriyo, duul galbeed noqotay
Dabra celiska waa wada ogayn inay, diiqo geliyeene
Raggii wadane laga doonay iyo, gaadhigaa dilay’e.
Ninse walaalkiis daab lala dhacoo, diidi kari waayey
Dumaashiisa naagahana waa, laga dibboodshaaye
Axmed Faarax doorkii ku jirey, waa la daawadaye.
Diintaan ku dhaartaye hadday, duuddayadu joogto
Amay Solamadawdii dirnayd , dab iyo hiil keento
Qoluunbaa dalkuu hadhi lahayd, labada daamoode
Intuu dunida degel Habar Jeclo ah, degel ka qiiqaayo
Duufaanka dhacaybaan inuu, damo la eegayne
Dudmada iska daa Habar Jeclooy waynu daabiqiye.
Maxamuud Qaloonbi
Habar Jeclo - Bah Majeelo
Habar Yoonis
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Main article: Somali clan
The Habar Yoonis (Somali: Habaryoonis) is a Somali clan, part of the larger Isaaq group. Habar is the maternal grouping in the Somali tribal segmentations. Said Garxajis married, from the Daarood sub-clan, Geri Koombe (Aba-Yoonis). The most numerous Said Garxajis are from his Daarood (Aba-Yoonis) wife and hence the maternal segment's name. The clan includes Eidegalla, Arap and Ayoup of the Isaaq clan. Also included in Habar Yoonis is the Eliye of the Issa clan, and finally the Harti sub-clan of the Abgaal and Sacad sub-clan of the Habar Gedir, both of which comprise of the larger Hawiye clan. As well, the Sheikhal, Saleebaan, and Ceyr of the Hawiye, the Ashraaf clan of the Rahanweyn are also included. The Habar Yoonis is a sub-clan of the Sheik Isaaq clan. They are famous for being the only sub-clan in Somaliland that has a sizable population in all the cities of Somaliland and Ethopia's Somali region. One of the ancestral cities of the Habar Yoonis is Burco and the Aroori plain, which they still inhabit and control to a great degree.
The Burco countryside where the Habar Yoonis dominate to this date.Contents [hide]
1 Clan structure
1.1 Cali Saciid
1.2 Carre Siciid
1.3 Isaxaaq care Siciid
1.4 Ismaciil Carre Siciid
1.5 Cabdalle Ismaaciil
1.6 Muuse Cabdalle
1.7 Abokor Looge
1.8 Faarax Maxamed
2 Cumar Cabdalle
3 Adan Cumar
4 Mohamed Adan
5 Xildiid Maxamed
6 Cismaan Xildiid
7 Xirsi Cismaan
7.1 Ceynaashe Xirsi
7.2 Sugulla Ceynaashe
7.3 Muuse Ismaaiil
7.4 Yoonis Ismaaciil
8 Musa Care
9 Has Three Sons
10 Damal Muse
10.1 Habar Yoonis Sultans
10.2 Idaares Abdalle
11 References
12 External links
[edit] Clan structure
Saciid Ismaaciil (Garxajis) Is Nick name and Has two sons
[edit] Cali Saciid
(Hassan Haaji and Faarax haaji) Faarax Haaji 1)Ismail Faarax and abdi Faarax
Ismail Faarax 1) Reer ciagaale dheere 2) Reer collow 3) reer Amarre 4) Reer AWAD 5) Reer aw cabdi 6) reer xasan xirsi 7) reer cali xirsi 8) reer cadaawe
HASSAN Haaji, 1) reer samater 2) reer siyaad 3) abdi hassan 4) cismaan hassan 5)cumar xasan 6)jidh jidhan
[edit] Carre Siciid
Carre Saciid (larger group)
Carre had seven sons:
Ismaaciil Carre (Cabdale, Muuse and Yoonis)
Muuse Carre(Ibraahim, Hassan and Damal)
Isxaaq Carre(Kaliil, Cabdalle, Qaasim)
Dandaan Carre
Kuul Carre
Gambo Carre
Makaahiil Carre
[edit] Isaxaaq care Siciid
1)Cabdalle Isaxaaq 2)Qaasim Isaxaaq 3)Kaliil Isaxaaq
Cabdalle Isaxaaq= Ahmed Hassan and Hussein Hassan
* Hussein Hassan, ( heer ugaadh, ahmed liig, and cali abdalle).
* Ahmed Hassan, (mahamed ahmed, hussein hassan, and (geeda saluug, salah geel))
[edit] Ismaciil Carre Siciid
Ismaciil Carre, a branch of the Habar Yoonis, is considered to be the largest family branch of all branches within Somali clans. He is the only 4th generation descendant of Isxaaq who is buried along him in his tomb.
His lineage was: Ismaciil, son of Carre, son of Said, son of Ismaiil, son of Sheikh Isaaq bin Ahmed. Ismaciil had three sons: Musse Ismaciil (Gadhweyne and Reer Cawl), Abdalle Ismaciil (Cumar Abdalle, Idarees Abdalle and Muuse Abdale) and Yonis Ismaciil (Sacad Yonis). Ismaciil Carre members are recognized to be the backbone of the SNM struggle against the rule of Somali dictator Siad Barre. Ismaciil Carre members live mostly in the Hawd Ethiopia, Burco, Erigabo, Nugaal, Sanaag and Togdheer regions of Somaliland.
Three Sons of Ismaaciil Carre
Muuse Ismaacil (reer Awl + Gadhweyn)
Yoonis Ismaaciil (Sacad Yoonis)
Cabdalle Ismaaciil (majority of this section)
[edit] Cabdalle Ismaaciil
Cabdalle Ismaacil had three sons, the largest of his descendant are among the Cumar Cabdalle (Omar Abdalla).
1- Idrays Cabdalle a-Muuse idarays -xasan muuse -xasan magan -xasan buureed b-Max/ed idarays c-Siciid idarays
2- Muuse Cabdalle 3- Cumar Cabdalle
[edit] Muuse Cabdalle
1- Abokor Looge 2- Faarax Maxamed
[edit] Abokor Looge
A- Cigaal Abokor 1)Maxamed Cigaal (reer Maxamed Casse) 2)Xassan Cigaal (reer Diiriye) 3) Beyle Cigaal subdivided into 1) Bagaalo (Muuse cabdi + Maxamed cabdi) 2) Farax cabdi and 3)Ismaaciil cabdi 4) Maax Cigaal (reer maax).
B- Muuse Abokor (divisions of Muuse also missing)
C- Cali Abokor: 1. Hagar Cali ( Rooble Hagar, Faarax Hagar ) 2. Xasan Cali ( divisions of Muuse also missing)
[edit] Faarax Maxamed
A- Xasan Faarax B- Cali Faarax (Bah Warsangali + Cali Xasan) C- Jibriil Faarax +Xuseen Faarax(Ba-Gumaroon)
D- Cabdi Xasan Faarax)1)CUMAR CABDI{2}GADIID CABDI E- Allamagan Faarax
[edit] Cumar Cabdalle
had three sons:
A- Ugaadh Cumar (a sub clan by itself) B- Kaliil Cumar C- Adan Cumar (which is the most numerous at this junction).
[edit] Adan Cumar
3 sections:
Cigaal Adan (grouped into Gumbuur)
Maxamed Adan (the most numerous)
Cilmi Adan (reer Cilmi)
[edit] Mohamed Adan
2 sections:
Xildiid Maxamed (the most numerous)
Rooble Maxamed (Carabala).
A- Baho Rooble B- Reer Samatar (the most numerous)
Rooble/carabala, are the providers of Akils (Caaqil) for their alliane Baho ismail (Rooble Maxamed+Idarays cabdalle+Abokor xildiid)
[edit] Xildiid Maxamed
4 sections:
1- Xasan Xildiid (grouped within Gumbuur alliance) 2- Xuseen Xildiid (reer Xuseen): A- Ismaaciil Xuseen B- Samtar Xuseen c- Galab Xuseen.
3- Abokor Xildiid (reer Abokor): A- Cali Abokor (most numerous) B- Ibraahin Abokor
4- Cismaan Xildiid (the most numerous)
[edit] Cismaan Xildiid
Mumin Cismaan
Cali Cismaan (Ba-Dhulbahante)
Cabdi Cismaan (Ba-Dhulbahnate)
Maxamuud Cismaan (Ba-Dhulbahnate)
Xirsi Cismaan.
Ibrahim Cismaan
Iidle Cismaan
[edit] Xirsi Cismaan
8 sections:
Ceynaashe Xirsi (17 sections)
Siciid Xirsi (reer Weyd + reer Waraabe + reer Cigaal + Cabdi )
Cabdi Xirsi (Cawd and Diiriye)
Warsame Xirsi
Faahiye Xirsi (geedi and ducaale)
yuusuf Xirsi
Cali Xirsi
Xildiid Xirsi.
[edit] Ceynaashe Xirsi
17 sections
Axmed Ceynaashe
Liibaan Ceynaashe
Sugulla Ceynaashe ( 18 sections)
Guutaale Caynaashe
Guuleed Caynaashe
Xirsi Caynaashe
Samaale Caynaashe
Faarax Caynaashe
Ciise Caynaashe
Butiye Caynaashe
Maygaag caynaashe
Kooshin Caynaashe
Cumar caynaashe
Cigaal Caynaashe
Cabdi Caynaashe
Suubaan Caynaashe
Wacays Caynaashe
[edit] Sugulla Ceynaashe
Diiriye Sugulla ( Bah Makahiil and Baha Diiriye)
Axmed Sugulla
Roble Sugulla
Maxamuud Sugule (bah Adam madoobe)
Ducaale sugule (bah Adam madoobe)
Maxamed Sugule (bah Adam madoobe)
Wacays Sugule
[edit] Muuse Ismaaiil
The Muuse Ismaaciil sub-clan of the Habar Yoonis is the second in population after the Cabdalle Ismaaciil. They inhabit the Sanaag region in Somaliland, and some parts of Sool around the district of Xudun. The Muuse Ismaaciil are the traditional inhabitants of the city of Erigavo. Some sections of the Muuse Ismaaciil (reer Cawl) settle in Burco and parts of Ethopia around Gorgor and Qalocan area of Wardheer district. They traditionally had their own sultan who governed the eastern sections of the Habar Yoonis.
Sultaan Ducaale Muuse(1890-1955)was the first M.Ismaaciil sultan
Sultaan Cali Suldaan Ducaale (1920-1977)
Sultaan Rashid Sultan Cali the present sultan (b.1955).
Muuse Ismaaciil tribal divisions are:
Salax Muuse
Maxamed Muuse (urursuge)
Saalax Muuse ( Tuurwaa)
Yoonis Muuse.
The Tuurwaa are the most numerous and they are three sections:
Muuse Tuurwaa
Jibriil Tuurwaa (Xasan and Yoonis) (Qori Jarato)
Cismaan Tuurwaa
The Cismaan and the Muuse Tuurwaa are the main divisions in terms of population in this stage of segmentation and they spilt as the following:
Cismaan Tuurwaaa:
Xaamud Cismaan
Cawl Cismaan (reer Cawl)
Xaamud Cismaan, 3 sections:
Maxamud Xaamud
Cabdale Xaamud
Cabdi Xaamud
Cawl Cismaan, Ugaadhyahan Cawl (1 son) ,
Beyle Ugaadhyahan Cawl
Faarax Ugaadhyahan Cawl
The Beyle Ugaahyahan are the largest and are the traditional enemy of the Daarood (Dhulbahante) sub-clan, this is the only major H.Y sub-clan that shares land with the Dhulbahante in the Hawd region. From this section of the clan hails the famous Guba poet Yawle.
Beyle Ugaadhyahan
Maax Beyle
Gadiid Beyle
Cismaan Beyle (Yawle's sub-clan)
Adan Beyle.
Notice some sub-clan division are missing, specially the Muuse Tuurwaa the second largest in Muuse Ismaaciil.
[edit] Yoonis Ismaaciil
Yoonis Ismaaciil is better known as the Sacad Yoonis subclan. Sacad Yoonis members live mostly in the eastern part of Somaliland, more specifically in Burco city, Sanaag, Sool, and western Nugaal Regions of Somaliland. Two of the 82 Somaliland parliament seats are held by Sacad Yoonis clan members. The link below is a visual breakdown of the Sacad Yoonis clan structure.
Sacad's sons:
Hasan Sacad (largest branch)
Maxamed Sacad (Iidarays)
Maxamuud Sacad (Reer Maxamuud)
Hasan Sacad had son called Jibriil Hasan
Jibriil's sons, Barkad Jibriil, Rooble Jibriil, Adan Jibriil,
Barkad Jibriil had four sons:
Cali Barkad
Hasan Barkad
Camaar Barkad
Jaamac Barkad
Cali Barkad had three sons
Faahiye Cali (reer Faahiye Cali)
Ahmed Cali (reer Axmed Cali)
Naaleye Cali (reer Naaleeye)
Faahiye Cali had three sons:
Bayle Faahiye
Caweer Faahiye (reer Caweer)
Xildiid Faahiye (reer Xildiid)
Bayle faahiye had son Cumaar Bayle:
Cumaar Bayle had eight sons:
Nuux Cumaar (Reer Nuux)
Maxamed Cumaar (reer Xuseen)
Cabdale Cumaar (reer Cabdale)
Cali Cumaar
Xasan Cumaar
Xuseen Cumaar
jibriil Cumaar
Guuled Cumaar
Nuux Cumaar had six sons "Reer Nuux"
Cali Nuux (reer Cali nuux)
Diiriye Nuux
Liibaan nuux
Guuled Nuux
Dibjir Nuux
Daahiir Nuux
Cali Nuux had eight sons
Abokor cali (reer Abokor)
Wade Cali (reer Wade)
Rable Cali (reer Rable)
Magan Cali (reer Magan)
Ducaale Cali (reer Ducaale Cali)
Maxamuud Cali (reer Maxamuud Cali)
Axmed Cali (reer Axmed Cali)
Ibraahim (reer Ibraahim)
First Sacad Yoonis Caaqil was reer Nuux and still all Sacad Yoonis chief Caaqil is reer Nuux. The Present Sacad Yoonis Chief Caaqil is Saciid Xasan Cali (xuxuule).
Maxamed Sacad - Iidarays
Muse Samatar (largest group of the IIdarays)
Cabdi Samatar (split into Ba' Arab and Fiqi Egaal)
Reer Wacays
Iidarays are the original inhabitants of Ceelafweyn (Ceelafween), a town between Burco and Ceerigabo in Sanaag province of Somaliland. Mahammed Nuur (Fiqi Egaal) was the first man to build a home near the famous water basin in the town. The town now has a sizable popualtion of habar-jeclo clan members who originally lived in the mountains in the vicinity of Ceelafweyn. Iidarays also live in Ceerigabo, Burco, Dararweyne, and Xudun Area. There is a large diaspora population of Sacad Yoonis branches in the UK.
2, Maxamud sacad is divided two parts.
[edit] Musa Care
[edit] Has Three Sons
Ibrahim Muse, Hasan Muse and Damal Muse
Ibrahim Muse is the Largest section in Muse Care and his grandsons are 6
1- Jibriil Adan Fiqi 2- Muuse Adan Fiqi 3- Cali Adan Fiqi 4- Muxumed Adan Fiqi 5- CabdulRaxmaan Fiqi 6- Samane Fiqi
[edit] Damal Muse
1- Roble Damal == 2- Adan Damal ==
[edit] Habar Yoonis Sultans
The royal sub-clan (the one that provides the Sultans) of the Habar Yoonis are the Reer Sugule, who hail from the Caynanshe branch of the Habar Yoonis.
1- The first H.Y Sultan was Sultan Diiriye Suguule (1760-1840) 2- Sultaan Amaan Sultan Diiriye (1790-1854). 3- Sultaan Xirsi Sultan Amaan (1824-1879) 4- Sultaan Cawd sultan Diiriye (1830-1899)
In 1899 Sultan Cawd (Awd) was killed during a battle with the rival Daarood (Ogaden) tribe in western Ethiopia. There were 2 first cousins sultans each supported by different segments of the Habar Yoonis clan some Pro-Devrish and others opposed to it, the Pro-Devrish sultan Nuur A. Amaan eventually defeated his opponent Madar X. Amaan and for a period of 15 years him and his son held the sultantes, only after their death did the H.Y proclaimed him a sultan.
5- Sultaan Nuur Axmed Sultan Amaan (1844-1910)killed during the Devrish struggle. 6- Sultan Doolaal Sultan Nuur(1856-1917)also killed during the Devrish years. 7- Sultaan Madar Sultan Xirsi Amaan (1876-1938) 8- Sultaan Cali Sultan Madar (1900-1979) 9- Sultan Xirsi Qani (1916-1987) 10- Sultaan Yuusuf Sultan Xirsi Qani (1925-1991) 11- Sultaan Ciise sultan Xirsi Qani (1929-1999) 12- Sultan Cismaan Sultan Cali sultan Madar (b 1957) 13- Sultaan Maxamed Sultan Xirsi Qani (born 1967)
[edit] Idaares Abdalle
The oldest of the Abdalle Ismaciil sub-clan, who were also Sultans of the Habar Yoonis. Together with Reer Sugule (Current Emirs) they are known as "Reer Odweyne" after their town and where the Sultans reside.
Before 1960.
1-Shermaarke Saalax Baasha (1790-1861) the conqueror of Zaylac and the man who for the first time in Somali history brought Zaylac under the rule of Somalis, the first Somali Qadiif who in 1825 with 5 cannons and 60 H.Y musketeers took Zaylac and forced its Arab ruler Maxamed Al Baari out. He was accorded the title of Qadiif Al Soomaal by Cabdixamiid Baasha and was presented with two Arab and one Turkish slave women. The founder of what was referred to as the Government of Zaylac.
2- Sultaan Diiriye Suguule (1760-1844) the first H.Y sultan and the originator of over 30 Somali idioms and sayings.
3- Boqor Xirsi Amaan the warrior king (1823-1879) the first founder of centralized northern Somali state, the first sultan who ever imposed regulated tax on both the coast of Berbera and Bulaxaar, coining the Somali term of "sed boqortooyo" before 'cashuur' was even known. The only power the Persian recognized in Somalia in their bid to counter Siiciid Baraqash and the first Somali man to be referred to King Amaan by the Qajar Shaah of Iraan in 1857. Every year via his connection to Suur sultanates of Oman he received his Royal Presents from Persia. His wars against the Kuumbo in furthering his borders south west to Somali Galbeed and his legendary death in the battle with his cousin Guuleed Xaaji is a legend even among his enemies the Kuumubs:
Keysahaa aduun ina Amaan Koos Dhan Buu Heleye
Isba kii bani Israel ma hadin kamana yaabayne
Ragbuu keeno gali yidhi weysa soo kabiye
Ragow Kibirka waa lagu kufaa taana hala ogaado.
4- Sultaan Nuur Amaan (1844-1910) the first sultan who declared war against the British and gave shelter to the Dervish when all Kuumbu sultanates including Garaad Cali Garaad Maxamud (who sent a letter to the Brits crying for their help against what he called new religious fanatics, and who was killed as result), Sultaan Cali Shire, Boqor Osman mahamoud sided with the colonials. The first battle of the Devrish took place in Burco in 1899 when Sultan Nuur Amaan led the new devrish to Burco and later was forced to withdrew. Sultaan Nuur Amaan abondened his Sultanate for the cause and later was killed some say by the Devrish some say by some Kuumbu's.
6- Engineer Said Faarax (1910-1963) the first Somali civil engineer and a graduate of Edinburgh University class of 1933, the designer of Burco city roads and much of colonial infrastructures.
7- Maxamud Axmed Cali the Father of Somali education, the first modern Somali educator.
8- Xaaji Yuusuf Xaaji Aadan (1914-2005)(second Father of Somali Education, the first founder of Somali political party in Somaliland and pioneer of Somali education also the composer of the Somali national anthem.
9- Maxamed Naxar the first chairman of the SNL before Maxamed Xaaji Ibraahim Cigaal and among its founders.
10- Sayid Axmed Sheekh Muuse (1910-1979) the founder of the first religious party Xizbul Allah in 1957 and first Somali graduate of Azhar university and the author of Xizbulaah wa Xizbul Shaydaan.
11- Abdirahman Ahmed Ali (tuur) First Somaliland President
[edit] References
Of the three sons the majority (about 90%) of the Habar Jeclo are descended from Muse binu Is-haaq. There are many families and subclans within the Habar Jeclo clan. Some who are larger than others and others that are very prominent in overseas country but less so in Somaliland. For example the descendants of Musa make up four large groups, which in turn go down to even more and more families. The three largest Habar Jeclo subclans are believed to be the Barre Adrahman subclan of the Musa Abokor, the Noah subclan of the Mohamed Abokor and the Reer Yonis subclan of Muse Abokor. In Somaliland the Mohamed Abokor, Samane Abokor, Sanbuur and Cibraan settled in the Togdheer Region and Haud, while the Muse Abokor is more concentrated in the Sool and Sanaag Regions.

Heesta kowad waxaa ku luuqeyneysa Saynab Cali BAXSAN: Guleysta iyo Geeri . Sadexda danbena Faynuus Sheikh Dahi. Labadan fanaan ayaa ka soo jeeda Galbeedka Somalia, oon u kala dhashay Obo Akihso iyo Reer Aw Saciid oo Madaxweyne Dir ka soojeeda.
Wareysi Dheer oo aan Layeelanay Mudane Warsame oo Dalka Itobiya ku xeel dheer.
Su'aal Dirsame : Bal dhalinta reer konfurta Direed een kala aqoon reer tolkood wax uga sheeg Madaxweyn Dirka Galbeedka Somalia. Dhamaan Dirka dagan konfurta markii ay maqlaan Madaxweyne wexey la soo boodaan inta badan laba hobol oo Wabari ku jiray, sida Baxsan iyo Cabdi Muxummed Amiin Gabyaga, heesaga, wadaniga weyn. Dhalinta waxa kale eey yaqaanan atirisho Faynus Sheikh Dahir, siiba kuwa majajilada ruwayadaha daawada. Laakin dalkas Somali Galbeed iyo deeganada ma yaqaanan dhalinyarada reer Xamarka ah sideyda, bal waxa nooga sheeg, Madaxweyn Dir itaad Ka aragtay ?
Sida ay u kala baxaan noo sheeg horta ?
Mudane Warsame Jawaab: Marxaba anigoo hadalka soo koobi doona. Saad ogsontahay Dir wuxuu dhalay 4 wiil oo kala ha:
Mudane Warsame Jawaab: Marxaba anigoo hadalka soo koobi doona. Saad ogsontahay Dir wuxuu dhalay 4 wiil oo kala ha:
2)Maahe Dir-Isaaq;Biimaal;gadsan; dabruube iyo Bajimaal 3)Madoobe Dir-waa Ciise iyo beelo soo raaca oo isaga ladhashay lana dagan
4)Dir-Mandalluuga koonfurta dagan (sida Makahiilka, Nuure, Buufow, Reer Majuun, Reer xasan) iyo Gadabuursi (beel weynta Samaroon Saciid)
Horta Madaxweyn uma dhalan anigu (waxaan Ka soo Jeedaa Surre Dir). Laakin aad iyo aad ayaan u baaray, oo ku darsay beeshan balaaran ee Madaxweyne Direed. Dhowr safar oon Somalia, Kenya iyo Etioobiya meelaha ay dagaan ayaan ku soo maray, kadibna waxaan baaray oo yara raad raacay buugagta ay qoreen reer galbeedka. Marka, waxad odhan kartaa wax woogan ogahay, laakin cudurdaar, hadii aan wax is dhaf dhafiyo ha la ii dulqaato, hana la i saxo hadoow, oo foorumku waa furan yahay iyo comments kuba.
Madaxweyn wuxuu Dhalay:
- Maxamed
- Ali
- Yaxye
- Hordare
- Maxammed iyo Ali madaxweyn ayyeenu inta badan aan maqalnaa oo kala ah:
- Gurgure (maxammed)
- Akisho
- Gariire
- Guure
- Waro Waro
- Obo
- Reer Aw saciid
- Layiile
- Madigaan
- Iyo Barsuug
- Reer Dayo ( Wardaay)
- Jiido Geedle Cali Madaxweyn ( Wajis iyo Sifir)-Qoryoolley area.
- Alaabweyn
- Ijaaje
- Khayre
3. Yaxye waa reer zona Jubbada Hoose North of Kismayo & wamo
- Dheere Madaxweyn
- Dalbis
- Leyiille
- Dayle
- Guurejenno
Horta madaxweyn Dirku waxaa uu deegan ahaan, asasiyan uga yimaadaa Galbeedka Somaliyada Itoobiyo Guumeysato siiba laga bilaabo Erer, Harrar, Shiniile, ilaa Qabri Bayax. Laakin laga bilaabo 1600 ilaa 1890 kii ,xiligii gumeystiihii Menelik, boqorkii Itobiya uu qabsaday Harrar ilaa maanta waxaa ku dhacay Madaxweyn Dir kala daadsanaan iyo xoogaha jah wareer oo ay u kala guureen konfurta Itoobiya ilaa Afdeer, oo Doloow Ado u dhaw, ilaa Bay iyo dooxooyinka wabiyada Jubba iyo Shabeelle.
Tusaale, Guuraha oo 180,000 ruux gaaraya, ilaa Afdheer ilaa Guure Dhaamoole oo Jarati iyo Gooblka Liiban ayaay usoo qaxeen, itooda badan waxa aa u burburiyay Menelik boqorkii Itoobiya 1890kii oo gibir ama canshuur baad ah ku qoray. Beesha Guure iyo Mandalluug waxa ay barigaa ka tageen intooda badan Tog Faafan oon ka fogeeyn Jigjiga iyo Harrar.
Qeybo kala oo Madaxweyne Dir ah qarnigii 1500, markii Mujaahid Axmed Ibraahim Qaazi (Axmed Guurey) la jabiyay ayaa waxaa jiidhay Oromo fara badan oo qabsatay, Harrar iyo nawaxigeeda.
Waagaas waxaa Galbeedka ka qaxay dadka ay ka mid yihiin, Quraanyow Maxamed Xiniftire Mahe Dir ama qaybta Garre ee Dirka ah oo deegan ahaan dagay Bay, Awdheegle, ilaa Nageele. Qurac oo Mahe Dir Xiniftire ah waxa ay dageen Magalo tuulo dalka Aruusada Oromoda ah ku taal, sidoo kale Guurah oo dagay dhankaas xuduudna la leh Aruusada. Jiido Ali sidoo kale qarnigii 1600 ayay soo dageen Bay iiyo Jubo/Shabeelle Valley.
Sidoo kale, beelah Biyomaal, Bajimaal, iyo Dabruub ayaa ka mida beelah Mahe Dir ee ay Madaxweyn Dir iska soo raaceen dhankaan Harrar iyagoo soo raacaya wabiga Shabeelle ama Wabiga Jubba. Qaar Iimey iyo dhankaas ayay aadeen, Qaar shabeelle ayay soo raaceen oo waxa ay dageen Bay, Jubbada hoose iyo shabeelle. Marka, beello boqollal sanno ka hor daganaa konfurta iyo qaar dawaan ka daba yimid ayaa jira.
Beelaha dhawan ka yimid Galbeedka waxaa ka mid ah Gadsanka, Mandaluuga iyo beesha reer Aw Saciid ee fananada aad jeceshahay, Dirsame eey ka dhalatay, Marow Faynuus Sheekh Dahir.
Dirsame Su'aal :Mexeey u kala baxaan Aw Saciidka ?
Beesha Reer Aw Saciid waxa ay u kala baxaan Abkeey Xaaji oo Adeer ah iyo Farah, Abikar, Sacdi , Nuur, Ali, Cismaan, Xuseen, iyo Cumar.
Halkaan Ka daawada Sawirada iyo Bilicda Casimada Labaad ee Gurgure Dir ,Hurso:
Markaa waa beel aad u balaaran oo kala dagta: Ijaara, wajaale, Arabsiyo W.G Somali land ilaa Qabri bayax, Diraa dhabe, Fayanbiiro, Gura Dhaamoole, Diraa Dhabe, Jigjiga, Hadana u sii fiday Maiso, Awash,Hurso,Erer goota, Harar, Kismaayo, Buaale, Luuq ilaa NFD Garseen Lake Tana area iyo Doolow Nageele xageeda. Marka dad badan oo aan lasoo koobi karin oo Malyuun Kor u dhaaf aya weeye.
Bil Matalan, Akisho waxa ay ku leeyihiin magaaloyin ka Waqooyi Galbeed ka xiga Hargeysa beero sida beerah ku yaal Odjiid agagaarkeeda oo ay isla dagaan is na dhalaan beesha Yoonis Jibriilka. Ingiriiskii ayaa waxa ka qoray ganacsatada iyo beeraleyda beeshan, siiba Warre Kiyo Reer Carre Cumar Bullalle iyo lafahooda sida Addo Carre iyo Reer Daud Carre ( Caddale Daud iyo lafta Geelle Daud)
Mudane Dirsame maxay ku dhacdaa ama loo moodaa in Ogadeenku ugu badan yihiin Gobolka Somali Galbeed ama dhulkan Xabishidu guumeysato ee Region 5, hadii arinku saad shegeysid yahay ?
Ogadeen boqolkiiba 30 % xitaa ma gaadhan dad ahaan dadka ku nool Gobolka Somali galbeed. Qiyaastii beesha Ciise xitaa ayaa uga badan. Dirka dalkaa dagana waa Gurgure, Gadabuursi, Beelweynta Isaaq, Gadsan, Guure, Gariire, Surre oo leh Fiqi Muxummed, Nacdoor, Fiqi Khayre, Fiqi Yaxye, Mandaluug, Akisho, Obo, Bajimaal Quraanyow Maxammed Garre iyo Dabruube. Marka waa wax saxafadaha reer galbeedka (western media) laga dhaadiciyay. Dirka waxaa weheliya Karanle Hawiye, Murille, Hiraab. Waxa agaakan dagan Shiikhaal, beelo Raxanweyn ah iyo Garre Marre, Duubo, iyo Digoodi ba. Marka waa iska probaganda raqiis ah oo hir gashay.
Tuusaale ahaan:
- Iimey Dir ayaa ugu badan, waa run Ogaden Reer Amadin iyo beesha Duubo waa dagan yihiin.
- Jarati iyo Liiban: Dir ayaa majority ah ilaa Waladayo, Doolo, Guure Dhamoole.
- Godey: Iimey West iyo East iyo Booley
- Gashaamo: Sida Nusdariiq, Kabtinuur, Qabri Dahare
- Kalaafo Ilaa Mustaxiil. Bajimaalku waxa ay dagan yihiin iyo Dir kaleba magaalooyinka Gumar, D'are, Niman, Mayko, Qodi dudul, Burdhinle, Mustahiil
- Baalle, nageele, dhanka kale Fayaanbiiro, Hara Maayo, Maiso, Gobolka Shiniille oo dhan Fiiq.
Ma lasoo koobi karo adeer. Hada ka hor ayaa shirkii Kenya lagu qabtay ayaa odayaal Darood iyo Hawiye ah oo Dir la yaaban ayaa waydiiyay wiil yar oo Surre Dir ah, " Waryaa Dir badatee, meeqa Gobol ayaa dagtaan?
Wiilkii Surre isagoo isku kalsoon ayuu yiri, " War adeerayaal Darood iyo Hawiyow idinkaa fudud ee is xisaabiya, wixii soo haran anaa leh, hadii aan dhaho carro Dir aan xisabinaa, waagaa baryi oo hadana baryi, marka idinkaa fudude, oo koobane lana xisaabin karaa deegankiine dee sheegta halkaad dagtaan, halkaan dagana waa dagaa anigoo Diree.
Wareeysigu waa socon doona, kolba markii aan E-mail ka helno
Gurra -a group of Dir living between wabi Gastro and Dumale. Gurra Dhaamole, Afdeer, lands of the Guure Madax weyn Dir, group very related to Akisho and Gurgure numbering over 260,000.
Gurra- top
Gurro- ear
Gurratti- Black
Qurac- Mahe Dir Group living in Magalo, Bale.
Beesha Jaarso deegaanada ay ku nool yihiin waxaa ka mid ah :
1. Degmada Jigjiga
2. Degmada Jinacsani
3. Degmada Ajasa Koora
4. Degmada Baabili
5. Degmada Gursum
6. Degmada Hawaday
7. Harar,Haramaya,Diridawa,Naserat,Baali,Dhangago
8. Degmada Tuli Guuled
9. Waxay Kale oo Ay Ku Nool Yihin Qaybo Badan Oo Ka Mid Ah Kililka Oromada
10. Gobolka Liibaan
Hadaan usoo noqono beeshu waxay ka kooban tahay lix (6) jilib oo waa wayn waxayna kala Yihiin:
1. Wara dhaqo ( Reer Dhaqo )
2. Wara sayo ( Reer Sayo)
3. Walaabi
4. Wara Oogo (Reer Oogo)
5. Dawaro
6. Oroma
Erayga Waro waa eray oromo ah wuxuuna la mid yahay Reer
1. Wara Dhaqo iyaduna waxay usii kala baxdaa Tobadaba (7) Jilib.
Wara Yan’a
Wara Yaanyo Igo
Wara Maxamed
Wara Yaanyo Guyo
Wara Akaako
Wara Areelo
2. Wara Sayo iyaduna waxay ukala baxdaa sadex (3) jilib oo waa Wayn
Wara Buuko
3. Walaabi waxay ukala baxdaa sadex (3) jilib oo waa Wayn
Wara Cusmaan
Wara Cumar
4. Dawaro
5. Wara Oogo
6. Orama
F.G. Fadlan wixii Talo iyo Tusaaleba Ah ama Sixid Aad Iga Saxaysid Wixii Ka Qaldan Qoraalkan iigu Soo Hagaaji Ciwaankan
[edit] Major subclans
Adan Madoobe (wolf of the north)
Ahmed Faarah
Alah Magan Abdulle
Ali Barre
Farah Ba'iide
Ahmed Farah Ba'iide(the lion of the north)
Bayle faarah
Fahiye Farah
Omar Jibriil
Reer Daahir (eagle of the north)
Reer Dood
Reer Yoonis
Samane Abokor
Ibreem Yeesif
[edit] Notable Habar Jeclo people
Mohamed Ibrahim Warsame 'Hadrawi', Somali poet and songwriter
Ahmed M. Mahamoud Silanyo, Kulmiye chairman; former SNM chairman
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Maxamuud Qaloonbi
Gabaygani wuxuu abwaanku tirshey qiyaastii 1953 kii waqtigaas oo ay colaad sokeeye ka taagnayd beelaha walaalaha ah ee wada dega Gobolka Togdheer. Maalintii Maxamuud Cali Fadal iyo ragga badan laga laayey beesha Habar Jeclo ayuu gabaygan ugu caqli celinayaa.
Markay dayrtu daantaa sariyo, Doollo ka hagaagtay
Doonbiraale iyo hawd markii, dooggu ka hillaacay
Degmo aan badnayn iyo rag yari, naga dabayl raacye
Dakanadeeda Habar Yoonistii, waayo daba joogtay
Dilkii Gumarre aar doonistii, loo diyaar noqoye
Markayse dirirtu reer Daahiriyo, duul galbeed noqotay
Dabra celiska waa wada ogayn inay, diiqo geliyeene
Raggii wadane laga doonay iyo, gaadhigaa dilay’e.
Ninse walaalkiis daab lala dhacoo, diidi kari waayey
Dumaashiisa naagahana waa, laga dibboodshaaye
Axmed Faarax doorkii ku jirey, waa la daawadaye.
Diintaan ku dhaartaye hadday, duuddayadu joogto
Amay Solamadawdii dirnayd , dab iyo hiil keento
Qoluunbaa dalkuu hadhi lahayd, labada daamoode
Intuu dunida degel Habar Jeclo ah, degel ka qiiqaayo
Duufaanka dhacaybaan inuu, damo la eegayne
Dudmada iska daa Habar Jeclooy waynu daabiqiye.
Maxamuud Qaloonbi
Habar Jeclo - Bah Majeelo
Habar Yoonis
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Main article: Somali clan
The Habar Yoonis (Somali: Habaryoonis) is a Somali clan, part of the larger Isaaq group. Habar is the maternal grouping in the Somali tribal segmentations. Said Garxajis married, from the Daarood sub-clan, Geri Koombe (Aba-Yoonis). The most numerous Said Garxajis are from his Daarood (Aba-Yoonis) wife and hence the maternal segment's name. The clan includes Eidegalla, Arap and Ayoup of the Isaaq clan. Also included in Habar Yoonis is the Eliye of the Issa clan, and finally the Harti sub-clan of the Abgaal and Sacad sub-clan of the Habar Gedir, both of which comprise of the larger Hawiye clan. As well, the Sheikhal, Saleebaan, and Ceyr of the Hawiye, the Ashraaf clan of the Rahanweyn are also included. The Habar Yoonis is a sub-clan of the Sheik Isaaq clan. They are famous for being the only sub-clan in Somaliland that has a sizable population in all the cities of Somaliland and Ethopia's Somali region. One of the ancestral cities of the Habar Yoonis is Burco and the Aroori plain, which they still inhabit and control to a great degree.
The Burco countryside where the Habar Yoonis dominate to this date.Contents [hide]
1 Clan structure
1.1 Cali Saciid
1.2 Carre Siciid
1.3 Isaxaaq care Siciid
1.4 Ismaciil Carre Siciid
1.5 Cabdalle Ismaaciil
1.6 Muuse Cabdalle
1.7 Abokor Looge
1.8 Faarax Maxamed
2 Cumar Cabdalle
3 Adan Cumar
4 Mohamed Adan
5 Xildiid Maxamed
6 Cismaan Xildiid
7 Xirsi Cismaan
7.1 Ceynaashe Xirsi
7.2 Sugulla Ceynaashe
7.3 Muuse Ismaaiil
7.4 Yoonis Ismaaciil
8 Musa Care
9 Has Three Sons
10 Damal Muse
10.1 Habar Yoonis Sultans
10.2 Idaares Abdalle
11 References
12 External links
[edit] Clan structure
Saciid Ismaaciil (Garxajis) Is Nick name and Has two sons
[edit] Cali Saciid
(Hassan Haaji and Faarax haaji) Faarax Haaji 1)Ismail Faarax and abdi Faarax
Ismail Faarax 1) Reer ciagaale dheere 2) Reer collow 3) reer Amarre 4) Reer AWAD 5) Reer aw cabdi 6) reer xasan xirsi 7) reer cali xirsi 8) reer cadaawe
HASSAN Haaji, 1) reer samater 2) reer siyaad 3) abdi hassan 4) cismaan hassan 5)cumar xasan 6)jidh jidhan
[edit] Carre Siciid
Carre Saciid (larger group)
Carre had seven sons:
Ismaaciil Carre (Cabdale, Muuse and Yoonis)
Muuse Carre(Ibraahim, Hassan and Damal)
Isxaaq Carre(Kaliil, Cabdalle, Qaasim)
Dandaan Carre
Kuul Carre
Gambo Carre
Makaahiil Carre
[edit] Isaxaaq care Siciid
1)Cabdalle Isaxaaq 2)Qaasim Isaxaaq 3)Kaliil Isaxaaq
Cabdalle Isaxaaq= Ahmed Hassan and Hussein Hassan
* Hussein Hassan, ( heer ugaadh, ahmed liig, and cali abdalle).
* Ahmed Hassan, (mahamed ahmed, hussein hassan, and (geeda saluug, salah geel))
[edit] Ismaciil Carre Siciid
Ismaciil Carre, a branch of the Habar Yoonis, is considered to be the largest family branch of all branches within Somali clans. He is the only 4th generation descendant of Isxaaq who is buried along him in his tomb.
His lineage was: Ismaciil, son of Carre, son of Said, son of Ismaiil, son of Sheikh Isaaq bin Ahmed. Ismaciil had three sons: Musse Ismaciil (Gadhweyne and Reer Cawl), Abdalle Ismaciil (Cumar Abdalle, Idarees Abdalle and Muuse Abdale) and Yonis Ismaciil (Sacad Yonis). Ismaciil Carre members are recognized to be the backbone of the SNM struggle against the rule of Somali dictator Siad Barre. Ismaciil Carre members live mostly in the Hawd Ethiopia, Burco, Erigabo, Nugaal, Sanaag and Togdheer regions of Somaliland.
Three Sons of Ismaaciil Carre
Muuse Ismaacil (reer Awl + Gadhweyn)
Yoonis Ismaaciil (Sacad Yoonis)
Cabdalle Ismaaciil (majority of this section)
[edit] Cabdalle Ismaaciil
Cabdalle Ismaacil had three sons, the largest of his descendant are among the Cumar Cabdalle (Omar Abdalla).
1- Idrays Cabdalle a-Muuse idarays -xasan muuse -xasan magan -xasan buureed b-Max/ed idarays c-Siciid idarays
2- Muuse Cabdalle 3- Cumar Cabdalle
[edit] Muuse Cabdalle
1- Abokor Looge 2- Faarax Maxamed
[edit] Abokor Looge
A- Cigaal Abokor 1)Maxamed Cigaal (reer Maxamed Casse) 2)Xassan Cigaal (reer Diiriye) 3) Beyle Cigaal subdivided into 1) Bagaalo (Muuse cabdi + Maxamed cabdi) 2) Farax cabdi and 3)Ismaaciil cabdi 4) Maax Cigaal (reer maax).
B- Muuse Abokor (divisions of Muuse also missing)
C- Cali Abokor: 1. Hagar Cali ( Rooble Hagar, Faarax Hagar ) 2. Xasan Cali ( divisions of Muuse also missing)
[edit] Faarax Maxamed
A- Xasan Faarax B- Cali Faarax (Bah Warsangali + Cali Xasan) C- Jibriil Faarax +Xuseen Faarax(Ba-Gumaroon)
D- Cabdi Xasan Faarax)1)CUMAR CABDI{2}GADIID CABDI E- Allamagan Faarax
[edit] Cumar Cabdalle
had three sons:
A- Ugaadh Cumar (a sub clan by itself) B- Kaliil Cumar C- Adan Cumar (which is the most numerous at this junction).
[edit] Adan Cumar
3 sections:
Cigaal Adan (grouped into Gumbuur)
Maxamed Adan (the most numerous)
Cilmi Adan (reer Cilmi)
[edit] Mohamed Adan
2 sections:
Xildiid Maxamed (the most numerous)
Rooble Maxamed (Carabala).
A- Baho Rooble B- Reer Samatar (the most numerous)
Rooble/carabala, are the providers of Akils (Caaqil) for their alliane Baho ismail (Rooble Maxamed+Idarays cabdalle+Abokor xildiid)
[edit] Xildiid Maxamed
4 sections:
1- Xasan Xildiid (grouped within Gumbuur alliance) 2- Xuseen Xildiid (reer Xuseen): A- Ismaaciil Xuseen B- Samtar Xuseen c- Galab Xuseen.
3- Abokor Xildiid (reer Abokor): A- Cali Abokor (most numerous) B- Ibraahin Abokor
4- Cismaan Xildiid (the most numerous)
[edit] Cismaan Xildiid
Mumin Cismaan
Cali Cismaan (Ba-Dhulbahante)
Cabdi Cismaan (Ba-Dhulbahnate)
Maxamuud Cismaan (Ba-Dhulbahnate)
Xirsi Cismaan.
Ibrahim Cismaan
Iidle Cismaan
[edit] Xirsi Cismaan
8 sections:
Ceynaashe Xirsi (17 sections)
Siciid Xirsi (reer Weyd + reer Waraabe + reer Cigaal + Cabdi )
Cabdi Xirsi (Cawd and Diiriye)
Warsame Xirsi
Faahiye Xirsi (geedi and ducaale)
yuusuf Xirsi
Cali Xirsi
Xildiid Xirsi.
[edit] Ceynaashe Xirsi
17 sections
Axmed Ceynaashe
Liibaan Ceynaashe
Sugulla Ceynaashe ( 18 sections)
Guutaale Caynaashe
Guuleed Caynaashe
Xirsi Caynaashe
Samaale Caynaashe
Faarax Caynaashe
Ciise Caynaashe
Butiye Caynaashe
Maygaag caynaashe
Kooshin Caynaashe
Cumar caynaashe
Cigaal Caynaashe
Cabdi Caynaashe
Suubaan Caynaashe
Wacays Caynaashe
[edit] Sugulla Ceynaashe
Diiriye Sugulla ( Bah Makahiil and Baha Diiriye)
Axmed Sugulla
Roble Sugulla
Maxamuud Sugule (bah Adam madoobe)
Ducaale sugule (bah Adam madoobe)
Maxamed Sugule (bah Adam madoobe)
Wacays Sugule
[edit] Muuse Ismaaiil
The Muuse Ismaaciil sub-clan of the Habar Yoonis is the second in population after the Cabdalle Ismaaciil. They inhabit the Sanaag region in Somaliland, and some parts of Sool around the district of Xudun. The Muuse Ismaaciil are the traditional inhabitants of the city of Erigavo. Some sections of the Muuse Ismaaciil (reer Cawl) settle in Burco and parts of Ethopia around Gorgor and Qalocan area of Wardheer district. They traditionally had their own sultan who governed the eastern sections of the Habar Yoonis.
Sultaan Ducaale Muuse(1890-1955)was the first M.Ismaaciil sultan
Sultaan Cali Suldaan Ducaale (1920-1977)
Sultaan Rashid Sultan Cali the present sultan (b.1955).
Muuse Ismaaciil tribal divisions are:
Salax Muuse
Maxamed Muuse (urursuge)
Saalax Muuse ( Tuurwaa)
Yoonis Muuse.
The Tuurwaa are the most numerous and they are three sections:
Muuse Tuurwaa
Jibriil Tuurwaa (Xasan and Yoonis) (Qori Jarato)
Cismaan Tuurwaa
The Cismaan and the Muuse Tuurwaa are the main divisions in terms of population in this stage of segmentation and they spilt as the following:
Cismaan Tuurwaaa:
Xaamud Cismaan
Cawl Cismaan (reer Cawl)
Xaamud Cismaan, 3 sections:
Maxamud Xaamud
Cabdale Xaamud
Cabdi Xaamud
Cawl Cismaan, Ugaadhyahan Cawl (1 son) ,
Beyle Ugaadhyahan Cawl
Faarax Ugaadhyahan Cawl
The Beyle Ugaahyahan are the largest and are the traditional enemy of the Daarood (Dhulbahante) sub-clan, this is the only major H.Y sub-clan that shares land with the Dhulbahante in the Hawd region. From this section of the clan hails the famous Guba poet Yawle.
Beyle Ugaadhyahan
Maax Beyle
Gadiid Beyle
Cismaan Beyle (Yawle's sub-clan)
Adan Beyle.
Notice some sub-clan division are missing, specially the Muuse Tuurwaa the second largest in Muuse Ismaaciil.
[edit] Yoonis Ismaaciil
Yoonis Ismaaciil is better known as the Sacad Yoonis subclan. Sacad Yoonis members live mostly in the eastern part of Somaliland, more specifically in Burco city, Sanaag, Sool, and western Nugaal Regions of Somaliland. Two of the 82 Somaliland parliament seats are held by Sacad Yoonis clan members. The link below is a visual breakdown of the Sacad Yoonis clan structure.
Sacad's sons:
Hasan Sacad (largest branch)
Maxamed Sacad (Iidarays)
Maxamuud Sacad (Reer Maxamuud)
Hasan Sacad had son called Jibriil Hasan
Jibriil's sons, Barkad Jibriil, Rooble Jibriil, Adan Jibriil,
Barkad Jibriil had four sons:
Cali Barkad
Hasan Barkad
Camaar Barkad
Jaamac Barkad
Cali Barkad had three sons
Faahiye Cali (reer Faahiye Cali)
Ahmed Cali (reer Axmed Cali)
Naaleye Cali (reer Naaleeye)
Faahiye Cali had three sons:
Bayle Faahiye
Caweer Faahiye (reer Caweer)
Xildiid Faahiye (reer Xildiid)
Bayle faahiye had son Cumaar Bayle:
Cumaar Bayle had eight sons:
Nuux Cumaar (Reer Nuux)
Maxamed Cumaar (reer Xuseen)
Cabdale Cumaar (reer Cabdale)
Cali Cumaar
Xasan Cumaar
Xuseen Cumaar
jibriil Cumaar
Guuled Cumaar
Nuux Cumaar had six sons "Reer Nuux"
Cali Nuux (reer Cali nuux)
Diiriye Nuux
Liibaan nuux
Guuled Nuux
Dibjir Nuux
Daahiir Nuux
Cali Nuux had eight sons
Abokor cali (reer Abokor)
Wade Cali (reer Wade)
Rable Cali (reer Rable)
Magan Cali (reer Magan)
Ducaale Cali (reer Ducaale Cali)
Maxamuud Cali (reer Maxamuud Cali)
Axmed Cali (reer Axmed Cali)
Ibraahim (reer Ibraahim)
First Sacad Yoonis Caaqil was reer Nuux and still all Sacad Yoonis chief Caaqil is reer Nuux. The Present Sacad Yoonis Chief Caaqil is Saciid Xasan Cali (xuxuule).
Maxamed Sacad - Iidarays
Muse Samatar (largest group of the IIdarays)
Cabdi Samatar (split into Ba' Arab and Fiqi Egaal)
Reer Wacays
Iidarays are the original inhabitants of Ceelafweyn (Ceelafween), a town between Burco and Ceerigabo in Sanaag province of Somaliland. Mahammed Nuur (Fiqi Egaal) was the first man to build a home near the famous water basin in the town. The town now has a sizable popualtion of habar-jeclo clan members who originally lived in the mountains in the vicinity of Ceelafweyn. Iidarays also live in Ceerigabo, Burco, Dararweyne, and Xudun Area. There is a large diaspora population of Sacad Yoonis branches in the UK.
2, Maxamud sacad is divided two parts.
[edit] Musa Care
[edit] Has Three Sons
Ibrahim Muse, Hasan Muse and Damal Muse
Ibrahim Muse is the Largest section in Muse Care and his grandsons are 6
1- Jibriil Adan Fiqi 2- Muuse Adan Fiqi 3- Cali Adan Fiqi 4- Muxumed Adan Fiqi 5- CabdulRaxmaan Fiqi 6- Samane Fiqi
[edit] Damal Muse
1- Roble Damal == 2- Adan Damal ==
[edit] Habar Yoonis Sultans
The royal sub-clan (the one that provides the Sultans) of the Habar Yoonis are the Reer Sugule, who hail from the Caynanshe branch of the Habar Yoonis.
1- The first H.Y Sultan was Sultan Diiriye Suguule (1760-1840) 2- Sultaan Amaan Sultan Diiriye (1790-1854). 3- Sultaan Xirsi Sultan Amaan (1824-1879) 4- Sultaan Cawd sultan Diiriye (1830-1899)
In 1899 Sultan Cawd (Awd) was killed during a battle with the rival Daarood (Ogaden) tribe in western Ethiopia. There were 2 first cousins sultans each supported by different segments of the Habar Yoonis clan some Pro-Devrish and others opposed to it, the Pro-Devrish sultan Nuur A. Amaan eventually defeated his opponent Madar X. Amaan and for a period of 15 years him and his son held the sultantes, only after their death did the H.Y proclaimed him a sultan.
5- Sultaan Nuur Axmed Sultan Amaan (1844-1910)killed during the Devrish struggle. 6- Sultan Doolaal Sultan Nuur(1856-1917)also killed during the Devrish years. 7- Sultaan Madar Sultan Xirsi Amaan (1876-1938) 8- Sultaan Cali Sultan Madar (1900-1979) 9- Sultan Xirsi Qani (1916-1987) 10- Sultaan Yuusuf Sultan Xirsi Qani (1925-1991) 11- Sultaan Ciise sultan Xirsi Qani (1929-1999) 12- Sultan Cismaan Sultan Cali sultan Madar (b 1957) 13- Sultaan Maxamed Sultan Xirsi Qani (born 1967)
[edit] Idaares Abdalle
The oldest of the Abdalle Ismaciil sub-clan, who were also Sultans of the Habar Yoonis. Together with Reer Sugule (Current Emirs) they are known as "Reer Odweyne" after their town and where the Sultans reside.
Before 1960.
1-Shermaarke Saalax Baasha (1790-1861) the conqueror of Zaylac and the man who for the first time in Somali history brought Zaylac under the rule of Somalis, the first Somali Qadiif who in 1825 with 5 cannons and 60 H.Y musketeers took Zaylac and forced its Arab ruler Maxamed Al Baari out. He was accorded the title of Qadiif Al Soomaal by Cabdixamiid Baasha and was presented with two Arab and one Turkish slave women. The founder of what was referred to as the Government of Zaylac.
2- Sultaan Diiriye Suguule (1760-1844) the first H.Y sultan and the originator of over 30 Somali idioms and sayings.
3- Boqor Xirsi Amaan the warrior king (1823-1879) the first founder of centralized northern Somali state, the first sultan who ever imposed regulated tax on both the coast of Berbera and Bulaxaar, coining the Somali term of "sed boqortooyo" before 'cashuur' was even known. The only power the Persian recognized in Somalia in their bid to counter Siiciid Baraqash and the first Somali man to be referred to King Amaan by the Qajar Shaah of Iraan in 1857. Every year via his connection to Suur sultanates of Oman he received his Royal Presents from Persia. His wars against the Kuumbo in furthering his borders south west to Somali Galbeed and his legendary death in the battle with his cousin Guuleed Xaaji is a legend even among his enemies the Kuumubs:
Keysahaa aduun ina Amaan Koos Dhan Buu Heleye
Isba kii bani Israel ma hadin kamana yaabayne
Ragbuu keeno gali yidhi weysa soo kabiye
Ragow Kibirka waa lagu kufaa taana hala ogaado.
4- Sultaan Nuur Amaan (1844-1910) the first sultan who declared war against the British and gave shelter to the Dervish when all Kuumbu sultanates including Garaad Cali Garaad Maxamud (who sent a letter to the Brits crying for their help against what he called new religious fanatics, and who was killed as result), Sultaan Cali Shire, Boqor Osman mahamoud sided with the colonials. The first battle of the Devrish took place in Burco in 1899 when Sultan Nuur Amaan led the new devrish to Burco and later was forced to withdrew. Sultaan Nuur Amaan abondened his Sultanate for the cause and later was killed some say by the Devrish some say by some Kuumbu's.
6- Engineer Said Faarax (1910-1963) the first Somali civil engineer and a graduate of Edinburgh University class of 1933, the designer of Burco city roads and much of colonial infrastructures.
7- Maxamud Axmed Cali the Father of Somali education, the first modern Somali educator.
8- Xaaji Yuusuf Xaaji Aadan (1914-2005)(second Father of Somali Education, the first founder of Somali political party in Somaliland and pioneer of Somali education also the composer of the Somali national anthem.
9- Maxamed Naxar the first chairman of the SNL before Maxamed Xaaji Ibraahim Cigaal and among its founders.
10- Sayid Axmed Sheekh Muuse (1910-1979) the founder of the first religious party Xizbul Allah in 1957 and first Somali graduate of Azhar university and the author of Xizbulaah wa Xizbul Shaydaan.
11- Abdirahman Ahmed Ali (tuur) First Somaliland President
[edit] References
Shaykh Abdulaziz Mosque, ninth century, Mogadishu
Courtesy R.W.S. Hudson
A paucity of written historical evidence forces the student of early Somalia to depend on the findings of archeology, anthropology, historical linguistics, and related disciplines. Such evidence has provided insights that in some cases have refuted conventional explanations of the origins and evolution of the Somali people. For example, where historians once believed that the Somalis originated on the Red Sea's western coast, or perhaps in southern Arabia, it now seems clear that the ancestral homeland of the Somalis, together with affiliated Cushite peoples, was in the highlands of southern Ethiopia, specifically in the lake regions. Similarly, the once-common notion that the migration and settlement of early Mus,lims followers of the Prophet Muhammad on the Somali coast in the early centuries of Islam had a significant impact on the Somalis no longer enjoys much academic support. Scholars now recognize that the Arab factor--except for the Somalis' conversion to Islam--is marginal to understanding the Somali past. Furthermore, conventional wisdom once held that Somali migrations followed a north-to-south route; the reverse of this now appears to be nearer the truth.
Increasingly, evidence places the Somalis within a wide family of peoples called Eastern Cushites by modern linguists and described earlier in some instances as Hamites. From a broader cultural-linguistic perspective, the Cushite family belongs to a vast stock of languages and peoples considered Afro-Asiatic. Afro-Asiatic languages in turn include Cushitic (principally Somali, Oromo, and Afar), the Hausa language of Nigeria, and the Semitic languages of Arabic, Hebrew, and Amharic. Medieval Arabs referred to the Eastern Cushites as the Berberi.
In addition to the Somalis, the Cushites include the largely nomadic Afar (Danakil), who straddle the Great Rift Valley between Ethiopia and Djibouti; the Oromo, who have played such a large role in Ethiopian history and in the 1990s constituted roughly one-half of the Ethiopian population and were also numerous in northern Kenya; the Reendille (Rendilli) of Kenya; and the Aweera (Boni) along the Lamu coast in Kenya. The Somalis belong to a subbranch of the Cushites, the Omo-Tana group, whose languages are almost mutually intelligible. The original home of the Omo-Tana group appears to have been on the Omo and Tana rivers, in an area extending from Lake Turkana in present-day northern Kenya to the Indian Ocean coast.
The Somalis form a subgroup of the Omo-Tana called Sam. Having split from the main stream of Cushite peoples about the first half of the first millennium B.C., the proto-Sam appear to have spread to the grazing plains of northern Kenya, where protoSam communities seem to have followed the Tana River and to have reached the Indian Ocean coast well before the first century A.D. On the coast, the proto-Sam splintered further; one group (the Boni) remained on the Lamu Archipelago, and the other moved northward to populate southern Somalia. There the group's members eventually developed a mixed economy based on farming and animal husbandry, a mode of life still common in southern Somalia. Members of the proto-Sam who came to occupy the Somali Peninsula were known as the so-called Samaale, or Somaal, a clear reference to the mythical father figure of the main Somali clan-families, whose name gave rise to the term Somali.
The Samaale again moved farther north in search of water and pasturelands. They swept into the vast Ogaden (Ogaadeen) plains, reaching the southern shore of the Red Sea by the first century A.D. German scholar Bernd Heine, who wrote in the 1970s on early Somali history, observed that the Samaale had occupied the entire Horn of Africa by approximately 100 A.D.
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Coastal Towns
The expansion into the peninsula as far as the Red Sea and Indian Ocean put the Somalis in sustained contact with Persian and Arab immigrants who had established a series of settlements along the coast. From the eighth to the tenth centuries, Persian and Arab traders were already engaged in lucrative commerce from enclaves along the Red Sea and Indian Ocean as far south as the coast of present-day Kenya. The most significant enclave was the renowned medieval emporium of Saylac on the Gulf of Aden. In the sixteenth century, Saylac became the principal outlet for trade in coffee, gold, ostrich feathers, civet, and Ethiopian slaves bound for the Middle East, China, and India. Over time Saylac emerged as the center of Muslim culture and learning, famed for its schools and mosques. Eventually it became the capital of the medieval state of Adal, which in the sixteenth century fought off Christian Ethiopian domination of the highlands. Between 1560 and 1660, Ethiopian expeditions repeatedly harried Saylac, which sank into decay. Berbera replaced Saylac as the northern hub of Islamic influence in the Horn of Africa. By the middle of the sixteenth century, Saylac and Berbera had become dependencies of the sharifs of Mocha and in the seventeenth century passed to the Ottoman Turks, who exercised authority over them through locally recruited Somali governors.
The history of commercial and intellectual contact between the inhabitants of the Arabian and Somali coasts may help explain the Somalia's connection with the Prophet Muhammad. Early in the Prophet's ministry, a band of persecuted Muslims had, with the Prophet's encouragement, fled across the Red Sea into the Horn of Africa. There the Muslim's were afforded protection by the Ethiopian negus, or king. Thus, Islam may have been introduced into the Horn of Africa well before the faith took root in its Arabian native soil. The large-scale conversion of the Somalis had to await the arrival in the eleventh, twelfth, and thirteenth centuries of Muslim patriarchs, in particular, the renowned Shaykh Daarood Jabarti and Shaykh Isahaaq, or Isaaq. Daarood married Doombira Dir, the daughter of a local patriarch. Their issue gave rise to the confederacy that forms the largest clan-family (see Glossary) in Somalia, the Daarood. For his part, Shaykh Isaaq founded the numerous Isaaq clan-family in northern Somalia. Along with the clan (see Glossary) system of lineages (see Glossary), the Arabian shaykhs probably introduced into Somalia the patriarchal ethos and patrilineal genealogy typical of Indo-Europeans, and gradually replaced the indigenous Somali social organization, which, like that of many other African societies, may have been matrilineal (see The Segmentary Social Order , ch. 2).
Islam's penetration of the Somali coast, along with the immigration of Arabian elements, inspired a second great population movement reversing the flow of migration from northward to southward. This massive movement, which ultimately took the Somalis to the banks of the Tana River and to the fertile plains of Harear, in Ethiopia, commenced in the thirteenth century and continued to the nineteenth century. At that point, European interlopers appeared on the East African scene, ending Somali migration onto the East African plateau.
Emergence of Adal
In addition to southward migration, a second factor in Somali history from the fifteenth century onward was the emergence of centralized state systems. The most important of these in medieval times was Adal, whose influence at the height of its power and prosperity in the sixteenth century extended from Saylac, the capital, through the fertile valleys of the Jijiga and the Harer plateau to the Ethiopian highlands. Adal's fame derived not only from the prosperity and cosmopolitanism of its people, its architectural sophistication, graceful mosques, and high learning, but also from its conflicts with the expansionist Ethiopians. For hundreds of years before the fifteenth century, goodwill had existed between the dominant new civilization of Islam and the Christian neguses of Ethiopia. One tradition holds that Muhammad blessed Ethiopia and enjoined his disciples from ever conducting jihad (holy war) against the Christian kingdom in gratitude for the protection early Muslims had received from the Ethiopian negus. Whereas Muslim armies rapidly overran the more powerful empires of Persia and Byzantium soon after the birth of Islam, there was no jihad against Christian Ethiopia for centuries. The forbidding Ethiopian terrain of deep gorges, sharp escarpments, and perpendicular massifs that rise more than 4,500 meters also discouraged the Muslims from attempting a campaign of conquest against so inaccessible a kingdom.
Muslim-Christian relations soured during the reign of the aggressive Negus Yeshaq (ruled 1414-29). Forces of his rapidly expanding empire descended from the highlands to despoil Muslim settlements in the valley east of the ancient city of Harer. Having branded the Muslims "enemies of the Lord," Yeshaq invaded the Muslim Kingdom of Ifat in 1415. He crushed the armies of Ifat and put to flight in the wastes along the Gulf of Tadjoura (in present-day Djibouti) Ifat's king Saad ad Din. Yeshaq followed Saad ad Din to the island off the coast of Saylac (which still bears his name), where the Muslim king was killed. Yeshaq compelled the Muslims to offer tribute, and also ordered his singers to compose a gloating hymn of thanksgiving for his victory. In the hymn's lyrics, the word Somali appears for the first time in written record.
By the sixteenth century, the Muslims had recovered sufficiently to break through from the east into the central Ethiopian highlands. Led by the charismatic Imam Ahmad Guray (1506-43), the Muslims poured into Ethiopia, using scorched-earth tactics that decimated the population of the country. A Portuguese expedition led by Pedro da Gama, a son of Vasco da Gama who was looking for the Prester John of medieval European folklore--a Christian, African monarch of vast dominions--arrived from the sea and saved Ethiopia. The joint Portuguese-Ethiopian force used cannon to route the Muslims, whose imam died on the battlefield.
Mogadishu and Its Banaadir Hinterlands
In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, the southern city of Mogadishu became Somalia's most important city. Mogadishu, Merca, and Baraawe, had been major Somali coastal towns in medieval times. Their origins are unknown, but by the fourteenth century travelers were mentioning the three towns more and more as important centers of urban ease and learning. Mogadishu, the largest and most prosperous, dates back at least to the ninth century, when Persian and Arabian immigrants intermingled with Somali elements to produce a distinctive hybrid culture. The meaning of Mogadishu's name is uncertain. Some render it as a Somali version of the Arabic "maqad shah," or "imperial seat of the shah," thus hinting at a Persian role in the city's founding. Others consider it a Somali mispronunciation of the Swahili "mwyu wa" (last northern city), raising the possibility of its being the northernmost of the chain of Swahili city-states on the East African coast. Whatever its origin, Mogadishu was at the zenith of its prosperity when the well-known Arab traveler Ibn Batuta appeared on the Somali coast in 1331. Ibn Batuta describes "Maqdashu" as "an exceedingly large city" with merchants who exported to Egypt and elsewhere the excellent cloth made in the city.
Through commerce, proselytization, and political influence, Mogadishu and other coastal commercial towns influenced the Banaadir hinterlands (the rural areas outlying Mogadishu) in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. Evidence of that influence was the increasing Islamization of the interior by sufis (Muslim mystics) who emigrated upcountry, where they settled among the nomads, married local women, and brought Islam to temper the random violence of the inhabitants.
By the end of the sixteenth century, the locus of intercommunication shifted upland to the well-watered region between the Shabeelle and Jubba rivers. Evidence of the shift of initiative from the coast to the interior may be found in the rise between 1550 and 1650 of the Ujuuraan (also seen as Ajuuraan) state, which prospered on the lower reaches of the interriverine region under the clan of the Gareen. The considerable power of the Ujuuraan state was not diminished until the Portuguese penetration of the East African coast in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Among Somali towns and cities, only Mogadishu successfully resisted the repeated depredations of the Portuguese.
Shaykh Abdulaziz Mosque, ninth century, Mogadishu
Courtesy R.W.S. Hudson
A paucity of written historical evidence forces the student of early Somalia to depend on the findings of archeology, anthropology, historical linguistics, and related disciplines. Such evidence has provided insights that in some cases have refuted conventional explanations of the origins and evolution of the Somali people. For example, where historians once believed that the Somalis originated on the Red Sea's western coast, or perhaps in southern Arabia, it now seems clear that the ancestral homeland of the Somalis, together with affiliated Cushite peoples, was in the highlands of southern Ethiopia, specifically in the lake regions. Similarly, the once-common notion that the migration and settlement of early Mus,lims followers of the Prophet Muhammad on the Somali coast in the early centuries of Islam had a significant impact on the Somalis no longer enjoys much academic support. Scholars now recognize that the Arab factor--except for the Somalis' conversion to Islam--is marginal to understanding the Somali past. Furthermore, conventional wisdom once held that Somali migrations followed a north-to-south route; the reverse of this now appears to be nearer the truth.
Increasingly, evidence places the Somalis within a wide family of peoples called Eastern Cushites by modern linguists and described earlier in some instances as Hamites. From a broader cultural-linguistic perspective, the Cushite family belongs to a vast stock of languages and peoples considered Afro-Asiatic. Afro-Asiatic languages in turn include Cushitic (principally Somali, Oromo, and Afar), the Hausa language of Nigeria, and the Semitic languages of Arabic, Hebrew, and Amharic. Medieval Arabs referred to the Eastern Cushites as the Berberi.
In addition to the Somalis, the Cushites include the largely nomadic Afar (Danakil), who straddle the Great Rift Valley between Ethiopia and Djibouti; the Oromo, who have played such a large role in Ethiopian history and in the 1990s constituted roughly one-half of the Ethiopian population and were also numerous in northern Kenya; the Reendille (Rendilli) of Kenya; and the Aweera (Boni) along the Lamu coast in Kenya. The Somalis belong to a subbranch of the Cushites, the Omo-Tana group, whose languages are almost mutually intelligible. The original home of the Omo-Tana group appears to have been on the Omo and Tana rivers, in an area extending from Lake Turkana in present-day northern Kenya to the Indian Ocean coast.
The Somalis form a subgroup of the Omo-Tana called Sam. Having split from the main stream of Cushite peoples about the first half of the first millennium B.C., the proto-Sam appear to have spread to the grazing plains of northern Kenya, where protoSam communities seem to have followed the Tana River and to have reached the Indian Ocean coast well before the first century A.D. On the coast, the proto-Sam splintered further; one group (the Boni) remained on the Lamu Archipelago, and the other moved northward to populate southern Somalia. There the group's members eventually developed a mixed economy based on farming and animal husbandry, a mode of life still common in southern Somalia. Members of the proto-Sam who came to occupy the Somali Peninsula were known as the so-called Samaale, or Somaal, a clear reference to the mythical father figure of the main Somali clan-families, whose name gave rise to the term Somali.
The Samaale again moved farther north in search of water and pasturelands. They swept into the vast Ogaden (Ogaadeen) plains, reaching the southern shore of the Red Sea by the first century A.D. German scholar Bernd Heine, who wrote in the 1970s on early Somali history, observed that the Samaale had occupied the entire Horn of Africa by approximately 100 A.D.
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Coastal Towns
The expansion into the peninsula as far as the Red Sea and Indian Ocean put the Somalis in sustained contact with Persian and Arab immigrants who had established a series of settlements along the coast. From the eighth to the tenth centuries, Persian and Arab traders were already engaged in lucrative commerce from enclaves along the Red Sea and Indian Ocean as far south as the coast of present-day Kenya. The most significant enclave was the renowned medieval emporium of Saylac on the Gulf of Aden. In the sixteenth century, Saylac became the principal outlet for trade in coffee, gold, ostrich feathers, civet, and Ethiopian slaves bound for the Middle East, China, and India. Over time Saylac emerged as the center of Muslim culture and learning, famed for its schools and mosques. Eventually it became the capital of the medieval state of Adal, which in the sixteenth century fought off Christian Ethiopian domination of the highlands. Between 1560 and 1660, Ethiopian expeditions repeatedly harried Saylac, which sank into decay. Berbera replaced Saylac as the northern hub of Islamic influence in the Horn of Africa. By the middle of the sixteenth century, Saylac and Berbera had become dependencies of the sharifs of Mocha and in the seventeenth century passed to the Ottoman Turks, who exercised authority over them through locally recruited Somali governors.
The history of commercial and intellectual contact between the inhabitants of the Arabian and Somali coasts may help explain the Somalia's connection with the Prophet Muhammad. Early in the Prophet's ministry, a band of persecuted Muslims had, with the Prophet's encouragement, fled across the Red Sea into the Horn of Africa. There the Muslim's were afforded protection by the Ethiopian negus, or king. Thus, Islam may have been introduced into the Horn of Africa well before the faith took root in its Arabian native soil. The large-scale conversion of the Somalis had to await the arrival in the eleventh, twelfth, and thirteenth centuries of Muslim patriarchs, in particular, the renowned Shaykh Daarood Jabarti and Shaykh Isahaaq, or Isaaq. Daarood married Doombira Dir, the daughter of a local patriarch. Their issue gave rise to the confederacy that forms the largest clan-family (see Glossary) in Somalia, the Daarood. For his part, Shaykh Isaaq founded the numerous Isaaq clan-family in northern Somalia. Along with the clan (see Glossary) system of lineages (see Glossary), the Arabian shaykhs probably introduced into Somalia the patriarchal ethos and patrilineal genealogy typical of Indo-Europeans, and gradually replaced the indigenous Somali social organization, which, like that of many other African societies, may have been matrilineal (see The Segmentary Social Order , ch. 2).
Islam's penetration of the Somali coast, along with the immigration of Arabian elements, inspired a second great population movement reversing the flow of migration from northward to southward. This massive movement, which ultimately took the Somalis to the banks of the Tana River and to the fertile plains of Harear, in Ethiopia, commenced in the thirteenth century and continued to the nineteenth century. At that point, European interlopers appeared on the East African scene, ending Somali migration onto the East African plateau.
Emergence of Adal
In addition to southward migration, a second factor in Somali history from the fifteenth century onward was the emergence of centralized state systems. The most important of these in medieval times was Adal, whose influence at the height of its power and prosperity in the sixteenth century extended from Saylac, the capital, through the fertile valleys of the Jijiga and the Harer plateau to the Ethiopian highlands. Adal's fame derived not only from the prosperity and cosmopolitanism of its people, its architectural sophistication, graceful mosques, and high learning, but also from its conflicts with the expansionist Ethiopians. For hundreds of years before the fifteenth century, goodwill had existed between the dominant new civilization of Islam and the Christian neguses of Ethiopia. One tradition holds that Muhammad blessed Ethiopia and enjoined his disciples from ever conducting jihad (holy war) against the Christian kingdom in gratitude for the protection early Muslims had received from the Ethiopian negus. Whereas Muslim armies rapidly overran the more powerful empires of Persia and Byzantium soon after the birth of Islam, there was no jihad against Christian Ethiopia for centuries. The forbidding Ethiopian terrain of deep gorges, sharp escarpments, and perpendicular massifs that rise more than 4,500 meters also discouraged the Muslims from attempting a campaign of conquest against so inaccessible a kingdom.
Muslim-Christian relations soured during the reign of the aggressive Negus Yeshaq (ruled 1414-29). Forces of his rapidly expanding empire descended from the highlands to despoil Muslim settlements in the valley east of the ancient city of Harer. Having branded the Muslims "enemies of the Lord," Yeshaq invaded the Muslim Kingdom of Ifat in 1415. He crushed the armies of Ifat and put to flight in the wastes along the Gulf of Tadjoura (in present-day Djibouti) Ifat's king Saad ad Din. Yeshaq followed Saad ad Din to the island off the coast of Saylac (which still bears his name), where the Muslim king was killed. Yeshaq compelled the Muslims to offer tribute, and also ordered his singers to compose a gloating hymn of thanksgiving for his victory. In the hymn's lyrics, the word Somali appears for the first time in written record.
By the sixteenth century, the Muslims had recovered sufficiently to break through from the east into the central Ethiopian highlands. Led by the charismatic Imam Ahmad Guray (1506-43), the Muslims poured into Ethiopia, using scorched-earth tactics that decimated the population of the country. A Portuguese expedition led by Pedro da Gama, a son of Vasco da Gama who was looking for the Prester John of medieval European folklore--a Christian, African monarch of vast dominions--arrived from the sea and saved Ethiopia. The joint Portuguese-Ethiopian force used cannon to route the Muslims, whose imam died on the battlefield.
Mogadishu and Its Banaadir Hinterlands
In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, the southern city of Mogadishu became Somalia's most important city. Mogadishu, Merca, and Baraawe, had been major Somali coastal towns in medieval times. Their origins are unknown, but by the fourteenth century travelers were mentioning the three towns more and more as important centers of urban ease and learning. Mogadishu, the largest and most prosperous, dates back at least to the ninth century, when Persian and Arabian immigrants intermingled with Somali elements to produce a distinctive hybrid culture. The meaning of Mogadishu's name is uncertain. Some render it as a Somali version of the Arabic "maqad shah," or "imperial seat of the shah," thus hinting at a Persian role in the city's founding. Others consider it a Somali mispronunciation of the Swahili "mwyu wa" (last northern city), raising the possibility of its being the northernmost of the chain of Swahili city-states on the East African coast. Whatever its origin, Mogadishu was at the zenith of its prosperity when the well-known Arab traveler Ibn Batuta appeared on the Somali coast in 1331. Ibn Batuta describes "Maqdashu" as "an exceedingly large city" with merchants who exported to Egypt and elsewhere the excellent cloth made in the city.
Through commerce, proselytization, and political influence, Mogadishu and other coastal commercial towns influenced the Banaadir hinterlands (the rural areas outlying Mogadishu) in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. Evidence of that influence was the increasing Islamization of the interior by sufis (Muslim mystics) who emigrated upcountry, where they settled among the nomads, married local women, and brought Islam to temper the random violence of the inhabitants.
By the end of the sixteenth century, the locus of intercommunication shifted upland to the well-watered region between the Shabeelle and Jubba rivers. Evidence of the shift of initiative from the coast to the interior may be found in the rise between 1550 and 1650 of the Ujuuraan (also seen as Ajuuraan) state, which prospered on the lower reaches of the interriverine region under the clan of the Gareen. The considerable power of the Ujuuraan state was not diminished until the Portuguese penetration of the East African coast in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Among Somali towns and cities, only Mogadishu successfully resisted the repeated depredations of the Portuguese.
Beesha cabaas Muuse Iyo beesha Magadle,iyo gobolka sanaag maxaa kala heesto is diwaangelinta.somaaliland_?
gobolka ay degaan beesha cabuus muuse iyo beesha magdle marka la fiiriyo caasimada cerigaabo iyo tuuloyinkoda beeshan oo loo yaqaano ama dadka deganka ay u yaqanaan magacweyn oo caan ku ah (beesha ugar)_
ugu dabeentin waxaa ku soo af jarnay ileen hadalka laguma tunto waxaa lee nahay in_(beesha ugar )_ ay indhaha furto oo la jaan qaado walaalaha ay degaanka wada degaan sida owgeed waxa wada ognahay in beesha cabaas muuse ee degan sida hoos ku xusan.
Gobolka sanaaag
• Casimada Gobalka cerigaabo iyo tuloyinka hosyimada
• Dagmada Laaasqoray iyo tuloyinka hosyimada
• Degmada baran iyo tuloyinka hosyimada
• Tuulada Mushxaleed
• Tuulada xabashawacle
• Tuulada hadaftimo
• Tuulada yuube
waxaa kalo jiro kuwa kale oo aan hadaa soo qadan oo isla markaana ku saleesan degaanada hoos yimidaada jamuriyada soomaaliland..
Beesha cumar muuse waxa ay dagtaa daganada
Gobalka bari
• Casimad gobalka bosaaso iyo tuuloyinka hosyimada
• Dagmada qandla iyo tuloyinka hosyimada
• Dagmada iskushuban iyo tuloyinka hosyimada
• Dagmada caluula iyo tuloyinka hosyimada
• Tulaada Xaafuun
Beesha cabaas Muuse Iyo beesha Magadle waxa ay degtaa
gobolka ay degaan beesha cabuus muuse iyo beesha magdle marka la fiiriyo caasimada cerigaabo iyo tuuloyinkoda beeshan oo loo yaqaano ama dadka deganka ay u yaqanaan magacweyn oo caan ku ah (beesha ugar)_
ugu dabeentin waxaa ku soo af jarnay ileen hadalka laguma tunto waxaa lee nahay in_(beesha ugar )_ ay indhaha furto oo la jaan qaado walaalaha ay degaanka wada degaan sida owgeed waxa wada ognahay in beesha cabaas muuse ee degan sida hoos ku xusan.
Gobolka sanaaag
• Casimada Gobalka cerigaabo iyo tuloyinka hosyimada
• Dagmada Laaasqoray iyo tuloyinka hosyimada
• Degmada baran iyo tuloyinka hosyimada
• Tuulada Mushxaleed
• Tuulada xabashawacle
• Tuulada hadaftimo
• Tuulada yuube
waxaa kalo jiro kuwa kale oo aan hadaa soo qadan oo isla markaana ku saleesan degaanada hoos yimidaada jamuriyada soomaaliland..
Beesha cumar muuse waxa ay dagtaa daganada
Gobalka bari
• Casimad gobalka bosaaso iyo tuuloyinka hosyimada
• Dagmada qandla iyo tuloyinka hosyimada
• Dagmada iskushuban iyo tuloyinka hosyimada
• Dagmada caluula iyo tuloyinka hosyimada
• Tulaada Xaafuun
Beesha cabaas Muuse Iyo beesha Magadle waxa ay degtaa
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Djibouti President Ismail Omar Guelleh tells Inas Mazhar about his country's achievements, and the challenges ahead
Ismail Omar Guelleh: 'On a path full of potential pitfalls, let us keep alive the legendary wisdom that characterises Djiboutians more than any other people in the world, and which constitutes its prime national resource'.
The Republic of Djibouti is situated at the junction of the rifts of the Gulf of Aden, the Red Sea and East Africa. Most of the country is volcanic. Some sedimentary formations of the Mesozoic era -- Jurassic lime and chalky stones -- can be found in the southeast of the country, especially around the town of Al-Sabieh. Djibouti, comprising 710,000 inhabitants, holds huge mineral resources, most of which remain untapped.
Djibouti's current president, Ismail Omar Guelleh, was born on 27 November 1947 in Direwada, Ethiopia. He is the son of one of Djibouti's first teachers and the nephew of Djibouti's first president, Hassan Gouled Aptidon. It was during Djibouti's fight for independence that Ismail Omar cut his teeth as a militant. Early into his political career, Guelleh devoted much energy to breathing new life into the Popular African League presided over by Aptidon. In 1976 Guelleh was a member of the Ligue Populaire Africaine pour l'Indépendance charged with negotiating terms of independence with Paris.
When independence was officially proclaimed, on 27 June 1977, Ismail Omar was appointed as chief of cabinet affairs. Guelleh was only 30 years old. Guelleh had to manage two major challenges: internal and external security and the risk of ethnic violence. His role as head of the secret police enhanced his political clout. Following the founding of the Rassemblement Populaire pour le Progrès (RPP) in 1979, Guelleh climbed the political ladder to the highest echelons becoming vice-president of the RPP in 1994. In April 1999 Guelleh succeeded President Aptidon at the age of 52.
Considered a political, social and economic reformer, Guelleh won a second term in one-man presidential elections in April 2005. All citizens of Djibouti are free to form political parties within the limits of constitutional and democratic principles. Guelleh received 97 per cent of the 72 per cent of Djiboutis who voted in the elections. His campaign included promises to tackle poverty and reduce Djibouti's dependence on food imports. Mr Guelleh supports Djibouti's traditionally strong ties with France and has tried to reconcile conflicting factions in neighbouring Somalia.
His Excellency Ismail Omar Guelleh believes 2007 will be crucial for Djibouti: "This year is the most significant year in the history of the Djibouti people. It's been 30 years now since we claimed our independence from France. This year, we are not only celebrating our 30th anniversary but we'll also start harvesting the fruits of projects we launched seven years ago. Thirty years could seem meaningless in the history of a nation, but looking at the challenges we faced, we have accomplished a lot. These achievements push our economy forward and provides great opportunities for securing our people a prosperous life."
After scrutinising the performance of the government in the past seven years, the president has established certain benchmarks of reform, in order to combat the rigidity of the economic, social and institutional system. "We have redefined our priorities and this will be the focus of the government in the coming years. A top priority concerns the economy and the reorganisation of public finances, following our commitment to structural adjustment. We are beginning to see the first results of our efforts at rationalising government on the way to clearing its debts. We have absorbed a budgetary deficit and the balance of payments has become positive in our favour, thanks to increasing export activities. We kept inflationary pressures under control at around six per cent."
Djibouti City
According to the president, economic growth is present and assured. "However, it remains modest compared with what is needed to guarantee the social and economic well-being of our population. Economic adjustments have had their negative effects with a relative increase in poverty and social insecurity. In order to remedy the worst effects, the government is doing everything possible to increase tax revenues, to contain inflation, and to direct a large part of its expenditure towards poverty reduction programmes as well as new statistical methods for better economic and social planning."
Mr Guelleh views decentralisation as an "important step towards increasing the participation of citizens in the process of economic and social change." This equally applies to the management of everyday public affairs. "The decentralisation plan is based on the principle of the local community's right to administer itself. It is a political project that aims to redistribute the state's power, relinquishing certain possibilities at the higher level and delegating these responsibilities among elected regional bodies."
Five regional communities have been created: Dikhil, Al-Sabieh, Tadjourah, Obock and Arta. Each has been incorporated and is endowed with elected regional assemblies as well as a regional executive created from members of these assemblies. The size of each assembly is determined on the basis of one deputy per 1,000 electors. Djibouti City's status differed from that of others. Members of regional assemblies are elected by universal suffrage. The ballot consists of the election of lists of candidates and it is organised in two rounds.
President Guelleh believes Djibouti needs to increase its stake in world trade. "The level of growth that we hope to achieve will only be possible if we can attract foreign investors into our country. Public works projects such as the new deep-water port in Doraleh, the strategic partnership with Dubai, and the Common Market of East and South Africa (COMESA) as well as newly established industrial and commercial zones should attract investors and enhance Djibouti's reputation as a distribution centrepoint and gateway to Africa."
"The COMESA stretches from the Horn of Africa to South Africa, also encompassing the islands of the Indian Ocean. It is a market of 340 million inhabitants. This common market, created in 1993, is functioning well. We benefit from trade accords with the European Union. Djibouti is therefore an attractive economic base to investors from countries without such access to the EU. Also, the special commercial and economic support that Djibouti enjoys from membership in the Arab League should become stronger with the construction of a common Arab market."
President Guelleh underlines, also, progress made in human resource capacities. "In a completely different sector, the first results of reforms undertaken in education and professional training illustrate that we have succeeded in bringing together demand and supply in primary, secondary and higher education by establishing the University of Djibouti. Notably, there has been remarkable growth of our technical capacities, as well as our human resources."
The University of Djibouti was opened in 2002. Incentives were created to encourage the return of graduated nationals interested in teaching careers. "The university system is based on distance learning, a method that worked very well for the training of primary and secondary school teachers. It is also based on the experience of teachers of the public secondary schools of Djibouti, who provided professional training courses. Already existing institutions of higher education have been integrated into the new university. Diplomas of the University of Djibouti are delivered by French institutions, and undergraduate courses no longer have the sole objective of preparing teachers."
Regarding challenges ahead, Guelleh believes that the success of the Djibouti's macro-economic equilibrium policy would be threatened were political stability and the principles of good governance absent. "This is why we have preferred a strict policy of financial transparency in the management of our resources in order to change the perception of the state and its institutions. We have also encouraged citizen's participation in public issues and we have guaranteed the values of our republican institutions. From now on, it falls upon the media, the political parties, and the different components of our civil society to play their roles and take part in [bolstering] pluralism, the foundation of democratic practice."
Since becoming president, the foreign policy of Djibouti has focused on strengthening and diversifying cooperative links with traditional partners. "This policy is in line with fundamental principles of mutual interest, friendly neighbours and economic development. At the same time, we affirm our will to cooperate in the fight against terrorism and extremism in all its forms, and our commitment to regional stability and peace."
In Guelleh's era, Djibouti's women were granted, in the parliamentary elections of January 2003, the right to run for office. A law passed in 2002 established a female quota in parliament. Ever since inauguration, Guelleh has reiterated his interest in the betterment of women's status. As a positive signal, Guelleh nominated a woman for a ministerial position, a first in Djibouti's history. Meanwhile, the cabinet includes three women. In a May 1999 declaration, the government vowed to fight against all forms of sexual discrimination.
According to President Guelleh, it would be difficult for any nation to develop if "half of its population is excluded from the decision making process." In 2000, Guelleh had noted that, "In spite of the energy spent by authorities, the sluggishness of reform due to cultural traditions constitutes the most important obstacle in our struggle for social equity." In addition to traditional obstacles, women face severe difficulties when working in the informal sector of the economy where their skills and competencies are not sufficiently appreciated.
To address this, a new law was adopted on 17 July 2002 and which defines a national policy for the integration of women into Djibouti's development strategy. "The goal is to increase the participation of women in decision making, especially in high priority areas such as the economy, education and health. The strategy defines the tasks and the short-term measures needed to make the activities of women an essential part of the country's development. To this end, it responds to the needs of development, modernity and more social equity, while respecting our cultural and religious values."
Other important reforms to improve women's conditions were adopted during President Guelleh's first term in office. For example, law number 152 of 31 January 2002 revises and updates the family code that integrates Islamic Sharia rights with common and modern law. It clarifies the otherwise vagueness of common law and the unclear codification of Islamic rules in terms of family law. Lack of clarity had had the effect of reducing women's rights, especially in case of divorce. The new code breaks with the practice of repudiation and states that it is within the judge's authority alone to announce the divorce of two spouses, the only exception being the case of mutual agreement.
But despite reforms taking part in some sectors, Djibouti still faces significant problems which stand in the way of the development process and investment. "The fight against poverty, water resource management, mining prospects, energy resources, rationalisation of key sectors of the economy, a system of justice accessible to the average citizen; all these are challenges to be confronted at the beginning of the third millennium." Guellah adds: "We are working very hard to find solutions but we need to be patient. It's a matter of time and we are going in the right direction."
Mr Guelleh counts on the ability of the people of Djibouti to find genuine solutions to their problems. "On a path full of potential pitfalls, let us keep alive the legendary wisdom that characterises Djiboutians more than any other people in the world, and which constitutes its prime national resource. We have paved the way for a better future and we are ready to take up all challenges that may lie ahead."
President Guelleh concludes: "Our country is engaged in a reform programme whose slow progress and modest and fragile results must not change our determination to implement this project. It is an ambitious project, but it is crucial for the future of our young nation."
Djibouti President Ismail Omar Guelleh tells Inas Mazhar about his country's achievements, and the challenges ahead
Ismail Omar Guelleh: 'On a path full of potential pitfalls, let us keep alive the legendary wisdom that characterises Djiboutians more than any other people in the world, and which constitutes its prime national resource'.
The Republic of Djibouti is situated at the junction of the rifts of the Gulf of Aden, the Red Sea and East Africa. Most of the country is volcanic. Some sedimentary formations of the Mesozoic era -- Jurassic lime and chalky stones -- can be found in the southeast of the country, especially around the town of Al-Sabieh. Djibouti, comprising 710,000 inhabitants, holds huge mineral resources, most of which remain untapped.
Djibouti's current president, Ismail Omar Guelleh, was born on 27 November 1947 in Direwada, Ethiopia. He is the son of one of Djibouti's first teachers and the nephew of Djibouti's first president, Hassan Gouled Aptidon. It was during Djibouti's fight for independence that Ismail Omar cut his teeth as a militant. Early into his political career, Guelleh devoted much energy to breathing new life into the Popular African League presided over by Aptidon. In 1976 Guelleh was a member of the Ligue Populaire Africaine pour l'Indépendance charged with negotiating terms of independence with Paris.
When independence was officially proclaimed, on 27 June 1977, Ismail Omar was appointed as chief of cabinet affairs. Guelleh was only 30 years old. Guelleh had to manage two major challenges: internal and external security and the risk of ethnic violence. His role as head of the secret police enhanced his political clout. Following the founding of the Rassemblement Populaire pour le Progrès (RPP) in 1979, Guelleh climbed the political ladder to the highest echelons becoming vice-president of the RPP in 1994. In April 1999 Guelleh succeeded President Aptidon at the age of 52.
Considered a political, social and economic reformer, Guelleh won a second term in one-man presidential elections in April 2005. All citizens of Djibouti are free to form political parties within the limits of constitutional and democratic principles. Guelleh received 97 per cent of the 72 per cent of Djiboutis who voted in the elections. His campaign included promises to tackle poverty and reduce Djibouti's dependence on food imports. Mr Guelleh supports Djibouti's traditionally strong ties with France and has tried to reconcile conflicting factions in neighbouring Somalia.
His Excellency Ismail Omar Guelleh believes 2007 will be crucial for Djibouti: "This year is the most significant year in the history of the Djibouti people. It's been 30 years now since we claimed our independence from France. This year, we are not only celebrating our 30th anniversary but we'll also start harvesting the fruits of projects we launched seven years ago. Thirty years could seem meaningless in the history of a nation, but looking at the challenges we faced, we have accomplished a lot. These achievements push our economy forward and provides great opportunities for securing our people a prosperous life."
After scrutinising the performance of the government in the past seven years, the president has established certain benchmarks of reform, in order to combat the rigidity of the economic, social and institutional system. "We have redefined our priorities and this will be the focus of the government in the coming years. A top priority concerns the economy and the reorganisation of public finances, following our commitment to structural adjustment. We are beginning to see the first results of our efforts at rationalising government on the way to clearing its debts. We have absorbed a budgetary deficit and the balance of payments has become positive in our favour, thanks to increasing export activities. We kept inflationary pressures under control at around six per cent."
Djibouti City
According to the president, economic growth is present and assured. "However, it remains modest compared with what is needed to guarantee the social and economic well-being of our population. Economic adjustments have had their negative effects with a relative increase in poverty and social insecurity. In order to remedy the worst effects, the government is doing everything possible to increase tax revenues, to contain inflation, and to direct a large part of its expenditure towards poverty reduction programmes as well as new statistical methods for better economic and social planning."
Mr Guelleh views decentralisation as an "important step towards increasing the participation of citizens in the process of economic and social change." This equally applies to the management of everyday public affairs. "The decentralisation plan is based on the principle of the local community's right to administer itself. It is a political project that aims to redistribute the state's power, relinquishing certain possibilities at the higher level and delegating these responsibilities among elected regional bodies."
Five regional communities have been created: Dikhil, Al-Sabieh, Tadjourah, Obock and Arta. Each has been incorporated and is endowed with elected regional assemblies as well as a regional executive created from members of these assemblies. The size of each assembly is determined on the basis of one deputy per 1,000 electors. Djibouti City's status differed from that of others. Members of regional assemblies are elected by universal suffrage. The ballot consists of the election of lists of candidates and it is organised in two rounds.
President Guelleh believes Djibouti needs to increase its stake in world trade. "The level of growth that we hope to achieve will only be possible if we can attract foreign investors into our country. Public works projects such as the new deep-water port in Doraleh, the strategic partnership with Dubai, and the Common Market of East and South Africa (COMESA) as well as newly established industrial and commercial zones should attract investors and enhance Djibouti's reputation as a distribution centrepoint and gateway to Africa."
"The COMESA stretches from the Horn of Africa to South Africa, also encompassing the islands of the Indian Ocean. It is a market of 340 million inhabitants. This common market, created in 1993, is functioning well. We benefit from trade accords with the European Union. Djibouti is therefore an attractive economic base to investors from countries without such access to the EU. Also, the special commercial and economic support that Djibouti enjoys from membership in the Arab League should become stronger with the construction of a common Arab market."
President Guelleh underlines, also, progress made in human resource capacities. "In a completely different sector, the first results of reforms undertaken in education and professional training illustrate that we have succeeded in bringing together demand and supply in primary, secondary and higher education by establishing the University of Djibouti. Notably, there has been remarkable growth of our technical capacities, as well as our human resources."
The University of Djibouti was opened in 2002. Incentives were created to encourage the return of graduated nationals interested in teaching careers. "The university system is based on distance learning, a method that worked very well for the training of primary and secondary school teachers. It is also based on the experience of teachers of the public secondary schools of Djibouti, who provided professional training courses. Already existing institutions of higher education have been integrated into the new university. Diplomas of the University of Djibouti are delivered by French institutions, and undergraduate courses no longer have the sole objective of preparing teachers."
Regarding challenges ahead, Guelleh believes that the success of the Djibouti's macro-economic equilibrium policy would be threatened were political stability and the principles of good governance absent. "This is why we have preferred a strict policy of financial transparency in the management of our resources in order to change the perception of the state and its institutions. We have also encouraged citizen's participation in public issues and we have guaranteed the values of our republican institutions. From now on, it falls upon the media, the political parties, and the different components of our civil society to play their roles and take part in [bolstering] pluralism, the foundation of democratic practice."
Since becoming president, the foreign policy of Djibouti has focused on strengthening and diversifying cooperative links with traditional partners. "This policy is in line with fundamental principles of mutual interest, friendly neighbours and economic development. At the same time, we affirm our will to cooperate in the fight against terrorism and extremism in all its forms, and our commitment to regional stability and peace."
In Guelleh's era, Djibouti's women were granted, in the parliamentary elections of January 2003, the right to run for office. A law passed in 2002 established a female quota in parliament. Ever since inauguration, Guelleh has reiterated his interest in the betterment of women's status. As a positive signal, Guelleh nominated a woman for a ministerial position, a first in Djibouti's history. Meanwhile, the cabinet includes three women. In a May 1999 declaration, the government vowed to fight against all forms of sexual discrimination.
According to President Guelleh, it would be difficult for any nation to develop if "half of its population is excluded from the decision making process." In 2000, Guelleh had noted that, "In spite of the energy spent by authorities, the sluggishness of reform due to cultural traditions constitutes the most important obstacle in our struggle for social equity." In addition to traditional obstacles, women face severe difficulties when working in the informal sector of the economy where their skills and competencies are not sufficiently appreciated.
To address this, a new law was adopted on 17 July 2002 and which defines a national policy for the integration of women into Djibouti's development strategy. "The goal is to increase the participation of women in decision making, especially in high priority areas such as the economy, education and health. The strategy defines the tasks and the short-term measures needed to make the activities of women an essential part of the country's development. To this end, it responds to the needs of development, modernity and more social equity, while respecting our cultural and religious values."
Other important reforms to improve women's conditions were adopted during President Guelleh's first term in office. For example, law number 152 of 31 January 2002 revises and updates the family code that integrates Islamic Sharia rights with common and modern law. It clarifies the otherwise vagueness of common law and the unclear codification of Islamic rules in terms of family law. Lack of clarity had had the effect of reducing women's rights, especially in case of divorce. The new code breaks with the practice of repudiation and states that it is within the judge's authority alone to announce the divorce of two spouses, the only exception being the case of mutual agreement.
But despite reforms taking part in some sectors, Djibouti still faces significant problems which stand in the way of the development process and investment. "The fight against poverty, water resource management, mining prospects, energy resources, rationalisation of key sectors of the economy, a system of justice accessible to the average citizen; all these are challenges to be confronted at the beginning of the third millennium." Guellah adds: "We are working very hard to find solutions but we need to be patient. It's a matter of time and we are going in the right direction."
Mr Guelleh counts on the ability of the people of Djibouti to find genuine solutions to their problems. "On a path full of potential pitfalls, let us keep alive the legendary wisdom that characterises Djiboutians more than any other people in the world, and which constitutes its prime national resource. We have paved the way for a better future and we are ready to take up all challenges that may lie ahead."
President Guelleh concludes: "Our country is engaged in a reform programme whose slow progress and modest and fragile results must not change our determination to implement this project. It is an ambitious project, but it is crucial for the future of our young nation."
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