Friday, August 24, 2018
Thursday, August 23, 2018
La Dagaalamka Dir lagal Dagaalamayo in Ay Xukuumada Sare Qabtaan: Arintaan waxaa Tusaale aad U Arki Kartaan Kilinka 5 waxa Ka Socada iyo Cadawada Ahmed Shide Lala beegsaday
Waxaa maalin walba ku dhacaya shacabka qawmiyada dir iyo siyaasiyiinteeda muqdisho jooga waa wax qoran xadgudubyada aan lala gabanaynin iyo mansabka siyaasadeed ee qawmiyada laga dagaalamaya xilka sare waa wax taariikhda ugu qormaya raga galaya iyo kuwa safka ugu jira godobta maalin walba laga galayo dadkooda, waxa muhiima oo xisbiga shacabka geeska afrika uu kashaqayn doonaa sidii isbadal loogu samayn lahaa xilibaanada matala qawmiyada dir ee aan wax masuuliyada iskaba saaraynin dhibka haysta shacabkooda iyo xilalaka maalin walba lasiinaayo dadkale ee iyagiina aanay diiraynin, isbadalka ugu weyn waa in lagu sameeyaa xilibaanada aan doorkooda siyaasadeed kasoo bixin firfircoonida laga sugayeyna laga waayey.
Waxaa xisbiga abaabulayaa dhammaan deegaanada qawmiyada degto in lawacyi galiyo si ay musharaxiinta qawmiyada codka usiiyaan xiliga doorashada baarlamaanka gaadho si dhamaan deegaanada udhexeeya muqdisho ilaa iyo kismaayo, goobweyn ilaa iyo gedo loo soo doorto dadka deegaanka dagan ee xaqa uleh inay kasoo baxaan waana muhiin qof walba inuu fahmo doorashada 2016 hadii ay deegaanada kadhacayso waa muhiim in lafahmo tuulo iyo degmo iyo magaalooyinka waa weyn dhammaan 6da gobol ee koonfurgalbeed in loo ololeeyo si xaqeena aan udhacsano oo aan laynooga qaadan xilibaanada matalaya deegaanka guud ahaan waan in latusaa ninka dhulka leh ee degan xaqiisa inuu ilaashanayo.
Gabagabadii waxaan udirayaa farriin gaaban oo muhiim u ah dhammaan qawmiyada dir ee geeska afrika (djiputi=ciise,isaaq,samaroon,gurgure iyo akishe, canfar) somaliland=(isaaq,samaroon,ciise,akishe,gurgure,magaadle,layiile,rayndiinle,reer dood,biyomaal,gaadsan-biyomaal,)kilinka 5aad=(akishe,gurgure,gaatsan,garriire,gurre,isaaq,layiile,magaadle,ciise,samaroon,jaarso, 9ka warawaro oo oromo kujirto,garre quraanyoow iyo tuuf,boorane ali, warday ali iyo baajamaal) dhamaan shacabkaas iyo hagaamiyeyaashooda isbadalada kasocda dalka somaliya inay kasoo qaybgalaan waxaan ku casumaynaa inay yimaadaan muqdisho,kismaayo,hiiraan, shabeelada hoose iyo jubada dhexe intaba si loo dhiciyo deegaanada xaqdarada lagu hayo iyo xaqii guud ee qawmiyada oo gabi ahaanba lagu xad gudbayo maalinkasta.
Gabagabadii waxaan ugu baaqayaa inaa dhacsano xaqeena dalka somaliya gudihiisa iyo geeska afrikaba.
Wednesday, August 22, 2018
Fatuma Abdullahi Insaniya- She is the Ambassador of Somalia to the United States and Hails From Surre Agoon Subclan

Fatuma Abdullahi Insaniya (Somali: Fadumo Cabdulaahi Insaniiyaa, Arabic: فطومة عبد الله إنسانييا) is a Somali diplomat. She is the Ambassador of Somalia to the United States, based at the Somali embassy in Washington, D.C..[1] Appointed on 2 April 2015, she is the first woman to be assigned to the office.[2]
Somali cabinet appoints five new ambassadors
The Somali cabinet has appointed five new ambassadors Thursday (April 2nd) as part of ongoing efforts to boost the country’s profile abroad.
1. Jamaal hassan was appointed ambassador to Kenya, replacing Ali Ameriko.
2. Jamaal Mohamed Barrow was appointed ambassador to South Africa replacing Sayid Hassain Shariif was passed away.
3. Fatuma Abdullahi was appointed ambassador to US.
4. Khadija Mohamed Al-Makhsuni was appointed ambassador to Iraq.
5. Dahir Mohamed Geele was appointed ambassador Saudi Arabia.
Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmake was the ambassador of Somalia to US before he was appointed Somalia’s premier so since then the post was vacant.
The government will also reopen the Somali embassies in German, Burundi and Malaysia while the one in France will be renovate soon.
1-"Somali cabinet appoints five new ambassadors". Goobjoog. 2 April 2015. Retrieved 4 April 2015.
2- "Former Senior politician named new Ambassador to Kenya". Halganka. 3 April 2015. Archived from the original on 9 April 2015. Retrieved 4 April 2015.
Friday, August 17, 2018
How Somali Dir man clinched seat in Nyanza Kenya (Gurre Dir)
Wed, April 3rd 2013

Suna East MP Junet Mohammed's wife is more gorgeous than yours (photos) Read more:
Suna MP Mohammed Junet and his wife, Deka Jamaa, at their home. [Photo: Nick Oluoch/Standard]
By Nick Oluoch Migori, Kenya: Mohamed Junet became the first Kenyan Somali to be elected Member of the National Assembly in Nyanza Province.
Although he is a former Migori town Mayor, having been nominated as a councillor in 2003, Mr Junet’s rise to become the first MP of the new Suna East constituency, attests to how far politics has evolved in Nyanza. In the nominations, the MP beat strong candidates who included former area MPs John Pesa and Owino Likowa, to win the Orange Democratic Movement party ticket. And in the General Election, the 35-year-old beat a host of candidates, to capture the seat, hived off from the former Migori constituency. Speaking soon after he was declared the winner, Junet said unlike most parliamentary candidates who won on the basis of their clans, he had an all-inclusive campaign team. “I could not simply come and try to make my campaign based on members of the Somali community,” he said. Campaign He said his leadership would be all-inclusive and acceptable by all constituents to move ahead together. Coming from a ‘minority’ community and vying against an incumbent, Junet was aware he needed to stage an effective campaign to attract many people. The MP ensured his campaign was coordinated by people from all parts of the constituency to make them own the process. “The constituents had to come up with what they wanted the MP to do for them,” Junet said adding that he formed a number of campaign teams in every location. Another thing that worked for the former councillor, is that although he has his roots in Mandera, Junet was born and bred in Migori town where he has many friends. “Most older people here actually saw me grow up and go to school here,” he said, adding a number of his former school mates joined his campaign team. The second born in a family of nine, the MP attended Migori Primary before proceeding to Lenana School in Nairobi, and eventually University of Nairobi where he pursued a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration. A businessman with interests in Nairobi and Migori, Junet believes his election to Parliament is clear sign that Kenyans have matured democratically and anybody with good vision could be elected despite his background. “I believe I was elected because I presented the best policy to the Suna West people. My election can serve as an encouragement to those who feel they have something to offer but are not sure whether they can make it through the elections,” he said. His father, Sheikh Nuh Mohamed, settled in Migori town where he set up a wholesale business in the 1970s. Junet said he plans to ensure economic growth in the region during his term in Parliament. “This is my home and I would want to leave a legacy,” he said. The father of five is married to Deka Jamaa.
- Junet Mohammed is seeking re-election as MP of Suna East in the August 8 polls- Despite his position in ODM and his closeness to Raila Odinga, he has an uphill task to retain his seatADVERTISING Read more:
I had no clue Somalis even lived in that province, until I was talking to a brother from Kenya and we were discussing some shit and he filled me in about the Quranyow who have three MP's, a senator and hoping for a gubernatorial seat in next general election. and this Suna MP who is Gurre Madaxweyn(Ras) Direed same clan as Minister of Transport Ethiopia, Axmed Shide cousins to Gurgura and the most active icon currently in opposition.
First Kenyan Somali who was elected in Nyanzan Province, Kenya, Mohamed Junet - Guul Dir
Thursday, August 16, 2018
Xildhibaanada Beesha Surre Dir ee Galmudug Baarlamaanka U fadhiya iyo Deeganada ay Ka Soo Galaan- Surre Dir and their MP's in Galmudug State
Cabdiwali Aadan Cabdi
Cabdirizaaq Xuseen Maxamuud
Bashiir Axmed Xuseen
Surre/Cabdalla Saleebaan Reer Agoon
Guddoomiye ku xigeenka 1-aad ee baarlamaanka Galmudug Xareed Cali Xareed-Surre /Qubeys Galgacyo
Cabdiwali Aadan Cabdi
Cabdirizaaq Xuseen Maxamuud
Bashiir Axmed Xuseen
Surre/Cabdalla Saleebaan
Xareed Cali Xareed
Surre /Qubeys
Canab Maxamed Cosoble
Cabdullahi Xersi Maxamed
Surre /Qubeys
C/naasir Axmed Yuusuf
Surre/ Qubeys
C/qani Aadan Garagaar
Surre / Cabdalle

Cabdiwali Aadan Cabdi
Cabdirizaaq Xuseen Maxamuud
Bashiir Axmed Xuseen
Surre/Cabdalla Saleebaan Reer Agoon
Guddoomiye ku xigeenka 1-aad ee baarlamaanka Galmudug Xareed Cali Xareed-Surre /Qubeys Galgacyo
Cabdiwali Aadan Cabdi
Cabdirizaaq Xuseen Maxamuud
Bashiir Axmed Xuseen
Surre/Cabdalla Saleebaan
Xareed Cali Xareed
Surre /Qubeys
Canab Maxamed Cosoble
Cabdullahi Xersi Maxamed
Surre /Qubeys
C/naasir Axmed Yuusuf
Surre/ Qubeys
C/qani Aadan Garagaar
Surre / Cabdalle
Odey Reer Ciise Madoobe declaring they are Dir- Odey Ciisa ah oo Carab nimo Diidan oo Gadabuursi sheegaya in Walaakood yahay
Odey Ciisa ah oo beenenaya sheek been ahayd oo bari Habar Awal iyo Ciisa Sameyeen oo ay Gadabuursiga kula dagaalamyeen. Odeyga Ciise wuxuu sheegayaa in uu Madoobe Dir yahay oo Gadbuursi yaraankiis yahay beesha Mandaluug Dir
Jigjiga iyo Soo dhawenta Ugaaska Gadabuurs Diri oo dhan- oo ay Soo dhaweeyeen Ugaasyada Gurre / Akisho/ Garri iyo Cuqaal Kale
Ugaaska Beesha Gadabuursi oo ay Soo dhaweyeen Ugaasyo iyo Salaadin kale oo ay Ka mid yihiin Ugaaska Beesha Gurre iyo Ugaas Odawaa Beesha Akisho iyo Ugaaska beesha Garri.
Waa Farxad in Ugaasyada Beesha Gurre iyo Akisho ay Is xilqaameen oo ay soo daweyeen Ugaaska Madanluug Dir Gadabuursi waana ii Faraxad anigoo ka Soo jeeda beel weyn Dir Koonfur in aad arko kal gacalka iyo lashaqeeynta ay Dir Cowslafil ka muujinayaan Jigjiga.
Safarkii Madaxweyn Geel iyo Madaxweynah Somalia ee Geel ku Balan Qaaday Dib u Dhiska magalada Deefow
Safar taariikhi ayaa waxaa maanta ku tagay degmada Beledweyne ee xarunta gobolka Hiiraan wafdi
Ahmed Shide 's Biography and History - Education and Job Experience Honorable A. Shide Hails from the Dir Somali Clan
Ahmed Shide named chairman of the Somali region ruling party

The Ethiopian-Somali People’s Democratic Party (ESPDP) elected the minister of government communications affairs office Ahmed Shide, as chairman, replacing Abdi Mohamoud Omar (Abdi Iley), who was removed from the region’s presidency role few days ago.
Completing its three day party meeting and deep evaluation session, ESPDP has chosen to replace Abdi Iley with Ahmed Shide, the state-linked Fana Broadcasting Corporate reported.
Abdi Iley was a controversial figure who has faced multiple accusations of human rights abuses. The Somali region’s former finance and economic development head Ahmed Abdi Mohamed “Ilkacase” has replaced him as a president. In earlier reports, it was said that Abdi Iley would remain chairperson of the ESPDP and would keep his residence in Jijiga, which have proved to be untrue. There are demands that he stands trial, it is unclear whether that would happen or not.
Ahmed Shide was appointed as communication affairs minister on April 2018 by Abiy Ahmed. Before that, he served as transport minister from November 2016 to April 2018. He was also state minister of finance and economic development of Ethiopia from 2009 to 2016.
Ahmed has earned post graduate diploma in rural resource management and conflict resolution from Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, Netherlands and master’s degree in public participation, development and social progress from Salex University of Briton, UK.
He has served in the Somali region in various roles, such as chairman of pastoral affairs committee of from March 2003 to September 2004, head of the president office from September 2004 to October 2005, and head of civil service improvement bureau from October 2005 to September 2006.
(Main Image: Ahmed Shide.)
1 Minster of Transport: Ahmed Shide
Region: Ethiopian Somali
Academic Background:
Post Graduate Diploma in Rural Resource Management and Conflict Resolution from Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, Netherlands.
Masters Degree in Public Participation, Development and Social Progress from Salex University of Briton, United Kingdom
Bachelor Degree in Economics from Ethiopian Civil Service University
On Job Experience:
From December 1998 to September 1999, Senior Economist at Ethiopian Somali Regional State Planning and Economic Development Bureau
From September 1999 to May 2002, Investment Bureau Head of Ethiopian Somali Regional State
From March 2003 to September 2004, Chairman of Pastoral Affairs Committee of Ethiopian Somali Regional State
From September 2004 to October 2005, Head of the President Office of the Ethiopian Somali Regional State
From October 2005 to September 2006, Head of Civil Service Improvement Bureau of Ethiopian Somali Regional State
From September 2006 to March 2009, General Secretary of the Ethiopian Somali People Democratic Party
From September 2006 to June 2009, Head of Pastoral and Rural Development Bureau of Ethiopian Somali Regional State
Senior Advisor to President of the Ethiopian Somali Regional State
Deputy Head of Agriculture and Rural Development Bureau of Ethiopian Somali Regional State
State Minster of the Ministry of Finance an Economic Cooperation since November 2009
2 Minster of Urban Development and Housing,
Ambachew Mekonnen (PhD)
Region: Amhara
Academic Background:
BA Degree in Economics from Ethiopian Civil Service University
Masters Degree in Public Policy and Economic from KDI School of Public Policy and Management, South Korea
Masters Degree (MSC) in International Finance and Economic Development from Kent University, United Kingdom
PhD in Economics from Kent University, United Kingdom
On Job Experience:
From 1991 to 1995, Woreda Administrator
From 1998 to 2001 Head of Amhara Regional State Management Institute
From 2002 to 2005, Head of the Amhara People Democratic Movement Central Committee
From 2012 to 2013 General Director of the Amhara Rehabilitation and Development
From 2014 to 2015 Head of the Amhara Regional State Industry and Urban Development Bureau
Minster of Ethiopian Ministry of Construction since 2016 ------,_Somali_(woreda)
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Gurra Clan in Ethiopia’s Somali Region
The Somali region of Ethiopia is one the 9 regional sates that form the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. It is composed of three layers of administrative structures: namely nine zones, 52 woredas and about a thousand kebeles (the lowest government administrative units). The region has a total population of 4.2 million according to 2007 population census report (CSA 2007). The Gurra clan lives in three woredas namely- Gurra Dhamole, Goro-Baqaqsa and Qarsa Dulla. These weredas are administratively among eight weredas that constitute Afdheer zone in the most southern tip of the region bordering southern Somalia and Kenya.
Gurra Clan in Ethiopia’s Somali Region
The three districts climate is hot and dry with average temperatures ranging from 26 to 30°c. However, Guradhamole can be quite chilly at night as it’s situated at the very foot Dhamole and Habrona Mountains in a narrow valley. In the three districts, two rainy seasons generally occur, the long rains (Gu’) of late March to early June, and the short rains Deyr) of late September to early November. Average yearly rainfall is estimated to range from 600mm-1000mm. 1000 being a good year for the areas neighbouring Bale highlands like in Guradhamole capital, Harodibe.
The three districts cover two ecological zones: the low altitude arid and semi arid, and the mild temperate zones. The arid and semi-arid areas at low altitude of 500 to 800 meters above sea level (ASL) are by far the most predominant and comprise roughly 80 percent of the total land area. The mild temprate zones cover areas bordering Bale Mountains in Guradhamole werda. There are dozens of perennial and seasonal rivers that flow throughout the zone. These are: Genale, Web and tributaries of Genale like Dumal, Mana, Welmal, Dayu and Doya.
Population features and clan composition
The inhabitants of the three districts are ethnically Somalis and it has a mix population of nomadic transhumant pastoralists, agro-pastoralists and petty traders. The latter are mostly returnees who came back home from Somalia republic after 1991change of government In Ethiopia and civil strife in the former. However, pastoralist livelihoods constitute about 90% in Guradhamole while Gorobaqaqsa can be considered a pastoral district with a very small population in the capital and few other settlements like Hargadab and Hagarmoqor. Guradhamole has fast growing agro-pastoral groups due to its rain fall and proxy to other agro-pastoral groups in Oromia neighbouring districts like Harodumal and Dallo-mena where significant Gura clan members reside and practice mixed farming.
The population of the three districts is 113,862 according Central Statistics Authority census of 2007. Qarsadulla is a newly recognized district which has a grate potential for dry land farming providing that basic infrastructure such as roads are developed. Pastoralsim is the main livelihood of the people in the district. However, Guradhamole wereda population census have serious flaw according to local administration and clan leaders and felt far from representing the actual population which puts in doubt the legitimacy of census. The claim is a large portion of the wereda population has not been counted due to the erroneous map that was used by Central Census Authority.
There is no reliable data of livestock population in Somali region as whole besides mere estimates. So in the three weredas according to elders each Gura household have on average 20 camels, 10 cattle and 50 Shoats. Therefore, total livestock estimates are 378,860 camels, 189,430 cattle and 947,150 Shoats.
Clan compositions in the three weredas (districts)
The clan composition inhibited in the three weredas is Gurra which is majority clan that belongs to Somali wider Dir family. There are also minority Somali clans like Dhaweyd, Adjuran , Karinlle and Asharaaf. Some of the clans including Gurra are bilingual communities that speak both Oromo and Somali languages of the eastern Cushitic linguistic families.
Historical events
Major events in the three weredas from the time of Emperor Menilik expansion towards the south and east, are related to resource and way of life protection wars. Around 1887 Guras along with other Siko-Menda clans fought the expansionist Emperor Menilik army at Magaalo near a well known Sofi-Omar cave. Particularly, Gura suffered heavy causalities from the modern weapons used by their opponents weakening severely their military capability. There was also long standing pastoral conflicts with a branch of Ogadeni clans over livestock raiding mainly camels recorded according to Gura oral history that caused displacement and migration from grazing land and sorghum farms in the Bakol valley.
The three weredas also shares and has a long history of insurgency resistance and popular movements that highly influenced its history with Ethiopian state. The popular Bale up raises known as Ijoole Bale (The Children’s of Bale) and the subsequent Liberation movements by joint effort of Somali and Oromo groups supported by Somali republic can be sighted as an example. 1964-1979 –Ethio-Somali contestations and wars over territory has marked the history of the clan and the adjacent areas. This era is known as the era of fire arms. For example the brand of arms introduced to the area gets its name for that decade, Jaan Cadde, Dhoobir, AK etc..
1991 – 2009 with the change of Government in Ethiopia marks special historical venue in the Gurra clan area. Huge population of returnees coming to the area from Somalia refugee camps and the introduction of Federal system in Ethiopia constitute contemporary history.
On the other, ethnic based administrative regions establishment brought both opportunities and challenges to the people of Gurra as also true for other communities in Ethiopia. The federal system provides opportunities to self rule that many sacrificed their dear life for it and introduced social services unknown to inhabitants in their history. In the process of constituting Federal system that resulted in turn the disintegration of old identities and reconstitution of new ones some violent conflicts affected the Gurra clan relations with clans that they used share common pastoral resources.

Minister of Government Communication Affairs Office
Wednesday, August 15, 2018
Barsuuk Dabruube Madeluk Bajimaal Peoples of the Horn of Africa (Somali, Afar and Saho): North Eastern ..., Part 1 By I. M. Lewis
Peoples of the Horn of Africa (Somali, Afar and Saho): North Eastern ..., Part 1
By I. M. Lewis
The bursuk are a small Dir tribe to the east of Harar and are mainly cultivators. According to Burton, payment of blood-compensation is unknow amoungst them and fighting does not give rise to the interminable feuds characteristics of the nomadic Somali.
Other Dir groups which have not succeeded in maintaining their tribal autonomy so successfully as the Bimal in their dispersal from the north, are the Dabrui ( Dabruube) living amoung the Bimal of Merca, the Bajumal amoung the Shebelle Negroids, the Gorajno with the Garre, the Madaweni amoung the WaGosha and in Abyssina, and the Madeluk found amoung the Ogaden, Helai, Shebelle, in Jubbaland and at Serenlei and Margherita.
By I. M. Lewis
The bursuk are a small Dir tribe to the east of Harar and are mainly cultivators. According to Burton, payment of blood-compensation is unknow amoungst them and fighting does not give rise to the interminable feuds characteristics of the nomadic Somali.
Other Dir groups which have not succeeded in maintaining their tribal autonomy so successfully as the Bimal in their dispersal from the north, are the Dabrui ( Dabruube) living amoung the Bimal of Merca, the Bajumal amoung the Shebelle Negroids, the Gorajno with the Garre, the Madaweni amoung the WaGosha and in Abyssina, and the Madeluk found amoung the Ogaden, Helai, Shebelle, in Jubbaland and at Serenlei and Margherita.
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Aug 16