Wednesday, January 13, 2010



This paper is a response to a paper circulated on the net called "Somaliland protests being called Northern Dir" as a Dir man and a Somalilander I would like to set the record straight and correct the author of this paper. This is the body of the E- mail I sent him.

The Quran States that you are Ahul Naar if you claim other then your Father's family. So Dear brothers of Isaaq it is unislaamic to claim the Qureysh when you are not from them.

Quran says: “Call them (adopted sons) by (the names of) their fathers, that is more just with Allaah…” [al-Ahzaab 33:5]
There are some very stern warnings regarding this from Allah and his Prophet (pbuh). Read below:

The Prophet (pbuh) said: “Whoever calls himself by other than his father’s name (or attributes himself to someone other than his father), will be cursed by Allaah, the angels and all the people.” (Reported by Ibn Maajah, Book of punishments, 2707)

Saladiinta Dir Mid ka Mida


Geneology of Isaaq:

Sheikh Isaaq was the eldest son of Mohammed or Ahmed which is the same name since the holy prophet of Islam Mohammed was also Ahmed (SAW). Sheikh Isaaq was the eldest son of Sheikh Mohammed Xiniftire Mahe Dir. The Isaaq clan are directly related to the Bimaal , Baajimaal, Quranyow Mohammed Xinifter ( a branch of the Garre of NFD and Ethiopia) and Dabruube clans who directly descend from Dir through the line of Mahe Dir.
Isaaq Suclans
Sheikh Isaaq married one wife and had four sons with Magaado and an had four more sons with an Absyssinian Ethiopian wife Habar Habuush
Habar Magaadle
  1. Arap

  2. Awal (Abdulraxman)

  3. Garxajis ( Habar Yonis and Cidagale)

  4. Ayuub
Habar Habuush
  1. Muse

  2. Toljalo

  3. Ibran

  4. Sanbuura
Isaaq and their relationships to Southern Dir

The Mahe Dir clans and the Isaaq when in Southern Somalia act as such and many Isaaq pay the Diya ( Mag) with the above clans and they receive direct protection as cousins. Moreover, when the SNM came into existence it found most of its non-Isaaq support first from the Southern Xinifter Mahe Dir clans like Biymaal subclan Gadsan and also the non Xiniftire clans who are Mahe or other Dir groups. As a matter of fact, the Mahe Dir clans adopted in 1980s the Isaaq founded movement's name SNM adding just Southern. The Southern Somali National Movement (SSNM) was the leading Southern Dir political movement. Later the Isaaq led SNM whose chairman was Abdirahman Tuur (Habar Yonis) and the SSNM led by Abdi Warsame Isaaq of the Bimaal Gadsan Mohammed Xinifter merged with General Aideed's SNA Somali national Allience along with Omar Jess an Ogadeen general.

Later on the Isaaq Ina Koosar was sent to Central Somalia and Mustaxil Khalaafo area in order to meet and seek support for the SNM from  the powerful central Dir clans of Mudug, Galgaduud, Western Somali region and Sanaag  clans which included the Surre (Cabdalle and Qubeys) and the Habar Gidir clans. Ina Koosar was assassinated shortly after meeting the Surre -Gadsan-Bajimaal   elders in Mustaxiil - Qalafo. This happened in 12 07 1987 and its well known.


Somalis Universally View Isaaq as Dir
The Somalis universally consider the Isaaq as Dir and they Isaaq identifies themselves as such when in Southern Somalia. When the Barre goverment collapsed in 1990, most Southern Dir were seen in Mogadisho diffrent areas rescuing fleeing Isaaq and those who remained were protected by Dir millitias even without the asking of the Isaaq. Western scholars of Somalia all acknowledged that the Isaaq were Dir ; however, most cited that the Isaaq following the led of the Darood adopted a fictious Arab genealogy.

Moreover, all Isaaq claim to be Irir Samaale and it is well known that Irir had only two sons on Dir and the other Hawiye. And this is a well know fact.

Citation: What Western Scholars Say about
All the major clans Somalis including the Dir, Hawiye and Rahaweyn in the past emphasized their Quraish pedigree by claiming direct descent from Aqiil Ibnu Abu Taalib whom they claim arrived with Ja'far Ibnu Abu Taalib in the first Hijra 615 A.D, the Dir claim that seven years after this contact one Aqiil Ibn Abu Talib returned to the Horn of Africa and fathered Hiil Samaale the founding father of all Somali clans.

For some odd reason baised western scholors exaggerated the Darood, Isaaq, Sheeikhal and Ajuuran clans of Somalia while ignoring the older and similar claims of the older Somali clans like the Rahanweyn and Dir-Hawiye.

I.M Lewis's books on Somalia all acknowledge the Isaaq's Dirness and he even draws the charts showing that Isaaq are direct lineal descendents of the Dir clan.

Moreover I M Lewis wrote, " All Somali pride in their purported Arab ancestory", and this include the Hawiye and Rahanweyn, even though he notes the recent increase of this claim amoung the Darood, Sheikha, and Ajuuran Hawiye clan.

I.M Lewis

I M Lewis states, "all Somalis regard the Isaaq as lineal descendents of Dir" and he notes their recent development of ,"independent agnatic descent from Arabia. (P-142, Nomadic Democracy)
I.M Lewis states, " strictly speaking the Isaaq are derived from the Dir, who together with the Hawiye are linked as "Irir" at a higher level of genelogical grouping." In his book, Understanding Somali and Somaliland Society : Culture History and Society-Ioan M Lewis P- 4
Invention Of Somalia Chart

Lieut. Cruttenden and Richard Burton Both report that the Isaaq

Image result for hashim isaaq
Richard Burton
In his book, The first Foot Steps 1846 wrote, " the Isaaq, Gadabuuris, Barsuuk, and Issas of Somalia are all of Dir origin. He spells Dir as "Dur or Tir".Richard Burton,wrote:
The old and pagan genealogies still known to the Somal, are Dirr, Aydur, Darud, and, according to some, Hawiyah. Dirr and Aydur, of whom nothing is certainly known but the name10, are the progenitors of the northern Somal, the Eesa, Gudabirsi, Ishak, and Bursuk tribes. Darud Jabarti 11 bin Ismail bin Akil (or Ukayl) is supposed by his descendants to have been a noble Arab from El Hejaz, who, obliged to flee his country, was wrecked on the north-east coast of Africa, where he married a daughter of the Hawiyah tribe: rival races declare him to have been a Galla slave, who, stealing the Prophet’s slippers12, was dismissed with the words, Inna-tarad-na-hu (verily we have rejected him): hence his name Tarud ([Arabic]) or Darud, the Rejected.13 The etymological part of the story is, doubtless, fabulous; it expresses, however, the popular belief that the founder of the eastward or windward tribes, now extending over the seaboard from Bunder Jedid to Ras Hafun, and southward from the sea to the Webbes14, was a man of ignoble origin.

Journal of African history: Volume 3,Roland Anthony Oliver, J. D. Fage - 1962 "Thus while the Isaaq regard themselves as a separate clan-family tracing their agnatic origins directly to Arabia and only acknowledge a connexion by marriage with the Dir, other Somali regard them as of full Dir affiliation"

Encyclopaedia Aethiopica: He-N - Page 194 ,Siegbert Uhlig - 2007 - 1211 pages writes," Isaaq /*Dir) is one of the most important / Somali clans and is formed by the /'Habar Awal - Sacad Muuse (Sacad Muuse) and cIisa Muuse (Ciisa Muuse) ... contin Garxajis and Arap

The invention of Somalia - Page 251 Ali Jimale Ahmed - 1995 - 265 pages -
intangible culture, the emergence of the Darood and the Isaaq seems quite clearly to have gone along with a shift in religious belief. The Darood and Isaaq differentiated themselves from their historical Dir ancestry by each claiming an Arab ancestary"...

In the classical poem Guba the Isaaq are Identified as Dir and their poet states:
In Gube a Dhulbahante Darood poet Ali Adan, who was trying to play the Ogadan and Isaaq against each other stated:
Doqonkii Ogadeen doollo laga qaad
Loo diid Dannood iyo hadii uu dagi lahaa Ciide
Niman baa xukuma dalkoodi iyo labadii daaroode
Habar Yonis bey uga durkeen dagaladoodiye
The Ogadeen Poet replyed:
Iidoor (Isaaq) Dir weeye hadduu duullan soo kiciyo
Dunji Habar Magaadle ba hadduu , Dabarka soo gooyo
Dumbukhiyo rasaastii hadduu debacsaanuu siiyo (British)
The Iidoor Isaaq are of the Dir clan, and if they launch a raid against us the Ogaadeen
An id all the Dir Habar Magaadle take their ropes and join them.
Then who is equal to me in descent and is to help me ? Silsiladii Gabayada Guba
Isaaq Reply to Guba Poem
In reply to the Ogadeen and the Dhulbahante, the great Isaaq, Habar Yonis, poet who was from the sub clan of Beyle Ugaadhyahan, Mr. Cismaan Beyle, answered to the Darood poets and he agrees with the Ogaaden poet and states, "Yes,the Isaaq are Dir". And all the Land belongs to the Dir, who is the Darood to claim this land. Isn't Darood the Stranger I found in the wilderness and whom I gave Donbiro and welcomed him when he was nothing.


Gabeyga guba waa gabey uu nin ka bilaawday nin Dhulbahante ah oo rabay in uu Ogaadeen iyo Isaaq isku diro, oo dagaal ka dhex oogo labadaan beelood ee wada daga.

Ninkii Dhulbante oo ahaa CALI AADAN (Dhulbahante) Ogaadeen waa doqomo ayuu yiri oo Isaaq ayaa doolo (baad) ka qaada.

Erayadii CALI AADAN (Dhulbahante)

Doqonkii Ogaadeen ahaa Doollo laga qaadye
Loo diid Dannood iyo hadduu degi lahaa Ciide
Nimanbaa dalkoodiyo xukuma labadi daaroode

Habar-Yoonis bay uga durkeen degeladoodiiye
Dullinimo inay qaayibeen waxaw daliilkiiya
Dadba weli ma arag Reer-Subeyr duul ka soo baxaye

Dooyiyo dabriyo weerar iyo malaha duullaane
[b]Ninnaba uunka kama dawladsana Dir iyo Daaroode [/b]
Ilaah baa dabkoodiyo sandahay danabadoodiiye
Dadka uguma liitaane wey diriri waayeene
Afartaa sidii dalab la riday maysu daba joojay
Da'daan kaga bilaabiyo miyaan deelki ka habawshay
Ma dalleeyay deelqaafku waa kaa dilaa gabaye
Dacwad kalana waa Reer Xirsiga halan dareensiiyay

Gabeygii Guba waxa la tiriyay 1919-1920 waanu ka horeeyay Shirkii Carta haddii qaar maangaaba oo Isaaq ku sheekeyan Carta ayaa lagu abuuray magaca Dir. Habar Yonis Ayaan sheegeys gabeygaan cida uu Isaaq yahay, Daroodkuna waa sheegayaan.

Ninkii Ogaadeen isagoo xanaqsan ayuu gabey ku jawaabey oo yiri:

1. Isaaq (Idoor) waa Dir oo yaa la da'ah, Isaaq waa Dunji (Sinji Habar Magaadle). Ninkaan Direed ee i dilay adaa iga daran oo Darood ila sheeganaya (Isaaq Dir weeyee hadduu duulan soo kiciyo
Dunji Habar Magaadluhu hadduu dabarka soo gooyo
Dunbuq iyo rasaastana hadduu debecsanuu siiyo)

Aday dilaye goormaa Isaaq Doollo iga qaaday
Maxaa libinta Daarood lahaa dabacayuun siiyey
Hadday Dubaxul uga heesayaan dacarba waan siine

Miyey haatan daab iyo ul iyo kaga cabbaan dawlis
Dusha daalis oo dibi dhaloon loo danbarinaynin
Oo kii lahaa diideybay sidig ka doontaaye
Kuwan derisnay dooxeer haddaan sebenka daduunsho

Waxa adiga duug kaaga noqon yayga degi waayey
Gabdhaha doonnan dadabtan dhisniyo xidid dariiqaynta
Kuwaan dihannay diricay dhaleen waa dareeemadae
Muslinka hayga didin yaan ibleeys dawyo kaa ridine

Darka jabay dilaalkio dhulkuu dabadku meeraayo
Deeqii Illaahay halkuu xuliyey daadkiisa
Ii daa dugaag iyo Hartay igaga deyraanne

Iidoor Dir weeyee hadduu duulan soo kiciyo
Dunji Habar Magaadluhu hadduu dabarka soo gooyo
Dunbuq iyo rasaastana hadduu debecsanuu siiyo

Horta yaa la da'a wayla yaab dawyadaad xuliye
Ogaadeen ka daan iyo ka daan doolo soo gudubye
Diinkaan akhriyey way imaan dooy raggii jiraye
Dunji maalintaa waxad qabtaan waan u daahirinne

Markii ay sheeko halkaas mareyso ayaa nin Habar Yonis Yawle la yiraahdo oo katirsan beesha Beyle Ugaadhyahan ee Cismaan Beyle.
Gabeygii soo galay oo u jawaabay Daroodka isagoo sheeganaya:

1.Isaaq waa Dire hadii uu duulan soo qaado

2. Daaroodkana in uu dalka soo dajiyay Isaaq oo Dir ah oo ay Gabadh Doonbiro la yiraahdo siiyeen Daroodka ayuu sheegtay ninkii Isaaq ee Habar Yonis.

Nin Isaaqa ayaa qoonsaday nin Darooda oo utiriya tixdan oo ay isku deegan yihiin gobolk Sool.
Dir iyo Darood la garay
Dureemada hawd la garay
Dixid war-idaad la garay
Dayuuskani yuu galaa

Transitionsal Goverments of Somalia

In the past 10 years since Somalia was lacking a central goverment several reconciliation conferences were held in Cairo, Djibouti, Kenya and Ethiopia between 1993-2009 and all conferences a formula of 4.5, which means the four major clans Dir, Darood, Hawiye, Rahanweyn will share goverment equally. Thousands of Isaaq Ministers, Members of Parliment and Guurti or Clan elders from Habar Awal, Habar Jeclo, Habar Yonis and Arap joined these conferences and they all consider themselves as Dir men and women.

Isaaq scholars from the great Musse Galaal a mentor and silent contributor to all that I. M Lewis writes and well know, respected ex-police chief of Somalia, Mr. Jama Ghalib both respected their Dir heritage and always defended their Dir-ness. Jama Ghalib, in his book, " The Cost of Dictatorship", acknowledge the crucial financial and membership support the Isaaq dominated, SNM received from all Southern Dir groups, especially, the Mahe Dir, Mohammed Hiniftire, subclans which the Isaaq is a member of, like the Gadsan, Biimaal, Bajimaal, and Surre clans of Ethiopian region. Also, Jama Ghalib, acknowledged the Hawiye contributions.

The official UN and Kenyan Records listed over 1000 prominent Isaaq clan elders who joined the Somali Reconciliation conference in Kenya and this is one of the official lists at the begining of the conference:

Name Clan Sub Clan
Mohamud Mohamed Ali Dir Isak-Ciida-Gale
Hassan Badmaax Meegaag Dir Isak-Ciida-Gale
Jama ali matan Dir Isak-Ciida-Gale
omar ali moulid Dir Isak-Ciida-Gale
Soleman Hussein Muse Dir Isak-Ciida-Gale
Mohamud Ahmed Duale Dir Isak-Ciida-Gale
Ahmed Ali Hsaan Dir Isak-Ciida-Gale
Dahir Mohamed Abdullahi Dir Isak-Ciida-Gale
Ali Mohamed Hashi Dir Isak-Ciida-Gale
Mohamed Buhi Dhegoole Dir Isak-Ciida-Gale
Abdullahi Hassan Mohamed Dir Isak-Ciida-Gale
Abdiweli Abdullahi Mohamud Dir Isak-Ciida-Gale
Qowdan Abdullahi Mohamud Dir Isak-Ciida-Gale
Suudi Elmi Hireey Dir Isak-Ciida-Gale
Sahra Ahmed Kariye Dir Isak-Ciida-Gale
Asha Ali Mahdi Dir Isak-Ciida-Gale
Name Clan Sub Clan
Omar Ali Hassan Dir Issak-Habar-Yonis
Ismail Ahmed Cige Dir Issak-Habar-Yonis
Hassan Arabala Dir Issak-Habar-Yonis
Abdullahi Dahir Abdi Dir Issak-Habar-Yonis
Abbas |Mohamud Mumin Dir Issak-Habar-Yonis
Sheikh Said Abdalla Dir Issak-Habar-Yonis
Bashir Mohamed Abdirahman Dir Issak-Habar-Yonis
Ahmed Abdikarim Dir Issak-Habar-Yonis
Hariir Adan Dir Issak-Habar-Yonis
Ahmed Ali Nur Dir Issak-Habar-Yonis
Abdullahi Ali Said Dir Issak-Habar-Yonis
Farah Jama Farah Dir Issak-Habar-Yonis
Abdirizak Mohamed Hersi Dir Issak-Habar-Yonis
Ismail Cadantegey Dir Issak-Habar-Yonis
Mohamed Abdullahi Abbas Dir Issak-Habar-Yonis
Ali Abdi Ahmed Dir Issak-Habar-Yonis
Said Abyan Hayd Dir Issak-Habar-Yonis
Mohamed Hersi Dir Issak-Habar-Yonis
Ahmed Abdirahman Mohamed Dir Issak-Habar-Yonis
Hassan Sheikh Ibrahil Dir Issak-Habar-Yonis
Yahya Ahmed Reygal Dir Issak-Habar-Yonis
Hawo Musse Dir Issak-Habar-Yonis
Safiya Hassan Qalinle Dir Issak-Habar-Yonis
Sahra Kahin Abdi Dir Issak-Habar-Yonis
Amina Osman Dir Issak-Habar-Yonis
Nimo Ali Hassan Dir Issak-Habar-Yonis
Said Yusuf Dir Issak-Habar-Yonis
Musse Ali Elmi Dir Issak-Arab
Khadar Iman Adan Dir Issak-Arab
Omar Ali Arale Dir Issak-Arab
Ahmed Iman Adan Dir Issak-Arab
Elmi Warsame Mohamed Dir Issak-Arab
Abdullahi Nur Mohamed Dir Issak-Arab
Mohamed Hassan Abdullahi Dir Issak-Arab
Amina Awil Ali Dir Issak-Arab
Yurub Raabi Osman Dir Issak-Arab
Ebado Mohamud Diriye Dir Issak-Arab
Ahmed Mohamed Guled Dir Issak-Arab
Ahmed Elmi Warsame Dir Issak-Arab
Hussein Ali Adan Dir Issak-Arab
Mohamed Ali Adan Dir Issak-Arab
Awil Ali Mahaad Dir Issak-Arab
Nimo Karrani Dir Issak-Arab
Ahmed Mohamed Omar DirIssak-Ayub
Ahmed Bajir Ahmed Dir Issak-Imran
Mohamud Abi Warsame DirIssak-Imran
Adan Ismail Roble Dir Issak-Sanbuur
Said Adan Mire Dir Issak-Habar Je’lo
Abdi Haji Mohamed Dir Issak-Habar Je’lo
Abdirizak Hussein Hassan DirIssak-Habar Je’lo
Yusuf Botan Duale Dir Issak-Habar Je’lo
Abdullahi Hayir Duale Dir Issak-Habar Je’lo
Adan Jama Duale Dir Issak-Habar Je’lo
Farah Subie Mohamed Dir Issak-Habar Je’lo
Mohamed Ismail Gedi Dir Issak-Habar Je’lo
Egeh Waeys Roble Dir Issak-Habar Je’lo
Amina Omar Jama Dir Issak-Habar Je’lo
Faduma Ali Abdi Dir Issak-Habar Je’lo
Nuro Mohamud Mohamed DirIssak-Habar Je’lo
Istar Duale Warsame Dir Issak-Habar Je’lo
Haweya Sahal Gedi Dir Issak-Habar Je’lo
Jibril Aydid Mohamed Dir Issak-Habar Je’lo
Abdi Osman Awale Dir Issak-Habar Je’lo
Ali Osman Hassan Dir Issak-Habar Je’lo
Abdi Saleban Biyole Dir Issak-Habar Je’lo
Mohamud Adan Dirir Dir Issak-Habar Je’lo
Hussein Ahmed Hassan DirIssak-Habar Je’lo
Warsame Jama Isse Dir Issak-Habar Je’lo
Ali Hassan Jama Dir Issak-Habar Je’lo
Ali Saleban Duale Dir Issak-Habar Je’lo
Abdi Ahmed Garyare Dir Issak-Habar Je’lo
Salah Nur Ismail Badbado Dir Issak-Habar Je’lo
Omar Haji Awad Qurshe Dir Issak
Ahmed Yusuf Shide Dir Issak
Farah Ali Shide Dir Issak
Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed Dir Issak
Mohamed Yasin Awale Dir Issak
Said Mohamed Abdullahi Dir Issak
Mohamed Ahmed Ismail Dir Issak
Hassan Ahmed Ali Dir Issak
Ahmed Ismail Osman Dir Issak
Ahmed Mohamed Adan Dir Issak
Sheikh Said Mahaad Abdalla Dir Issak
Maryan Dirir Dir Issak
Sahra Ismail Adan Dir Issak
Fowzia Hassan Dir Issak
Sahra Mohamed Farah Dir Issak
Rowda Abdullahi Diriye Dir Issak
Kaltun Ismail Adan Dir Issak
Kowsar Osman Dir Issak
Mohamed Ahmed Gaheyr Dir Issak
Omar Mohamed Abdi Dir Issak
Abdullahi Ismail Mohamed Dir Issak
Deeq Abdi Hashi Dir Issak
Said Jabril Ali Nur Dir Issak

Most of these Isaaq were business owners and others who lived in Mogdisho for a long time. Why would these prominent men claim, die, and fight along side their Dir distant cousines like the Bimaal,Suure-Cabdalle and Qubeys, Mandaluug and other northern Dir clans like the Issas and Gadabuursi. The Southern Dir Groups like the Suure ( Qubeys and Cabdalle) who where heavely armed where the direct protectors of many Isaaq and other unarmed groups in Mogadisho and there were numerous clashes between Xamar Moorayan and the Suure millitias backed by northern Dir and Bimaal Gadsan when several vehicles were stoled from the Isaaq Dir.

Muuse Galaal Somali Isaaq Historian

The world renowned Somali History scholar, Mr. Musse Galaal, who is Habar Jeclo, invited dozens of Somali Dir shortly before his death in Saudi Arabia in the 1980's and after one of the guests asked him about I. M Lewis and the false propaganda of Isaaq Arabness he spread. Galaal replied, I.M Lewis is a mentor of his but he never agreed about how he distorted Isaaq history. Galaal added, we are all in an Arab country and the richest Arab country where Islaam was born but I will tell you today I am more convinced of my Dirness then ever and I doubt more then ever that all Somalis share a single thing with the Arabs.
The Dir witness said, " I asked Oh Galaal, my cousine, why do you say this. Galaal said, "look at the Arabs and look at us, especially, us, the Dir Aji, we never eat grasshoppers, a Somali would never eat even the liver, heart, or lowly portions like the tounge of goat or cow. Nor would a Somali eat Lizards ( muusa cagaleey), or penis of goat or sheep or in the past work for or intermarry with any outsiders yet the Arabs do all of that. How can we be of Arab when we dont share none of this, Walaahay we the Somalis are more noble then they, and the noblest of Somalis of all are the Dir Aji from whom we all got our noble and pure manners." This is two or three weeks before he passed away.

Another interesting story which shows the deep kinship between Southern and Northern the Great poet Hadrawi was in Mustaxiil, Dolo, Luuq, and Xuddur areas in the early days of the SNM struggle and I was surprised for this was suicidal for such prominent figure in 1980s. He freely moved in and out of Bakool, Gedo, and Bardheere areas and made many speeches I was told and he was accompanied by his local kinsman. A good friend of main even narrated to me a long poem he made in order to create two feuding Dir groups in Ethiopian Somali border. This shows that he felt as though he was at home just like in Burco or Hargeysa which he could not go at that time. As a matter of fact that region still has a SSNM or Southern SNM movement which unites the major Mahe Dir Clans, Suure, and Madaxweyn Dir in that region.

Isaaq were present in Horn of Africa and did not come from Arabia in 1500 century as Liers like I.M Lewis claim. The Isaaq are mentioned in Fatuh Al Habash (1400s) as an Ancient powerful Dir clan.

The fatuh al Habash mentions the Habar Magadle (Maha Dir) by name as one group which Gureey try to draw into his camp.Nevertheless, the Habar Awal and Habar Yonis joined the Gurey jihaad. For Example, the Makaahil of the Habar Awal was the son of an Amhara princesse who was broght back to Somali by a Habar Awal worrior. The Amhara princes asked her captor one favour which to name the first son. After she bore the son she named him Makahil "Micheal" the angel. As a matter of fact many Mahe Dir like the Habar xabuush or Habar Jeclo were also named in such a case. According to the Fatuh Al Habash, "the fierce and rebellious Isaaq, Issas, and Afar clans who lived close to these groups and was know as "Oda Cali" caused Guurey many problems because as soon as the attacked the Habash enemies and gained some booty they would return to their territorie this angered Imam Ahmed who wanted a displined army. Ali and Mataan a brothers in-law of Gurey and Ahmed Nuur a knephew or Gurey, who later married Gurey's wife Batiyo Delwambero(Dawmbiro). It is interesting to not The name Dalwambero.

IM Lewis mentions a episode in Axmed Gurey's campaign where he destroyed cities of Habar Magadle Dir in which the H.Magadle punished a Aba Yonis Group who complained to the Imaam. Also the H.Magaadle would join the Jihad and decide at a crucial moment to return to their homelands after getting all the Booty the wanted.

A very strange fact in Fatuhal Habash is the Mareexan Sade Daarod Clan are mentioned to be part of the Habar Magaadle and this is one reason the Darood would never translate the Fatuhal Habash even though the Darood claim the Imaam Ahmed was a Darood. I will post a rebuttal of this because the Darood ancestor Ismaail Jabarti died in 1679 while the battles of Ahmed Gurey took place in 1500. Both IM lewis and other scholars leaked this fact that Mareexan are considered a Habar Magaadle clan in the Fatuuh Al Habash because these western scholars would not set foot in Somalia especially when Siad Barre was in Power. I will put up the quotes and author it is on Google books

The Arab Factor

Abwaanada Isaaq oo Sheegaya Cidey Yihiin.

Ismaaciil Cigaal Bulaale(isaaq)

Adaa Dir iyo Daarood dhex dhigay dab iyo baaruude

Dacar gelisey reerihii ahaa ul iyo diirkeede

Mugga haatan dirir uumiyuhu waa is dilayaaye

Maxamuud Dheeg (Isaaq)

Dir iyo Irir baanu nahay labada daamoode

Dabatada faraha dheer leh iyo Diini iyo Boontu

Meeshay kasoo dalabsadeen yeyga degi wayday.

Axmed Ismaaciil Diiriye (Isaaq)

Miisaannay Ciisow tixahaad madalka keenteene
Macaan baa Ilaahay ka dhigay Malabki Doocaane
Dhegtii maqashay oo idili way mahad naqaysaaye
Madmadoow ma gelin xaajadaa soo mudh-bixiseene
Mabsuud buu ka yahay reer Isaaq meelu joogaba'e
Waad mahadsantiin dhalashadaad muruq u yeesheene

Axmed Ismaaciil Diiriye (Isaaq)

Na soo gaadhe Ciisow tixahaad soo gudbinayseene
Geeraarradiinii hellnay iyo gabayadiinniiye
Una guuxnay hawraarta guud, hiilna loo garaye
Maansadu godkii ay lahayd maydun gees marinne
Alle waydin garansiiyey oo gob iyo caadkeede
Garna waad u leediin tolkiin inad gargaartaane
Gacmihii walaalaha ahaa waysku gunuddeene

Abwaanadaan iyaguna waxay cadday nayaan isir raac ciday yihiin oo ah Dir labada gabay ee Axmed Ismaaciil Diiriye gabaygiisa waxaad ka dhan dhansan kartaa ehelinimada ay isku reerka yihiin Ciise(Ciise oo qabiil Dir ah) oo uu marna walaal tinimo ku tilmaamay marna wada dhalasho oo Abwaanadu gabay ahaan inta badan u isticmaalaan wada dhalashada iyo walaaltinimada dhanka abtarsiinyaha…

Qamaan Bulxan (Ogaadeen)

Iidoor Dir weeyee hadduu duulan soo kiciyo
Dunji Habar Magaadluhu hadduu dabarka soo gooyo
Dunbuq iyo rasaastana hadduu debecsanuu siiyo

Gaygaan waxaa tiriyey Abwaan Daarood ah oo ku tilmaamaya Isaaq inay Dir yihiin mana dhicin gabyaa Isaaq ah oo beeniya gabaygaas Dir nimada ku tilmaamay waxaase dhacday in Gabyaa la Oran Jiray Yawle xaqiijiyey oo ku gabayey, gabay aanan helin hal sadar ka badan oo ahaa… Isaaq waa Dire e hadduu duulaan soo kiciyo…

Isku soo wada duuboo waxaad ka garan kartaa gabayadaas isir raaca ay kala ahaayeen Qabiilada (Harti, Ogaadeen, Abuskuul), iyo Isaaq oo kala ahaa Daarood iyo Dir… waxaa kaloo jirta in markii Somalidu shirar ama wax qaybsi isugu timaado in beesha Isaaq ku qayb qaadato qabiil ahaan qabiilka la yiraahdo Dir oo ah qabiilka Abwaanadii hore ku gabyeen in Isaaq yahay qabiilkaas. Wax garadka, Isimada Beelaha Somaliyeed oo aan ahayn Isaaq markaad waydiisid Qabiilka beesha Isaaq reerka ay isir raac galaan waxay kuu cadaynayaan in Isaaq isir ahaan yahay Dir. Haddii aad odayashaasha iyo wax garadka beesha Dir waydiiso cidda Isaaq isir ahaan galo waxay si toosa oo aan gabasho lahayn kuugu sheegayaan inuu galo Isaaq Habare Xiniftire Maahe Dir.

Aqoonta loo lahaa beelaha Isaaq isir raacoodu markuu ahaa Dir waxaa ayaamahaan danbe soo shaac baxday oo yar iyo wayn beesha qabiilka Isaaq shaaciyeen in ay yihiin Carab oo ka soo jeedaan Haashimiyiin arintaasi waxay keentay jaah wareer aan la garanayn cid la rumaysto Isaaqa hadda sheegaya inay yihiin Carab, ma odayadii hore ee Isaaq oo sheegayey inay yihiin Dir, ma wax garadka iyo Isimada beelaha kale ee sheegaya in Isaaq yahay Dir!!!.

Waxaad ka garan kartaa Dadka taariikhda wax ka qora oo aan ahayn Somalida inay jaah wareer ka qaadeen oo qoraaladooda laba bog oo ay isku mid kaga hadlayaan aadan ka helayn mararka qaar waxaad arkaysaa hal qaafiyad (baaragaraaf) oo iska hor imanaya oo marna leh Dir marna leh Carab, waxaadba ila eegtaan labadaan qoraa ee Biritishka u dhashay…

Richard Burton oo ka qoray Isaaq wuxuu buugisa taalaabooyinkii koowaad 1846 ku qoray….
(waa siduu u qoray).

"The old and pagan genealogies still known to the Somal, are Dirr, Aydur, Darud, and Hawiyah, according to some Dirr and Aydur, of whom nothing is certainly known but the name, are the progenitors of the northern Somal, the Eesa, Gudabirsi, Ishak, and Bursuk tribes."

Waasida uu qoraalkiisa udhigay Richard Burton, isagoo sii wata qoraalkiisii wuxuu qoray…

Raad raaca abtirsiinyaha ilaa hadda Somalidu utaqaan waa Dirr(Dir), Aydur(?) Darud(Daarood) iyo Hawiye, markii loo eego qaybo magacyada qabiilada Dir iyo Aydur(iidoor) oo aan la hubin laakiin magacyadoodu waa Eese(Ciise), Gudabirsi, Ishak(Isaaq) iyo barsuuk…

Richard Burton or Richard Francis Burton (British consul, explorer and Orientalist, was born at Barham House, Hertfordshire, on the 19th of March 1821 Died 20-Oct-1890

Waxaa kaloo jira nin kale oo isku dayey inuu wax ka qoro qabiilada Somalida ninkaas oo la yiraahdo I M Lewis isagoo ku jaah wareersan wuxuu ku qoray buuggiisa blood and bone….

Markii loo eego Qabiilka Isaaqu waxay sheegtaan inay ka baxsan yihiin oo ay isir raac toosa ay yihiin Carab, kaliya ay kula xiriiraan qabiilka Dir la yiraahdo guur Aabahood ka guursaday. Somalida kalase waxay u tixgaliyaan ama u arkaan inay si buuxda u yihiin Dir. Marka waxay u muuqaataa in Isaaq Carab ka dhigeen Isir raacooda si u helaan ixtiraam una ilaashadaan kobcinta awoodooda iyo isku filaanshahooda iyagoo 400, 000 qof 1958 kii ahaa.

Isla qoraagaasi wuxuu buuggiisa kale ee fahanka bulshada Somali iyo Somaliland( Culture History and Society-Ioan M Lewis P- 4) wuxuu ku qoray…

Dhab ahaan markaan u hadalno Isaaq waxay ka soo jeedaan Dir kuwaaso iyaga iyo Hawiye laysla xiriiriyo oo laysku yiraahdo Irir.

Ioan M. Lewis in his book blood and bone p104 wrote:

"Thus while the Isaaq regard themselves as a separate clan-family tracing their agnatic origins directly to Arabia and only acknowledge a connexion by marriage with the Dir, other Somali regard them as of full Dir affiliation. It would appear that Isaaq have Arabicized their genealogy as a means of acquiring prestige and in keeping with their growing strength and their separate identity as an independent group numbering some 400,000 souls (in 1958)

I.M Lewis states, ” strictly speaking the Isaaq are derived from the Dir, who together with the Hawiye are linked as “Irir” at a higher level of genelogical grouping.” In his book, Understanding Somali and Somaliland Society : Culture History and Society-Ioan M Lewis P- 4

Buugiisa kale ee la Yiraahdo Nomadic Democracy wuxuu ku qoray in Somalida oo dhammi Isaaq u tixgaliyaan isir raac ahaan Dir waxuu kaloo ku caddeyey in waayadaan danbe soo baxayso inay gooni ka yihiin oo ay isir raac ahaan ka soo jeedaan Carab

I M Lewis states, “all Somalis regard the Isaaq as lineal descendents of Dir” and he notes their recent development of ,”independent agnatic descent from Arabia. (P-142, Nomadic Democracy)

Jaah wareerkaasi maaha mid ku kooban dadka aan u dhalan Somalida oo kaliya ee waxaa iyana ku jaah wareeray oo ay dhinacay u qaadaan garan waayey Somalida Abwaano ka mid ah. Taasna waxaad ka garan kartaa Abwaano Somali ahi oo aan ahayn Isaaq gabayo ay tiriyeen iyagoo mid ay u raacaan garan waayey Dir iyo Carab waxaana ka mid ah Gabayadaas…

Gabaygaan oo aanan garanayn Magaca Ninka tiriyey Qabiilkiisu se waa Daarood

Taariikhda duuga ah markaan, dib uga faaloono
Diiwaanka waxa kuugu yaal waa, Dir baa nahaye
Maantana Durriyad baan nahay, baad nagula doodeene
Hadba inaad dad noo sheegataan, waa dayuusnimo e

Gabaygaan oo uu tiriyey Abwaan la Yiraahdo Fakad(Daarood)

War Dir haddii aad tihiin amase Irir, ma aanan diideene

Dab qaraabo idinkoon ahayn, haysku soo darine

Anigaaba kaa diir xigoon, duray wadaagnaaye

Doonbiro dirkii ay dhashayoo, duuban baa nahaye

Dad is raba inaad kala dishaan, waa habeen dumaye

Adunbaase dorraad nagu lahaa, duul kalaan ahaye

Durriyadaydun noo sheegateen, diide maanatana e


Magacaasi waa odeyga la yiraahdo Hiil, kaas oo aanan la haynin wax magaciisa dhaafsiisan, markii laga reebo laba wiil ee uu dhalay oo lakala yiraahdo Sab iyo Samaale, kuwaas oo waalid u noqday dadka soomaalida ah intooda badan. Waxaa la sheegaa in Hiil uu yahay nin ka soo farcamay Cuqayl binu Abii Taalib oo ahaa suubanihii Maxamad ahaa (s. c. w.) ina adeerkiis. Xiriirka abtirsiinyo ee ka dhaxeeya Hiil iyo Cuqayl lama hayo, markiise sawir laga bixiyo silsiladda faceed oo ay leeyihiin durriyaddii Hiil waa sidatan :
Hiil wuxu dhalay Sab iyo Samaale
Sab wuxuu dhalay
1. Digil : (Jiiddo, Tunni, Gelledi, Dabarre Garre)
2. Mirifle : Siyeed (Elaay. Leysaan, Eemid, Diisow, Maallan, Wiin) iyo Sagaal (Luwey, Gellidle, Yantaar, Jilible, Hbeer).
Samaale wuxuu dhaley Irir
Irir wuxuu dhalay :
1. Hawiye.
2. Aji.
3. Mayle (Xawaadle).
4. Yaabur (Gaaljecel iyo Dagoodiye).
5. Maqaarre.
6. Gariire.
7. Xamarre.
8. Xariire.
Hawiye wuxuu dhalay : Karanle (Murursade), Gorgaate (hiraab), Gugundhabe (Baadi-cadde). Jambeelle (Ajuraan).
Aji wuxuu dhalay :Dir, Dangolo.
Dir wuxuu dhalay : Madaxweyne (Akishe), Mandaluug (Gadabiirsay), Madoobe (Ciise), Mahe (Isaaq, Biyamaal iyo Surre).

The Dir Suure clans claim Dir was the Son of Aji Aqiil ibnu Abi Taalib

The Suure Dir who have well respected Fiqis Islamic jurisprudence scholars and who have been instrumental in religious studies in many part of Somalia claim descent from Aqiil Ibnu abi Taalib and the claim in the first Hijra many Ashaab well know figures like :

84 males and children and women including-- Uthman ibnu Affan 3rd Caliph and SAW's son in law Ruquyya daughter SAW Abdul Rahman Bin Awf Zubeyr Bin Al awwam and Gafar Bin Abi Talib(read suratal Maryam 19 and his wife sahla Amar and khalid sons of said bin al As Abu Hudayfa b Uthman mazum his wife sahla wife Umm Salama bint Abi Umaayya all three amoung ten who were promised heaven.

The Suure claim this is in the: biographer Ibnu Hisham .while others claim only 33 come.

The Afar or Dankalis of Djibouti and Eritrea

The ruling house of the Afar Assayo Marre and their king Ali Mirre claim the Madoobe Dir Issas are cousins to Afar because the Afar claim direct descent from One Harmalis Jacfar ibnu Abi Taalib a cousin of the Samaale clans claimed ancestor Aqiil ibnu abi Taalib


Updated 03/17/2012



Abwaanadaas ku gabyey gabayada kore dhammaan waxay cadeeyeen isir ahaan ciday yihiin oo ah Daarood…

Ismaaciil Cigaal Bulaale(isaaq)

Adaa Dir iyo Daarood dhex dhigay dab iyo baaruude

Dacar gelisey reerihii ahaa ul iyo diirkeede

Mugga haatan dirir uumiyuhu waa is dilayaaye

Maxamuud Dheeg (Isaaq)

Dir iyo Irir baanu nahay labada daamoode

Dabatada faraha dheer leh iyo Diini iyo Boontu

Meeshay kasoo dalabsadeen yeyga degi wayday.

Axmed Ismaaciil Diiriye (Isaaq)

Miisaannay Ciisow tixahaad madalka keenteene
Macaan baa Ilaahay ka dhigay Malabki Doocaane
Dhegtii maqashay oo idili way mahad naqaysaaye
Madmadoow ma gelin xaajadaa soo mudh-bixiseene
Mabsuud buu ka yahay reer Isaaq meelu joogaba'e
Waad mahadsantiin dhalashadaad muruq u yeesheene

Axmed Ismaaciil Diiriye (Isaaq)

Na soo gaadhe Ciisow tixahaad soo gudbinayseene
Geeraarradiinii hellnay iyo gabayadiinniiye
Una guuxnay hawraarta guud, hiilna loo garaye
Maansadu godkii ay lahayd maydun gees marinne
Alle waydin garansiiyey oo gob iyo caadkeede
Garna waad u leediin tolkiin inad gargaartaane
Gacmihii walaalaha ahaa waysku gunuddeene

Abwaanadaan iyaguna waxay cadday nayaan isir raac ciday yihiin oo ah Dir labada gabay ee Axmed Ismaaciil Diiriye gabaygiisa waxaad ka dhan dhansan kartaa ehelinimada ay isku reerka yihiin Ciise(Ciise oo qabiil Dir ah) oo uu marna walaal tinimo ku tilmaamay marna wada dhalasho oo Abwaanadu gabay ahaan inta badan u isticmaalaan wada dhalashada iyo walaaltinimada dhanka abtarsiinyaha…

Qamaan Bulxan (Ogaadeen)

Iidoor Dir weeyee hadduu duulan soo kiciyo
Dunji Habar Magaadluhu hadduu dabarka soo gooyo
Dunbuq iyo rasaastana hadduu debecsanuu siiyo

Gaygaan waxaa tiriyey Abwaan Daarood ah oo ku tilmaamaya Isaaq inay Dir yihiin mana dhicin gabyaa Isaaq ah oo beeniya gabaygaas Dir nimada ku tilmaamay waxaase dhacday in Gabyaa la Oran Jiray Yawle xaqiijiyey oo ku gabayey, gabay aanan helin hal sadar ka badan oo ahaa… Isaaq waa Dire e hadduu duulaan soo kiciyo…

Isku soo wada duuboo waxaad ka garan kartaa gabayadaas isir raaca ay kala ahaayeen Qabiilada (Harti, Ogaadeen, Abuskuul), iyo Isaaq oo kala ahaa Daarood iyo Dir… waxaa kaloo jirta in markii Somalidu shirar ama wax qaybsi isugu timaado in beesha Isaaq ku qayb qaadato qabiil ahaan qabiilka la yiraahdo Dir oo ah qabiilka Abwaanadii hore ku gabyeen in Isaaq yahay qabiilkaas. Wax garadka, Isimada Beelaha Somaliyeed oo aan ahayn Isaaq markaad waydiisid Qabiilka beesha Isaaq reerka ay isir raac galaan waxay kuu cadaynayaan in Isaaq isir ahaan yahay Dir. Haddii aad odayashaasha iyo wax garadka beesha Dir waydiiso cidda Isaaq isir ahaan galo waxay si toosa oo aan gabasho lahayn kuugu sheegayaan inuu galo Isaaq Habare Xiniftire Maahe Dir.

Aqoonta loo lahaa beelaha Isaaq isir raacoodu markuu ahaa Dir waxaa ayaamahaan danbe soo shaac baxday oo yar iyo wayn beesha qabiilka Isaaq shaaciyeen in ay yihiin Carab oo ka soo jeedaan Haashimiyiin arintaasi waxay keentay jaah wareer aan la garanayn cid la rumaysto Isaaqa hadda sheegaya inay yihiin Carab, ma odayadii hore ee Isaaq oo sheegayey inay yihiin Dir, ma wax garadka iyo Isimada beelaha kale ee sheegaya in Isaaq yahay Dir!!!.

Waasida uu qoraalkiisa udhigay Richard Burton, isagoo sii wata qoraalkiisii wuxuu qoray…

Raad raaca abtirsiinyaha ilaa hadda Somalidu utaqaan waa Dirr(Dir), Aydur(?) Darud(Daarood) iyo Hawiye, markii loo eego qaybo magacyada qabiilada Dir iyo Aydur oo aan la hubin laakiin magacyadoodu waa Eese(Ciise), Gudabirsi, Ishak(Isaaq) iyo barsuuk…

Richard Burton or Richard Francis Burton (British consul, explorer and Orientalist, was born at Barham House, Hertfordshire, on the 19th of March 1821 Died 20-Oct-1890… Sexual orientation: Matter of Dispute) In his book, The first Foot Steps 1846 wrote …

The old and pagan genealogies still known to the Somal, are Dirr, Aydur, Darud, and Hawiyah, according to some Dirr and Aydur, of whom nothing is certainly known but the name, are the progenitors of the northern Somal, the Eesa, Gudabirsi, Ishak, and Bursuk tribes.

Waxaa kaloo jira nin kale oo isku dayey inuu wax ka qoro qabiilada Somalida ninkaas oo la yiraahdo I M Lewis isagoo ku jaah wareersan wuxuu ku qoray buuggiisa blood and bone….

Markii loo eego Qabiilka Isaaqu waxay sheegtaan inay ka baxsan yihiin oo ay isir raac toosa ay yihiin Carab, kaliya ay kula xiriiraan qabiilka Dir la yiraahdo guur Aabahood ka guursaday. Somalida kalase waxay u tixgaliyaan ama u arkaan inay si buuxda u yihiin Dir. Marka waxay u muuqaataa in Isaaq Carab ka dhigeen Isir raacooda si u helaan ixtiraam una ilaashadaan kobcinta awoodooda iyo isku filaanshahooda iyagoo 400, 000 qof 1958 kii ahaa.

Isla qoraagaasi wuxuu buuggiisa kale ee fahanka bulshada Somali iyo Somaliland( Culture History and Society-Ioan M Lewis P- 4) wuxuu ku qoray…

Dhab ahaan markaan u hadalno Isaaq waxay ka soo jeedaan Dir kuwaaso iyaga iyo Hawiye laysla xiriiriyo oo laysku yiraahdo Irir.

Ioan M. Lewis in his book blood and bone p104 wrote:

Thus while the Isaaq regard themselves as a separate clan-family tracing their agnatic origins directly to Arabia and only acknowledge a connexion by marriage with the Dir, other Somali regard them as of full Dir affiliation. It would appear that Isaaq have Arabicized their genealogy as a means of acquiring prestige and in keeping with their growing strength and their separate identity as an independent group numbering some 400,000 souls (in 1958)

I.M Lewis states, ” strictly speaking the Isaaq are derived from the Dir, who together with the Hawiye are linked as “Irir” at a higher level of genelogical grouping.” In his book, Understanding Somali and Somaliland Society : Culture History and Society-Ioan M Lewis P- 4

Buugiisa kale ee la Yiraahdo Nomadic Democracy wuxuu ku qoray in Somalida oo dhammi Isaaq u tixgaliyaan isir raac ahaan Dir waxuu kaloo ku caddeyey in waayadaan danbe soo baxayso inay gooni ka yihiin oo ay isir raac ahaan ka soo jeedaan Carab

I M Lewis states, “all Somalis regard the Isaaq as lineal descendents of Dir” and he notes their recent development of ,”independent agnatic descent from Arabia. (P-142, Nomadic Democracy)

Jaah wareerkaasi maaha mid ku kooban dadka aan u dhalan Somalida oo kaliya ee waxaa iyana ku jaah wareeray oo ay dhinacay u qaadaan garan waayey Somalida Abwaano ka mid ah. Taasna waxaad ka garan kartaa Abwaano Somali ahi oo aan ahayn Isaaq gabayo ay tiriyeen iyagoo mid ay u raacaan garan waayey Dir iyo Carab waxaana ka mid ah Gabayadaas…

Gabaygaan oo aanan garanayn Magaca Ninka tiriyey Qabiilkiisu se waa Daarood

Taariikhda duuga ah markaan, dib uga faaloono
Diiwaanka waxa kuugu yaal waa, Dir baa nahaye
Maantana Durriyad baan nahay, baad nagula doodeene
Hadba inaad dad noo sheegataan, waa dayuusnimo e

Gabaygaan oo uu tiriyey Abwaan la Yiraahdo Fakad(Daarood)

War Dir haddii aad tihiin amase Irir, ma aanan diideene

Dab qaraabo idinkoon ahayn, haysku soo darine

Anigaaba kaa diir xigoon, duray wadaagnaaye

Doonbiro dirkii ay dhashayoo, duuban baa nahaye

Dad is raba inaad kala dishaan, waa habeen dumaye

Adunbaase dorraad nagu lahaa, duul kalaan ahaye

Durriyadaydun noo sheegateen, diide maanatana e

Haaji Shermaarke Ali Saalih of the Habar Yoonis clan of the Isaaq clan-family, exercising real power over Saylac and adjacent regions

. In 1854-55 when Lieutenant Richard Burton of the British India navy frequented the northern Somali coast, he found a Somali governor, Haaji Shermaarke Ali Saalih of the Habar Yoonis clan of the Isaaq clan-family, exercising real power over Saylac and adjacent regions. By the time of Burton's arrival, once-mighty Saylac had only a tenuous influence over its environs. The city itself had degenerated into a rubble of mud and wattle huts, its water storage no longer working, its once formidable walls decayed beyond recognition, and its citizenry

Haaji Shermaarke Ali Saalih accourding to Haji:

The Isaaq, Gadabuursi, Issa and Barsuuk tribes are all of Dir Origin as mentions in the First Foot Steps of Richard Burton


Ethnically, Isaq belongs to the Dir clan family

Ethnically, Isaq belongs to the Dir clan family. Of the four main Dir branches, Isaq belongs to Mohamed Maha Dir. Of the four main Dir branches, Isaq belongs to Mohamed Maha Dir. Other Maha Dir sub-clans include Biyomal, Bajimal and Quranyob. Other Maha Dir sub-clans include Biyomal, Bajimal and Quranyob. The other Dir clan families in the north are the Gadabursi and Issa, who belong to Madaxweyne and Madobe Dir, respectively. The other Dir clan families in the north are the Gadabursi and Issa, who belong to Madaxweyne and Madobe Dir, respectively. The Isaq is divided into three main sub-clans namely: Garhajis (Habar Yonis, Ida Gale and Arap), Habar Awal and Habar Jelo. The Isaq is divided into three main sub-clans namely: Garhajis (Habar Yonis, Ida Gale and Arap), Habar Awal and Habar Jelo. Garhajis who are the largest and most powerful sub-clan are against secession. Garhajis who are the largest and most powerful sub-clan are against secession. Many Habar Jelo intellectuals I spoke with told me that majority of their peoples are not secessionists. Many Habar Jelo intellectuals I spoke with told me that majority of their peoples are not secessionists.

Hence, the Isaq claim that they aren't ethnic Somalis or have been discriminated against by the south are pity fabrications and unfound hysteria engineered to incite hatred between the peoples of the south and north. Hence, the Isaq claim that they aren't ethnic Somalis or have been discriminated against by the south are pity fabrications and unfound hysteria engineered to incite hatred between the peoples of the south and north. In fact, it is in the records that the Hawiye and southern Dir sub-clans had greatly contributed to the formation and financing of the SNM in its very early stages. In fact, it is in the records that the Hawiye and southern Dir sub-clans had greatly contributed to the formation and financing of the SNM in its very early stages. In his "The Cost of Dictatorship" book, Jama Ghalib (an Isaq) witnesses the contributions paid by the Southern Dir clans and Hawiye to the SNM in early 1980s. In his "The Cost of Dictatorship" book, Jama Ghalib (an Isaq) witnesses the contributions paid by the Southern Dir clans and Hawiye to the SNM in early 1980s. If there were no blood ties, then why wouldn't they pay the same contributions to the SSDF, which was Majerteen opposition faction? If there were no blood ties, then why wouldn't they pay the same contributions to the SSDF, which was Majerteen opposition faction?

Ethnically, Isaq belongs to the Dir clan family. Of the four main Dir branches, Isaq belongs to Mohamed Maha Dir. Of the four main Dir branches, Isaq belongs to Mohamed Maha Dir. Other Maha Dir sub-clans include Biyomal, Bajimal and Quranyob. Other Maha Dir sub-clans include Biyomal, Bajimal and Quranyob. The other Dir clan families in the north are the Gadabursi and Issa, who belong to Madaxweyne and Madobe Dir, respectively. The other Dir clan families in the north are the Gadabursi and Issa, who belong to Madaxweyne and Madobe Dir, respectively. The Isaq is divided into three main sub-clans namely: Garhajis (Habar Yonis, Ida Gale and Arap), Habar Awal and Habar Jelo. The Isaq is divided into three main sub-clans namely: Garhajis (Habar Yonis, Ida Gale and Arap), Habar Awal and Habar Jelo. Garhajis who are the largest and most powerful sub-clan are against secession. Garhajis who are the largest and most powerful sub-clan are against secession. Many Habar Jelo intellectuals I spoke with told me that majority of their peoples are not secessionists. Many Habar Jelo intellectuals I spoke with told me that majority of their peoples are not secessionists.

Hence, the Isaq claim that they aren't ethnic Somalis or have been discriminated against by the south are pity fabrications and unfound hysteria engineered to incite hatred between the peoples of the south and north. Hence, the Isaq claim that they aren't ethnic Somalis or have been discriminated against by the south are pity fabrications and unfound hysteria engineered to incite hatred between the peoples of the south and north. In fact, it is in the records that the Hawiye and southern Dir sub-clans had greatly contributed to the formation and financing of the SNM in its very early stages. In fact, it is in the records that the Hawiye and southern Dir sub-clans had greatly contributed to the formation and financing of the SNM in its very early stages. In his "The Cost of Dictatorship" book, Jama Ghalib (an Isaq) witnesses the contributions paid by the Southern Dir clans and Hawiye to the SNM in early 1980s. In his "The Cost of Dictatorship" book, Jama Ghalib (an Isaq) witnesses the contributions paid by the Southern Dir clans and Hawiye to the SNM in early 1980s. If there were no blood ties, then why wouldn't they pay the same contributions to the SSDF, which was Majerteen opposition faction? If there were no blood ties, then why wouldn't they pay the same contributions to the SSDF, which was Majerteen opposition faction?

Another Example and Proof of the deep Cultural relations of the Southern Dir and especially the Bimaal, Suure Clans or Gadsan or Mandaluug Dir- do not only view the Isaaq/Gadabuursi/and Issas of the north as kinsman but even react violently and in solidarity with Northern Dir in times of Mogadisho war or even if other clans make negative statements about the Northerners. For instance the Mandaluug dont only view the Gadabuursi as their paternal kinsman but also have Reer Nuur and Makaahiil Lineages just like the Gadabuursi. Also the Madoobe Dir Southern Dir (Who are Ceelaye) view their Issas Kinsman in a similar manner.

Dec 15, 2009 - Clans in Somalia. Report on a Lecture by Joakim. Gundel, COI Workshop Vienna ,. 15May 2009 (Revised Edition) published December 2009. ACCORD

As mentioned above, in the case of the Isaaq, there is a controversy as to whether they constitute a clan family of their own. This is being affirmed by the Isaaq themselves, while southern Somalis and the Majerteen claim that Isaaq are part of the Dir. The Isaaq have cousin links to the Dir groups such as the Biymaal, Issa and Gadabursi. Isaaq are the primary inhabitants of Somaliland (although its current president is from the Gadabursi group). 

Image result for somaliland flag

Suldaanada Isaaqa Ah ee sheeganaya in ay Yihiin Salaadinta Guud ee Beesha Direed iyo Cuqaal badan oo Kala Duwan oo sheegaya in Isaaq Axmed (Maxamed) Xiniftire Maahe Dir yihiin. Videos of Isaaq elders claiming to be the Sultans of the Dir clan:

Boqor Cabdil Qaadir Yuusuf Boqorka Guudee Beesha DIreed oo Isaaqa ayaa lagusoo Dhaweeyay Hargaysa salaadii boqoro iyo cuqaal ayaasoo dhaweeyay iyadoo lafilayo inuu Dhawaan Tago JigJiga

Beesha Dir oo Hanjabaad Culus u Dirtey Beesha Majeerteen

Reer Ciise Madoobe declaring they are Dir


Anonymous said...

Beelah Dir iyo Boqortoyoyinkii Hore --Suure
A new geneology of the Dir clan has recently appeared on the internet at the above address;However, another Dir man listed the following list. This List appeared on (Awad) home page. Please those of you who are familiar with the clan affiliations of the Dir help us in perfecting this list and add any corrections. Southern Dir point of veiw. Beelah Direed ee konfurta Somalia (Mudug/Galgaduud/Sh.Hoose) dagan waxa ay sheegan in odeyga Direed uu dhalay Afar wiil oo kala ah: Madaxeyne Direed oo curad ah, Mahe Direed oo ku xigeen ah, iyo labada kale oo kala ah Madoobe Direed iyo Mandaluug Direed oo ugu yar da'a ahaan marka la eego. Taarikhiyan waxa ay rumeysanyihiin Dirka Galbeedka iyo Konfurta dagan dhoor qodob oo ku saabsan tariikhda hore. 1)Dadka Direed in ay ka yimaadeen dhankan Galbeedka bilawgii, kunsano ka hor. 2)Magaca Dir in uu macnahiisu yahay "Fir" ama Ab. Oo lagu macneyn karo geesi ama Dhiire. 3)Konfurta Dirta dagan wexey rumeysan yihiin in ay Dirka xukumi jireen Saladiin loo yaqiin ROOBLE oo ahaa ilaaliyaasha Xeerka iyo caadada beesha. Rooble- Xeerbeegti,Qareemo, amanduuleyaal,Roobdoonayal,iyo mareynta reerka ayaa lagu aqoon jiray.Guud ahaana waxa ay ilaalin jireen xeerka oo Dirku rumeysnaa in ay ka dhaxleen Dir Aji abkoodi hore. Madaxdan oo loo aqoon jiray Roobleyaash dadku wey ixtiraami jireen ila heer xitaa isha laguma godi jirin, oo xitaa "ILKULULe" ayaa loo aqoon jiray. 4)Waxa kaloo ay rumeysan yihiin in Zeylac magalada la yiraahdo ay Dir badan soo jidatay qarnigii (700 AD) halkaas oo ay ka soo dageen Asxaab badan oo Rasuulka(Caleyhi salatu wa salaam) u soo diray magaalada Zailac Hijradii koowad. Oo dadka Direed iyo Canfarta (Oday Caliga) ay waagii danbe ka wada asaseen labo boqortooyo oo la kala dhihi jiray CIFAT iyo CAdal. 5)Dirta koonfurta iyo Galbeedka dagan waxa ay rumeeysan yihiin oo kale in 1400 ay dhaceen dagaalo far badan oo xabashida iyo muslimiinta is dagaaleen. Ilaa ay xabashida oo adeegsaneysa (Portugees)burtaqiis ay cagta mariyeen boqortooyoyinkii Musliminta oo kuwa Direed ee Cifat iyo Awda ka mid ahayeen 6)Dhamaan waxa ay rumeysan yihiin Dirka in ay door weyn ka ciyaareen fidinta diinta Somalia iyo Ethiopia dhexdooda. Sheekhyada waaweyn ee geeska Afrika sida Sheikh Xuseen Bali, Aw Barkadle, Awbarre iyo qaar kale ay Cadal iyo Cifad ka soo jeedan 4)Beelaha Biyomaal iyo Suure iyo Guure waxa ay sheegan in 1600-1750 ay u soo guureen duleedka dalka (Gobalada dhexe iyo labada wabi dhexdooda) mudo yar ka dib dagaladii Axamed Gurey iyo Amxaarada. *MADAXWEYN DIR Ali 1)Guureh 2)Jiide 3)Gariire 4)Akisho 5)Layiile 6)Gurgure 7)Wardey *MAAHE DIR Maxamed Xiniftire Biyamal Isaaq Gaadsan Bajimaal Dabruube Suure (caballe & Qubeys) Magadle Quranyow maxamed(Gare) Barsuug Madigaan Rooble *MANDALUUG DIR Madaluug (southern Madaluug) Gadabuursi * MADOOBE DIR Ciise *QALDHO DIR Noole Warday Jarso Babili

Anonymous said...

USP - Partito Unito Somalo, si sta cercando di radicare nel Puntland,
composto da clan Daarood/Dulbahante e Warsangeli appoggiato dalle caste
dei Midgan e dei Tumal; leader MOhamed Abdi Hashi e Ahmed Gure Aden
opera nel Somaliland orientale fra Las Anod e Las Koreh.
*Calan Gaduud (Bandiera Rossa) gruppo opposto al SNM.
*FLCS - composto dai clan Dir, Isse e Gadabuursi, opera nelle regioni
di Zeilah e di Gibuti.
*SNM - Movimento Nazionale Somalo - composto dal clan dir, Isaq, Habar
Yunis, il gruppo è condotto da Abdurahman Ahmed Ali "Tur", 1°
presidente della repubblica de facto del Somaliland dal 91 al 93.
Ovviamente è riconducibile nella zona centrale e Nord della Somalia
*SDA - Alleanza Democratica Somala, del clan Dir/Gadabuursi, stanno nel
distretto di Borama in Somalia del Nord, lo stato attuale del SDA è
poco chiaro, leader della formazione è Mohamed Farah A. U.N.D.P (On
the net)
Dir Movements in Region 5 Ethiopia
GLF (Gurgura Liberation Front) led by Abdelasis Ahmed
HDP (Horiyal Democratic Party), from the WSLF (Western Somali
Liberation Front), led by Abdi Ismail and representing the Gadabursi
The IGLF (Issa and Gurgura Liberation Front), headed by Riyaale Ahmed,
which, since a split in 1991, only defends Issa interests (essentially
the control of the Djibouti-Ethiopian railway line).
The pro-government ESDL which hope to become part of the EPRDF is
headed by current Transport minister Abdulmejid Hussein (Issa Habar
It has 76 of the 139 seats in the Regional Council and 15 of the Somali
Region's 23 seats in the House of Peoples' Representatives, as well as
the two seats for the autonomous city of Dire Dawa.
Though it has little support among the Ogaden, the ESDL is backed by
the northern clans, the , Dir (Issa,Issaq, Gadabursi, Gurgure) and the
non-Ogaden Darod (Bartire, Yabare, Mejertein, Dhulbahante).
Some southern Dir clans (Garre, Digoodiya) also support the ESDL. Also
the Dir related Hawiye sympathizes with the group.
Various Dir groups as :Surre,Qubeys, Fiqi Muxumed, Nacadoor, Gadsan,
Badimal,Gariire, Guure,Akisho, Fiqi Cumar& Fiqi Yahye and Khayre)

Anonymous said...
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zeinabk alishaqi said...

NO issaq will ever say we came from dir that's a lie we ally with dir for political reason and some of us are related to dir through intermarriage sheikh isxaaq was an arab man from alabyet our abitiir ends this way sheikh isxaq bin axmed bin hashim for those who know to go all the way to hashim can continue for the rest just ends with hashim so where does it say dir ??am sick of somalis claimimg whatever issaq is if we created somaliland u guys claim us now u are claiming our ancestors its bulshit somalis need to grow up and leave us the hell alone uuf my respect for dir clan we are ally not bloodline relatives

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

The Devastating Effects of the Ahmed Gurey Wars on Dir

In the 1400, the Christian Ethiopians attacked Muslim lands in Harrar, Haud, and as far as Zeila. The Dir which was the most powerful Muslim group confronted the Christian menance. The wars which lasted for hundreds of years destroyed many Dir Kingdoms including the Ifat and Awdal (Cadale) kingdoms. Which were ruled by a mixture of Dir and Afar-Adaris kings and produce the Dir Imam Axmed Ibrahim Geesi or Axmed Gurey and the greated Somali General Said Samaroone who was in charge of all the military operations of the Somalis in the hinterland of Somalia. Many Dir groups dispersed and fled South, West, and East into Somalia in this era. Many fled to Amuud in Northern Somalia and letter when Amuud was destroyed by the Amhara and they occupied Zaile killing the Dir King Shihab Din at Zaila Island were he is buried.

Imam Said Samroone lived in 1432 AD, when the Amhara crusaders conquered Somalia. Iman Said was the Muslim leader who led the Mandaluug Dir and when the imam was later fighting in the Western flank of the Guurey army he was injured at Dardarley.

The name Gadabuursi was given to his descendents at the last critical moment before he made a final stand to the Amhara at the mandaluug ancestral homeland of Amuud which the Amharas destroyed over 50,000 homes where excavated recently and the place was leveled with the ground 10, 000 thousands perished. At this dark moment, many Dir groups were dispersed all over Somalia and many powerful Dir kingdoms in Western Somalia and present day Ethiopia perished.

The name Gaada Biirsay means the one who collected the army or "chests" the name referred to the desperate effort of imam Samaroon Said to collect and muster the power of his kinsman against the infidels. Gaado means chest( shafka ama xabadka gaada ha i saarin oo kale).

The Gadabuursi latter suffered a devastating defeat and actually the present day Amuud which has a old cementary called Lafaruug was destroyed by the Amhara King. Also note, it was this period that the King Shihad a Diin buried in Zailac Island was killed. The Gudabuursi Dir and Issa Modoobe Dir never recovered from these devastating blows. They moved west while others moved to the North West. Many Dir groups moved from the North-West and towards the South.

For example, the Suure Dir have strong traditions that point to their arrival from West (Galbeed) in this era and they claim they lived in close proximity with the Issas. Also the Bimaal Dir vividly describe how their territories were once adjacent to the Issa and Isaaq. As a matter of fact, a whole branch of the Bimaal called the Gadsan still lives in the North West amongst the Ogaden and Habar Yonis. Moreover, many Mandaluug Dir from the Boorame region migrated to the South and today live among the Surre Dir and Bimaal.

Another Mohamed Hiniftire group, the Barsuug was similarly destroyed in the era of Ahmed Gurey wars.

The Magadle Dir were completely destroyed, except for the 10,000 or saw that survive in Cerigaabo. The Issas Madoobe Dir moved further west and north into Afar regions they installed a Madaxweyn Dir dynasty, the Wardiiq who was the ruling remnants of the Madaxeyn. Madigan, Gurgure and the Barsuug Dir fled west and were encircled by the Oromos- Many assimilated and the union formed a half cast Jarso.

The Isaaq Dir reconstituted as Maxamed (Axmed Xiniftire) new Habar alliences formed the Nacadoor,Mikidoor,Nabidoor and the Idoor all disappeared.

Anonymous said...

The Magadle Dir were completely destroyed, except for the 10,000 or saw that survive in Cerigaabo. The Issas Madoobe Dir moved further west and north into Afar regions they installed a Madaxweyn Dir dynasty, the Wardiiq who was the ruling remnants of the Madaxeyn. Madigan, Gurgure and the Barsuug Dir fled west and were encircled by the Oromos- Many assimilated and the union formed a half cast Jarso.

The Isaaq Dir reconstituted as Maxamed (Axmed Xiniftire) new Habar alliences formed the Nacadoor,Mikidoor,Nabidoor and the Idoor all disappeared.

The Madaluug in Southren Somalia and the Biyamaal as well as The Fiq's Suure all point their Southern movement from Amuud region in the 1600's during the Axmed Guurey era. The Suure Dir who are as a matter of fact still in Hauda region and whom refer them self's as Fiqi's where the Her or sheikh associated with Awbarre/Buube/ Yusuf Barkad kowniin students who entered Mudug region at the time when the Ajuuran ruled at mereg and some served as Imams under one malakh Gareenow Xaasey.

The Suure Fiqi's, Biyamaal, Guure, and the Badimaal all entered the south. The Biyamal claim to have entered the Banadir area, a name meaning beynka direeb, in 1700's.

The Gurgure/Akisho cluster and reminders of Madaxweyn Dir conquered the Dira Dhabe " meeshu Diri Dhabe" ama waranka ka taagay. The Gurgure which is not their real name (Gurgure means trader hence the word Gorgortan - to bargain)

Posted by Warsame at 9:53 PM 1 comment:

The Somali Dir clan (Beesha Direed)

The Somali Dir clan (Beesha dddddddDDireed)

The Dir is a Somali clan whose members live in Djibouti, Southern, Northern Somalia, NFD, Somali Region, and Shabeele/ Jubba regions. According to the Dir clan histories, Dir had four sons named Madahweyn, Mandaluug, Madoobe, and Mahe Dir; according to others Dir had a fifth son named Qaldho Dir.

The Somali people are composed of four major tribes. The Dir, Hawiye, Darod, and Rahanweyn make up the majority of Somalis. The Dir are the most ancient Somali clan, and they are the most widespread group. They primarily live in Djibouti as the Issa and Gadabuursi. The northern clans of the self-declared Somaliland, namely the Isaaq, Gadabuursi,and Issa are also all Dir. In Ethiopia, the Dir clans are also the most numerous Somali clan group.

Northern Dir

The Northern Somalis exclusively come from the Dir clan. The Isaaq are Mohammed Hiniftire Mahe Dir. While the Gadabuursi are also closely related to the Isaaq whom they share with the common ancestor Mohammed Hiniftire, the sub lineage they claim as their direct ancestor is called the Mandaluug. The third Northern clan, the Issas come from the Madoobe Dir. There are also other Dir groups like the Gurgure, Madigaan, Magadle, Akisho, and Layiile in smaller numbers in the Northern Somalia.

KhalidHassan said...

Real Isaaqboy your probably dark as the night. Be proud at your clan and Beesha Direed. You'll be gobsmacked when you get your DNA checked and realise it's not originally from Iraq :D . People like you have absolute no ounce of Somalinimo. I can understand why your selfhatred and selfworth is so low though. Just look at Somalis at the moment.

P,s, Isxaaq is Beesha Direed as an Isxaaq, I'm Mahe Dir. Beesha Direed waa nasab.

Anonymous said...

There are a lot of lies in this blog.

Anonymous said...

Bismillahi Walhamdulilah wa salatu wa salam ala Rasulilah.
Wherever, I read these debates it astonishes me that none of the people involved talk about what the Islamic scholars say on this subject.
I never believed that Isaaq were from ahlu bayt until it was proven to me by a student of scholars in this field of genealogy. This knowledge is taken from Islamic Scholars in this field and it not taken from non expects like Mr Lewis, who has no say in this issue because he is not an Islamic scholar. We also don't need DNA to prove who is from Alhu bayt as the scholars have been investigating for centuries who and who is not from Ahlu bayt before the discovery of DNA. The reason why the scholars guard this knowledge and know who are from Ahlu bayt is because:
1. To stop a non Alhu bayt man from claiming to be the Mahdi.
2. Ahlu bayt can't receive Zakat ie it is haram for them so we need to know who they are.
3. The Nabi salulahu alayhi wasalam told us to treat his family well and take care of them.
4. Members Ahlu bayt should receive a 5th of the booty of war.

I don't have time to tell you exactly how the scholars work out who is from Ahlu bayt but you just need to ask those scholars who specialise in this field such as Sheikh Ibrahim Al Ameeri from Makkah and you may also ask the the Qari Sheikh Abdul Rashid Sufi in Qatar, who has testified in a written Arabic certificate on the Internet that the Isaaq clan are Ahlu bayt as he personally heard this from his father who was the former Mufti of Somalia.
In short this issue who or who isn't from Ahlu bayt is for scholars of Islam and it is NOT for anyone else.

Anonymous said...

Surprisingly, even Wikipedia is in line with the what the Islamic scholars say about the Isaaq clan. Please note the Islamic Arabic History books that are mentioned. These books are one of the sources our islamic scholars use to work out who are from Ahlu bayt.

DIRSAME said...

The Quran States that you are Ahul Naar if you claim other then your Father's family. So Dear brothers of Isaaq it is unislaamic to claim the Qureysh when you are not from them.

Quran says: “Call them (adopted sons) by (the names of) their fathers, that is more just with Allaah…” [al-Ahzaab 33:5]
There are some very stern warnings regarding this from Allah and his Prophet (pbuh). Read below:

The Prophet (pbuh) said: “Whoever calls himself by other than his father’s name (or attributes himself to someone other than his father), will be cursed by Allaah, the angels and all the people.” (Reported by Ibn Maajah, Book of punishments, 2707)

Anonymous said...

Finally walhamdulilah that's excellent! Someone is using Islamic evidence! AND I'M NOT SAYING THIS SARCASTICALLY! I mean it sincerely, walhamdulilah.
What you mentioned is correct but now you must ask the islamic scholars in this field what they think of Ishaq ie you need a fatwa to say that the evidence you mentioned above applies to the Ishaq tribe because just mentioning the Quranic ayah and hadith does not necessarily mean they apply to the Ishaq tribe. I mean you have NOT refuted the belief that Ishaq are from Ahlu bayt by merely quoting the Quran and hadith. You need to get scholars understanding of the evidence. I would say that what you quoted doesn't refute Ishaq's tribe claim nor does it prove it! So now go ask the scholars in this field of genealogy and see if they agree with your statement that Ishaq are not from Ahlu bayt as Allah commands us to do 'Ask the people knowledge if you do not know' (Surah 43:ayah 16). This verse commands us to ask scholars and since this is an Islamic subject then we must ONLY ask islamic scholars and no one else SO NO DNA OR LEWIS QUOTES! As I said earlier, in my above post that the scholars have been working out who are from Ahlu bayt and who are not from Ahlu bayt, long before the discovery of DNA and the birth of Lewis!
If you are sincere then you will see the truth that the Ishaq tribe are from Ahlu bayt. YOU NEED TO QUOTE SCHOLARS AND GET A SPECIFIC FATAWA ABOUT ISHAQ and this is what I did when I sat with an Ishaqi student of knowledge and he provided me with what the scholars said and I couldn't refute it so then I had to just accept it and believe it.
Anyway, Dirsame well done for the Islamic quotes and I pray to Allah that he guides me and you.

Ducaale xirsi damal said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Its Very Sad, a small vocal minority of the Isaaq are obsessed with being filthy Arabs. But these few self hating Isaaq Dir are not going to prevail no matter how vocal they are. The Arabs say, " Kul Shayi Yirjac fil Asli".

Anonymous said...

Dec 15, 2009 - Clans in Somalia. Report on a Lecture by Joakim. Gundel, COI Workshop Vienna ,. 15May 2009 (Revised Edition) published December 2009. ACCORD

As mentioned above, in the case of the Isaaq, there is a controversy as to whether they constitute a clan family of their own. This is being affirmed by the Isaaq themselves, while southern Somalis and the Majerteen claim that Isaaq are part of the Dir. The Isaaq have cousin links to the Dir groups such as the Biymaal, Issa and Gadabursi. Isaaq are the primary inhabitants of Somaliland (although its current president is from the Gadabursi group).

DIRSAME said...

s we are/were considered the 'natives' of Northern Somali/Somaliland, I am sure we would have maintained oral records of a renowned geriatric Arab Sheikh landing on our shores with a entourage of 40 Arab followers. We Dir do not know of a mythical Arab Sheikh that supposedly married into our clan and whose offspring assimilated into our culture. Furthermore, the patriarch of the Magadle Dir clan could not have existed in the 12/13 century as our presence in the Horn exceeds a millenium; Magadle is a great grandson of Dir and there is no way one of his daughters was married off that late in history.

I am not sure if you are fluent in the Somali Language and to what extent you have interacted with Somalis back home. Take an opportunity to travel through Somaliland if the opportunity presents itself and I assure you there are Isaaqs who identify with being Dir. It is not Dir scholars' that place Isaaq under the Dir but Somali elders as a whole and none of them pay homage or testify to the existence of an Arab Sheikh named Isaaq that came to the Horn to spread Islam among the masses. Gido Ambroso highlights this in Page 1 CLANSHIP, CONFLICT AND REFUGEES: AN INTRODUCTION TO SOMALIS IN THE HORN OF AFRICA.

most Somalis, including some Isaq I interviewed in Hargeisa, agree that they are genealogically part of Dir and that sheikh Isaq was a brother of Issa and (probably) of Samaron (Gadabursi). However, recently in the Arta (Djibouti) conference, they maintained to be a clan-family directly related to the Prophet’s line, claiming the same number of seats as the Darod or the Hawiye, instead of having to share them with other Dir.

Even Western scholars such as I.M. Lewis (Pro-Isaaq) that have commented on the Somali Ethnic group have stated that the Arab origin is nothing but a myth that was propagated for political leverage/prestige when dealing with non-Somalis as evinced by how Isaaq colonial troops lobbied the Brits to classidy them as non-Africans. Even the famous Suldan Sharmake's claim that he was Hashemite was an attempt to attain a noble status when dealing with the Ottoman Turks/ Arabs; Richard Burton thought it was a fanciful claim and highlighted he encountered contradictory traditions as to the origin of the Isaaq clan. On one hand, some of his sources stated that they were Dir whilst others claimed they were Bani Hashim. I am sure none of his sources were 'Southern Dir' and just because we testify to the existence of Isaaq Axmed Maxamed Xiniftere among the Maha does not mean Madoobe, Madaxweyne or Mandaluug do not hold the same opinion.

Lieut. Cruttenden applies the term Edoor (Aydur) to the descendants of Ishak, the children of
Gerhajis, Awal, and Jailah. His informants and mine differ, therefore, toto coelo. According to some,
Dirr was the father of Aydur; others make Dirr (it has been written Tir and Durr) to have been the name
of the Galla family into which Shaykh Ishak married.

Anonymous said...

IM Lewis wuxu yiri:

I M Lewis states, "all Somalis regard the Isaaq as lineal descendents of Dir" and he notes their recent development of ,"independent agnatic descent from Arabia. (P-142, Nomadic Democracy)

I.M Lewis states, " strictly speaking the Isaaq are derived from the Dir, who together with the Hawiye are linked as "Irir" at a higher level of genelogical grouping." In his book, Understanding Somali and Somaliland Society : Culture History and Society-Ioan M Lewis P- 4 ... ir&f=false

Anonymous said...

Ethnically, Isaq belongs to the Dir clan family

Ethnically, Isaq belongs to the Dir clan family. Of the four main Dir branches, Isaq belongs to Mohamed Maha Dir. Of the four main Dir branches, Isaq belongs to Mohamed Maha Dir. Other Maha Dir sub-clans include Biyomal, Bajimal and Quranyob. Other Maha Dir sub-clans include Biyomal, Bajimal and Quranyob. The other Dir clan families in the north are the Gadabursi and Issa, who belong to Madaxweyne and Madobe Dir, respectively. The other Dir clan families in the north are the Gadabursi and Issa, who belong to Madaxweyne and Madobe Dir, respectively. The Isaq is divided into three main sub-clans namely: Garhajis (Habar Yonis, Ida Gale and Arap), Habar Awal and Habar Jelo. The Isaq is divided into three main sub-clans namely: Garhajis (Habar Yonis, Ida Gale and Arap), Habar Awal and Habar Jelo. Garhajis who are the largest and most powerful sub-clan are against secession. Garhajis who are the largest and most powerful sub-clan are against secession. Many Habar Jelo intellectuals I spoke with told me that majority of their peoples are not secessionists. Many Habar Jelo intellectuals I spoke with told me that majority of their peoples are not secessionists.
Hence, the Isaq claim that they aren't ethnic Somalis or have been discriminated against by the south are pity fabrications and unfound hysteria engineered to incite hatred between the peoples of the south and north. Hence, the Isaq claim that they aren't ethnic Somalis or have been discriminated against by the south are pity fabrications and unfound hysteria engineered to incite hatred between the peoples of the south and north. In fact, it is in the records that the Hawiye and southern Dir sub-clans had greatly contributed to the formation and financing of the SNM in its very early stages. In fact, it is in the records that the Hawiye and southern Dir sub-clans had greatly contributed to the formation and financing of the SNM in its very early stages. In his "The Cost of Dictatorship" book, Jama Ghalib (an Isaq) witnesses the contributions paid by the Southern Dir clans and Hawiye to the SNM in early 1980s. In his "The Cost of Dictatorship" book, Jama Ghalib (an Isaq) witnesses the contributions paid by the Southern Dir clans and Hawiye to the SNM in early 1980s. If there were no blood ties, then why wouldn't they pay the same contributions to the SSDF, which was Majerteen opposition faction? If there were no blood ties, then why wouldn't they pay the same contributions to the SSDF, which was Majerteen opposition faction?
Ethnically, Isaq belongs to the Dir clan family. Of the four main Dir branches, Isaq belongs to Mohamed Maha Dir. Of the four main Dir branches, Isaq belongs to Mohamed Maha Dir. Other Maha Dir sub-clans include Biyomal, Bajimal and Quranyob. Other Maha Dir sub-clans include Biyomal, Bajimal and Quranyob. The other Dir clan families in the north are the Gadabursi and Issa, who belong to Madaxweyne and Madobe Dir, respectively. The other Dir clan families in the north are the Gadabursi and Issa, who belong to Madaxweyne and Madobe Dir, respectively. The Isaq is divided into three main sub-clans namely: Garhajis (Habar Yonis, Ida Gale and Arap), Habar Awal and Habar Jelo. The Isaq is divided into three main sub-clans namely: Garhajis (Habar Yonis, Ida Gale and Arap), Habar Awal and Habar Jelo. Garhajis who are the largest and most powerful sub-clan are against secession. Garhajis who are the largest and most powerful sub-clan are against secession. Many Habar Jelo intellectuals I spoke with told me that majority of their peoples are not secessionists. Many Habar Jelo intellectuals I spoke with told me that majority of their peoples are not secessionists.

Anonymous said...

Hence, the Isaq claim that they aren't ethnic Somalis or have been discriminated against by the south are pity fabrications and unfound hysteria engineered to incite hatred between the peoples of the south and north. Hence, the Isaq claim that they aren't ethnic Somalis or have been discriminated against by the south are pity fabrications and unfound hysteria engineered to incite hatred between the peoples of the south and north. In fact, it is in the records that the Hawiye and southern Dir sub-clans had greatly contributed to the formation and financing of the SNM in its very early stages. In fact, it is in the records that the Hawiye and southern Dir sub-clans had greatly contributed to the formation and financing of the SNM in its very early stages. In his "The Cost of Dictatorship" book, Jama Ghalib (an Isaq) witnesses the contributions paid by the Southern Dir clans and Hawiye to the SNM in early 1980s. In his "The Cost of Dictatorship" book, Jama Ghalib (an Isaq) witnesses the contributions paid by the Southern Dir clans and Hawiye to the SNM in early 1980s. If there were no blood ties, then why wouldn't they pay the same contributions to the SSDF, which was Majerteen opposition faction? If there were no blood ties, then why wouldn't they pay the same contributions to the SSDF, which was Majerteen opposition faction?

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