Sunday, June 17, 2018

Toubou & Gorane of Chad The Somali Dir of Chad - The Garre Dir. Quranyow Maxamed Xiniftrie

Toubou & Gorane of Chad

The Garri people divide into two main sub-tribes which is Tuuf and Quran (Quranyowa). It is said that the president of Chad came to a refugee camp in Somalia where the Garri people were displaced after the Ogaden war. Hissene Habre of Chad supposedly met with Garri elders in the 1980’s and told them of the existence of Garris (Tuuf and Quran) in his country. In chad, Tuuf is known as Toubou and Quran is known as Gorane.

At a time when Africa was new to independence, the instability, political divisions, and power struggles could be felt throughout the Horn of Africa. Colonial Somalia, Kenya and Ethiopia, are the lands where the Garris lived. The colonialist left the borders for the natives to govern without any tools or organization pre-established for them. After the departure of Colonialism, the new leaders called it upon themselves to establish an identity for their newly acquired borders. Those who spoke Somali created the Somali Nationality. The Garris in Ethiopia meanwhile dealt with oppression not from foreign entities but leaders of their own nation. Those who spoke Oromo created their own nationality which separated itself, and stood as a rebel group against the oppressions of the Ethiopian Government under the rule of Mengistu Haile Mariam and Haile Selassie. The Garris who spoke both of these languages are later given the option to choose which nationality they wish to be a part of. The elders at the time, chose to be part of the somali ethnicity. This option has caused a massive ripple in the understanding and establishing of a Garri identity. Garris of Ethiopia did not speak Somali and did not want to be part of the Somali ethnicity. This is where this blog comes in. Are Garris Somali, or Oromo? Both of these ethnicities are established through politics to create a nationality which fits a particular interest. Somalia is built to create a “greater Somalia” which expands into Ethiopia and Garris are offered to be part of this so they can be of use to this mission. The Oromo ethnicity is established to eradicate the oppression inflicted by the Ethiopian government upon minorities who speak “Oromo”. If this claim of Garris in Chad was actually made by the former president, there is a possibility that there might be a political agenda behind it. But on the other hand, the possibility of truth behind the claim cannot be completely disregarded.
 A girl from the semi-nomadic Garri tribe, of southern Ethiopia, peers out from her headscarf, at the Walde Refugee Camp, in northern Kenya. 1993.
All of the information printed about Garri people in more recent years has labeled Garris as Somalis. The picture above says “Garri tribe of Southern Ethiopia”. Contradiction is the common theme on Garri “nationality” or ethnicity. Sometimes It’s Garri tribe of Ethiopia and sometimes it’s Garri Somali tribe.

A toubou woman holding her baby. The physical features of Toubou (Gorane) people are very similar to that of the Garri people as seen in this picture. The item she is holding in her hand, resembles the “idhina” used by Garri people to burn incense.
The Garri amber necklace, on a Toubou woman.
Similarity in the way the woman dress.

The Toubou and Gorane people of chad live a nomadic lifestyle and value camels, just as the Garri of East Africa.


Sunday, September 5, 2010





weynah dalka Chad oo sheegtay inuu Gurgure Dir yahay


Madax weynah dalka Chad markii uu joogay magalada Xamar waxa uu u shhegay odeyash Gurgure in uu yahay nin Gurgura dir ah. Hussen Habri oo jamacada Somalia digan jiray markaa oo daganaa Hotel Taleex waxa keexeeyay odayaal Gurgure oo uu hogaminayo Maxamed oo Doolo xadka Ethiopia ayuu soo booqday rag Guurah ka mida.

I was in mogadhsho in the 1980's and i met a Somali elders of the Dir clan who were in contact with the President of Chad Hussen Habre who was staying at Taleex Hotel in xamer and the president of Chad had these Dir guys who said they where Gurgura of the Dira Dhawa and i swear the President of Chad said to them that the Gurgura and the Garre where both present in Chad. The Gurgura manager was a very influential guy and his name was Mohamed. He invited the president of Chad Hussen Habri, who was by the way taking class at the Somali University to Qoryooley in order to meet the elders of garre Quranyow in that region and some Biyamal.

This is a well know story that the Chad presence of Garri and the Gurgura. Hussen Habri was at the time in Mogadisho where he lived several years as an asylum seeker. I know for a fact the Gurguea official took him as far as Doolo on the Somali side to meet, i guess Garri and Guure of the Ethiopian said.

Asalamu aleykum 1980 dii Madaxweynah Chad wuxuu qaxooti ku ahaa Xamer oo uu daganaa Hotel Taleex. Jamacad Gaheyr arday ka ahaa. Waxa dacday xiligaas in Hussen Habre uu u yeeray odayaal Direed oo uu hogaminaya Maxamed oo Gurgure u dhashay mareyena ahaa. Hussien Habre madaxweynii hre ee dalka Chad wuxuu soo cadeeyay in ay Gurguraha , Guurah iyo Akishada direed iyo Qabiilkisa ay wax isku galaan. Hussein Habre waxaa uu sheegay Guuran iyo Gurguura oo ah qabiilo reer Chad ah in ay yihiin madaxweyn Dir. Odayashii Direed waxa ay geeyen Qoryooley oo ay soo Tuseen beelah Guure iyo Jiido ee halkaa dagan. Ilaa Luuq - Xudur - Yeed ayaa la soo tusay. (Posted by guest: Gurgure from Xamar) (Posted by guest: Calass) .

Madax weynah dalka Chad oo sheegtay inuu Gurgure Dir yahay

Geesi Madax weynah dalka Chad markii uu joogay magalada Xamar waxa uu u shhegay odeyash Gurgure in uu yahay nin Gurgura dir ah. Hussen Habri oo jamacada Somalia digan jiray markaa oo daganaa Hotel Taleex waxa keexeeyay odayaal Gurgure oo uu hogaminayo Maxamed oo Doolo xadka Ethiopia ayuu soo booqday rag Guurah ka mida.

I was in mogadhsho in the 1980's and i met a Somali elders of the Dir clan who were in contact with the President of Chad Hussen Habre who was staying at Taleex Hotel in xamer and the president of Chad had these Dir guys who said they where Gurgura of the Dira Dhawa and i swear the President of Chad said to them that the Gurgura and the Garre where both present in Chad. The Gurgura manager was a very influential guy and his name was Mohamed. He invited the president of Chad Hussen Habri, who was by the way taking class at the Somali University to Qoryooley in order to meet the elders of garre Quranyow in that region and some Biyamal. This is a well know story that the Chad presence of Garri and the Gurgura. Hussen Habri was at the time in Mogadisho where he lived several years as an asylum seeker. I know for a fact the Gurguea official took him as far as Doolo on the Somali side to meet, i guess Garri and Guure of the Ethiopian said. Asalamu aleykum 1980 dii Madaxweynah Chad wuxuu qaxooti ku ahaa Xamer oo uu daganaa Hotel Taleex. Jamacad Gaheyr arday ka ahaa. Waxa dacday xiligaas in Hussen Habre uu u yeeray odayaal Direed oo uu hogaminaya Maxamed oo Gurgure u dhashay mareyena ahaa. Hussien Habre madaxweynii hre ee dalka Chad wuxuu soo cadeeyay in ay Gurguraha , Guurah iyo Akishada direed iyo Qabiilkisa ay wax isku galaan. Hussein Habre waxaa uu sheegay Guuran iyo Gurguura oo ah qabiilo reer Chad ah in ay yihiin madaxweyn Dir. Odayashii Direed waxa ay geeyen Qoryooley oo ay soo Tuseen beelah Guure iyo Jiido ee halkaa dagan. Ilaa Luuq - Xudur - Yeed ayaa la soo tusay. (Posted by guest: Gurgure from Xamar) (Posted by guest: Calass) (Posted by guest: leego)


Thursday, January 28, 2010

Quranyow Maxammed Xiniftire Dir iyo Tuuf Garre


Bari hore ayaa waxa Quranyow oo ka timid " naaneys" kii Quranka wax ku daweeyay ama " Quraamiyow" waxa uu la kulmay nin odey ah oo la oran jiray Tuuf oo ahaa ina Gardheere Samaale iyo Gabar uu dhalay oo xanuunsaneysa, waxaa la yiri Quranyow oo ahaa nin sheekha ayaa Tuuf wuxuu u daweeyay gabadhisi Makko ee xanuunsaneysay. Halkaan xiriir ayaa ka abuurmay oo Quranyow oo Gadhleh iyo nanaysta Quranyow u baxday iyo Tuuf Gardheere Samaale iyo walalkii Umaacia ayaa wada xididay kadibna sameystay xiriir xididnimo iyo walaal nimo ka dib markii ay galeen xilli ay Booranta Oromo iyo Arsi ay hoos galeen.

Gadhle ( Quranyow) Maxammed Xiniftire waxa uu guursaday Mako oo u dhashay Laba wiil oo ah Ilma Quranyow:

Furkesho ( Furkisho) oo dhalay 7 wiil Hoodkooy, Huredeeq, Daarawa, Birkaya, Hooytare, Kalweesh, Suubukitre.

Iyo Asaare oo Furkisho walaalkiis ah oo dhalay Baana iyo Kiliye. Waana ilma Xiniftire Maahe Dir. Quranyowga wexey sheegan Tuuf oo Sodog u ahaa Quranyow islamarkaan dhihi jiray Adeer baan kuu ahay iyo Quranyow in ay dhaxalka isku darsadeen oo uu Tuuf xoolihiis u dhiibay Quranyow Gaare kuna yidhi wilashiisi sidii Suul Goroyo Gaabta hadii aad ka hadhaan wiilkan adeerka u ahay qabana qabadheyda.


1) Midi waa Tuuf waana Tuuf Gardheere Samaale: Gardheere wuxuu dhalay Garre iyo Umaacia

TuuF wuxuu dhalay labo wiil:

Ali ( Afarta Gember Ali) iyo Adoola (Afar Reer Muug)

Ali wuxuu dhalay: Tawulle, Kaluula, iyo Subdhaw

8da Adoola

Adoola wuxuu dhalay Qalweyn, Odomai, Kalmassa, Bursani, Tubadi, Reer Mug, Maid, Maqaabil,

2) Qeybta Badan ee Dadka Garre Waa Dir oo waa Quranyow Maxammed Xiniftire

Qarnigii 1500 ayaa waxaa Konfurta Somalia u hayaamay beelo Maxammed Xiniftire ah oo ay Ka mid yihiin Biimaal, Badimaal, Gadsan iyo Quranyow Maxammed Xiniftire oo ay walaalo yihin beelaha Isaaq, xiligan waa xiligii Axmed Gurey Cidamadiisi ay Jabiyeen Amxaarada Kiristanka ah oo Adeegsaneysa hubkii PORTAQEESKA IYO QIBTIGA (COPTICS OF EGYPT) MASAR.

Waxaa ay rumeysanyihiin Garraha qeybt Gardheere Samaalaha ah Tuuf ( Adoole iyo Ali) in ay Quranyoow maxammed xinftire Adeer u yihiin oo ay isla dhaqmeen, mid noqdeen kadib markii ay hoos galeen xukunkii Gaalada- Oromada ah ee Booran iyo Aruuso.

Waxaa ay sheegan in: Quranyow Maxammed oo Dir ah kana ah Maxammed Xiniftire Mahe Dir rumeysana in ay la dhasheen Biimaal Maxammed, Bajimaal Maxammed iyo Isaaq Maxammed iyo Madaluug Maxammed oo ay Quranyowgu dhahaan waa ina Xiniftire.

Say doontaba ha ahaatee, Gardheere Samaale wuxuu dhalay Tuuf iyo Gabadh la oran Jiray Makko, Quranyow Maxammed oo Sheikh Quraan ah ayaa Gardheere la kulmay oo gabadhisi xanuunsaneyso, Quranyow ayaa sheikh Quraan ahaa oo Saaray Quraan. Odeygii Gardheere Samaale oo dhalay Tuuf Gardheer, Garrena ah waxaa uu ugu yeeri jiray Quranyow Adeer sababta oo ah waa ka fil weynaa Dir oo Samaale ayuu toos u gali jiray.

Quranyow markii uu daweyay gabadhii Mako eey walaalaha ahayeen tuuf waxaa u hirgashay inuu yahay sheikh wax Quraamiya, Odeygii Tuuf abihii wuxuu siyay Mako oo ah gabadhii u dhalay.

Quranyow oo la baxay Aw Qurraanyo noqdayna sheeikh weyn ay Oromada Gaalada ah ee Boranta dhex dagay iyo Raxanweynta Digil.

Quranyow wexey u kala baxaan: Furkisho (Forkisho) iyo Asarre.

Waxaan ay diidaan in ay yihiin dadka ay ku milmeen sida Raxanweynta Bay iyo Boranta NFD. Marka, Tuuf iyo Quranyow walaalo ma noqon karaan ayay yirahdan Quranyowga waayo hadii ay walaalo yihiin sidee buu u guursaday Quranyow gabadha Makko ileen Walaashi abe iyo hooyo dhaleen ma geeyee.


  Image result for quranyow


9 khalaf
10 moalin omar
11 Isow
12 Barre
13 Kilmaale
14 Furkesha
15 Quranyow
16 Mohamed
17 Mahe
18 Dir

i know you have the children of Furkesha in your site but that doesn't include our name Kilmaale Furkesha... i have looked all over the internet but i didn't find any info about kilmaale... so i started to think that since our people migrated from the quranyow in northern kenya down to bay region, it could have been lost in pronunciation because it was such a long time that even today we are part of a completely different tribe but we still remember our abtirsi. give me your thoughts on this if you have any info regarding this.

Bah ???

Walaalo isku bah ah

  1. Assaree Quran Maxamed
i know quranyow are garre and they live both in northern kenya and shabeelaha hoose in somalia.... we are in the Hariin clan of rahanweyn/Mirifle and settle near baidoa a places called, labaatan jarow, goof gaduud, busul, mooro waraabe... so we basically dont even claim or know much about our garre/quranyow/dir side... these days we are basically just Hariin.. however i have always heard our elders talking about that such a long time ago our people were defeated by the oromo and boran in nothern kenya and pushed towards southern somalia... and most of them moved to settle near the river shabelle whereas our group decided to settle near baidoa and joined the Hariin sub clan which we have since mixed, married with and are now fully rahanweyn and the only thing connecting us to quranyow now is our abtirsi.... sow just out of curiosity james, how does a European get into somali clan systems and now is an expert lol tell me a little about that if you don't mind plz its interesting... i say this because couple of years ago when i first came to England as teenager and was going to college i asked some of my English friends what their clans were looool which they hilariously laughed at and made so many jokes about me since then.. to me at the time, it was strange that they didn't belong to no tribes and they were lucky if they knew their great grandfather's name lol sorry about long post

According to the Gharri’s oral traditional history and British colonial era records based on interview they had with then Gharri elders, regarding the origin of the Gharri people, the Gharri people came from red sea coast and settled at “Serar”, what is now known as arusi province of Ethiopia, They build mosques and homes made of stones. Then during the 1600th exodus of people’s movement, from the north reached the Gharri kingdom and fighting ensued because the enemies started looting the Gharri properties and herds. The Gharri were outnumbered and they were forced to immigrate toward southwest, and settled around filtu and Wachile areas.
The Gharri traditional historians state that the Gharri lived there for period of about 60 years without any disturbances. During that time they build stone houses and mosques around filtu and wachile especially around the dawa riverbanks in around fifty miles corridors from Malka Mari through Malka Dirir it were a standard way of building houses. Then later on the exodous of the Borana reached there. It was believed that was the first time they came in contact with the Borana

So, during late 1600 and early 1700, they lived with the Borana. Later on, things changed, and the Gharri were outnumbered by the Boran and the Borana tried to make them subjects and demand tribute. So, the Gharri decided to move back to their previous region of Confur through Juba land.

The "exodus from the north" is Darod Somalis from the Sultanate of Adal out of Ethiopia, specifically Ifat, which had been invaded by Amhara and Oromos, which forced Garre (of whom your ancestors were in the Garre confederation at the time) to leave their lands in Serar (Seraro in Oromo, it's a Woreda and migrate to Wuchale in northern Kenya.

According to the Gharri they chose to leave on their own after pressure from the Borana grew too great, though who knows, anyways they crossed over the Jubba into Konfur. After this, one branch of the Gharri decided to go back and reclaim their lands, but presumably your ancestors decided to stay behind and join the Raxanweyn.

The bit about being originally from the Red Sea Coast is probably close to true, though probably not the coast but rather the interior near Harar.

Image result for quranyowRelated image

Image result for quranyow

Image result for quranyow

Mohamed died after he had one son Quran (quranyow). Quran was raised by his uncle Mr. Tuf. Later on he married Mako who is Tuf’s daughter and Quran’s first cousin. Then he (Quran) fathered two sons, Furkesha and Assaree. Assarree.had two sons, Bana and Kiliya.

Furkesha, the brother of Assarre , had seven sons, they were Hodkoya, Birkaya, Hoytra, Darawa, Kalwesha, Hurdeq and “SUBUKITRE”.
Also, the second half of the Gharri branch is Tuf. Tuf is believed to be the uncle and father in law’s of Quran or quranyow, and he had two sons, Ali and Adola. Adola had eight sons. They were Kalwina, Kalmassa, Bursuni, Odomai, Maqabille, maid, Rer Mug and Tubadi.

Father: Tuf   Deili  Omar

In the book Identities on the Move: Clanship and Pastoralism in Northern Kenya By Gunther Schlee, page 28. He stresses that the Kuranyo(Quranyow) section of the Garre are of a different descent. He mentions them to be uterine related to the Make Tuf, but are of a different descent.


 Abu Talib







 Kuranyo(Quranyow of the Garre)

Children sired by Quran   Mahamed  Hanaftire

1.Furkesha   Quran  Mahamed

2.Assarei   Quran  Mahamed

Siblings (mother not known)

1.Ali   Tuf  Deili

2.Adola   Tuf  Deili

The Garre are divided into the Tuff and Quranyowa sub-clans. While the Tuffs are further divided into the Ali and Adola groups, the Quranyow are divided into the Asare and Furkesha.

Their main urban centers in Kenya include Mandera, Moyale Takaba and El Wak.
The general migrations of the Garre clan is within the ranges of Mandera Central to either Elwak district in Somali and westwards to Mandera West, some parts of Banissa district in Northern Kenya and Moyale and Hudet Woredas in Southern Ethiopia.
 Then he (Quran) fathered two sons, Furkesha and Assaree. Assarree.had two sons, Bana and Kiliya.
 Furkesha, the brother of Assarre , had seven sons, they were Hodkoya, Birkaya, Hoytra, Darawa, Kalwesha, Hurdeq and “SUBUKITRE”.

Also, the second half of the Gharri branch is Tuf. Tuf is believed to be the uncle and father in law’s of Quran or quranyow, and he had two sons, Ali and Adola. Adola had eight sons. They were Kalwina, Kalmassa, Bursuni, Odomai, Maqabille, maid, Rer Mug and Tubadi.

 Maay Speaking Darawa Quranyow Maxamed

9 khalaf
10 moalin omar
11 Isow
12 Barre
13 Kilmaale
14 Furkesha
15 Quranyow
16 Mohamed
17 Mahe
18 Dir

i know you have the children of Furkesha in your site but that doesn't include our name Kilmaale Furkesha... i have looked all over the internet but i didn't find any info about kilmaale... so i started to think that since our people migrated from the quranyow in northern kenya down to bay region, it could have been lost in pronunciation because it was such a long time that even today we are part of a completely different tribe but we still remember our abtirsi. give me your thoughts on this if you have any info regarding this.

Bah ???

Walaalo isku bah ah

  1. Assaree Quran Maxamed
i know quranyow are garre and they live both in northern kenya and shabeelaha hoose in somalia.... we are in the Hariin clan of rahanweyn/Mirifle and settle near baidoa a places called, labaatan jarow, goof gaduud, busul, mooro waraabe... so we basically dont even claim or know much about our garre/quranyow/dir side... these days we are basically just Hariin.. however i have always heard our elders talking about that such a long time ago our people were defeated by the oromo and boran in nothern kenya and pushed towards southern somalia... and most of them moved to settle near the river shabelle whereas our group decided to settle near baidoa and joined the Hariin sub clan which we have since mixed, married with and are now fully rahanweyn and the only thing connecting us to quranyow now is our abtirsi.... sow just out of curiosity james, how does a European get into somali clan systems and now is an expert lol tell me a little about that if you don't mind plz its interesting... i say this because couple of years ago when i first came to England as teenager and was going to college i asked some of my English friends what their clans were looool which they hilariously laughed at and made so many jokes about me since then.. to me at the time, it was strange that they didn't belong to no tribes and they were lucky if they knew their great grandfather's name lol sorry about long post

According to the Gharri’s oral traditional history and British colonial era records based on interview they had with then Gharri elders, regarding the origin of the Gharri people, the Gharri people came from red sea coast and settled at “Serar”, what is now known as arusi province of Ethiopia, They build mosques and homes made of stones. Then during the 1600th exodus of people’s movement, from the north reached the Gharri kingdom and fighting ensued because the enemies started looting the Gharri properties and herds. The Gharri were outnumbered and they were forced to immigrate toward southwest, and settled around filtu and Wachile areas.
The Gharri traditional historians state that the Gharri lived there for period of about 60 years without any disturbances. During that time they build stone houses and mosques around filtu and wachile especially around the dawa riverbanks in around fifty miles corridors from Malka Mari through Malka Dirir it were a standard way of building houses. Then later on the exodous of the Borana reached there. It was believed that was the first time they came in contact with the Borana

So, during late 1600 and early 1700, they lived with the Borana. Later on, things changed, and the Gharri were outnumbered by the Boran and the Borana tried to make them subjects and demand tribute. So, the Gharri decided to move back to their previous region of Confur through Juba land.

The "exodus from the north" is Darod Somalis from the Sultanate of Adal out of Ethiopia, specifically Ifat, which had been invaded by Amhara and Oromos, which forced Garre (of whom your ancestors were in the Garre confederation at the time) to leave their lands in Serar (Seraro in Oromo, it's a Woreda and migrate to Wuchale in northern Kenya.

According to the Gharri they chose to leave on their own after pressure from the Borana grew too great, though who knows, anyways they crossed over the Jubba into Konfur. After this, one branch of the Gharri decided to go back and reclaim their lands, but presumably your ancestors decided to stay behind and join the Raxanweyn.

The bit about being originally from the Red Sea Coast is probably close to true, though probably not the coast but rather the interior near Harar.

Boy on Abtirsi forum, Quranyow is Dir ... irsiLang=1

Girl on Ummahforum, Quranyow is Dir. ... Arab/page2

Another source stating Quranyow is Dir in ancestry. 

Along with the source on the first page I already shared.


Anonymous said...

Waxaan Rabaa in aan u sheego dadkaan Direed ee Itoobiya Ku lumay sida Gurgure, Garre, Jarso, Madiigaan, iyo kuwa kale ee meelahaas jooga maxaa idin helay. War maxaa nin Oromo Rahanweyn iyo dadkale idin hoos geeyay. Maxaa idin Duleeyay ? Ood meel walba shisheeye idin sheeganyaa ? War Caghiina ku istaaga oo Magaciina Direed Kor u qaada ?

Anonymous said...

Soo baxa iska Daaya Jirjiroole nimada, Laba Targoolanimada, iyo Dir baan ahay hadana maalina Oroman soo raacayaa, Maalina Raxanweyn baan dhex tagaayaa? War Kaca oo sharaf isku yeela. Magaca Direedna ha cebeynina. Guul Dir haleyeeyada Direed ee Surre, Ciise, Isaaq, Gadabuursi, Biimaal, Gaadsan waxaan ka codsaneynaa in ay dadkood uruuriyaan

treya said...

Wallahi this is not true, there is no proven sources that Former Chadian President Hissené Habre went to war-torn Somalia and said this. This is just another case of Somalis trying to claim other people, when in reality they know they’re being foolish.

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