Saturday, July 14, 2018

Abtirsinyada beesha Jiido- The Total Somali Clan Geneology 2nd Edition J. Abbink ASC 2009 The Jiido Languege

Waxa Jira beelah Reer Jiidu ee Dagan inta u dhexeys Harar iyo Dira Dhabe siiba aaga Ere Maanyo oo ay Oromadu dhahdo waa Wara Jiidu. Sidoo kale Nageele markaad ka baxdo ood tagto Caro Booran waxa jira beesha Wara Jiidu oo ay dadku qaar dhahaan waa madaxweyne !

 Reer Jiido ee Dagan Itoobiya waxa ay Madaxweyn Dirku ku sheegaan Reer Sifir iyo Reer Wajis.

Dhanka kale beesha weyn ee Booron waxa ay leeyihiin beel Samaale la yiraahdo Booran oo dhana wexey u kala baxaa laba beelood oo kala ah "Liibaan iyo Dire" waan labada qeybood ee boorunto u kala qeybiso Dalkeed iyo Dadkooda waa Liibaan iyo Dire. Saan oganahay Dir badan ayaa Booronta ku dhex luntay oo ay ka mid yihiin Quranyow Maxamed iyo qaar kale oo ay Wara Jiidu ka mid tahay ayaa ku jira Booranta. Booranta waxa dhex Dagan dad ay ka mid yihiin beelaha Gabra iyo Saakuyu. Beesha Gabra wexey leedahay beel la dhoho Odale iyo Reelah Randiile oo iyaguna leh "Wardiiq" iyo Uurweyne.

Dhanka kale Qoryooley, Dhiinsoor, Buurhakaba iyo Jilib waxa Dagan beelah Jiido oo marna Xisaabsan Raxanweyn marna ama qaarna ay xiriir la leeyihiin beelaha Madaxweyn Dir oo ay og yihiin in ay leeyihii Jilib Reer Jiido la yiraahdo oo Dagan Harar ilaa Dir dhabe u dhexeysa.

Odeyga Jiidu Ali Madaxweyn wuxuu dhalay:

1) Afarta Hafow

Oo kala ah: Gadinale, Gowsitta, Gulle, Seyye

2) Farre

3) Gogo

Oo dhalay: Wacayse, Qorowa', Odleh, Mahammad, Maddow, Masulle, Surrow, Yokor
The Total Somali Clan Geneology 2nd Edition J. Abbink ASC 2009
JIIDDU (JIDDU, AF-JIIDDU) [JII] 20,000 to 60,000 (1992). Lower Shabeelle Bay and Middle Jubba regions, Qoryooley, Dhiinsoor, Jilib, and Buurhakaba districts. Afro-Asiatic, Cushitic, East, Somali. A distinct language from Somali and Tunni, usually grouped under the Digil dialects or languages. Different sentence structure and phonology from Somali. Closer to Somali than to Baiso. Spoken by the Jiiddu clan. Ethnic Jiiddu in Bale Province, Ethiopia speak Oromo as mother tongue.
Jiiddu (also known as Jiddu or Af-Jiiddu) is an Afro-Asiatic language spoken by the Jiiddu sub-clan of the Rahanweyn, a Somali clan inhabiting southern Somalia. It is part of the family's Cushitic branch, and has an estimated 50,000 speakers mainly residing in the Lower Shabeelle, Bay and Middle Jubba regions and the sultan of jiddo is called warsame alio [3].

Typically classified as part of the Digil group of languages, Jiiddu has a different phonology and sentence structure from Somali. However, it more closely resembles Somali than Baiso. It also possibly shares Commonalities with the Hadiyya, Gedeo, Alaba-Kabeena, Konso and Kambaata languages spoken in southern Ethiopia.[4]

[jii] Shabeellaha Hoose region: west of Moqdisho. 20,000 (1998 J. Leclerc). Status: 6a (Vigorous). Alternate Names: Af-Jiiddu, Jiddu. Dialects: Distinct from Somali [som] and Tunni [tqq], usually grouped under Digil dialects or languages. Different sentence structure and phonology from Somali. More similar to Somali than to Baiso [bsw]. Reportedly some similarities to Konsoid languages and to Gedeo [drs], Alaba-Kabeena [alw], Hadiyya [hdy], and Kambaata [ktb]. Classification: Afro-Asiatic, Cushitic, East, Somali. Comments: Muslim.
More Information
  • Jiido Language found in as far as -Baiso (also Alkali, Bayso) is an Afro-Asiatic language spoken in Ethiopia, in the region around Lake Abaya.[1] 5,500 (2007 census)
  • However, there are two distinct communities indigenous to Gidiccho island speaking different languages: the Bayso-Bayso is the name of a village on the southern tip of Gidiccho island and the name used by the entire community to refer to themselves as an ethnic group, as well as to their language
  • Heine in 1978 classified Bayso (Af-Jiidu)  as the Northern branch of Omo-Tana (The Sam languages)
  • Primary lineages in Ethiopia are  sifir and Wajis

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