Wednesday, July 25, 2018

The Makahil Gadabuursi - numbering 300,000 and Founding -Somalia Democratic Alliance (SDA) in 1989 Ethiopia- Gilkes, P.S.

None of the sources consulted by the DIRB refer to the Makahil as a subclan of the Ogaden clan.

According to Gilkes, the Makahil, after the Madahasi, is the "second main subclan" of the Gadabursi, whom he estimates number 300,000 or about 8 per cent of the northern population (July 1992, 49). The northern area, former British Somaliland, is home to three clan families: the Isaaq Dir, the Dir (consisting of the Issa and the Gadabursi clans), and the Darod (ibid., 43). The Gadabursi clan consists of the Madahasi subclan (which is the largest), the Makahil and the Arfan (ibid., 49). According to Gilkes, the Makahil are  more significant politically with such subclans as the Jibril Yunis around Boroma and Lafayisa; the Rer Ugas, mostly in Ethiopia around Aw Bare (also called Teferi Bar) and west; and the Rer Nur Yunis centred on Dilla but also across the border around Aw Bare (inside Somalialand, they also neighbour the Jibril Abokr and have poor relations with them)" (ibid.).

Gilkes states that the Gadabursi set up the Somalia Democratic Alliance (SDA) in 1989, but that it subsequently split into factions (ibid.). The Makahil created their own political grouping, the Horval Democratic Front, in late 1991 in Ethiopia, where they have an established political and historical base (ibid.).
A genealogy chart prepared by the General Survey of British Somaliland in 1944 depicts the following Makahil tribes as belonging to the Gadabursi clan: Makahil Mikadore, Musa Makahil, Makahil Dera, Ali Makahil Dera, Elli Makahil and Egeh Makahil (1944, 5-6). The same survey lists the Ogaden clan under the Darod clan family (ibid., 21).


Africa Confidential [London]. 18 December 1992. Vol. 33, No. 25. "Somalia: Beyond the Pax Americana."
Somali Tribes. 1989. Jean-Peirre Gaithier. "Arbre généalogique des clans de la tribu Somali." (Includes John A. Hunt. 1944. "Genealogies of the Tribes of British Somaliland and the Mijertein.")
Gilkes, P.S. September 1994. The Price of Peace: Somalia and the United Nations 1991-1994. Bedfordshire: Save the Children Fund UK.
Gilkes, Patrick. July 1992. "Ethnic and Political Movements in Ethiopia and Somalia."
Indian Ocean Newsletter [Paris]. 29 October 1994. No. 644. "Aideed's 'G12'."
Laitin, David D. and Said S. Samatar. 1987. Somalia: Nation in Search of a State. Boulder, Col.: Westview Press.
Samatar, Ahmed I. 1988. Socialist Somalia: Rhetoric and Reality. London: Zed Books.
Gilkes, P.S. September 1994. The Price of Peace: Somalia and the United Nations 1991-1994. Bedfordshire: Save the Children Fund UK, pp. 133-36.
Gilkes, Patrick. July 1992. "Ethnic and Political Movements in Ethiopia and Somalia." pp. 43-56.

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