Tuesday, December 29, 2009


The Issas are the sons of Madoobe Dir Aji. There are over 400,000 Issas in Ethiopia. Another 370,000 live in Djibouti where the Issa Madoobe Dir and their related brothers the Gadabursi Samaroon Mandaluug Dir live. There are also about 120,000 Issas in Somali's Zaila district around the vicinities of Loyacade, Siliil and Abdulqadir.

In North Eastern Somalia still lives a small group of Madoobe Dir (Elleeye),Minsaanle Dir, Cabbas Muuse (Surre) and the Magaaldle Dir, in Ceerigabo district along the Dir, Muuse Carre, Habar Issaq. According to the Dir of North Eastern Somalia the common ancestor of the Issas Madoobe Dir is buried in Eerigaabo District, not far from where the Gadabuuris Samaroon Saciid is buried, Gudmo Biyeys.
There are small groups of Madoobe Dir amoungst the Surre Mahe Dir futher South and in Western region 5 areas of Doollo and Luuq areas were the Suure call them simply Madoobe Dir.

The Issas live in the same regions that the Gurgure Madaxweyn Dir of Ethiopia Dira Dhawe area.The name of this location means were the "Dir Hit" Meeshii Dir Dhabah in referrence to 1500 battles between the Gallas or Oromos who entered after the Awadal and Ifit Dir sultants collapsed.
Ugaas of Issas
The traditional Ugaas comes from the smallest Issa clan, Wardiiq and rules from his settlement Waruf located 180 Km south of Djibouti, west of the Harrar road. One of their Ugaas's was Ugaas Hassan Xirsi Ugaas.
Somali National Hero Mahamuud Harbi
Mahamuud Harbi is a national hero of Djibouti and Somalia where several schools were named after him. In the 1958 referrendum when the French controlled puppet parliment voted Djibouti to remain with France instead of unity with Greater Somalia, Mahamuud Harbi fled to Somalia and his political career ended in October, 1958 when he was killed in an air crush (mysteriously) while on his way back to Mogadisho from a visit to the Peoples Republic of China. Many believe he was killed and his death remains shrouded in a mystery.

Madoobe Dir has six sons:
Issa Madoobe
  1. Howlqaade
  • Makahiil
  • Iidleh
  • Mahamuud
Three brothers are known as Walaaldon
  • Mahadleh
  • Saxiib
The two are known as Forlabbe
  • Mamasan
  • Muuse ( Yoonis Muuse and Sacad Muuse)
The Above three are collectivelly know as the Abdaal (Abgaal) and form a moiet or branch of Issa Madoobe Dir Aji. The Following three brother are called the Dalool branch.
4. Uurweyne
  • Fiqi ( Hussen and Muuse)
  • Abdallah ( Bur, Ahmed, Koron, Ali)
5. Wardiiq ( Waaqtishiil and Raamwaaq)
6. Hooroone
  • Habar Walaala- Geelaleh
  • Geel Walaal-Cabdalleh and Adan
Political Organizations Of Issas
  • Democratic Action League DAL early political movement of Issas in Ethiopia was led by Mohammed Sheikh Ibrahim
  • Issa Gurgure Libration Front IGLF led by Riyaal Ahmed uniting two powerful Dir clans until the Gurgure split in 1991, IGLF name continued even though a Gurgure by the name Abdul Aziz formed the independent Gurgure Libration Front which worked with their next door cousins.
Somali: Taarikhda Ciise Madoobe
Beelweynta Ciise Madoobe Dir Aji sida kor ku xusan waxa ay u kala baxdaa lix jilib oo loo kala yaqaan Dalool iyo Abdaal. Iilaa 400,000 kun ayay gaareysaa tirada beesha ee dagan dhanka Itoobiya. Dalka Jabuutina waxaa ku nool 370,000 ama ka badan boqolkiiba 55 %, halkaas oo ay kula nool yihiin Gadabuursi Mandaluug Dir, Isaaq Maxamed Xiniftire Dir, iyo Somali kale. Qowmiyada Canfarta ayaa dalkaas la wadagta Ciisaha iyo Somalida halkaas ku nool.
Waxaa Ciisaha u ah Ugaas Beesha Wardiiq oo ah beel ay doorteen sanadkii 1600 xiligii ay beesha Ciise samaysatay Xeer Ciisaha oo lagu sameyay tuulada Ayshia oo odayga Ciise ku aasan yahay. Ugaasku wuxuu dagan yahay tuulada Wurufo loo yaqaan oo Djabuti koonfur galbeed 180 Km u jirta una dhaw Harar dariiqeeda.
Waxaa jirta sheeko raqiis ah oo ay galaada wax qorta kaga fidiyaan Ciisah oo leh Ciise wuxuu u kala baxaa Sadex Ciise iyo Sadex Soo Raaca ama Ciise wuxuu dhalay lixda Ciise sadex kaliya. Arintaan oo lagu doonayo beel weynta Ciisa in lagu bur buriyo sal iyo raad malaha. Ciise iyo Sadexda uu adeerka u yahay waxaa dhalay Madoobe Dir. Marka beel weynta waxaa u hir galay magaca Ciise waxayna ka kooban tahay dhashii Madoobe Direed kaliya.
Waxa qoraaga weyn ee Ingiriiska ah, I M Lewis, Nomadic Democracy, uu had iyo goor isku dayaa in uu Dirka kala qayb qaybiyo. Isagoo fafiyay beenta ah: Isaaq waa Carab anagoo og iyo isaga, I M lewis qudiisho og in ay yihiin Isaaq Maxamed (Axmed) Xiniftire Mahe Dir dhashiisi oo uu xitaa I M Lewis ku qoro (Footnotes) ka ama xaga hoose. Tusaale ahaan Gabeyga weyn ee Guba ee Daroodku iyo Isaaqu isku xifaaleynayn ee Ogaadenku Dhulbahantah leeyahay:
" Isaaq waa Dir, dunji Habar Magaadle ee yaa la da'ah." Waxaa, uu ninka Isaaq ee Habar Yonis ku jawaabayaa," Isaaq Dir haduu duulan soo qaado (Iidoor waa dunji habar magaadle) waxaanu Daroodka leeyahay muxuu yahay Dalka lagaa qaaday soo anigu dalka ma lihi oo Donbiro Direed na anigu kuma siin, geedna kaa soo dajin, dalka oo dhan anaa leh.
Meelo fara badan oo Gadabuurisi ay ku xumeeyaan, been ka fafiyaan Ciise, ama Akisho ayaa jira nimankan Gaalada ah ee Somalia wax ka qora, oo uu I M Lewis ugu horeeyo.
Marka, su'aasha meesha taala wexey tahay magacan Direed yaa baas oo difaaca. Maxay uga hadli waayeen Ciisaha iyo Gadabuursiga iyo Isaaq beenaha qalinka lagu faafiyo ee buugagta la fidinayo ?
Ma beesha Surre ee Konfurta Somalia dagta (Qubeys ama Cabdalle Surre) un baa loo dayay magacan Direed ?

See and visit this Gurgure websit http//www.hurso.com/

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Dir Suure clans claim Dir was the Son of Aji Aqiil ibnu Abi Taalib The Suure Dir who have well respected Fiqis Islamic jurisprudence scholars and who have been instrumental in religious studies in many part of Somalia claim descent from Aqiil Ibnu abi Taalib and the claim in the first Hijra many Ashaab well know figures like : 84 males and children and women including-- Uthman ibnu Affan 3rd Caliph and SAW's son in law Ruquyya daughter SAW Abdul Rahman Bin Awf Zubeyr Bin Al awwam and Gafar Bin Abi Talib(read suratal Maryam 19 and his wife sahla Amar and khalid sons of said bin al As Abu Hudayfa b Uthman mazum his wife sahla wife Umm Salama bint Abi Umaayya all three amoung ten who were promised heaven.

The Dir of Surre Clan Claim and say how they are related to the Afar who they call Odey Cali:

The Suure claim this is in the: biographer Ibnu Hisham .while others claim only 33 come. The Afar or Dankalis of Djibouti and Eritrea The ruling house of the Afar Assayo Marre and their king Ali Mirre claim the Madoobe Dir Issas are cousins to Afar because the Afar claim direct descent from One Harmalis Jacfar ibnu Abi Taalib a cousin of the Samaale clans claimed ancestor Aqiil ibnu abi Taalib Posted by DIRSAME at 1:20 AM Labels: THE ISAAQ DIR CLAN OF SOMALIA: WHY ISSAQ

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