Thursday, July 27, 2017

Suldaanka Guud ee Beesha Akisho Somaliland Suldaan Abshir Xasan Oo Lagu Caleemasaarey Deegaanka Goray xamse | December 12, 2016

Isniin.12.12.16Harg(SM)Suldaanka Guud ee Beesha Akisho Somaliland Suldaan Abshir Xasan Oo Lagu Caleemasaarey Deegaanka Goray Ee Katirsan Kalabeydh Gobolka Gabiley + SAWIRRO

Hargeysa, (SM) — Beesha Akisho ee katirsan Beelaha Somaliland ee Dega Gobolka Gabiley ayaa maanta Suldaankii Guud ee Beeshaasi  ay doorteen Lagu caleemasaarey Deegaanka Gorey ee katirsan Kalabeydh Gobolka Gabiley Suldaan Abshir Xasan Cali oo ay ku caana shubeen Salaadiin iyo madaxdhaqameed lagu soo Casuumay Xaflada Caleemasaarkiisa Guud ahaanba Salaadiinta iyo Madaxdhaqameedka Somaliland.

Munaasibadan Xafkada Calaeemasaarka Suldaanka Beesha Akisho Suldaan Abshir Xasan Cali si heersare ah loo soo agaasimay oo ashaqraar iyo ilqabatin leh ee lagu caleemasaarayay Suldaanka Guud ee Beesha Akisho Dhinaca Somaliland Suldaan Abshir Xasan Cali waxaana kasoo qeyb galey Caleemasaarka Xaflada Suldaanka inta ugu badan ee Salaadiinta Somaliland Ugaasyo,Cuqaal,Siyaasiyiin,Xildhibaano katirsan labada Aqal ee Guurtida iyo Golaha Wakiilada Culumaa,udiin,Haweenka iyo Bulshada Gobolka Gabiley,Madaxda Xisbiyada Qaranka,Masuulyiin iyo Marti Sharaf kale oo tira badan.

Suldaanka lagu Caleemasaarey Deegaanka Gorey ee katirsan Gobolka Gabiley Suldaanka Guud ee Beesha Akisho Dhinaca Somaliland Ururada Bulshada Rayidka ah,

Suldaanka lagu Caleemasaarey Deegaanka Gorey ee katirsan Gobolka Gabiley Suldaanka Guud ee Beesha Akisho Suldaan Abshir Xasan Cali oo ugu horeyn halkaa ka Hadley madasha Caleemsaarkiisa ayaa sheegay in uu Suldaan u yahey Guud ahaanba Beesha Akisho ee Somaliland degta iskamarkaana, uu ugu wada shaqeyn doono Cadaalad iyo Sinaan iyo xeerkii dhaqan lahaan jirey waxaanu Suldaanku ku dheeraadey in aanu isagu shakhsi ahaan xilka dhaqan ee lasaarey u ogolin olole iyo doonasho,iyo awood iyo xiniinyo uu leeyahey balse uu yahey xil loo gartey oo ay beeshu u igmatey una dooratey sidaa daraadeedna aanu dhinaciisa wax uu ka hagran doonaa jirin isagoo u mahad celiyay guud ahaanba Salaadiinta,Ugaasyada,Cuqaasha,Siyaasiyiinta,masuuliyiinta iyo marti sharafta mudan iyo marwaba leh ee kasoo qeyb galey Caleemasaarkiisa soona ajiibey caano shubka iyo martiqaadka Xaflada.

Suldaanka Guud ee Sacad Muuse Suldaan Mawliid Ibraahim Cali(sabeyse),oo isaguna halkaa hadal ka jeediyay ayaa ku dheeraadey in aan madaxda dhaqanka iyo Salaadiinta guud ahaanba looga baahneyn in ay ku milmaan Siyaasada isagoo kasoo horjeestey hadalada Salaadiin kale oo Suldaanka la caleemasaarey ku booriyay in uu ka ag dhawaado Xisbiga Kulmiye iyo Xukuumada,waxa kale oo iyaguna halkaasi ka hadley Ugaas Xawaareeye,Ugaas Ibraahim Cabdi Kaahin(Jilba Dhige),  Suldaan Shariif Batuun,Ugaas Maxamed Cabdilaahi(jabane),Ugaas Cabdirisaaq Koosaar,Suldaan Xasan Hobohobo,Chief Caaqil Cabdi Aw Cumar Warsame,

Chief Caaqil Cabdi Aw Cumar Warsame oo ka Hadley Munaasibada Caleemasaarka ayaa isagu sheegay in ay soo dhaweynayaan Salaadiinta kasoo biirey Sariflayaasha maadaama uu Suldaan Abshir Xasan Cali yahey Suldaankii sadexaad ee Sariflayaasha kaga soo kordhey Madaxdhaqameedka Somaliland.

Mahamud "Akisho" Ali Madahweyne

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Children born by ???
  • Miyyo Mahamud Ali
  • Asabo Mahamud Ali
  • Igo Mahamud Ali
  • Obo Mahamud Ali
  • Kurto Mahamud Ali
  • Orad "Heiban" Mahamud Ali
  • Kiyo Mahamud Ali
  • Ittu Mahamud Ali
  • Lujo Mahamud Ali
  • Dayyo Mahamud Ali
  • Bitto Mahamud Ali
  • Eijo "Eijjeso" Mahamud Ali
  • Siblings (mother not known)

    1. Mahamed "Gure" Ali Madahweyne
    2. Jide Ali Madahweyne
    3. Garire Ali Madahweyne
    4. Layile Ali Madahweyne
    5. Dayo "Warday" Ali Madahweyne
    6. Jarso Ali Madahweyne

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    unday, May 15, 2011



    1. Cali
    2. Madaxweyne
    3. Dir
    4. Aji
    5. Irrir
    6. Samaale
    7. Xiile ('Il)
    8. Abroone (Waalid)
    9. Looxaan
    10. Kaamil (Xaashi)

    Father: Madaxweyne Dir Aji

    1. Maxamuud (Akisho)
    2. Maxamed (Guure)
    3. Jiide
    4. Gariire
    5. Layiile
    6. Warday

    Maxamuud (Akisho) Cali Madaxweyne

    1. Maxamuud (Akisho)
    2. Cali
    3. Madaxweyne
    4. Dir
    5. Aji
    6. Irrir
    7. Samaale
    8. Xiile ('Il)
    9. Abroone (Waalid)
    10. Looxaan
    11. Kaamil (Xaashi)

    Father: Cali Madaxweyne Dir

    1. Miyyo
    2. Bitto
    3. Daayyo
    4. Luujo
    5. Ittu
    6. Kiyo
    7. Curad (Heebaan)
    8. Kurto
    9. Obo
    10. Igo
    11. Asaabo
    12. Eejo (Eejjeso)


    1. Maxamed (Guure)
    2. Jiide
    3. Gariire
    4. Layiile
    5. Warday

    Waa boqortooyo hore oo xoogaha aad moodo baryahan danbe in xoogeedi wiiqmay qaar badana ay konfurta, galbeedka, iyo waqooyiga Itoobiya ku kala firdhatay. Qaar kalen galbeedka Somaliya iyo waqooyiga ay u kala kaceen. Beelo fara badan ayaa Akisho ku abtirsada qaar badan xitaa aan Akisho la moodin sida Obo, Guure, iyo beelo kale.

    Magaca Akisho waxaa lagu macneeyaa kii cayilnaa oo afka oromada lagu dhaho (Ayisho) waa naaneys, Sida Gurgurahaba uu magaciisu naaneys macnaheedu tahay (Ganacsade) oo af Somaligii hore la dhihi jiray Gurgure sida kalmada (Gorgortanba) ay halkaas ka soo jeedo. Itoobiyana Gurgure waxaa loo yaqaan ganacsatada afafka Harariga/Oromada.

    Boqortooyoyinkii hore ee Gurgure-Layiile-Akisho waxaa ay u bax sheen magalada Diraa Dhabe (ama meeshii uu Dir Waranka ku dhuftay(Dhabey) qarnigii 1400. Akishada iyo Gurgurah iyo beelah Madaxweyne Direed waxaa ka dhashay boqortooyoyinkii Ifat--Adulis iyo waliba halyeeygii weynaa ee Axmed Gurey.

    Tarikho hore oo tilmamaya ayaa jira in Boqoradii Caraweelo ay aheyd naag Akhisho. Labadii boqol ee sano ee la soo dhafay hase ahaatee boqortoyadii akisho waxaa ku dhacay dib u dhac iyo burbur.


    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Akisho (var. Akisha, Akishe; also known as Gurre) is a Somali subclan, part of the larger Dir group whose members live in Ethiopia and northern Somalia. The Akisho are a subclan of the Ali Madaxweyn Dir, and they are reputed to be descendants of the eldest sons of the Madaxweyn Dir.

    Akisho is one of the oldest clans in the Horn of Africa. According to Somali history, two of the oldest monarchies in the region, the Ifat and Adal Sultanates, were Akisho.[citation needed] However, the inhabitants of the Ethiopian province/kingdom of Ifat spoke a South Semitic language related to Amharic.[1]

    The Akisho inhabit both Somaliland and Ethiopia. In Somaliland, Akisho members live in the southern Woqooyi Galbeed Province, Wajaale, Ala’ibaday, and Gabiley. In Ethiopia, where the Akisho are the most widespread Somali group, Akisho members inhabit Jijiga, Baale (Nagelle), Baabule, Fayaanbiiro, Qabri-Bayah, Fiq, Hara-Maaya, Harar, and Dadar.

    Akisho members are predominantly adherents of Sunni Islam, though one might find a Christian Akisho in the Shewa area of Ethiopia. Other Akisho groups and their related clans are reputed to have migrated from Somali Ethiopian region all the way up North as far as the country Chad, the Sudan, and Northern Eritrea are said to be inhabited by these lost Dir groups.[citation needed]

    The Akisho name is originally derived from "Cayisho" which means in old Somali the (Cayilsan) "Fat One", and in Oromo Akisho.[citation needed] Also the other nickname of the Akisho, Guure, is derived from one who doesn't "hear" because they did not speak the Oromo language when they settled among the Oromo of Bale and Arsi around 1600.[citation needed] Similarly, the Gurgure who are very closely related to the Akisho, use a nickname and were referred to the Oromo and Somalis as the traders or Gurgure from the old Somali and Oromo word "gorgortan" which means one who sales and trades.

    According to the folklore historians of the Southern Suure Dir of the Mudug region, the Akisho and the Gurgure madahweyne Dir produced some of the most famous Somali folk heroes like the Somali queen Araweelo who was Warre Miyo. Also the Akisho and Gurgure clans were instrumental in spreading the Muslim faith in the hinterlands of Ethiopia. The Sheikh Abba Hussein in Southern Ethiopia is said to be of Dir, as well as Awbarkadleh and Awbuube who are two major saints of the Somalis.

    The Warre prefix in front of many Akisho clans names means "the Clan of" or reer (WaaReer) in proper Somali. For example, the Warre Miyo are referred to Reer Miiyo in Somalia, but Warre Miyo in Ethiopian Somali and Oromo regions. Other clans related to the Aksiho are the Gariire, Warre Dayo,Gurgure, Layiile, and Aw Said's of Lower Jubba.

    The Akisho (Gurre) clan consists of 12 major subclans:


    [edit] References
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    Somaliland: The Akisho[Akesho]: whether they live in the town of Gebileh, their relationship with Isaaks and whether they have political representation in the current government

    The information in contained in this Response was provided by Matt Bryden, a consultant and Somali specialist now working with the United Nations Institute for Research on Social Development (UNRISD) in Nairobi (16 June 1998). He stated that the Akisho "are related to (if not part of) the Dir clan family, and live mainly between Jigjiga [in Ethiopia] and Hargeysa, where they tend to live in a somewhat subordinate status to the majority clans, although in Somaliland they have been awarded a seat in the constituent assembly. They face no general threat of persecution in any of the areas in which they live." The Research Directorate was unable to corroborate the Akisho's participation in the constituent assembly nor whether they face "persecution."

    According to the Ethiopian Review the Akisho may be more numerous in Ethiopia than they are in Somalia (30 Apr. 1996). For additional information on the Dir clan and the Akisho sub clan, please consult Patrick Gilkes' The Price of Peace: Somalia and the United Nations 1991-1994 pages 144-148, and the appendix of Somali clan families.

    This Response was prepared after researching publicly accessible information currently available to the Research Directorate within time constraints. This Response is not, and does not purport to be, conclusive as to the merit of any particular claim to refugee status or asylum.


    Bryden, Matt. UNRISD, Nairobi. 16 June 1998. Letter received by electronic mail.

    Gilkes, Patrick. September 1994. The Price of Peace: Somalia and the United Nations 1991-1994. Bedfordshire, UK: Save the Children Fund, UK.

    Additional Sources Consulted

    Africa Confidential [London]. January - May 1998. Vol. 39. Nos. 1-11.

    _____. January - December 1997. Vol. 38. Nos. 1-25.

    Africa Research Bulletin: Political, Social and Cultural Series [Oxford]. January - May 1998. Vol. 35. Nos. 1-4.

    _____. January - December 1997. Vol. 34. Nos. 1-11.

    Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 1997. 1998.

    Horn of Africa Bulletin [Uppsala]. Vol. 10. Nos. 1-2.

    _____. Jauary - December 1997. Vol. 9. Nos. 1-10.

    The Indian Ocean Newsletter [Paris]. January - June 1998. Nos. 793-815.

    _____. January - December 1997. Nos. 747 - 792.

    Electronic sources: IRB Databases, LEXIS/NEXIS, Internet, World News Connection (WNC).

    Two oral sources consulted could not provide information on the requested subject.
    Copyright notice: This document is published with the permission of the copyright holder and producer Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB). The original version of this document may be found on the offical website of the IRB at Documents earlier than 2003 may be found only on Refworld.

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