Monday, July 23, 2018

Loolankii Tana River Ee Beesha Warday Cali iyo Doorashadii Isaaq -Cabdi Jooni (Isaaq Dir /Ciise Muuse)

Loolankii Tana River
Sida horeba u soo sheegay Deeganka Tana River waxaa wada dega soomaalida gaar ahaan beesha Warday Cali (Dir), Ormo iyo Pokomo, muddo dheerna waxay isku haysteen kuraasta degmadaas, muwaafaq xumada ka dhalatay awgeed wax u dooda ayaa la waayay oo xitaa kuraastii looma kordhin oo wali waxay haysataa 3 kursi oo isticmaarku uga tagay halka demooyinka la mida ah ay heleen ugu yaraan 6 kursi. Mar waxaa xafiiltamayay Warday Cali iyo Ormo oo la isku yidhaahdo Kushitic waxaana faaiido ku qabay Pokomo oo ah Bantu, dhawaanna waxaa dagaal dhiig faro badan ku daatay dhex maray Ormo iyo Pokomo taasoo keentay in ormo u soo hoyoto Soomaalida oo u badan meeshaan Tana river kuna catowday Kushitinimo iyo waliba Muslinimo. Waxaana warday Cali Madexweyne Dir cafisay Ormo Kuraastiina Qaybsaday iyaga Ormo, qolodii Pokomo hal kursi xitaa ma helin, waxayna warday Cali Heshay Kursgii Seneterka oo uu Helay Cali Buule,iyo sedex xildhibaan halka Governerka iyo hal xildhibaan heleen Ormo, Pokomana meesha ku qaday.
Beelahii xoogaystay kuweese qaday

Beesha Garre iyo Warday cali ayaa codkoodii mideeyay waayo doorshadaan ka hor Garre hal xildhibaan bay ka heleen Mandheere oo waxay meesha ka foociyeen Beesha Dagoodiye, halka Warday hal kursi kaliye lahaayeen maantana 4 heleen ka dib markay mideeyeen codkoodii. Waxaase sanadkan la filayay in Beesha Isaaq oo beel taariikh dheer ku leh bariga afrika marna lagu qiyaasay wixii ka horeeyay sanadkii 1991 dii , Isaaqa ku nool Bariga Afrika inuu u dhigmo amase ka badan yahay Isaaqa ku nool Soomaliland. Waxay cad wayn iyo cudud ku lahaayeen East leigh(Kamakunji Seat) oo waligeed isku haysteen Kikuuyu iyo Soomali Isaaq gaar ahaan faamiliga Reer Aar( Ciise muuse ee Habar awal).

Doorashadii tan ka horaysay waxaa ku guulaystay Cabdi Jooni (Isaaq/Ciise Muuse) oo ka helay Qoladii Kikuuyo, boob ay sameeyeen kikuuyadiina uu ka soo dhacsaday, deedna lagu celiyay doorashadii. Nasiib darose waxaa dhacday nin iska joogay UN gaar ahaan Pakistaan somalida qaarkeed u yeedheen si uuna kursiga ugu fariisan Jooni qabyaald darteed, ololhiina waxaa loo bedelay waxuu tageeraa gooni goosad Somaliland ah iyagoo sawir beena oo ah Siilanyo iyo Jooni la isku macmalay oo dadkii quraafaad laga dhaadhiciyay ( Ogow Faarax Macalin waxuu kursigiisii ku waayay Somaliland buu booqday oo Olole dacaayd lagu furay). Isaaqa waxaa la filayay inay kursi ka helaan Isiolo oo ah meeshii Ingiriisku dajiyay balse ma noqon oo reer Isaaq waxay noqdeen waxaa qurbaha u hayaama, wax dhintay iyo wax Hargaysa iyo Burco aaday. inshallahu waxaa rajayn in doorashada tan xigta lagu xisaabtamo oo isaaq soo cleiyo haybadii uu ku lahaa bariga Afrika. Waxaan xasuustaa ka hor 1991kii in Isaaq ugu madaxtinimo badnaa Soomaalida sida Wasiiro Xoghaye joogto, Jannano iyo maareeyaal maantana ha sheegin oo waxaa moodaa in lagu sameeyeeyay Isir sifeen(Ethnic cleansing) oo aan u aanaynayo Isaaq laftigiisu u sabab yahay, waayo isuma hiilin oo waxay ku mashquuleen xagaas iyo Somaliland

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Location and Identity:
The Orma are semi-nomadic herders who live in the semi-arid bushlands of south-eastern Kenya. They are the southernmost representatives of the once powerful Oromo (Galla) nation of Ethiopia and Northern Kenya. They are related to the Borana and other Oromo groups.
Some Orma had moved into the Tana area by 1850. Johan Krapf, the first Protestant missionary to Kenya, came with a desire to visit the "Galla." This older term, which refers to all the Oromo groups, is seen in some sources for the Orma.
In the late 19th century the Orma were forced by Ogaadeen (Ogaden) Somali to migrate farther south into Kenya. They are at home now along the river, from the rich delta area of the lower Tana to the drier western Tana area. They live near the river in the dry season, and move further inland to the west in the rainy season.
A group of about 15,000 called Munyoyaya or Munyo speak the Orma language and are included by some sources in the population for the Orma. The Munyoyaya are fishers. Both the Orma proper and the Munyoyaya are Muslims.
Before 1500, the Oromo-speaking peoples began migrating south from the northeastern highlands of Ethiopia, spreading gradually to the area north of Mt. Kenya and down the River Tana to the coast. These were cattle and camel herders, who raided more settled peoples as they migrated or ranged through various territories. The Orma were in approximately their current settlement areas by 1900.
They have come into increasing conflict with the neighboring Pokomo people.1 The Pokomo are farmers or fishers who live along the Tana River and depend on the river and its flooding cycles for the irrigation of their crops. The Orma are herders and need access to the river to water their herds Since 2001, there have been violent clashes and revenge raids between the two ethnic communities.2 Modern weapons have increased the number of fatalities and injuries in recent years over past conflicts.3
Drought conditions are always a threat also. In 2007, some relief was felt by Kenya from the long drought that had devastated crop production and thinned cattle herds. Conflicts with the Wardei people also continued after the drought condition had improved in October 2007.
The Wardei are a small ethnic group living in part of the Tana River District where the Orma live.4 The Wardei are also mainly pastoralists and live in the drier scrublands of the region, similar to the Orma. They, like the Orma and Munyoyaya, are Muslims. On the other hand, the Pokomo are Christians and more modern and more educated.5

Garsen town
Some erratic showers were experienced in the southern (Kipini, Tarasaa and Garsen) and Central (Wenje and Galole- Galole, Bura, Madogo and Bangale

- Ethnic conflicts between the Orma and Wardei communities continued to escalate with more attacks and deaths being reported in various parts of the district.

(Waamo, Qooqaani, Kamsuuma, Sanguuni, Yoontoy, Gajaroon, Sacmoojo, Raskaambooni, Manaraani, Warfela, Kudhaa, Unguuni, Kulbiyow, Turdho, Dhasheeg, Hoosingow iwm). Daruuriyaadka Kismaayo looga nool yahay waxaa keena beelaha deegaanka ee kala ah: (Wardey, Madaluug, Sheekhaal, Gaaljecel, Biyamaal, Cawramaleh, Jareer iyo wixii soo raaca).

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