Friday, September 7, 2018

Boqortoyadii Adal Empire ee Direed The Somali Adal Dir Empire of Zeyla - Ahmed Ibrahim Gurey

The Adal empire

It was on the 13th century that came to the light, in Horn of Africa, one of the strongest Empire that existed in East Africa. Adal Empire had its origins in the city of Zeyla, situated until today in the northern region of the former Democratic Republic of Somalia. The father of that State was King Omar D. Ahmed (nicknamed Aw-Barkhadle). The king who had a long life, occupied the throne for many years. When he passed away, he left behind him many children, mainly males. Among them, the successors to the throne who inherited the kingdom. Later, Adal Empire became an Islamic Empire that expanded the religion of Islam with determination, into the entire Horn of Africa.


Adal Empire was composed of seven (7) States. According to the size of their land and the military forces of each state, here is their names: Ifaad, Dawaaro, Araabiini, Hadaya, Sharqa, Baali and Daara, where each of them had its own government. The largest and strongest State Ifaad, known from Egypt and “Shaam” as Zeyla’s land, became later the dominant and the central one with its capital city of Zeyla. Ifaad will lead the entire Empire and will face many challenges. According to the historians of that period, Ifaad was large as 20 days of walk from North to South and 15 days of walk from East to West. Its military force was composed of 15000 cavaliers and 20000 of infantries

In a book titled “Masaalikal-Absaar”(this is in Somali spelling), the Egyptian author, Subhul Ahsha mentioned that Zeyla was the nucleus city of Adal Empire. Continuing into the description of this city, he added that Zeyla was “The City of Light”, which had many Mosques and many schools, where all kind of subjects were taught. In fact, Mr. Ahsha described Zeylac as “The Place” where one can acquire any kind of knowledge that may be taught in that period of time. The author added in his description that the people were 100% Muslim. Mr. Ahsha said that they were gathering in large number into the Mosques of the city, as faithful believers to Islam. According to this writing, these Mosques could be compared to the municipal libraries that can be found today in big cities of our century. In addition of that, schools were places where people use to enjoy meeting, share knowledge, discuss about social issues and debate intellectually. As a matter of fact, Zeyla was known as the place where the knowledge was at the merci of everyone.

Remarked by its faithful actions, other Islamic States in the world called Adal Empire “Diraasal-Islaam”.

The Walashma dynasty was a Somali Muslim noble family who ruled parts of what is now eastern Ethiopia, Djibouti, southern Eritrea and western Somalia. The earliest known member of this family was Umar ibn Dunya-huz (died 1275), whose son Ali ibn Wali Ashma conquered the Muslim kingdom of Shewa.

List of rulers of the Walashma dynasty

Haqq ad-Din I

Sabr ad-Din I

Jamal ad-Din I

Ali ibn Sabr ad-Din

Ahmad ibn Ali

Haqq ad-Din II

Sa’ad ad-Din II

Sabr ad-Din II

Mansur ad-Din

Jamal ad-Din II

Badlay ibn Sa’ad ad-Din

Muhammad ibn Badlay

Shams ad-Din ibn Muhammad

Muhammad ibn Azhar ad-Din

Abu Bakr ibn Muhammad

Umar Din

Ali ibn Umar Din

Barakat ibn Umar Din

Adal declined because of the oromo expansion and the rivalry between kings of the adal empire which resulted in it’s political power to end in the 1700’s​

Qabrigii  Awoow Imam Nuur Harar

Ahmad ibn Ibrihim al-Ghazi (c.1507 – February 21, 1543) was a Somali Imam and General who defeated several Ethiopian emperors and wreaked much damage on that nation. He is also known as Ahmad Gurey, “Ahmed the left-handed”.

He was born near Zeila, a port city located in northwestern Somalia, and married Bati del Wambara,

the daughter of governor Mahfuz of Zeila. When Mahfuz was killed returning from a campaign against the Ethiopian emperor Lebna Dengel in 1517, the Adal sultanate lapsed into anarchy for several years, until Imam Ahmad killed the last of the contenders for power and took control of Harar.

In retaliation for an attack on Adal in 1527-8 by the Ethiopian general Degalhan, Imam Ahmad invaded Ethiopia in 1529. Although his troops were fearful of their opponents, and attempted to desert upon news that the Ethiopian army was approaching, Imam Ahmad relied on his elite company armed with matchlocks, and defeated emperor Lebne Dengel at Shimbra Kure that March.1

Imam Ahmad campaigned again in Ethiopia in 1531, breaking Emperor Lebna Dengel’s ability to resist in the Battle of Amba Sel on October 28, then marched north to loot the island monastery of Lake Hayq and the stone churches of Lalibela. When the Imam entered the province of Tigray, he defeated an Ethiopian army that confronted him there, and on reaching Axum destroyed the Church of Our Lady Mary of Zion, in which the Ethiopian emperors had been coronated for centuries.

Things changed when the Portuguese paid a visit to the court of Emperor Lebne Dengel, in 1492

… Ahmed Gurey improved his victory by chasing the young Claudius (king of Ethiopia) over Abyssinia, where nothing opposed the progress of his arms. At last the few Portuguese survivors repaired to the Christian Emperor, who was persuaded to march an army against the King of Adal (Ahmed Gurey) . Resolved to revenge their general, the harquebusiers demanded the post opposite Mohammed, and directed all their efforts against the part where the Moslem stood. His fellow religionists still relate that when Gurey fell in action, his wife Talwambara, the heroic daughter of Mohfuz, to prevent the destruction and dispersion of the host of al-Islam, buried the corpse privately, and caused a slave to personate the King, until a retreat to safe lands enabled her to discover the stratagem to the noble.

thus after a 30 yr jihad the King of Adal perished

Ahmed was succeeded on the throne of Adel by Amir Nur,

son of Majid, and, according to some, brother to the ‘left-handed’. He proposed marriage to Talwambara, who accepted him on condition that he should lay the head of the Emperor Claudius at her feet. In AD 1559, he (Amir Nur) sent a message of defiance to the Negush (Ethiopian Emperor Claudius) who, having saved Abyssinia almost by a miracle, was rebuilding on Debra Work, the ‘Golden Mount’, a celebrated structure which had been burned by the Muslims. Claudius despising the eclipses, evil prophecies, and portents which accompanied his enemy’s progress, accepted the challenge.

son of Majid, and, according to some, brother to the ‘left-handed’. He proposed marriage to Talwambara, who accepted him on condition that he should lay the head of the Emperor Claudius at her feet. In AD 1559, he (Amir Nur) sent a message of defiance to the Negush (Ethiopian Emperor Claudius) who, having saved Abyssinia almost by a miracle, was rebuilding on Debra Work, the ‘Golden Mount’, a celebrated structure which had been burned by the Muslims. Claudius despising the eclipses, evil prophecies, and portents which accompanied his enemy’s progress, accepted the challenge.

Claudius, supported by a handful of Portuguese, were soon slain around him, and he fell covered with wounds.

Amir Nur cut off his head, and laid it at the feet of Talwambara, who, in observance of her pledge, became his wife. Talwambara suspended the trophy by its hair to the branch of a tree opposite her abode that her eyes might be gladdened by the sight; after hanging for two years, it was purchased by an American merchant, who interred it in the sepulcher of St. Claudius at Antioct.

The ultimately the death of Ahmad Gurey was a very great blow to the Somalis. His wife and her new husband Amir Nur continued fighting for seven years with the Ethiopians, but they were in fact pushed from Addis Ababa to the border near river Haiwaish (‘Awash’) because of the Portuguese help to the Ethiopian Guerillas.

After seven years of fighting. Amir Nur and his wife withdrew to their previous headquarter at Harar and again Harar became the principal Somali city. When she died, her son Amir Abdullahi succeeded. His dynasty ruled Harar till 1884,

Amir Nuur and The Infamous Wall Of Harrar
Harar while not a city in Somalia was a city founded (for the most part) by a Somali Muslim dynasty known as the Wilinwili/ Walashma who ruled over the Ifat and Adal Sultanates. It's famous encircling wall was built under the orders of Nur Ibn Mujahid, a Somali...
Harar was once a great holy city of Islam. It's wall penetrated by five gates for the Five Pillars of Islam; within them were 99 Mosques for the 99 Names of Allah. Today only 82 of those Mosques stand and the city is a pale reflection of its former self. It was torn apart and rotted largely due to switching hands from Muslim dynasty to Muslim dynasty and also at certain points and finally coming into the hands of the Abyssinian Empire. It is today a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Ethiopia.

The wall was built to Protect inhabitants of the city from Invaders(Particurlarly Oromo and Christians)
Amir Nuur abolished all genealogies so that the people in the city of Harrar could be all considered equal as ''Harraris''

The Cannon That Was Used During The Conquest!
Ahmed Gurey was the first commander to use cannon warfare on the continent during Adal's conquest of the Ethiopian Empire


Anonymous said...

Tariikhda Direed ee leysku dayay in la aaso 500 sano ayaa hada waxaad moodaa in ay soo baxeyso. Ilaahow Dir Mideey. Daaimow adaa lafeheeyga Daabacay oo Dir iga dhigay waxaan kaa dalbadona ma waayin abidkeeyee Dir midey. Dirow is barta isna ciseeya.

Anonymous said...

Aniga Koonfur Dir Ayaan ka soo jeedaa: Makahiil jilibkeyga haduu saas u far badan yahay wagooyiga iyo galbeed ogaad in Makaahiilka konfurtu dab ahaan ka yareen 120, 000 kun oo ruux anigoo kuwa Itoobiya iyo Kenya xisaabineeyn. Guul Gadabuursi tolkeygow !

Akhri qoraalkaa inkastoo uu khaldaad fara badan ku jiraan siiba habka uu u kala saaray jufooying Mandaluug koonfor iyo Itoobiya.

1. Daauud Madaluug (Gadabursi Madaluug Dir)
2. Isaaq Madaluug (Isaaq Madaluug Dir)
3. Reer Ahmed (Ahmed Madaluug Dir)
4. Reer Xasan (Xasan Madaluug Dir)
5. Jire Madaluug Dir
6. Irrable Madaluug Dir
7. Geelwaaqle Madaluug Dir
8. Masalalay Madaluug Dir
9. Xuseen Madaluug Dir

The Madaluug Dir in Western Somali Region (So-called Ogaden) were in the 1870s pushed South in large numbers during the Menelike Amhara invasions from Tug Fafaan down to Beledweyn and Dolow region where they settled with other Dir groups.

The 1880 famines which caused Amahara millitias of Menelike to reach as far South as Beledweyn and Eel Buur in order to raid Somali herds to finance his invasion of Southern Muslim lands, pushed the Manadaluug in large numbers, dispersing them, mostly found other Dir groups and settled with their kinsmen even though impoverised.

This coupled with Ogaden/Absame raids who lost their life stock to Amhara dwindelled the once powerful Madaluug today they are about 120,000 strong but very dispersed over large territories in Western Somalia and Jubba / Shabeelle valley.

In 1880s, the Menelik forces who were expanding and raiding the farming villages of upper Shabeelle and exacting tribute from Somali nomads in villages of upper shabeelle and exacting tribute from nomades at the dry-season watering sites

These raids led to the destruction of many Dir groups which included the Mandaluug, Bajimaal, Gadsan and Suure, which caused many to move futher south.

These raids also motivated many Darood clansman like the Ogadeen and Mareehan to move inland fearing the vicious Amhara Christian raids,these Darood Somali clans fled into Somalia and away from these aggressive blood thirsty Christian Amhars.

Anonymous said...

There are nine distinct Southern Madaluug Dir in Kenya, Doollo/ Nageele and Jubba Shabelle Valley. The remaining are in Harrara and Western Somali regions.

Makahil Mikadore and Reer Idleh

Reer Isaaq ( Largest group) Live in Godey, Qabri Dahare, Shilaaba Jarati and Jubba Shabeele valley. The Mekhaahil subclan lives in Jilib -Kismaayo area

Reer Ahmed- Shilaaba, Jarati and large numbers in Kismayo,Jamaame, Afmadow mixed with Bimaal, Suure and their Gadsan Kinsman

Reer Hassan are in Godey, Qallafe and Nageelle. Large numbers live in Hiiraan and own farms with their Suure (Fiqi cumar and Fiqi Muxummed) The Reer Nuure live West of Baladweyn. The Reer Maajuun live in Bay Region with the Quranyow Maxammed Dir and some settelled amounf Rahanweyn Eelay. The Reer Majuun and a Madaxweyn Dir group the Reer Aw Said live in this are.

Jirre Madaluug- only group remaining in Tog Faafan, Jigjigga

Masalalay- NFD Kenya Bardheere Dollow

Reer Xuseen

Samaroon Saciid of Awad proper Gadabuursi

Reer Majjuun amoung Eelay and Quranyow Maxammed Garre Dir of Bay

Makahiil large numbers amoungst Dir Bimaal and Surre of Jammaame and spreading out as far as Afmadow and Kismayo. Also in NFD amoung Quranyow and Dir of Bardheere and Doolow Ado. In this region the Mandaluug live closely with the Reer Yaxye, Dheere Madaxweyn and R. Dayo

Buufow Ethiopia near great bend of Shabeelle Xamaro Xaddad

Angoolle and Xeeble and Reer Nuure all live in Dollow but own large farms West of Beledweyn this group alone numbers about 22,000 souls.

Even though most Dir geneologies record that Dir had 4 Sons Madaxweyn, Madoobe and Mahe Dir and Mandaluug Dir which includes the Samaroon Saciid and Mandaluug clans of the south. I was suprised by the Lower Jube and Shabeelle account of the Mandaluug Dir. And this was observed in Kenya, most Mandaluug identify themselves as Mandaluug Maxammed and they Say that Mandaluug and Samaroon are the sons of Mahe Dir Maxammed Xiniftire. This claim would make the Mandaluug of south direct cousines of the Biyomaal Maxammed, Baajimal Maxammed, Quranyow Maxammed (Garre) and Dabruub. Also the Surre ( Cabdalle and Qubeys clans of South and Mudug). I was also suprised to see quite a number of Madiigaan clans who referred to Mandaluug as Abti (maternal uncles because they said their lineages were Baho Samaroon. The Madigaan and Barsuug (Barsuuk I saw identified with the numerous Mahe Dir in the region stated they were Curads of Dir because they are Madaxweyn Dir) especially the Mandaluug their are part of the same Diya groups of Madaxweyn Dir Hordare (Alaab weyne clans)

Kismaayo: Murashax Cali Cusmaan Xirsi Oo Ku Guuleystay Kursiga Beesha Madaluug/Dir Ee Xildhibaanada Aqalka Hoose Ee Laga Soo Dooranayo Gobolada Jubbaland

November 23, 2016

waxaa shaley magaalada Kismaayo dib uga furmay doorashadii xildhibada Aqalka hoose ee Baarlamaanka Federalka gaar ahaan xildhibaanada laga soo dooranayo deegaanada Jubbaland.

Waxaa las doortey shaley hal kursi kaliya kaasoo ah kursiga beesha Madaluug Direed ee gobolada Jubbaland.

Waxaa kursiga beesha Madaluug ee Jubbaland ku tartamay musharax Cali Cusmaan Xirsi iyo Dr. Axmed Aadan Axmed oo soo noqday wasiirka caafimaadka iyo xildhibaan hore.

Waxaa kursiga kusoo baxay Cali Cusmaan Xirsi oo heley 27 cod halka Dr. Axmed Aadan Axmed uu helay 23 cod.

Doorashada xildhibaanada aqalka hoose ee Baarlamaanka Federalka ee Jubbaland ayaa maalmihii la soo dhaafay hakad la geliyey kadib markii la ogaaday in murashaxiinta qaarkood adeegsanayeen laaluush si ay ugu guuleystaan kuraasta beeshooda, shaley ayaa doorashada dib looga bilaabay markale magaalada Kismaayo.

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