Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Maahmaahyo Somali iyo ingiriis ah

1. Aabayeelid li'ida goorta iyo goobta. Regardless of time and space.
2. Aadane gef lagama waayo. To err is human.
3. Aammusnaan waa oggolaansho barkeed. Silence gives consent.
4. Af daboolan waa dahab. Speech is silver, silence is gold.
5. Afkeennu waysu ammaan. Between you and me.
6. Akhri sadarrada dhexdooda. To read between the lines.
7. Ammin dumay dib uma soo laabto. Lost time is never found again.
8. Aqooni waa awood. Knowledge is power.
9. Aqoonla'aani waa iftiinla'aan. Learning is the eye of the mind.
10. Aragtida qaanuunka. The eyes of the law.
11. Awr hal waa loo tu’in karaa, ninse naag looma tu’in karo. Love cannot be compelled.
12. Ballandarro waa diindarro. A promise is a promise.
13. Baruur keliya baa baruuro qurmisa. One scabbed sheep infects the whole flock.
14. Baryaaye waa aadane, bixiyana Eebbe weeye. / Dadku waa dalbade, deeqfidiyahana Daa’inka weeye. / Talo maaha aadmigu Tuu uur jecleystee, Hadba waa Ilaahay Arrintuu hirgeliyaa. Man proposes but God disposes.
15. Beeni raad ma leh. Lies have short legs.
16. Beentaada hore runtaada dambe bay u daran tahay. A liar is not believed when he speaks the truth.
17. Bidaari sibiq bay kugu gashaa. Baldness comes up on you stealthily.
18. Budee inta birtu kulushahay. Strike while the iron is hot.
19. Caano uma kabbado. Make no scruple about smth
. 20. Cagta cagta u saar. Breathe down smb.’s neck.
21. Cagweynta ayaa gabyi. Money talks.
22. Calool dheregsani calool baahan kama naxdo. A man with a full belly thinks no one is hungry. / He that is warm thinks all so.
23. Cayaar carruureed. Child's play.
24. Cir kaa dheer, dhul kaa dheer. Between the devil and the deep blue sea.
25. Cunto-u-noole uun ha ahaannin, cunnadase ku noolaasho u quudo. Live not to eat, but eat to live.
26. Dabaggaalle timir gaariwaayay `qadhaadhaa!´ buu yiraahdaa. Sour grapes.
27. Daljirka Daahsoon. The Unknown Soldier.
28. Dantaa lagu ogaadaa naflaha, kii dir kuu xiga’e. / Baahida, dadka waad ku barataa. A Friend in need is a friend indeed.
29. Degdegsiinyo door ma dhaliso. More haste, less speed.
30. Diid ama ha diidin. Willy-nilly.
31. Dil waqtiga. Kill time.
32. Dux iyo dareen la’aan. A dry stick.
33. Dhagax qudha ku dil labo shimbirood. Kill two birds with one stone.
34. Dhammaan wixii dhalaala dheemman maaha. All is not gold that glitters.
35. Dhexdhexaadiye. Go-between
36. Dhex iyo dhexaad. Betwixt and between.
37. Dhibbaan eebo waa laga bogsadaa, dhaawaca carrabka aadanase lagama bogsado. One heals from a spear wound, but not from a wound from the human tongue.
38. Dhibla’aan dheefi ma timaaddo. He that will eat the kernel must crack the nut.
39. Dhurwaaga midka ciya iyo ka aammusa, ka ciya ayaa roon. Better the devil you know than the devil you don’t know.
40. Eebbow iga badbaadi sharka saaxiibbaday; nacabkayga aniga ayaa iska difaacaya. God defend me from my friends; from my enemies I can defend myself.
41. Fadhi-ku-dirir. An armchair fighter.
42. Falka iyo iswaafaji fekerka. To practice what one preaches.
43. Faras-hadiyo foolkiisa lama feydo. Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.
44. Fool-ka-fool. Face to face.
45. Fuley geesi hortii buu dhintaa. Cowards die many times before their deaths.
46. Fursad munaasabad. Await smb.’s convenience.
47. Fursadda ugu horreysa. At one’s earliest convenience.
48. Gaalka dil, gartiisana sii. Give the devil his due.
49. Gacmo badan ayaa garabsiin hawl fududeeya. / Wadajir bay gacmuhu wax ku gooyaan. Many hands make light work.
50. Gacmo furan. With open arms.
51. Gacmo isweydaartay ayay galladi ka dhalataa. Friendship cannot stand always on one side.
52. Garaadyo laysu keenay ayay garasho ka dhalataa. Four eyes see more than two.
53. Garo naftaada. Know thyself.
54. Geel kolkii loo heeso, goroyo u hees. Speak a different language.
55. Geeriyi nin aanad garanayn iyo geeljire ayay ku wacan tahay. Death is a commonplace only when it happens to camel-herders and to people you don't know.
56. Gees lo'aad kulaylka ayaa lagu gooyaa. Make hay while the sun shines.
57. Gogol rag waa godob la’aan. A good conscience is a soft pillow.
58. Good iyo abeeso waxba isma doorshaan. Between two evils ’tis not worth choosing.
59. Guul ama geeri. Do or die.
60. Guulle haydin gargaaro! God bless you!
61. Habar fadhida legdin la fudud. Easier said than done.
62. Hadal calool baahan ma buuxsho. Fine words butter no parsnips.
63. Hadal daan la qabto ayuu leeyahay. A word spoken is past recalling.
64. Haddii kale. Or else.
65. Had iyo jeeraale ruux toosani ma jiro. No man is wise at all times.
66. Hadduusan qadhaadh jireen, miyaa la qiri lahaa malab? Who has never tasted bitter, knows not what is sweet.
67. Ha dhaafin, ha dhiteen oo dib haw dhigan hawl eegga ku dhawri! Procrastination is the thief of time.
68. Hadhuub caano daata, dabada ayaa la qabtaa. It is no use crying over spilt milk.
69. Hal aad nin ku baratay kaama luminnin. No great loss without some small gain.
70. Hawl aan laguu dirsannin dalaq ha soo orannin. / Hawl yeello. Mind one’s own affairs.
71. Heddeedii / heddiisii baa gashay. One’s time has come.
72. Huriweyto hooyada ikhtiraaca weeye. Necessity is the mother of invention.
73. Iga fog fadqalallo. Out of the woods.
74. Ilaahow, Adaa Qaaddir ah. God Almighty.
75. Indhahaaga oo shan ah. Under smb.'s nose.
76. Indholaawe illaawe ayaa dhaama. Better one-eyed than stone-blind.
77. In la waayo raagidda ayaa ka wacan. Better late than never.
78. Inta aadan falin ka fiirso. Look before you leap.
79. Isha ayaa u macallin ah. Speaks for itself.
80. Isha ka rid. Hit the right nail on the head.
81. Ixsaanka ehelka ayuu ka unkamaa. Charity begins at home.
82. Jidka ku dhac. Hit the road.
83. Ka aammusnaan mu’aamaraad. A conspiracy of silence.
84. Kol hadday wasaayad jirto, waddana waa jirtaa. Where there's a will, there's a way.
85. Kor muuqaal u hayn. Keep up appearances.
86. Kor waayeel waa wada indho. Old birds are not to be caught with chaff.
87. Kuma weeye kuma. Who’s who.
88. Kun iyo kow hawlood. A thousand and one.
89. Kutiri-kuteenno ayaa kadlaynaya. Rumours are going round.
90. Khayr wax kaama dhimmee, shar u toog hay. Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.
91. Labawajiile. Show a false face.
92. Labo daran mid dooro. Of two evils choose the least.
93. Labo oodafo iskama abaal weydo. Claw me and I will claw thee.
94. Lama halmaamaan. Second to none.
95. Lillaahi iyo laqdabo meel ma wada galaan. Straightforwardness and slyness cannot enter one and the same place.
96. Lumi waqtiga. Lose time.
97. Macaan midnimo ayaa leh. Union is strength.
98. Ma noola mana dhimannin. Neither dead nor alive.
99. Mannooge baa raxan leh, maquuste baa reer leh. / Hawlkarnimo waa hooyada hannaanka guusha. Diligence is the mother of success.
100. Mar la dage, digtoonaa. Once bitten twice shy.
101. Mar maaha. Time and again.
102. Masallaha dhulkiyo ciiddu waa, mahudhadaadiiye. East or West, home is best.
103. Meel siday u taallo ayaa loola yaallaa. Do at Rome as the Romans do.
104. Miro gunti ku jira, kuwo geed saaran looma daadsho. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
105. Muunad cadow u ahe, waa dhalan nacab u ahe. An enemy to beauty is a foe to nature.
106. Naasnuujinta iyo naxdingelinta. The carrot and the stick.
107. Naga duw, Eebbow, aafaadka soconaya. God, save us from the present disasters.
108. Nimaad dhashay kuma dhalinnin. Your offspring are not your parents.
109. Nimaan dhididin ma dhergo. No sweet without sweat.
110. Nimaan shaqaysan shaah waa ka xaaraan. He that will not work shall not eat.
111. Nin daad qaaday xumbo cuskay. A drowning man will catch at a straw.
112. Nin dhintay kabahiisa ayaa dhaama. A living dog is better than a dead lion.
113. Nin waliba wuxuu yahay ayuu ku moodaa. Measure smb.’s corn by one’s own bushel.
114. Ninba meesha bugta isaga ayay belbeshaa. / Ninba meesha laga hayo, hay ama haabay. Every heart knows its own bitterness. / Everyone talks about the things on his mind.
115. Oofi ereygaaga! Keep one's word.
116. Qaanuun addeece. Law-abiding.
117. Qaanuunka qarjoogta. The jungle law.
118. Qalad qalad ka dabagee qallooc aan la saxin buu dhalaa. / Xumaani xumaan ma dhaqdo. Two wrongs don’t make a right.
119. Qalinka ayaa qoriga ka quwad weyn. The pen is mightier than the sword.
120. Qasad dhammaystirma waa marmarsiinyaha wasiilada. The end justifies the means.
121. Qayaxid daliileed. Burden of proof.
122. Qayblibaax. The lion’s share.
123. Ruux walbowba raaco danahaaga. Every man for himself and the devil take the hindmost.
124. Saafi. Simon-pure.
125. Sababtaas darteed. By the same token.
126. Samraa sed weyn hela. Everything comes to him who waits.
127. Sankunneefle maaha soorunnoole. Man shall not live by bread alone.
128. Sebi saancadde suxufinnimo bar. Teach one’s grandmother to suck eggs.
129. Sixinka ugu wacan safrad weeye. / Garow iidaankiis gaajo weeye. Hunger is the best sauce.
130. Shaki shafeecid shakhsi. Give smb. the benefit of the doubt.
131. Shakhsi aan is xushmaynnin lama sharfo. He that respects not is not respected.
132. Shayddaankuba farax kolkuu, shuush u toog qabine. The devil is good when he is pleased.
133. Shimbir waliba shimbirkeeda ayay la duushaa. Birds of a feather flock together.
134. Shinkeedii baa dhow. She is near her time.
135. Shulleyn ayaa shaafiyayn ka shiddo yar. Prevention is better than cure.
136. Waa wax fahamkoodu iga sarreeyo. It is beyond me.
137. Wadnaha ka qabo. Give somebody a hard time.
138. Waqtigu lacag weeye. Time is money.
139. Wararka suuqa. The talk of the town.
140. War iyo wacaal lagama hayo. Nothing is heard of smb.
141. Wasiilada dhammaystirka. Means to an end.
142. Wax qof dila ayaa qof kale dawo u ah. One man’s meat is another man’s poison.
143. Wax walbaayi waxay ku socdaan sidii loogu talaggalay. Everything is under control.
144. Waxaan naf lahayn. Next to nothing.
145 Af jooga looma adeego.
146 Af macaan, gacan macaan baa dhaanta.
147 Af wax cunay xishoo.
148 Abaal raaga rag baa leh.
149 Adduun waa hadhka labadiisa gelin.
150 Ama afeef hore lahow, ama adkeysin dambe lahow.
151 Ama buur ahaw, ama buur ku tiirsanow.
152 Amaano kugu raagtay yedaa baad moodaa.
153 Aqoon la´aani waa iftiin la´aan.


Yufis said...

fadhlan abowe ca nyou bring to me more proverbs translated from English to Afsomalia? emailka waa

Unknown said...

farkaliged fool madhaqdo

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