Sunday, September 16, 2018

Caleemo Saarka Suldaan Guud Ee Beelaha Reer Dood Maxamed Xiniftire Dir 2018.


Anonymous said...

“…IT WAS NOT DEEMED advisable to press on the Warsnagli the acceptance of our flag…..” Consul Hunter, 1886

Adan Madoobe and Reer Dood use to pay the mag

reer Doods are reer Hawd, along with their Reer Daahir and Adan Madoobe Brothers, maybe 400 years ago they use to live up in the Gubans

..Aden Madoba, sub-tribe of the Habr Toljaala,….The British flag was given to the inhabitants, who at once hoisted it.
…Ankor was reached, the flag hoisted, and the Treaty signed by Rerdod tribe without hesitation.
At Shelloa, …. The flag was hoisted; Maid, where the various sub-tribes of the Musa Array and Ali Said signed the Treaty and voluntarily hoisted the flag.
It was not thought worth while visiting the roadstead of Hashow, but an Elder of the Saad Yunus tribe, who was at Maid, signed the treaty and took charge of the flag.

Anonymous said...

Salaan diiran aan u soo gudbinaayaa suldaankaan aniga beesha Dir Surre ee gobolada Mudug Ayaan ka soo jeedaa Reer Dood Maxamed Xiniftire waa dad abtiyaa u ah beelah Cabdalle Surre Dir sababta oo ah Gobolada Mudug Nuugaal iyo qeybo sanaag ka mida beesha Dir Cabdalle Cirdaye waxa ay leeyihiin oo la dhahaa Baho Reed Dood. Booqorka waa boqorkeena

4 cabdalle iyo Adeerkood Habar Deel miyaa wada ah Bah Reer Dood mise Saleeban Cabdalle kaliya ayaa ah Bah reer dood.

Maxaase aad ku cadeyneysaa Reer Dood in ay Maxamed Xinftire Dir yihiin iyaga iyo Beesha Dir Rooble

Anonymous said...

Reer Dood waa beel Mahe Dir Maxamed Xiniftire ah oo Isaaq H.Jeclo la dagan isdhalaan lana dhiig baxaan-hindi maaha. Waxaa jira beelo Bah Dood la yiraahdo oo Konfurta Dagan kuna abtirsada Mahe Dir. Fananadii ugu horeysay Guduudo Carwo yaa ahayd Reer Dood, Siduu noo sheegay walalkeedna waa Maxammed Xiniftire Mahe Dir beeshu kadib aan kula kulmay magaalada Jigjiga 1999kii

Su'aal Nin Habar Jeclo ah:
waxaan ahay wiil habarjeclo ah oo isaaqa beeshayda waxa ku jira jifi la yidhaa REER-DOOD. jifidan reerdoodka dhan kasta oo aad ka eegto waa habarjeclo deegaanka.dhiiga.dhaqaalaha.siyaasada waxa xitaa ka dhashay mid ka mida hogaamiyaashii aasaasay SNM oo lagu magacaabi jiray mujaahid DUQSi aadna caan u ahaa.
dhowaan ayaan ogaaday in reer doodku aanay isaaq ahayn oo waa ayo hadaa ? ayaan iswaydiiyey. weli ma hayo cid ii sheegta meeshuu reer dood habarjeclo kaga soo biiray waxaan idin way diin lahaa reerdood ma dirbaa mise hindi ? ma taqaaniin meel uu galo.

Nin Suure ah (Cabdalle & Qubeys) Jilibka Saleeban Cabdalle

Waxaan Lakulmay anigu Guduudo Carwo (fananadii ugu horeysay Walaalkeed) anagoo Jigjiga Joogna 2000 kii. Ninka ladhashay Guduudo carwo ayaa lagu yiri ninka waa nin Direed.Hadalkii oo kooban waxaa uu ii sheegay in uu yahay Nin Reer Dood ah oo Maxamed Xiniftire ah. Aniguu i Wareeystay Markaan Isku sheegay in aan Saleeban Cabdalle ahay Ayuu igu yidhi Waxaan ahay Cabdalle Guutaale Habar Jeclana waa niman aan tol nahay laakin ma ihi. Guduudo Carow walaalkeed labo Wax ayuu ii sheegay. 1) Waa Maxamed Xiniftire Mahe Dir. 2) Waxaa kaloo uu sheegay in Reer Dood Ku abtirsado Cabdalle Guutaale. Marka Cabdalle waa Qeyb ka mida Suure Maahe Dir. Laakin taan isku Jiidhnay wexey aheyd Suure Ma galo Maxammed Xiniftire. ee waa Mahe Dir. Tan kale oo jirta Beel Weynta Cabdalle Suure Waxa ay leeyihiin Lafo ah Bah Reer Dood sida ( Maxamed Cabdalle iyo Saleeban Cabdalle) Labadaa reerodna waxa dalay Cabdalle Cir Daye Guutaale. Mida kale waxaa ay Madaxweyn Direed leeyihiin laba Beelood oo kala ah: Baciido iyo Nabidoor oo aan Guduudo carwo Walaalkeed markii uu ii sheegay an u sheegay uu saacad qoslayay oo uu yidhi war hadaad Dir tahay waan iswada galeynaa. Tan Kale qaar Hargeysa Joogana waa Hindi ayay lahayeen — Alaahu yaclam tasi macquul maha

Anonymous said...

Magaadle Dir iyo Reer Minsule iyo Reer Dood hal reer miyaa mise maya. adiga se itoobiya maxaa ka doontay.

Anonymous said...

Bah Reer Dood iyo bah reer Dhoodiba waa jiraan laakin dadkaas ma isku halaa.

Anonymous said...

Reer Dood buuga I.M Lewis ayaa si cad uga hadla ee Nomadica democracy inuu yahay aan filaayaa. “…IT WAS NOT DEEMED advisable to press on the Warsnagli the acceptance of our flag…..” Consul Hunter, 1886

Adan Madoobe and Reer Dood use to pay the mag

reer Doods are reer Hawd, along with their Reer Daahir and Adan Madoobe Brothers, maybe 400 years ago they use to live up in the Gubans

..Aden Madoba, sub-tribe of the Habr Toljaala,….The British flag was given to the inhabitants, who at once hoisted it.
…Ankor was reached, the flag hoisted, and the Treaty signed by Rerdod tribe without hesitation.
At Shelloa, …. The flag was hoisted; Maid, where the various sub-tribes of the Musa Array and Ali Said signed the Treaty and voluntarily hoisted the flag.
It was not thought worth while visiting the roadstead of Hashow, but an Elder of the Saad Yunus tribe, who was at Maid, signed the treaty and took charge of the flag.

Anonymous said...

Consul Hunter says they are Dir Mahe so are the Habar Jeclo and you cant distinguish.

Anonymous said...

Look at this fake history reer dood are daaud muuse sheikh isaaq your writing a load of Bull Shxt online they signed with the British in 1884 as a sub clan of habar jeclo, I have never heard of this minority tribe called Dir let alone claiming people that look down on you all isaaqs look down you to be completely honest , the greatest habar jeclo warrior in history was a reer dood man called cabdi jir that was also a famous dervish ruler and was all so the major general of habar jeclo when they fought against dervish. Dukhsi the founder of SNM was reer dood the first ever chairman of the SNM. Your a foolish guy trying to rewrite history go and say that to them in their face I’m not even habar jeclo but I’m isaaq and I don’t like some obsessed weirdo always claiming our subclans give it a break son

Anonymous said...

I M Lewis had faqash translater and sayid barre was in my power so he write what he heard just a random cadaan guy. The oldest book documented in 1855 by Richard burton first foot steps of east Africa clearly say reer dood daaud the son of muuse son of isaaq go and read authentic books 📚 the older the book the more authentic it is plus they signed with British your properly a random Langaab full of self hate spreading lies lmao some weird people on here smh

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