Ibro aliya the Zahgawa
Recent Writings
Ibro - The Bear and the Student
ibro aliya
The well known Islamic Sufi poet Jamaladin Rumi once said, a thousand years ago, "Do not trust a man who pretends to be religious until you have used your inner eye; becuase some conceal their true nature and have the nature of Satan" What you write tells so much about you. One minute someone cliams to be Akisho and then panicks when another knows his true origin. Another in this forum pretends to be one thing - a Dir woman from among the Oromo called CAASHA ALI - who then swears and thus reveals who she really is. You only bring laughter to us! Another claims brother bashing - and then another says Dir bashing ----- the same words but signed by different names ---- strange. This is a forum for discussing history and culture but some among us are rude and swear and hide who they are - and hide their agenda, Jamaladin Rumi once said that a man saw a bear skin in a flowing river. His teacher, an aged man, did not have a warm coat. The man (the student) jumped into the river and grab hold of the coat. Suddenly he realised that the coat was a live bear. His master called to him saying "leave it be and come back" - but the young student shouted back "I have left it but it will not leave me". Sometimes you have to know what is worth battling for and what is a waste of time. Time is valuable and it has been wasted here. Enjoy the river and the bear.......one day you will realise the value of Time. But by then it would have run out! Ibro Exit
posted to IBRO :Do you just Appreciate Everything "None-senseNULL,"What do you appreciate, even that analysis you say you appreciate is not based on facts. Do you simply enjoy and believe whoever tells you what you want to hear, that somali tribes are none existent and they are a fabrication or the somali tribe structure do not exist. Reality is reality whether you realie it or deny it. The Dir tribe existed for 2000 years and will exist long after you die. So stop the Dir bashing and respect your roots. at Tue Jan 18 15:02:25 EST 2005.
ibro aliya
AGoon or Ibro have said things which are believed by a large number of Dir people. Neither of us have ever said anything offensive - debate is natural - history, tribe, culture can be debated in a FREE society. We are not in Ethiopia where every is scared to say anything. It seems that people are offended for imaginary reason. I haven't insulted anyone. We the Gurgura of the north believe we are Somali and that the Ali Madaxwyna, Leheleh, and other ancient tribes founded Awfat. This our history - and it can be proven. It seems that younger tribes are offended if Gurgura or Leheleh claim anything. You cannot take another mans history. Freedom of speak and debate may be foreign to Ethiopia and most of Somalia - but the Internet is about freedom of speak. You critise our behaviour - Why - debate is normal - neither of us have use inappropriate or offensive word. A man must use his intelect to prove what he is saying. If people want to learn about Dir history they have a RIGHT to heard as many views as possible - and then make up their minds. Its called FREEDOM.
posted to Ogaysis: Ibro iyo Agoon Edeb ma lihidiin. at Fri Jan 14 16:47:28 EST 2005.
Tribal Origins
ibro aliya
I accept your logic. The answer you have constructed is corrected.
posted to On the Tribal orgins of the Isaaq, Gadabuursi and Issaas. at Fri Jan 14 16:34:56 EST 2005.
Fucking Qoti Leheleh there is no leheleh there is Layiile Madaxweyn Dir
ibro aliya
Leheleh can be spelt in many differnt ways - with i or e etc. The Spelling doesn't matter. CAASHA ALI has never heard of Leheleh the brother of Gurgura. Why? Everyone who is Gurgura from Harer to Erer has heard and knows who the Leheleh are. Why don'y you know them. Ask someone from the Beidor Gurgura clan - ask Abdi Wahab or any other Gurgura leader - or haven't you heard of any Gurgura elders or leaders. You are the only person to swear in this forum. Many people debate tribe and history but their is no need to swear. Using the F... word is not acceptable. That suggest you are not Dir. The Dir can debate anything without getting angry or swear. The Dir are not Oromo. We are Somali - and proud of that. The leaders of the Gurgura are Somalis - and the Esa and Gadabursi are our close relative - and brother - we may critize each other - but we will never be Oromo. It is not negative to say we are proud Somalis - the Darod and Hawiya are our brother. However, if you are raised among Oromo - then you are Oromo - Dir are Somali, fact. We are proud to be Somali. And we wish that all Dir territories in Ethiopia could join Somalis. We did not waste our youth in 1997-78 - Somali natinalism is Dir nationalism. You stay with the OLF. Thats your choice. But we the Gurgura will chose Esa, Ishaq, Hawiay, Gadabursi, Marehan, Bimal, and the rest of the Somali nation each time - they are our brother.........The Oromo are strangers......who are not related to us......so why don't you ask a Beidor Gurgura who the Leheleh are ........they will tell you. GLF was Somalis and fought the Oromo .........and now CAASHA ALI wants us to become them.......NO WAY. Long live Greater Somali.............!!!!!!
posted to Issas Iyo Gadabursi - Gashanbur people.. at Fri Jan 14 16:31:15 EST 2005.
Rendilleh and Gabra doubts?
ibro aliya
What proof do we have that the Rendille are Dir. They are not Muslim; they drink camels milk and blood and have more in common with the Masaai. I haven't seen any evidence for them to be Dir. Just to say they are Dir is not enough. It seems that the problem with the Dir is that anyone can say they are Dir - without any need for clarification. The Rendille and Bayso are non Muslim - Nilotic tribes that speak a language that is part of Macro-Somali languages. There culture is not Somali. I have not come across any Rendille, Gabra, or Bayso that can accurately trace their genealogy to Dir. The study of their language which differs from Somali by at least 35% - indicates that they separated from the Somali people many centuries ago. Some say the Tutsi are Dir. But not one single piece of evidence is offerd. Some say the people of Northern Chad are Gurgura. But again no evidence. A story about a conversation that is said to have taken place in Mogadishu is not evidence. The northern people of Chad are called Tebu and they have lived in Chad for thousands of years - originally refered to by Greek historians as the Garamantians. To suggest they are Gurgura is unlikely. The other tribes of Chad - the Zahgawa, etc. are Nilo-saharan and no evidence for a Somali connection is found. The Gabra are bitter enemies of the Somalis - their cousins are the Oromo Borana again enemies of the Somali Gure and Dagodia and Awlihan tribes - if they were Somali then can anyone explain why they Hate Somalis. They do not claim any affinity with Somalis. Some Somalis claim that the people on the Island of Socotra are Somali. Again this is not correct - they are not Somali and never have been - studies of blood types has shown that the Somalis are not related to the southern Arabian tribes - since sickle cell and other traits found in the southern Arabians is not found among the Somalis. The problem with the Dir is they accept everyone as Dir with proof or evidence - the Tutsi, Rendille, Gabrra, etc., cannot be simply classified as Dir just becuase someone hear a conversation. Evidence needs to be accurate. Otherwise we cannot build up an accurate history of the Dir. The Dir ancient homeland was eastern Somalia (now Puntland) - all the evidence points to this. However, European historians have tried to place the Somali homeland in southern Ethiopia - this is completely wrong. The Oromo and the Somalis do not share the same homeland. The Afar and the Somali are more closely related both historically and culturally. Everytime the Dir see the Gura, Guri, Gureh, Gurgur, gurgureh, etc., they immediately suggest it is Gurgura - but this is not a scientific method. Hussein Habre as a Madaxweyna Dir is not proven - and cannot be accepted without proof. People have to find evidence which support the claim before the cliam can be accepted. I do not believe in accepting every one who claims to be Dir - There are some Dir who when in Dire Dawa say they are Dir and when they return to the Ogaden they claim to be Darod. Surely that is not acceptable. Ones identity cannot be changed. How can you trust people that change their identity - one minute Oromo, next Darod, next Dir, ......etc. I cannot accept Rendille - non Muslim, blood and camle milke drinking, Masaai cultured - as Dir. To be a Dir - you have to first be Muslim, second have a genealogy that proves you are Dir - it must be linked to other Dir genealogies. For example if someone claims to be from Auboba or Aubarre then their genealogy must be the same as other Auboba and Aubarre families. If someone cliamed to be your cousin and couldn't name your father or his father would you accept them as your cousin? NO!
posted to MP list - correction to Dir list. at Fri Jan 14 16:16:40 EST 2005.
MP list - correction to Dir list
ibro aliya
The following posted by CODKA BEESHA DIREED needs to be questioned since I cannot agree that all of those listed below are Dir - The List posted was :- QALDHO DIR 1. Noole 2 Warday 3 Jarso 4 Babili 5 Randiile 6 Gabro 7 Digoodi 8 Ajuuran According to my experience - 1. Noole - adopted into Dir through a formal alliance as a result of a war between the Nole and the Itu & Ala Oromo tribes. The Gurgura saved the Nole from the attack of the Itu & Nole and ever since have come under the protection of the Gurgura - thus they pay blood-money with the Gurgura 2 Warday - The Warday as Dir is a new concept. Exactly how are they Dir - is it through adoption or a federation of tribes. Need more evidence for them to be dir - who are they descended from? They appear to be Oromo rather than Somali? 3. Jarso and 4. Babili - both these are mixed Oromo and Somali - for example the Geri Darods are more closely related to the Babili than the Dir - hence the tribal name Geri Babili etc., 5 Randiile - definately not Dir, cannot be classed as Dir - part of the Masaai group / Samburu - they are not Muslim - and have Hawiya blood etc. - so cannot be placed with the Dir. They are a Lost Somali group - who have lost their identity and religion - thus they should not be included in any list of Somali tribes. 6 Gabro - The Gabro or Gabrre are Oromo tribe that are closely related to the Boran. They are on bad terms with the Somalis and the Gabbre despise trading. Only when desperate will they sell anything to the Somalis. The are mainly non Muslims - although small amounts have become muslim. Some minorities among the Gabrra are Somali but do not have any power - the Somali minority show tend to form alliances with the neighbouring Gurre, Garrire, etc. But the relationships depend on the political climate at the time. For example, the Gare in the 1930's formed alliances with Tigrean against the Dagodia. Gabrra are not Somali but Oromo. Minorities within the Gabrra are Somali - but have their identity supressed 7 Digoodi - These are not Dir or Hawiya but descendants of uncle of Dir and Hawiya 8 Ajuuran - Not Dir - they are maternally Hawiya and on the father side descendants of a man found in a tree - his origin can be debated but was not a Dir man. They are more related to Hawiya. Everyone is not Dir. The existence of Qaldho Dir is to be questioned - no eveidence of the existence of this tribe. Itu, Ala, Arussi are absolutely Oromo. The Babile and Jarso are mixed Dir, Darod, and Oromo origin - the exact percentage of each is uncertain. If a tribe see themselves as Oromo - then they cannot be considered as Dir. If the Babile and Jarso form part of the Oromo political groupings then they cannot be considered Somali. Dir origin anf Somali Nationalism are linked. If a tribe stops claiming affinity with Somalis - then history needs to be re-written so that only those who consider themselves Somali are included as Dir, Darod or Hawiya ?
posted to BEESHA DIREED LIST OF MP MEMBERS OF PARLIMENT. at Thu Jan 13 16:39:12 EST 2005.
Issas Iyo Gadabursi - Gashanbur people.
ibro aliya
Issas Iyo Gadabuursi iyo Jarso In response to article, I would like to clarify some points – 1. You say it is unfair to say that the Gadabursi are mixed. I would like to stress that I stated that every Somali clan is mixed – be they Dir, Darod, Hawiya, etc. Anyone who has studied and travelled across the Horn of Africa and spoken to various, different, tribal groups – same story is heard over and over again of the heterogeneous origin of our people. I do not know why you say that the it is unfair – if you study the genealogy of various tribe the frequencies of Ba Gurgura, Ba Harla, Ba – X Y Z – clearly shows that Somalis are comprised of groups who have re-invented their identity continuously. 2. The Isaq are mixed – and are probably the most mixed of all the Somali tribal groups – I don’t want to go into detail because I do not want to focus on the detail of genealogies – but let me say that anyone who knows the history of the Ishaq will know, for example, that the large Habr Gerhajis division – are in fact said to be Darod – the child was swapped by relatives during a visit to the Haud. Thus the distressed mother on finding that her baby was swapped for another – she was told to “hold the baby tightly to her shoulder” – thus the name Gerhajis is derived. In today’s political climate, Somalis seem to be offended by their own tribal folklore – but we cannot suppress or eradicate our folklore. The name Magador Dir the mother of the Isaq tribes or half of the Isaq - is almost forgotten in Hargeisa and other northern towns. (Magadoor Dir gave rise to the HAbr Awal, Habr Yunis etc. While Habr Jelle are descendants of an Ethiopian wife of Isaq ......etc. 3. The Ishaq do not have whole branches named after Gurgura clans. Only some very minor sub-branches of sub-clans have names such as Ba-Gurgura, etc. A typical example is found among the Saad Musa (i.e. Jibril Abokr) branches of the Habr Awal Ishaq. Using the word accuse suggest that a crime has been committed. Somalis are extremely mixed – this is fact – not an accusation. I can prove it by writing down the entire Somali Genealogy – but I think that those who do not accept that they a mixed will never accept any evidence. It is good to recognise that we are mixed. Thus the Somali civil war (both North and South) would not have happened if people believed in Islam rather than Tribe! 4. The Wardiq are not and have never been Gurgura. As a Gurgura I have never heard any Esa or Gurgura even suggest this. The Wardiq are never Gurgura. The Esa have 3 adopted groups, not two – but that doesn’t matter. The adopted Esa sections are so well know that I can’t see why it would cause offense. The Esa even to this day practise the adoption of people into their clan – but that is another story. In the 1600 the Esa did not even live in the Dire Dawa region. We the Gurgura who live with the Esa today know the true history of the Dire Dawa region. Awarja Gurgura is the official name of the Dire Dawa region - until it was changed and the Esa tried to cliam the city - even though they are a tiny minority that live in HAfad Esa - an area of Dire DAwa given where the Esa were allowed to settle by Ugas Buh. Before Ugas Buh - no Esa had settled in Dire Dawa. The Garads were all Gurgura - eg. Ganda GArada area of Dire Dawa etc. were all held by Gurgura elders or Garad..........etc. The Esa never lived in the region until quite recently. Shinle north of Dire Dawa, Harawa Valley, Biyo Gurgura all north east of Dire Dawa were occupied by the Gurgura until recent history. All our neighbours both - in particular the Esa and Gadabursi complain that all the lands previously inhabited by the Gurgura are all barren land – this is true – Shinle (barren) – Biyo Gurgura (near Abdel Qadir town is barren), Zeilac (barren), etc. The Gurgura left barren lands and conquered the most fertile regions in Ethiopia. Our advanced agricultural techniques and settled way of life – left behind a legacy of ancient towns in Somalia such as Amud, Au Bare, etc. – stone constructed towns similar to Harer but older – abandoned so that we could live in more fertile lands. In the early 1990's the Esa told the Meles Government that the Gurgura were a tiny minority and the town was populated by Esa. On hearing this a Gurgura member of parliamment spoke up for his people - the Gurgura and told the Meles Govt that it was a Gurgura town - on inspection the entire Gurgura population of Dire Dawa filled the streets and showed the Meles Govt that we are the silent majority. The city came to a stand still. 5. The Gurgura know as the Awaleen or the first ones, occupied the areas north of Borama – along the Zeila road. The occupied Berbera but called it Sahil. The town of Biyo Gurgura is on the Zeila road, and was occupied by the Gurgura until the climatic chances and the increasing dryness made them move further west – this was at a very early period and the Esa were not even born then. The Esa are not mentioned in Futih Al Habash at all. They now cliam to be related to the Ishaq - see the Djibouti web sites! 6. The Gurgura never captured Dire Dawa - We built if during the reign of Haile Selaasie. But the older towns Jaldesa, Hobat, etc. were built by the Gurgura. Harar was also built by the Gurgura – but many towns to the west are older. Harar came to significance much later than other Gurgura towns. The Adari and Argobba tribes were converted to Islam by the Gurgura in the regin of Amda Seyon – you can check this! 7. The Esa lived near the Somali coast. Only during the past century or so have they come near the Gurgura city of Dire Dawa. The Gurgura use to defend the Esa from being persecuted by the neighbouring clans. But the dominance of the Gurgura was toppled by Cornel Mengistu (1970’s) who favoured the Esa after the 1977 -1978 war. The Esa and Gurgura a bitter rivals. During the 1977 – 78 war whenthe Gurgura annilated the Ethiopian army at Hurso. And liberated vast areas. The intervention of the Russians and Cubans led to the Gurgura defeat and persectution – Gurgura refugees were refused entrance to Djibouti and the Esa used this opportunity to join Mengistu and blame the Gurgura for the 1977-78 rebellion. Gurgura from Hurso that did not manage to escape to Somalia were captured and forced to live 100’s of miles away at Sodere. On a visit to Sodere, I was informed that some familes had only rcently returned back to their homeland. Even today the farms of the Gurgura are held by the Ethiopians. Many Gurgura are still refugees in their own land – all because the fought and cause so many casulties to the Ethiopian army – that they (the Ethiopians) have said that they (Gurgura) will never have their farms back. The Gurgura ability to unite and defeat their enemies in battle is well know and feared. Just as in the ancient description by the Ethiopian kings such as Amda Seyon – “They ties thems selves together and swear to fight top the death” – a clear description of the Gurgura heroic attitude to battle. 8. The Esa foolishly tried to take on the Oromo Liberation front in the early 1990’s without the Gurgura – as a result the Esa were defeated. The Gurgura, a peace loving people, asked the Oromo Liberation Front to leave Gurgura town of Melka Jebtu – and stop trying to force their idnetity on the Gurgura. The Gurgura patiencly waited for 3 days and gave the Oromos OLF a chance to leave – our leaders do not rush into conflict. The Tigreans were nervous, and thought the OLF was powerful. But on day 3 the brave Gurgura warriors were brought together – with there ancient battle oath – translated as “we are unbreackable” – the Gurgura drove the OLF to the hills and followed them capturing all their possession and impressing the Tigreans who did not think the quite Gurgura were so fierce in battle. This is a true account – the Esa and Gurgura Liberation Front IGLF fell apart because the Esa were contiunually being tribalistic and undermining the Gurgura. The Gurgura left the IGLF and formed the GLF – many of the Gurgura who refused to form an alliance with the Esa – then came and joined the GLF – which dominated from Harar to the Awash. 9. The Gurgura are know as the one that drove the Afar into the barren desert they now occupy – in the ancient days. The Esa have always lost in their battles with their neighbours – the Afar, the Gadabursi and Gurgura have all defeated the Esa in recent history. The Esa have never dominated the NW Somalia/Ethiopian region. 10. The Lahele and Gurgura have a close history – I will not re-tell it hear but the detailed history which I have collected from the Lehele and Gurgura indicate that a series of complicated events took place which resulting in the Lehele having to migrate to various areas – e.g. Ogaden and areas south of Dire Dawa – while many became absorbed among the Gurgura Beidor subclan. Exact history is too complicarted to re-tell hear. But my detailed interviews of elders of Lehele and Gurgura (plus interviews with other Dir such as Madigan, etc. ) indicates a complicated historuy where people had developed a highly sophisticated society – based on Islam. 11. The name Gadabursi is not mentioned in Futuh Al Habash – Iman Saed is mentioned - who is said to be the founding father of the Samarone Gadabursi – is said to be an army general. If you follow the logic that in 1540 Iman Saed – the Gadabursi founding father – is said to have lived – this clearly proves that the Gadabursi are not of antiquity. Since Auboba – a Gurgura Sheikh – also mention in Futuh al Habash – gave rise to the small sub-section of the sub-clan of the Nabidur Gurgura. The Nabidur or other Gurgura sub-clans do not claim to be descnednats of a man that lived in the 1500’s AD. But small families such as my own can traces back to Auboba abd Aubare – i.e. rer X Y Z. Thus a Rer or family unit in the genealogical tree would make sense if the genealogies werer accurate. But for a whole tribe such as the Samarone to be descendants of one man who lived in 1540 AD indiactes that the genealogy is not accurate and that inorder to explain the large numbers of the Samarone Gadabursi – the numbers were increase by adoption of other. This is accepted by the Gadabursi and I have collected info direct from the GAdabursi who are our neighbiours. The information has not been collected from Isaq since they have no concept of who the various Dir are. On the other hand the Gurgura and Lehele have a wider knowledge and are able to give a detailed history of who is who. This is not an insult – just do your maths – if we say that 30yrs is given (approximate) for each generation. Count how many people who be alive if a man lived in 1540 – i.e. say 3 generation per 100 yrs (approximate only). You will see that it is impossible for the Gadabursi to be all descendnsta of one Man that live in 1500’s – THE SAME CAN BE SAID OF THE ISHAQ – HOW CAN THEY ALL BE DESCENDED FROM ONE MAN THAT LIVED AROUND 1400’S AD ? Scientifoically you will ses that it is not possible. 12. As for the southern Dir – the Gare occupied the Bajun Islands many centuries before the Bimal arrived. They were one of the earliest Somalis to live in the region - the Madinle, Silcis etc. were after them. Even to this day remnenants of the Gare are found as far west as Lake Stephanie and lake Rudolph and even further west. The Bimal were not the first Dir to settle in southern Somalia. History is not that simple. When on studies the tribal genealogies – one can see who the early inhabitants were. This is a useful exercise and I recommend that anyone intersted in finding out who we really are should carefully study the names in your own genealogies. We are all mixed - and apotion of other tribes both somali and non somali has been practiced from the beginning of time. To deny this is to deny history. Ibro
posted to Issas Iyo Gadabuursi iyo Jarso. at Fri Jan 07 12:00:23 EST 2005.
Dir and the Camel - Xiddhiga Kow - Kamel Gurgura
ibro aliya
The info posted by Agoon Historian is interesting since I have come across the same story of the Rendille being started by lost Somalis who havd to give up their religion and became adopted into the Masaai people (Samburu etc.) The Camel story in Somali folklore is interesting - a brief summary is as follows. In the Ancient days, the Gurgura lived along the northern Somali coast, along the Zeila and Berbera region. The Gurgura belived that all the camels in the world belonged to them. Having captured all the camels in the land. The Gurgura held a tribal meeting to discuss the one camel that had escaped them. The elders were informed that the Camel in the Sky (the Southern cross star - which is referred to as the camel in the sky) - had escaped them. The Gurgura climb the mountain called Elmas just a few miles west of Berbera - each Gurgura man climbed on the shoulders of another. The formed a human chain - each on one anothers shoulders until the reached the sky and the camel in the sky. As the boy on top of the human pyramid grab the camels tail - the human pyramid collasped - all the Gurgura fell to earth. All that was left was the camel in the sky - (southern cross constellation) - which today is remembered by all Somali as Xidhiga Kow - Kamel Gurgura. Thus all Somalis when conting the stars include the name Gurgura. This story indiactes that the first astronomical definitions in Somali Culture are associated with tye Gurgura - since the stars are named after them. The story is very imaginatie. The real history behind the introduction of the naming of stars in Somali culture probably has a lot to do with the connection between the Dir and the ancient people of mesopotamia (southern Iraq) - the Dir have many ancient stories which indicate that they once dominated southern Iraq and western Iran - the Somali clebration of Dabshid is also linked to the ancient Elamites of Iraq - a black skinned people associated with the 2nd millenium BC. In the UAE they were known as the barbar people - an ancient name usually associated with the Dir and Hawiya in ancient texts. The connection between Irag/western Iran and the ancient Somalis is also suggested by place names across the country. In Yemen the barbara - (ancient Somalis) are remembered as having driven out the Romans just after the invasion of the AlQumr or Indonesians of Madagascar. The Dir have colonised many parts of the World - the MAldives, Yemen, Oman, Chad, Iarq and Iran and probably more. The history of the Dir is fascinating and should be celebrated. Without understanding Dir History - one cannot understand Somali history. Ibro Aliya
posted to Biyamaal Dir Myth "the first camel was mine. at Thu Jan 06 11:03:20 EST 2005.
Gadabursi origin
ibro aliya
The Gadabursi are mixed - the genealogy suggests that the main section are direct decendants of Madalug Dir while some other sections are soraac or aopted. The origin of the adopted sections are said to be Darod and Isaq, but this is unclear. The same can be said for the Esa - 3 sons are direct from the union of Esa and a Madigaan Dir women - while the other 3 are soracc - or adopted - the adopted sections are said to be Afar, Habr Jeelee (Isahq), etc. - the exact origin can be debated and is unclear. The same can be said of sections of the Afar who are infact Gurgura but have become lost among them during an ancient war. Again in the Hawakil Island of Eritrea - Darod Somalis have become Afar. The same can be said for Ishaq - some Akisho have become Saad Musa during the colonial period of the British - the list is endless. There is no need to be offended. The Somalis are not pure Tribe X Y or Z - we are mixed. That is why tribalism is crazy. We have to educate each other on the complete history of our people. We must not invent history. We must all know how we are related to each other. Somali society has become destroyed becuase of people following fictional genealogies which are not accurate. The Gurgura dominated Nothern Somalia before the Esa and befor the Gadabursi. This is fact. The Ali Madaxweyna, and Lehele were also part of the development of the Awfat and Awdal. The antiquity of Gurgura, ALi, and Lehle is clear. The exact orgin of the Jarso and other eastern tribes needs to be documented. Since the movement of the Itu, Ala, Arussi tribes was during the last days of the Muslim sultanates. Where are the Jarso from - what is the history of the 5th son of Dir. Could more info on this be placed in this forum, please. As a historian, I feel it is important to debate history so that everyones veiws are acknowledged. Ibro Aliya
posted to Gurgure are not strangers to us they are our Sons. at Tue Jan 04 16:57:52 EST 2005.
Gurgura and the Camel
ibro aliya
Did you know that the Gurgura intrdouced the Camel to Somalia. According to Somali legends the Gurgura introduced the camel and are as a result, the most ancient of all Somalis. There is a long tales about this. The Gurgura are belived in Somali Folktales to have reached to the skys to claim the Camel in the Sky.
posted to Gurgure Dir. at Thu Dec 02 16:17:55 EST 2004.
History of Gurgura - Who are the Nole
ibro aliya
The Gurgura have a special relationship with the Nole tribe. The Nole are not Somali, but Oromo. You may ask - What is the link between the Gurgura and the Nole. Let me clear this up for you. According to the elders of the Gurgura tribe in Ethiopia, the Gurgura were masters of the Somali coast. At the time when they inhabited Biyo Gurgura, a war was being fought between the Oromo. The Oromo tribes were fighting each other. The Itu and Ala had made an alliance against what are today the Nole. The Nole were being destroyed by the new arrivals (Itu and Ala). The Gurgura warriors consulted the religious leaders and asked about what they should do. The were told to fight the Itu and Ala for only three days. Their mystical leaders said that during thoses three days they would be undefeated, and that their enemy would be broken. They were also told that they must not continue any war beyond those days. The Gurgura swept down from Biyo Gurgura and completely defeated the Itu and Ala Oromo; they saved the Nole from destruction and ever since the Nole Oromo have been bound to be allied to the Gurgura. That Gurgura along with their brothrs Alele have a complicated history. The eastern Oromo speakers the Jarso, etc. are not really Oromo but mainly Somalis who have adopted the Oromo languange. They consist of both Dir and Darod elements. The Gadabursi are not of any antiquity. Anyone who has read Richard Burtons First Steps in East Africa wiil recall that Burton says "the Gadabursi cannot throw any light on the history of the ancient ruins around Aubarre and Amud; they say that these places were occupied by an ancient people at the time when the Gadabursi lived far to the east. This indicates that the Gadabursi are not the ancient inhabitants of Audal or Awfat. Also the Gadabursi are a mixture of Dir and Darod tribes who have come together to form a new tribe. The Esa are not mentioned in Futuh Al Habash, the the Gadabursi are not mentioned - Aubarre and Auboba are Gurgura - of the NAbidur branch. The Gurgra still inhabit the north west Somaliland region (Ijara, Gebile, etyc.) - The Eastern Oromom do not exist in any real numbers; most of the Oromo speakers in Harerghe province are Somalis who have adopted the languange. The Jarso, and other Oromo speakers around Harer have to adopt Somali nationality if they wish to be considered Dir. Since the Dir are the first born of SOMAL - anyone who doesn't accept Somali identity cannot be considered Dir. The Dir are Somali Languange is not identity. So if Gurgura in England speak English - that doesn't make them English Like wise - is Dir person speaks French, English, Oromo, Amharic or Afar - as long as they recognise that they are Somali - then languange is not important. From the Awash to to Bale is Somali - be it Gure, Gura, Gurgura, Degodia, Awlihan, Malingur, Aksiho, Karanleh, ect. Thus to summarise the Gurgura fought many wars in alliance with neighbours. They defended the Nole and saved them from existinction. That is why the Nole say they are Nole Gurgura. They are stories of Gurguras among the Afar people and among other parts of Ethiopia. They have not lost their identity but are waiting for the time when the Gurgura rule again, just as in the days of Ahmen Gure.
posted to ibro aliya's Channel. at Thu Nov 25 17:07:41 EST 2004.
Gurgura Culture is Sufism
ibro aliya
The Gurgura are the oldest of all the Somali tribes. That is not in dispute. But what makes us more interesting is that we have a different culture to some of the other Somalis. As more and more Gurgura marry outside of their tribe; we see them change and adopt allegiances to tribes that would see the Gurgura disappear. The first Gurgura to reach Galbed did not battle with humans ( that was the second battle ) - the first battle was with the many jinns that inhabit the mountains west of Dire Dawa. Even today the people of Hurso remember when any foreign traveller would not be able to spend a night in that town - The jinns would shout "there is a foreigner in our midst" Gurgura country is the land of the Awliya - the foundation of Harer and the ruined towns of Aubarre, Amud, etc. were by a quiet, inteligent people, who lived in peace with each other. The unqiue culture of the gurgura has to be preserved from those who seek to change it. We do not practice tribalism among ourselves like other Somalis - this makes the Gurgura a target for other tribes who try to influence us by marraiage to non Madaxweyna Tribes. The name Gurgura is missing from every UN report on Galbed. Why? It was once said (yr 2000 Balawa Shir) "Some say we are like the Harla, a forgotten people that once existed" Are we going to be confined to the pages of History or are we going to be a living culture that support each other? The Gurgura are at their lowest time, war, poverty, hunger..........the list goes on. The Gurgura do not have anyone outside in Europe or USA or Canada............they will have to survive alone and depend on each other. Those outside of Africa only talk......and talk is cheap....... Why? Gurgura in the UK for example some do not even talk to each other and yet they say they are going to help Dire Dawa, or Hurso etc. Building castles in the Sky. Even brothers do not talk to each other in the UK.........so go back to the beginning of what I was saying..........The Gurgura first did battle with the Jinns..........That still applies to everyone. If some of the Gurgura I know were taken to Dire Dawa, they would be tied to a tree by the elders........... Don't lose your culture.......... Rumi, "the mystical poet said do not trust a preacher until you have seen inside him with your inner eye" Ibro Aliya (Ibrahim Ali Noor Haji Mohamed) Official Historian of the Gurgura UK new book title due out 2005 to follow previous out of print edition
posted to Gurgura. at Wed Nov 24 17:19:56 EST 2004.
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