Sunday, September 5, 2010


weynah dalka Chad oo sheegtay inuu Gurgure Dir yahay


Madax weynah dalka Chad markii uu joogay magalada Xamar waxa uu u shhegay odeyash Gurgure in uu yahay nin Gurgura dir ah. Hussen Habri oo jamacada Somalia digan jiray markaa oo daganaa Hotel Taleex waxa keexeeyay odayaal Gurgure oo uu hogaminayo Maxamed oo Doolo xadka Ethiopia ayuu soo booqday rag Guurah ka mida.

I was in mogadhsho in the 1980's and i met a Somali elders of the Dir clan who were in contact with the President of Chad Hussen Habre who was staying at Taleex Hotel in xamer and the president of Chad had these Dir guys who said they where Gurgura of the Dira Dhawa and i swear the President of Chad said to them that the Gurgura and the Garre where both present in Chad. The Gurgura manager was a very influential guy and his name was Mohamed. He invited the president of Chad Hussen Habri, who was by the way taking class at the Somali University to Qoryooley in order to meet the elders of garre Quranyow in that region and some Biyamal.

This is a well know story that the Chad presence of Garri and the Gurgura. Hussen Habri was at the time in Mogadisho where he lived several years as an asylum seeker. I know for a fact the Gurguea official took him as far as Doolo on the Somali side to meet, i guess Garri and Guure of the Ethiopian said.

Asalamu aleykum 1980 dii Madaxweynah Chad wuxuu qaxooti ku ahaa Xamer oo uu daganaa Hotel Taleex. Jamacad Gaheyr arday ka ahaa. Waxa dacday xiligaas in Hussen Habre uu u yeeray odayaal Direed oo uu hogaminaya Maxamed oo Gurgure u dhashay mareyena ahaa. Hussien Habre madaxweynii hre ee dalka Chad wuxuu soo cadeeyay in ay Gurguraha , Guurah iyo Akishada direed iyo Qabiilkisa ay wax isku galaan. Hussein Habre waxaa uu sheegay Guuran iyo Gurguura oo ah qabiilo reer Chad ah in ay yihiin madaxweyn Dir. Odayashii Direed waxa ay geeyen Qoryooley oo ay soo Tuseen beelah Guure iyo Jiido ee halkaa dagan. Ilaa Luuq - Xudur - Yeed ayaa la soo tusay. (Posted by guest: Gurgure from Xamar) (Posted by guest: Calass) .

Madax weynah dalka Chad oo sheegtay inuu Gurgure Dir yahay

Geesi Madax weynah dalka Chad markii uu joogay magalada Xamar waxa uu u shhegay odeyash Gurgure in uu yahay nin Gurgura dir ah. Hussen Habri oo jamacada Somalia digan jiray markaa oo daganaa Hotel Taleex waxa keexeeyay odayaal Gurgure oo uu hogaminayo Maxamed oo Doolo xadka Ethiopia ayuu soo booqday rag Guurah ka mida.

I was in mogadhsho in the 1980's and i met a Somali elders of the Dir clan who were in contact with the President of Chad Hussen Habre who was staying at Taleex Hotel in xamer and the president of Chad had these Dir guys who said they where Gurgura of the Dira Dhawa and i swear the President of Chad said to them that the Gurgura and the Garre where both present in Chad. The Gurgura manager was a very influential guy and his name was Mohamed. He invited the president of Chad Hussen Habri, who was by the way taking class at the Somali University to Qoryooley in order to meet the elders of garre Quranyow in that region and some Biyamal. This is a well know story that the Chad presence of Garri and the Gurgura. Hussen Habri was at the time in Mogadisho where he lived several years as an asylum seeker. I know for a fact the Gurguea official took him as far as Doolo on the Somali side to meet, i guess Garri and Guure of the Ethiopian said. Asalamu aleykum 1980 dii Madaxweynah Chad wuxuu qaxooti ku ahaa Xamer oo uu daganaa Hotel Taleex. Jamacad Gaheyr arday ka ahaa. Waxa dacday xiligaas in Hussen Habre uu u yeeray odayaal Direed oo uu hogaminaya Maxamed oo Gurgure u dhashay mareyena ahaa. Hussien Habre madaxweynii hre ee dalka Chad wuxuu soo cadeeyay in ay Gurguraha , Guurah iyo Akishada direed iyo Qabiilkisa ay wax isku galaan. Hussein Habre waxaa uu sheegay Guuran iyo Gurguura oo ah qabiilo reer Chad ah in ay yihiin madaxweyn Dir. Odayashii Direed waxa ay geeyen Qoryooley oo ay soo Tuseen beelah Guure iyo Jiido ee halkaa dagan. Ilaa Luuq - Xudur - Yeed ayaa la soo tusay. (Posted by guest: Gurgure from Xamar) (Posted by guest: Calass) (Posted by guest: leego)

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