Sunday, April 24, 2011

Beelaha Macalin weyne iyo Gaadsan oo ka heshiiyey khilaafkii in muddo ah u dhexeeyey ee ka jiray nawaaxiga Luuq BIMAAL IYO INDO CADDE

Beelaha Macalin weyne iyo Gaadsan oo ka heshiiyey khilaafkii in muddo ah u dhexeeyey ee ka jiray nawaaxiga Luuq

Beelaha Macalin-weyne iyo Gaadsan ayaa ka heshiiyey khilaafkii mudooyinkan u dhexeeyey kuwaasoo iska horimaad hubeysan uu ku dhexmaray deegaano u dhow degmada Luuq ee gobolka Gedo, wuxuuna iska horimaadkoodu la xiriiray ka dib markii ay isku qabsadeen goob cusbada laga qodo oo ay labada beeloodba wada sheeganayeen milkiyadeeda.
Qodobada ay ku heshiiyeen labada beelood ayaa ahaa 3 qodob oo kala ahaa in xabad joojin la hirgeliyo, in kala qaado maleeshiyooyinka iyo in cidna aysan sheegan milkiyada deegaanaadii lagu dagaalamay.
Dagaaalkii u dhexeeyey labada beelood ayaa geystay qasaare isugu jira dhimasho iyo dhaawac iyo barakac baahsan, waxaanaa goobihii lagu dagaalamaay ka mid ahaa tuulooyinka Qooney iyo Kamam.
Particularly dangerous and unresolved conflicts currently obtain in the following areas:
-- Lower Shabelle: Conflicts over control of lucrative plantation land, the export of bananas, and the port of Merka already spilled over into armed conflict between the Habr Gedr and the Hawadle in 1994 (with the Hawadle losing) and the local Biimaal of Merka and the Habr Gedr (with the Biimaal eventually losing). In the past several months, competition involving two rival banana exporting companies (the old Italo-Somali Somalfruit Company, and the new competitor Dole) has led to serious divisions within the Habr Gedr clan, and to armed conflicts between the militias of the two companies. While the prospect of Habr-Gedr clans realigning on the basis of competing multinational corporations (reer-Dole vs. reer-Somalfruit?) and starting a banana war has been a source of humor for some observers, the underlying competition to control valuable agricultural production in a militarily occupied zone will remain explosive. -- Hiran: The Hawadle clan was swept out of their home town of Beled Weyn by a Habr Gedr militia in the summer of 1994. Until control of Beled Weyn is resolved, it is unlikely that this region will remain stable. -- Lower Jubba: The Jilib area has been heavily contested by numerous clans, and has produced dozens of small-scale armed incidents. It remains an uneasy fault line between the Ogadeni, the Habr Gedr militia, and numerous other smaller militias, including the Biimaal, Hawadle, Gaaljaal, and Sheekal. -- Kismayo: The city remains divided between Marehan and Mijerteen, who co-exist uneasily but whose relations are affected by the Marehan's fluid relationship with the Ogadeni clan, which was driven out of the city in February 1994. It is unlikely that the Ogadeni will attack the city in the near future -- they are too dispersed and disorganized, despite the efforts of "Imam" Siyaad Hussein to try to rally the Ogadeni to reestablish their stake to Kismayo -- but eventually the Kismayo residents will have to reach an arrangement with them. Increased commercial or donor activity at the port will almost certainly be a flashpoint of conflict between Mijerteen, Marehan, and Dolbahante interests trying to control profitable activities. On the other hand, Gen. Morgan has been able to defuse chronic tensions in the past; for example, after a dispute between the Marehan and Mijerteen militias in Kismayo, Morgan appointed a Marehan to head the airport committee. Another longer- term source of tension will be the growing numbers of Somali refugees now being forced out of camps by the Kenyan government; most of the refugees are urban Darod, and will be unable to return to Mogadishu. Kismayo is the alternative choice for these urbanites. But their migration into the city and region alters clan demographics, and easily arouses communal tensions, as housing, water, and economic opportunities there are quite limited. Gen. Morgan has tried with some success to control the flow of returnees, welcoming only Mijerteen Somalis into town. Ogadeni returnees are swelling the population centers in the lower Jubba valley. Unless the Mogadishu problem is solved and that city opened up again, urban Darod pressure on Kismayo will grow and could easily spill over into open fighting. -- Mogadishu -- Control over the seaport and airport will be the most contentious issues in the coming months. Recent efforts by businessmen and "moderates" in the "Peace Committee" (described below) to establish joint control over the port and airport are welcome signs that conflicts over these resources may be contained, and an indicator that the merchant class may be calculating that its interests are better served by open and reliable trade routes than by a mafia-like economy of plunder and extortion. It remains to be seen whether this coalition has the strength to prevent militia leaders from pursuing disruptive tactics designed to polarize communities.
None of these flashpoints for armed conflict appear to pose a danger of widespread, sustained fighting.
mic 22 - 03 - 2006 - Wararkii ugu dambeeyay ee arrimaha Soomaaliya
Bayaan cad oo Birem ka soo saarat magalada Muqdisho

Dhaqdhaqaaqa wax iska caabinta Biimaal(BIREM) wuxuu caddeynayaa in weerarkii lagu qaaday
- Qarax ka dhacay magalada Marka
- Bayaan halgalka ururka Burem

saldhigga booliska ee marka habeenimadii talaadada soo geleysay ee ku beegneyd 20kii maarso,saacadu markii ay aheyd 7;30 daqiiqo ee fiidnimo,( saacadda marka),uu ahaa mid ay fuliyeen ciidamada BIREM ee Aagga 3aad,wuxuuna ka mid ahaa howl-galada qorsheysan ee looga xoreynayo deegaanka, burcadka Indhacadde iyo xulufadiisa, loona soo celinayo sharaftii iyo karaamadii umadda,si ay uga tashadaan aayahooda.
Dilka,silcinta,kufsiga,dhaca iyo cagajugleynta ee ay ciidamada Indhacade kula kacaan dadka deegaanka,marna ma hakineyso halgganka BIREM ay ugu jiraan xoreynta deegaankooda,weliba waxay sare u qaadeysaa siina adkeyneysaa niyadda halgamayaasha.
Indhacadde inuusan laheyn damiir banii'aadanimo,waxaa idiin caddeynaya sidii uu u dilay ninka lagu magacaabo Xasan Abow oo u dhashay beesha biimaal.
Xasan Abow oo bishaan 12dii laga soo qabtay tuulada Sagaaroole ayaan la geynin xabsi ku sheegyada Indhacadde,waxaana lagu hayay meel qarsoon oo ka tirsan magaalada Shalambood,waxaana meydkiisa lagu soo tuuray 18kii bishaan inta u dhexeysa Buufow iyo Ceel-wareegow,isagoo gacmaha iyo lugaha ka xir xiran afkana ay sharooto kaga dheggantahay.
Waxaana jirkiisa ka muuqanayay dhaawacyo gugubid iyo raadad garaacid ah oo ay u badantahay 6dii casho ee ay hayeen la jir-dilaayay,kadibna uu u naf baxay sidii loo garaacaayay.
Sidoo kale,Indhacade in uusan u naxyn qaraabo iyo xigaalo waxaa idiin caddeynaya dilkii ay ciidamdiisu u geysteen 19kii bishaan maarso nin ganacsade ah oo la oran jiray Warsame Gaab ayna isku heyb yihiin,kaasoo isagoo ku sugan tuulada Mustaqbal ee K/waareey ay ciidamadiisu weydiiyeen canshuur in uu ka bixiyo dibiyo uu horey usoo gatay,ka dibna markii uu dood ka keenay ay baas ku fureen sida uu Indhacadde ku amaray.
Maraxuumkaas ayaa dadkii yaqaanay waxay sheegeen in uu ahaa nin ganacsade xalaal quute ah isla mar ahaantaasna necbaa xadgudubyada ay ku kacaan ciidamada Indhacadde.
BIREM waxay cambaareyneysaa falalka xadgudubyada ah ee ka dhanka ah banii'aadinimada ee uu caadeystay Indhacadde una geystaan dadka gobolka,waxaana u soo jeedineynaa in uu faraha kala baxo howlaha amar ku taagleynta ah ee uu halkaas ka wado.
Ugu dambeyntii waxaan cid walba u cadeyneynaa in BIREM si isdabajoog ah ay howlgalo uga fulineyso gobolka Sh/hoose illaa ay ka gaarto ujeeddooyinooda.
Halaggan - Adkeysi - Guu.

Afhayeenka BIREM ee Muqdisho
Xaaji Ibraahim Cali (Garuun )
Midnimo Information Center

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